def cretrieve(self, containerName, containerId=None, targetDir='.'): """ Sends a CRETRIEVE command to NG/AMS to retrieve the full contents of a container and dumps them into the file system. """ if (not containerId and not containerName): msg = "Must specify parameter -containerId or -containerName for " +\ "a CRETRIEVE Command" raise Exception(msg) if not targetDir: targetDir = '.' pars = [] if containerId: pars.append(("container_id", containerId)) if containerName: pars.append(("container_name", containerName)) resp, host, port = self._get('CRETRIEVE', pars=pars) host_id = "%s:%d" % (host, port) with contextlib.closing(resp): if resp.status != NGAMS_HTTP_SUCCESS: return ngamsStatus.ngamsStatus().unpackXmlDoc(, 1) size = int(resp.getheader('Content-Length')) handler = ngamsMIMEMultipart.FilesystemWriterHandler( 1024, basePath=targetDir) parser = ngamsMIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipartParser( handler, resp, size, 65536) parser.parse() return ngamsStatus.dummy_success_stat(host_id)
def saveFromHttpToFile(ngamsCfgObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef, trgFilename, blockSize, mutexDiskAccess=1, diskInfoObj=None): """ Save the data available on an HTTP channel into the given file. ngamsCfgObj: NG/AMS Configuration object (ngamsConfig). reqPropsObj: NG/AMS Request Properties object (ngamsReqProps). trgFilename: Target name for file where data will be written (string). blockSize: Block size (bytes) to apply when reading the data from the HTTP channel (integer). mutexDiskAccess: Require mutual exclusion for disk access (integer). diskInfoObj: Disk info object. Only needed if mutual exclusion is required for disk access (ngamsDiskInfo). Returns: Tuple. Element 0: Time in took to write file (s) (tuple). """ T = TRACE() checkCreatePath(os.path.dirname(trgFilename)) start = time.time() try: # Make mutual exclusion on disk access (if requested). if (mutexDiskAccess): ngamsHighLevelLib.acquireDiskResource(ngamsCfgObj, diskInfoObj.getSlotId()) # Distinguish between Archive Pull and Push Request. By Archive # Pull we may simply read the file descriptor until it returns "". remSize = reqPropsObj.getSize() logger.debug("Archive Push/Pull Request - Data size: %d", remSize) handler = ngamsMIMEMultipart.FilesystemWriterHandler( blockSize, True, trgFilename) parser = ngamsMIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipartParser( handler, httpRef.rfile, remSize, blockSize) parser.parse() deltaTime = time.time() - start fileDataList = handler.getFileDataList() crcTime = handler.getCrcTime() writingTime = handler.getWritingTime() rootContainer = handler.getRoot() readingTime = parser.getReadingTime() bytesRead = parser.getBytesRead() ingestRate = (float(bytesRead) / deltaTime) reqPropsObj.setBytesReceived(bytesRead) logger.debug( "Transfer time: %.3f s; CRC time: %.3f s; write time %.3f s", readingTime, crcTime, writingTime) return [deltaTime, rootContainer, fileDataList, ingestRate] finally: # Release disk resouce. if (mutexDiskAccess): ngamsHighLevelLib.releaseDiskResource(ngamsCfgObj, diskInfoObj.getSlotId())