def new_nexus_without_sites(nexus_obj, sites_to_remove): """ Returns a new NexusReader instance with the sites in `sites_to_remove` removed. :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance :type nexus_obj: NexusReader :param sites_to_remove: A list of site numbers :type sites_to_remove: List :return: A NexusWriter instance :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block """ check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data']) # make new nexus nexout = NexusWriter() nexout.add_comment( "Removed %d sites: %s" % (len(sites_to_remove), ",".join(["%s" % s for s in sites_to_remove]))) new_sitepos = 0 for sitepos in range( if sitepos in sites_to_remove: continue # skip! for taxon, data in nexout.add(taxon, new_sitepos, data[sitepos]) new_sitepos += 1 return nexout
def shufflenexus(nexus_obj, resample=False): """ Shuffles the characters between each taxon to create a new nexus :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance :type nexus_obj: NexusReader :param resample: The number of characters to resample. If set to False, then the number of characters will equal the number of characters in the original data file. :type resample: Integer :return: A shuffled NexusReader instance :raises AssertionError: if nexus_obj is not a nexus :raises ValueError: if resample is not False or a positive Integer :raises NexusFormatException: if nexus_obj does not have a `data` block """ check_for_valid_NexusReader(nexus_obj, required_blocks=['data']) if resample is False: resample = try: resample = int(resample) except ValueError: raise ValueError('resample must be a positive integer or False!') if resample < 1: raise ValueError('resample must be a positive integer or False!') newnexus = NexusWriter() newnexus.add_comment("Randomised Nexus generated from %s" % nexus_obj.filename) for i in range(resample): # pick existing character character = randrange(0, chars =[character] site_values = [chars[taxon] for taxon in] shuffle(site_values) for taxon in newnexus.add(taxon, i, site_values.pop(0)) return newnexus
def combine_nexuses(nexuslist): """ Combines a list of NexusReader instances into a single nexus :param nexuslist: A list of NexusReader instances :type nexuslist: List :return: A NexusWriter instance :raises TypeError: if nexuslist is not a list of NexusReader instances :raises IOError: if unable to read an file in nexuslist :raises NexusFormatException: if a nexus file does not have a `data` block """ out = NexusWriter() charpos = 0 for nex_id, nex in enumerate(nexuslist, 1): check_for_valid_NexusReader(nex, required_blocks=['data']) if hasattr(nex, 'short_filename'): nexus_label = os.path.splitext(nex.short_filename)[0] elif hasattr(nex, 'label'): nexus_label = nex.label else: nexus_label = str(nex_id) out.add_comment("%d - %d: %s" % (charpos, charpos + - 1, nexus_label)) for site_idx, site in enumerate(sorted(, 0): data = charpos += 1 # work out character label charlabel =, site_idx + 1) label = '%s.%s' % (nexus_label, charlabel) for taxon, value in data.items(): out.add(taxon, label, value) return out
def read_file(self): with open( self.input_file, 'r') as f: self.first_line = f.readline() # TODO: Needs work xread / tnt file format is loose # xread has some other potential clues xread_filename = f.readline().strip().replace("'", "") xread_matrix_dimensions = f.readline() lines = f.readlines() f.close if "#NEXUS" == self.first_line.strip(): print "text file is nexus" # move to nexus folder filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.input_file) os.rename(self.input_file, filename + ".nex") # send to correct matrix handler # TODO: A little dirty, probably should # change mediator's handler param so this flows cleaner matrixHandler = NexusHandler( filename + ".nex" ) return matrixHandler.read_file() elif "xread" == self.first_line.strip(): print "xread format found" dimensions = str(xread_matrix_dimensions).split(' ') self.ncols = int(dimensions[0]) self.nrows = int(dimensions[1]) custom_block = "\n\nBEGIN VERIFIED_TAXA;\n" custom_block += "Dimensions ntax=" + str(self.nrows) + " nchar=4;\n" matrix = "" matrix_arr = [] line_buffer = "" row_taxa = [] for l in lines: if ";proc/;" != l.strip(): if line_buffer: line_row = line_buffer + " " + l.strip() else: line_row = l.strip() if len(line_row) >= self.ncols: # reconstitute broken rows, then remove space/tabbing line_parts = line_row.split(' ') line_parts = list(filter(None, line_parts)) taxon_name = line_parts[0] taxon_chars = line_parts[1] #taxon_chars = line_parts[1].replace("[", "(") #taxon_chars = taxon_chars.replace("]", ")") # verify taxa verified_taxa = verifyTaxa(taxon_name) verified_name = None if verified_taxa: for taxa in verified_taxa: # We split here to exclude the odd citation on the taxon name ( maybe regex what looks like name & name, year would be better ) verified_name = taxa['name_string'].lower().split(' ') row_taxa.append( verified_name[0] ) custom_block += taxon_name + " " + taxa['name_string'] + " " + taxa['match_value'] + " " + taxa['datasource'] + "\n" matrix += " " + verified_name[0] + " " + taxon_chars.strip() + "\n" matrix_arr.append(taxon_chars.strip()) else: row_taxa.append( taxon_name ) custom_block += taxon_name + "\n" matrix += " " + taxon_name + " " + taxon_chars.strip() + "\n" matrix_arr.append(taxon_chars.strip()) line_buffer = "" else: line_buffer += l.strip() custom_block += ";\n" custom_block += "END;\n" self.custom_block = custom_block print "matrix array" marr = [] for row in matrix_arr: items = list(row) marr.append(items) m = numpy.matrix(marr) nw = NexusWriter() nw.add_comment("Morphobank generated Nexus from xread .txt file ") for rx in range(self.nrows): taxon_name = row_taxa[rx] cell_value = m.item(rx) for cindex, cv in enumerate(cell_value): char_no = cindex + 1 nw.add(taxon_name, char_no, cv) # keep the upload path and filename, but change extension file_parts = self.input_file.split('.') output_file = file_parts[0] + '.nex' nw.write_to_file(filename=output_file, interleave=False, charblock=True) # move to nexus folder #os.rename(xread_filename + ".nex", "./nexus/" + xread_filename + ".nex") # wait for file to move before open and append #while not os.path.exists('./nexus/' + xread_filename + '.nex'): # time.sleep(1) #if os.path.isfile('./nexus/' + xread_filename + '.nex'): # Custom Block Section nexus_file =, 'a', 'utf-8') nexus_file.write(custom_block) nexus_file.close() return output_file else: print "do not know how to process this .txt file"
def read_file(self): book = xlrd.open_workbook(self.input_file) sh = book.sheet_by_index(0) nw = NexusWriter() self.nrows = sh.nrows self.ncols = sh.ncols nw.add_comment("Morphobank generated Nexus File") custom_block = "\n\nBEGIN VERIFIED_TAXA;\n" custom_block += "Dimensions ntax=" + str(self.nrows) + " nchar=4;\n" # Species List Taxa for rx in range(self.nrows): if rx: taxon_name = str(sh.cell_value(rowx=rx, colx=0)).strip() verified_taxa = verifyTaxa(taxon_name) verified_name = None if verified_taxa: for taxa in verified_taxa: verified_name = taxa['name_string'].lower() custom_block += taxon_name + " " + taxa['name_string'] + " " + taxa['match_value'] + " " + taxa['datasource'] + "\n" else: custom_block += taxon_name + "\n" for cx in range(self.ncols): if cx: if is_number( sh.cell_value(rowx=rx, colx=cx)): cell_value = int(sh.cell_value(rowx=rx, colx=cx)) else: cell_value = sh.cell_value(rowx=rx, colx=cx) cell_value = cell_value.replace("{", "(") cell_value = cell_value.replace("}", ")") if verified_name: nw.add(verified_name, cx, cell_value) else: nw.add(taxon_name, cx, cell_value) custom_block += ";\n" custom_block += "END;\n" self.custom_block = custom_block # keep the upload path and filename, but change extension file_parts = self.input_file.split('.') output_file = file_parts[0] + '.nex' nw.write_to_file(filename=file_parts[0] + '.nex', interleave=False, charblock=True) ## quick append Custom Block nexus_file = open(output_file, 'a') nexus_file.write(custom_block) nexus_file.close() return output_file