예제 #1
def template_dot_one_placeholder_and_scalar(row, col, scalar, flex_exceptions,
    arg_array = np.array([i for i in range(col * row)]).reshape(row, col)
    ng_placeholder = template_create_placeholder(row, col)
    ng_var = ng.placeholder(())
    ng_fun = ng.dot(ng_var, ng_placeholder)
    flex_exceptions_index = 0
    print("Initial scalar: ", scalar)
    print("Matrix:\n", arg_array)
    with executor(ng_fun, ng_var, ng_placeholder) as m_executor:
        for i in range(row):
            print("Iteration " + str(i + 1))
            ng_op_out = m_executor(scalar, arg_array)
            np_op_out = np.dot(scalar, arg_array)

            # After each iteration matrix values are updated.
            arg_array = ng_op_out

            print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
            print("Numpy dot product result: \n", np_op_out)
                assert_allclose(ng_op_out, np_op_out)
            except AssertionError:
                    "Flex dot product result doesn't match to numpy.\n"
                    "Try to check if flex result is inside flex exceptions list"
                print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
                print("Current array inside flex exceptions list: \n",

                # Iterate to the next element of flex exceptions list
                flex_exceptions_index += 1
예제 #2
def test_gemm(transformer_factory):
    TODO: make this more interesting
    n, c = 32, 32

    N = ng.make_axis(length=n, name='N')
    C = ng.make_axis(length=c)

    X = ng.placeholder(axes=[C, N])
    Y = ng.placeholder(axes=[N])

    W = ng.variable(axes=[C - 1], initial_value=0.1)

    Y_hat = ng.dot(W, X)

    with executor(Y_hat, X) as ex:
        mm_executor = ex

        w = np.ones(c) * 0.1
        xs = np.ones(n * c).reshape(c, n)

        for ii in range(3):
            y_hat_val = mm_executor(xs)
            # 8.8 fixed point test
            # assert np.allclose(np.dot(xs, w) - y_hat_val, 0.075*np.ones(n))

            # autoflex test
            assert_allclose(np.dot(xs, w), y_hat_val)
예제 #3
def template_dot_two_placeholders(rows_1, col_1, col_2):
    ng_placeholder2, ng_placeholder1 = \
        template_create_placeholders_for_multiplication(col_2, col_1, rows_1)
    ng_fun = ng.dot(ng_placeholder1, ng_placeholder2)
    arg_array1 = np.array([i for i in range(col_1 * rows_1)
                           ]).reshape(rows_1, col_1)
    arg_array2 = np.array([i for i in range(col_1 * col_2)
                           ]).reshape(col_1, col_2)
    print("Matrix 1:\n", arg_array1)
    print("Matrix 2:\n", arg_array2)
    with executor(ng_fun, ng_placeholder1, ng_placeholder2) as mm_executor:
        np_op_out = np.dot(arg_array1, arg_array2)
        ng_op_out = mm_executor(arg_array1, arg_array2)
        print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
        print("Numpy dot product result: \n", np_op_out)
        assert_allclose(ng_op_out, np_op_out)
예제 #4
def test_plusconst(transformer_factory):
    x + 1.5
    x = ng.placeholder(())
    x_plus_const = x + 1.5

    with executor(x_plus_const, x) as ex:
        plusconst_executor = ex

        for i in range(5):
            # 8.8 fixed point test
            # assert plusconst_executor(i) == i + 1.5

            # autoflex test
            if i == 1:
                # expect overflow
                assert_allclose(plusconst_executor(i), 1.9999)
                assert plusconst_executor(i) == i + 1.5
예제 #5
def execute_calculation(operands, first_operand, const_executor):
    iterations = len(operands) != 1
    for i in operands:
        _operands, expected_result, description = unpack_list(*i)
        if description:
            print("Description: ", description)
        print("Operands: ", _operands)
        print("Expected result: ", expected_result)
        flex_result = const_executor(*_operands)
            print("flex_result: {0:.30}".format(float(flex_result)))
        except TypeError:
            # exception for arrays
            print("flex_result: {}".format(flex_result))
        print("difference: ", flex_result - expected_result)
        if iterations:
            assert_allclose(flex_result, expected_result)
        elif not isinstance(first_operand, np.ndarray):
            assert flex_result == expected_result
            assert np.array_equal(flex_result, expected_result)
예제 #6
def test_sum(transformer_factory, num_units, sequence_length, batch_size):
    This tests for a non-deterministic error that arose in ng.sum following
    a dot product using the gpu transformer.

    shape = (num_units, sequence_length, batch_size)
    np_inp = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape)

    # Use an identity weight matrix on top of it
    np_w = np.eye(shape[0])

    # Create ngraph versions
    inp = ng.constant(np_inp)
    reduction_axes = inp.axes[:-2]
    other_axes = inp.axes[-2:]
    new_axis = ng.make_axis(length=shape[0])
    w_axes = ng.make_axes(new_axis) | reduction_axes
    w = ng.constant(np_w, axes=w_axes)

    # Reshape to do similar dot in numpy
    inp_reshape = np.reshape(
        np_inp, (np.prod(reduction_axes.lengths), np.prod(other_axes.lengths)))
    w_reshape = np.reshape(np_w, (new_axis.length, inp_reshape.shape[0]))

    # Reduce dimensions with identity weight matrix
    np_x = np.dot(w_reshape, inp_reshape)
    x = ng.dot(w, inp)

    # Sum over all but the first axis
    output_axes = ng.make_axes(x.axes[0])
    y = ng.sum(x, out_axes=output_axes)
    np_y = np.sum(np_x, axis=1)

    with executor([y, x]) as f:
        y_val, x_val = f()

        assert_allclose(x_val.ravel(), np_x.ravel(), atol=1e-5)
        assert_allclose(y_val, np_y, atol=1e-5)
예제 #7
def template_dot_one_placeholder(row, col, const_val, flex_exceptions, iters):
    ng_placeholder, ng_variable = template_create_placeholder_and_variable(
        col, row, const_val)
    ng_fun = ng.dot(ng_variable, ng_placeholder)
    arg_array = np.array([i for i in range(row * col)]).reshape(row, col)
    arg_array2 = np.copy(arg_array)
    flex_exceptions_index = 0
    vector = np.ones(row) * const_val
    print("Vector: \n", vector)
    with executor(ng_fun, ng_placeholder) as mm_executor:
        for i in range(iters):
            print("Iteration " + str(i + 1))

            # After each iteration, matrix values are changed
            arg_array = arg_array2 * (i + 1)

            print("Matrix: \n", arg_array)
            ng_op_out = mm_executor(arg_array)
            np_op_out = np.dot(vector, arg_array)
            print("Flex dot product result: \n ", ng_op_out)
            print("Numpy dot product result: \n", np_op_out)
                assert_allclose(ng_op_out, np_op_out)
            except AssertionError:
                    "Flex dot product result doesn't match to numpy.\n"
                    "Try to check if flex result is inside flex exceptions list"
                print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
                print("Current array inside flex exceptions list: \n",

                assert list(
                    ng_op_out) == flex_exceptions[flex_exceptions_index]

                # Iterate to the next element of flex exceptions list
                flex_exceptions_index += 1