예제 #1
파일: db.py 프로젝트: RyanAugust/nfldb
def _drop_stat_indexes(c):
    from nfldb.types import _play_categories, _player_categories

    for cat in _player_categories.values():
        c.execute('DROP INDEX play_player_in_%s' % cat)
    for cat in _play_categories.values():
        c.execute('DROP INDEX play_in_%s' % cat)
예제 #2
파일: db.py 프로젝트: alphaManimal/nfldb
def _drop_stat_indexes(c):
    from nfldb.types import _play_categories, _player_categories

    for cat in _player_categories.values():
        c.execute('DROP INDEX play_player_in_%s' % cat)
    for cat in _play_categories.values():
        c.execute('DROP INDEX play_in_%s' % cat)
예제 #3
파일: db.py 프로젝트: BurntSushi/nfldb
def _create_stat_indexes(c):
    from nfldb.types import _play_categories, _player_categories

    for cat in _player_categories.values():
        c.execute("CREATE INDEX play_player_in_%s ON play_player (%s ASC)" % (cat, cat))
    for cat in _play_categories.values():
        c.execute("CREATE INDEX play_in_%s ON play (%s ASC)" % (cat, cat))
예제 #4
파일: db.py 프로젝트: RyanAugust/nfldb
def _create_stat_indexes(c):
    from nfldb.types import _play_categories, _player_categories

    for cat in _player_categories.values():
        c.execute('CREATE INDEX play_player_in_%s ON play_player (%s ASC)'
                  % (cat, cat))
    for cat in _play_categories.values():
        c.execute('CREATE INDEX play_in_%s ON play (%s ASC)' % (cat, cat))
예제 #5
파일: db.py 프로젝트: RyanAugust/nfldb
def _migrate_2(c):
    from nfldb.types import Enums, _play_categories, _player_categories

    # Create some types and common constraints.
        CREATE DOMAIN gameid AS character varying (10)
                          CHECK (char_length(VALUE) = 10)
        CREATE DOMAIN usmallint AS smallint
                          CHECK (VALUE >= 0)
        CREATE DOMAIN game_clock AS smallint
                          CHECK (VALUE >= 0 AND VALUE <= 900)
        CREATE DOMAIN field_offset AS smallint
                          CHECK (VALUE >= -50 AND VALUE <= 50)

        CREATE TYPE game_phase AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.game_phase))
        CREATE TYPE season_phase AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.season_phase))
        CREATE TYPE game_day AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.game_day))
        CREATE TYPE player_pos AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.player_pos))
        CREATE TYPE player_status AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.player_status))
        CREATE TYPE game_time AS (
            phase game_phase,
            elapsed game_clock
        CREATE TYPE pos_period AS (
            elapsed usmallint
        CREATE TYPE field_pos AS (
            pos field_offset

    # Now that some types have been made, add current state to meta table.
        ALTER TABLE meta
            ADD season_type season_phase NULL,
            ADD season_year usmallint NULL
                    CHECK (season_year >= 1960 AND season_year <= 2100),
            ADD week usmallint NULL
                    CHECK (week >= 1 AND week <= 25)

    # Create the team table and populate it.
        CREATE TABLE team (
            team_id character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            city character varying (50) NOT NULL,
            name character varying (50) NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (team_id)
        INSERT INTO team (team_id, city, name) VALUES %s
    ''' % (', '.join(_mogrify(c, team[0:3]) for team in nfldb.team.teams1)))

        CREATE TABLE player (
            player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL
                CHECK (char_length(player_id) = 10),
            gsis_name character varying (75) NULL,
            full_name character varying (100) NULL,
            first_name character varying (100) NULL,
            last_name character varying (100) NULL,
            team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            position player_pos NOT NULL,
            profile_id integer NULL,
            profile_url character varying (255) NULL,
            uniform_number usmallint NULL,
            birthdate character varying (75) NULL,
            college character varying (255) NULL,
            height character varying (100) NULL,
            weight character varying (100) NULL,
            years_pro usmallint NULL,
            status player_status NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (player_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
        CREATE TABLE game (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            gamekey character varying (5) NULL,
            start_time utctime NOT NULL,
            week usmallint NOT NULL
                CHECK (week >= 1 AND week <= 25),
            day_of_week game_day NOT NULL,
            season_year usmallint NOT NULL
                CHECK (season_year >= 1960 AND season_year <= 2100),
            season_type season_phase NOT NULL,
            finished boolean NOT NULL,
            home_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            home_score usmallint NOT NULL,
            home_score_q1 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q2 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q3 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q4 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q5 usmallint NULL,
            home_turnovers usmallint NOT NULL,
            away_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            away_score usmallint NOT NULL,
            away_score_q1 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q2 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q3 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q4 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q5 usmallint NULL,
            away_turnovers usmallint NOT NULL,
            time_inserted utctime NOT NULL,
            time_updated utctime NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (home_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (away_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
        CREATE TABLE drive (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            drive_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            start_field field_pos NULL,
            start_time game_time NOT NULL,
            end_field field_pos NULL,
            end_time game_time NOT NULL,
            pos_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            pos_time pos_period NULL,
            first_downs usmallint NOT NULL,
            result text NULL,
            penalty_yards smallint NOT NULL,
            yards_gained smallint NOT NULL,
            play_count usmallint NOT NULL,
            time_inserted utctime NOT NULL,
            time_updated utctime NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id, drive_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id)
                REFERENCES game (gsis_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (pos_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE

    # I've taken the approach of using a sparse table to represent
    # sparse play statistic data. See issue #2:
    # https://github.com/BurntSushi/nfldb/issues/2
        CREATE TABLE play (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            drive_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            play_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            time game_time NOT NULL,
            pos_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            yardline field_pos NULL,
            down smallint NULL
                CHECK (down >= 1 AND down <= 4),
            yards_to_go smallint NULL
                CHECK (yards_to_go >= 0 AND yards_to_go <= 100),
            description text NULL,
            note text NULL,
            time_inserted utctime NOT NULL,
            time_updated utctime NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id, drive_id)
                REFERENCES drive (gsis_id, drive_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id)
                REFERENCES game (gsis_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (pos_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
    ''' % ', '.join([cat._sql_field for cat in _play_categories.values()]))

        CREATE TABLE play_player (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            drive_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            play_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL,
            team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id, player_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id)
                REFERENCES play (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id, drive_id)
                REFERENCES drive (gsis_id, drive_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id)
                REFERENCES game (gsis_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (player_id)
                REFERENCES player (player_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT,
            FOREIGN KEY (team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
    ''' % ', '.join(cat._sql_field for cat in _player_categories.values()))
예제 #6
파일: db.py 프로젝트: alphaManimal/nfldb
def _migrate_2(c):
    from nfldb.types import Enums, _play_categories, _player_categories

    # Create some types and common constraints.
        CREATE DOMAIN gameid AS character varying (10)
                          CHECK (char_length(VALUE) = 10)
        CREATE DOMAIN usmallint AS smallint
                          CHECK (VALUE >= 0)
        CREATE DOMAIN game_clock AS smallint
                          CHECK (VALUE >= 0 AND VALUE <= 900)
        CREATE DOMAIN field_offset AS smallint
                          CHECK (VALUE >= -50 AND VALUE <= 50)

        CREATE TYPE game_phase AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.game_phase))
        CREATE TYPE season_phase AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.season_phase))
        CREATE TYPE game_day AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.game_day))
        CREATE TYPE player_pos AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.player_pos))
        CREATE TYPE player_status AS ENUM %s
    ''' % _mogrify(c, Enums.player_status))
        CREATE TYPE game_time AS (
            phase game_phase,
            elapsed game_clock
        CREATE TYPE pos_period AS (
            elapsed usmallint
        CREATE TYPE field_pos AS (
            pos field_offset

    # Now that some types have been made, add current state to meta table.
        ALTER TABLE meta
            ADD season_type season_phase NULL,
            ADD season_year usmallint NULL
                    CHECK (season_year >= 1960 AND season_year <= 2100),
            ADD week usmallint NULL
                    CHECK (week >= 1 AND week <= 25)

    # Create the team table and populate it.
        CREATE TABLE team (
            team_id character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            city character varying (50) NOT NULL,
            name character varying (50) NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (team_id)
        INSERT INTO team (team_id, city, name) VALUES %s
    ''' % (', '.join(_mogrify(c, team[0:3]) for team in nfldb.team.teams)))

        CREATE TABLE player (
            player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL
                CHECK (char_length(player_id) = 10),
            gsis_name character varying (75) NULL,
            full_name character varying (100) NULL,
            first_name character varying (100) NULL,
            last_name character varying (100) NULL,
            team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            position player_pos NOT NULL,
            profile_id integer NULL,
            profile_url character varying (255) NULL,
            uniform_number usmallint NULL,
            birthdate character varying (75) NULL,
            college character varying (255) NULL,
            height character varying (100) NULL,
            weight character varying (100) NULL,
            years_pro usmallint NULL,
            status player_status NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (player_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
        CREATE TABLE game (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            gamekey character varying (5) NULL,
            start_time utctime NOT NULL,
            week usmallint NOT NULL
                CHECK (week >= 1 AND week <= 25),
            day_of_week game_day NOT NULL,
            season_year usmallint NOT NULL
                CHECK (season_year >= 1960 AND season_year <= 2100),
            season_type season_phase NOT NULL,
            finished boolean NOT NULL,
            home_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            home_score usmallint NOT NULL,
            home_score_q1 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q2 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q3 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q4 usmallint NULL,
            home_score_q5 usmallint NULL,
            home_turnovers usmallint NOT NULL,
            away_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            away_score usmallint NOT NULL,
            away_score_q1 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q2 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q3 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q4 usmallint NULL,
            away_score_q5 usmallint NULL,
            away_turnovers usmallint NOT NULL,
            time_inserted utctime NOT NULL,
            time_updated utctime NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (home_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (away_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
        CREATE TABLE drive (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            drive_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            start_field field_pos NULL,
            start_time game_time NOT NULL,
            end_field field_pos NULL,
            end_time game_time NOT NULL,
            pos_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            pos_time pos_period NULL,
            first_downs usmallint NOT NULL,
            result text NULL,
            penalty_yards smallint NOT NULL,
            yards_gained smallint NOT NULL,
            play_count usmallint NOT NULL,
            time_inserted utctime NOT NULL,
            time_updated utctime NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id, drive_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id)
                REFERENCES game (gsis_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (pos_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE

    # I've taken the approach of using a sparse table to represent
    # sparse play statistic data. See issue #2:
    # https://github.com/BurntSushi/nfldb/issues/2
        CREATE TABLE play (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            drive_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            play_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            time game_time NOT NULL,
            pos_team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            yardline field_pos NULL,
            down smallint NULL
                CHECK (down >= 1 AND down <= 4),
            yards_to_go smallint NULL
                CHECK (yards_to_go >= 0 AND yards_to_go <= 100),
            description text NULL,
            note text NULL,
            time_inserted utctime NOT NULL,
            time_updated utctime NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id, drive_id)
                REFERENCES drive (gsis_id, drive_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id)
                REFERENCES game (gsis_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (pos_team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
    ''' % ', '.join([cat._sql_field for cat in _play_categories.values()]))

        CREATE TABLE play_player (
            gsis_id gameid NOT NULL,
            drive_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            play_id usmallint NOT NULL,
            player_id character varying (10) NOT NULL,
            team character varying (3) NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id, player_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id)
                REFERENCES play (gsis_id, drive_id, play_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id, drive_id)
                REFERENCES drive (gsis_id, drive_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (gsis_id)
                REFERENCES game (gsis_id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (player_id)
                REFERENCES player (player_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT,
            FOREIGN KEY (team)
                REFERENCES team (team_id)
                ON DELETE RESTRICT
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
    ''' % ', '.join(cat._sql_field for cat in _player_categories.values()))