def reduce3_to_bci_lh(reduce3labs): class h32k: pass class h: pass class s: pass class bs: pass class bci: pass ''' reduce3 to h32k''' r3 = readdfs('lh.Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000_reduce3.dfs') r3.labels = np.squeeze(reduce3labs.T) '''h32k to full res FS''' g_surf = nib.load('/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP_data/reference/100307/MNINonLinea\ r/Native/') h.vertices = g_surf.darrays[0].data h.faces = g_surf.darrays[1].data h = interpolate_labels(r3, h) ''' native FS ref to native FS BCI''' g_surf = nib.load('/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP_data/reference/100307/MNINon\ Linear/Native/') s.vertices = g_surf.darrays[0].data s.faces = g_surf.darrays[1].data s.labels = h.labels ''' map to bc sphere''' bs.vertices, bs.faces = fsio.read_geometry('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI\ _DNI_Atlas/surf/lh.sphere.reg') bs = interpolate_labels(s, bs) bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry( '/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_A\ tlas/surf/lh.white') bci.labels = bs.labels # writedfs('BCI_orig_rh.dfs', bci) bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry( '/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_A\ tlas/surf/lh.inflated') # view_patch(bci, bci.labels) # writedfs('BCI_pial_rh.dfs.', bci) bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_\ DNI_Atlas/surf/lh.white') # writedfs('BCI_white_rh.dfs.', bci) bci.vertices[:, 0] += 96 * 0.8 bci.vertices[:, 1] += 192 * 0.546875 bci.vertices[:, 2] += 192 * 0.546875 bci_bst = readdfs('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_\ brain.left.inner.cortex.dfs') bci_bst = interpolate_labels(bci, bci_bst) labs = bci_bst.labels return labs
def morph2dense(source_sphere,target_sphere,input_morph,path_output): """ This function maps a morphological file from a source surface to a target target surface. Inputs: *source_sphere: source surface. *target_sphere: target surface. *input_morph: morphological input file. *path_output: path where output is saved. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 13-07-2019 Last modified: 13-07-2019 """ import os from import read_morph_data, write_morph_data, read_geometry from scipy.interpolate import griddata # make output folder if not os.path.exists(path_output): os.mkdir(path_output) # transform morphological data to dense surfaces pts_sphere_dense, _ = read_geometry(target_sphere) pts_sphere, _ = read_geometry(source_sphere) # get morphological data morph = read_morph_data(input_morph) # do the transformation method = "nearest" morph_dense = griddata(pts_sphere, morph, pts_sphere_dense, method) # write dense morphological data write_morph_data(os.path.join(path_output,os.path.basename(input_morph)), morph_dense)
def euclDist_infl(subject): import numpy as np import as fs from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix fsDir = '/afs/' surfDir = '/afs/' for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']: # fsaverage5 coords on sphere fsa5_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/fsaverage5/surf/%s.sphere' % (fsDir, hemi))[0] cort = fs.read_label('%s/fsaverage5/label/%s.cortex.label' % (fsDir, hemi)) # get corresponding nodes on subject sphere (find coords of high-dim subject surface closest to fsa5 nodes in sphere space) subj_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.sphere' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0] subj_indices = [] for node in cort: dist2all = np.squeeze(distance_matrix(np.expand_dims(fsa5_sphere_coords[node], axis=0), subj_sphere_coords)) subj_indices.append(list(dist2all).index(min(dist2all))) # pair-wise euclidean distance between included nodes on subject surface (midline) subj_surf_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.inflated' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0] euclDist = np.zeros((10242,10242)) euclDist[np.ix_(cort, cort)] = distance_matrix(subj_surf_coords[subj_indices,:],subj_surf_coords[subj_indices,:])'%s/%s/distance_maps/%s_%s_euclDist_inflated_fsa5' % (surfDir, subject, subject, hemi), euclDist)
def transfertodense(subjectid,vals,hemi,interptype='nearest',surftype='sphere'): ''' def transfertodense(subjectid,vals,hemi,interptype='nearest',surftype='sphere'): <subjectid> is like 'C0041' <vals> is a column vector of values defined on the regular sphere surface (one hemi) <hemi> is 'lh' or 'rh' <interptype> is 'linear' or 'nearest', 'cubic' <surftype> is 'sphere' (default),'inflated',etc... Interpolate to obtain <vals> defined on the dense sphere surface. Note that griddata in matlab can only do 'nearest' for 3d interpolation griddata in scipy can do 'nearest','linear','cubic' for 3d interpolation ''' from scipy.Interpolate import griddata import as fsio # calc surf1file = cvnpath('freesurfer')/subjectid/'surf'/f'{hemi}.{surftype}' surf1file = cvnpath('freesurfer')/subjectid/'surf'/f'{hemi}.{surftype}DENSE' # load surfaces (note that we skip the post-processing of vertices and faces since unnecessary for what we are doing) surf1.vertices, _ = fsio.read_geometry(surf1file) surf2.vertices, _ = fsio.read_geometry(surf2file) # do it return griddata(surf1.vertices[:,0],surf1.vertices[:,1],surf1.vertices[:,2],vals.flatten(), \ surf2.vertices[:,0],surf2.vertices[:,1],surf2.vertices[:,2],method=interptype)
def transfer_mesh_color(subject_id, atlas='aparc', reconall_folder='/data01/ayagoz/HCP_1200/FS_reconall/', concon_mesh='/home/kurmukov/HCP/Dan_iso5.m'): ''' Transfer mesh labels from subject sphere mesh, to concon sphere mesh Parameters: subject_id - int, subject id atlas - str, atlas to transfer, possible values: aparc (Desikan-Killiany), aparc.a2009s (Destrieux Atlas). Defined by free surfer reconall_folder - str, path to recon-all FS output concon_mesh - str, path to ConCon sphere mesh ''' lh_vertices, _ = read_geometry( f'{reconall_folder}{subject_id}/surf/lh.sphere.reg') rh_vertices, _ = read_geometry( f'{reconall_folder}{subject_id}/surf/rh.sphere.reg') lh_labels = load_surf_data( f'{reconall_folder}{subject_id}/label/lh.{atlas}.annot') rh_labels = load_surf_data( f'{reconall_folder}{subject_id}/label/rh.{atlas}.annot') lh_vertices /= 100 rh_vertices /= 100 lh_vertices_CC, _ = load_mesh_boris(concon_mesh) rh_vertices_CC, _ = load_mesh_boris(concon_mesh) knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5, weights='uniform', metric='minkowski'), lh_labels) lh_labels_CC = knn.predict(lh_vertices_CC), rh_labels) rh_labels_CC = knn.predict(rh_vertices_CC) rh_labels_CC[rh_labels_CC != -1] += np.max(lh_labels_CC) labels_CC = np.concatenate([lh_labels_CC, rh_labels_CC]) return labels_CC
def surface_intersect(inner_surface_path, outer_surface_path): inner_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( *read_geometry(inner_surface_path, read_metadata=False)) outer_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( *read_geometry(outer_surface_path, read_metadata=False)) ray_interceptor_inner = trimesh.ray.ray_pyembree.RayMeshIntersector( inner_mesh) inds = ray_interceptor_inner.intersects_location( ray_origins=outer_mesh.vertices, ray_directions=outer_mesh.vertex_normals, multiple_hits=True)[1] return len(inds) != 0
def calctransferfunctions(fslhfile, fsrhfile, sslhfile, ssrhfile): ''' cvncalctransferfunctions(fslhfile,fsrhfile,sslhfile,ssrhfile) <fslhfile>,<fsrhfile> are locations of the fsaverage spherical surfaces <sslhfile>,<ssrhfile> are locations of other surfaces registered on the sphere to fsaverage return functions that perform nearest-neigbor interpolation to go back and forth between values defined on the surfaces. # History 20180714 now accept pathlib path for all 4 input ''' from import read_geometry from scipy.interpolate import griddata # load spherical surfaces (note that we skip the post-processing of vertices and faces since unnecessary for what we are doing) fslh_vertices, _ = read_geometry(str(fslhfile)) fsrh_vertices, _ = read_geometry(str(fsrhfile)) sslh_vertices, _ = read_geometry(str(sslhfile)) ssrh_vertices, _ = read_geometry(str(ssrhfile)) # define the functions tempix = griddata(fslh_vertices, np.arange(fslh_vertices.shape[0]) + 1, sslh_vertices, method='nearest') tfunFSSSlh = lambda x: x[tempix].flatten().astype('float') tempix = griddata(fslh_vertices, np.arange(fslh_vertices.shape[0]) + 1, ssrh_vertices, method='nearest') tfunFSSSrh = lambda x: x[tempix].flatten().astype('float') tempix = griddata(sslh_vertices, np.arange(sslh_vertices.shape[0]) + 1, fslh_vertices, method='nearest') tfunSSFSlh = lambda x: x[tempix].flatten().astype('float') tempix = griddata(ssrh_vertices, np.arange(ssrh_vertices.shape[0]) + 1, fsrh_vertices, method='nearest') tfunSSFSrh = lambda x: x[tempix].flatten().astype('float') return tfunFSSSlh, tfunFSSSrh, tfunSSFSlh, tfunSSFSrh
def __init__(self, files): if isinstance(files, tuple): white = read_geometry(files[0]) pial = read_geometry(files[1]) vertices = (pial[0] - white[0]) / 2 faces = pial[1] else: mid = read_geometry(files) vertices = mid[0] faces = mid[1] self.vertices = vertices self.faces = faces self.mesh = Trimesh(vertices=self.vertices, faces=self.faces)
def calculate_area(filename_surf, filename_area=""): """ The function calculates vertex-wise surface area. The code is taken from the octave code surf2area.m from Anderson Winkler found in his github repository ( andersonwinkler/areal). Consider a triangular face ABC with corner points a = [x_A, y_A, z_A]' b = [x_B, y_B, z_B]' c = [x_C, y_C, z_C]' The area for this triangle is given by the normed cross product A = |u x v|/2 with u = a - c and v = b - c. This is a face-wise surface area representation. To convert this to a vertex-wise representation, we assign each vertex one third of the sum of the areas of all faces that meet at that vertex. Cf. Anderson Winkler et al. Measuring and comparing brain cortical surface area and other areal quantities, Neuroimage 61(4), p. 1428-1443 (2012). Inputs: *file_surf: input file geometry on which surface area is calculated. *file_area: file name of the surface area file. Outputs: *dpv: vertex-wise surface area. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 01-11-2018 Last modified: 17-12-2018 """ import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm from import write_morph_data, read_geometry # Read the surface file vtx, fac = read_geometry(filename_surf) nV = len(vtx) nF = len(fac) # compute area per face (DPF) facvtx = np.concatenate([vtx[fac[:, 0]], vtx[fac[:, 1]], vtx[fac[:, 2]]], axis=1) facvtx0 = facvtx[:, 0:6] - np.concatenate( [facvtx[:, 6:9], facvtx[:, 6:9]], axis=1) # place 3rd vtx at origin cp = np.cross(facvtx0[:, 0:3], facvtx0[:, 3:6], axisa=1, axisb=1) # cross product dpf = norm(cp, axis=1) / 2 # half of the norm print("Total area (facewise): " + str(np.sum(dpf))) # compute area per vertex (DPV) dpv = np.zeros(nV) # for speed, divide the dpf by 3 dpf = dpf / 3 # redistribute for f in range(nF): dpv[fac[f, :]] = dpv[fac[f, :]] + dpf[f] print("Total area (vertexwise): " + str(np.sum(dpv))) # save dpv if filename_area: write_morph_data(filename_area, dpv) # return vertex-wise surface area return dpv
def hemisphere(request, image="", hemisphere=""): fileUrl = f"{image}" try: with urllib.request.urlopen(fileUrl) as url: fileData = json.loads( except (urllib.error.HTTPError, ValueError): fileData = None # Map external file to internal file: surface_file = fileData[f"surface_{hemisphere}_file"] giftiParser = GiftiImageParser(buffer_size=35000000) giftiParser.parse(string=urlopen(surface_file).read()) giftiObject = giftiParser.img colors = giftiObject.darrays[0].data if hemisphere not in ["left", "right"]: exit(1) elif hemisphere == "left": hemi_short = "lh" else: hemi_short = "rh" fs_base = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, "fs/") verts, faces = fsio.read_geometry( os.path.join(fs_base, "%s.pial" % hemi_short)) bytestream = bytes(fv_scalar_to_collada(verts, faces, colors).getvalue()) filename = f"{hemisphere}.dae" file = ContentFile(bytestream, filename) response = HttpResponse(file, content_type="application/xml") response["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + filename return response
def read(self, surface_path, use_center_surface): vertices, triangles, metadata = read_geometry(surface_path, read_metadata=True)"From the file %s the extracted metadata is %s", surface_path, metadata) if use_center_surface: cras = [0, 0, 0] "The --center_ras flag was specified, so the ras centering point is %s", cras) else: if CENTER_RAS_FS_SURF in metadata: cras = metadata[CENTER_RAS_FS_SURF] "The ras centering point for surface %s is %s", surface_path, cras) else: cras = [0, 0, 0] self.logger.warning( "Could not read the ras centering point from surface %s header. " "The cras will be %s", surface_path, cras) return Surface(vertices, triangles, area_mask=None, center_ras=cras, generic_metadata=metadata)
def hemisphere(request, image='', hemisphere=''): # query neurovault image fileUrl = f"{image}" try: with urllib.request.urlopen(fileUrl) as url: fileData = json.loads( except (urllib.error.HTTPError, ValueError): fileData = None surface = fileData[f"surface_{hemisphere}_file"] dom = parse(urllib.request.urlopen(surface)) zip_base64 = dom.getElementsByTagName('Data')[0].childNodes[0].data zip = base64.b64decode(zip_base64.encode('ascii')) unzip = zlib.decompress(zip) colors = numpy.fromstring(unzip, dtype='float32') if hemisphere not in ["left","right"]: print("Bad hemisphere input") exit(1) elif hemisphere == "left": hemi_short = "lh" else: hemi_short = "rh" fs_base = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles/fs/') verts,faces = fsio.read_geometry(os.path.join(fs_base,"%s.pial" % hemi_short)) bytestream = bytes(fv_scalar_to_collada(verts,faces,colors).getvalue()) filename = f"{hemisphere}.dae" file = ContentFile(bytestream, filename) response = HttpResponse(file, content_type='application/xml') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename return response
def spherically_project_surface(insurf, outsurf): """ (string) -> None takes path to insurf, spherically projects it, outputs it to outsurf """ surf = fs.read_geometry(insurf, read_metadata=True) projected = sphericalProject(surf[0], surf[1]) fs.write_geometry(outsurf, projected[0], projected[1], volume_info=surf[2])
def get_pial_meshes(age=None, template=None, face_count=20000, subjects_dir=None): if template is None: if age is not None: template = f"ANTS{age}-0Months3T" else: raise ValueError("The age or the template must be specified.") if subjects_dir is None: subjects_dir = Path(os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"]) mesh_pattern = "{}/{}/surf/{}.pial" vertices = {} faces = {} for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]: vertices_hemi, faces_hemi = read_geometry( mesh_pattern.format(subjects_dir, template, hemi)) open3d_mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh( vertices=open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vertices_hemi), triangles=open3d.utility.Vector3iVector(faces_hemi)) mesh = open3d_mesh.simplify_quadric_decimation(int(face_count / 2)) vertices[hemi] = np.asarray(mesh.vertices) faces[hemi] = np.asarray(mesh.triangles) return vertices, faces
def mrtrix_mesh2vox(surface_path, template_path, temp_dir, output_prefix): """ Create a partial volume map from a surface and a reference template using mrtrix mesh2voxel command. :param surface_path: path to the surface file :param template_path: path to the template file :param temp_dir: path to temporary directory to which temporary files are saved :param output_prefix: prefix to output file """ # Adapt affine translation using metadata template = nib.load(template_path) _, _, meta = read_geometry(surface_path, read_metadata=True) template = nib.as_closest_canonical(template) affine = template.affine.copy() affine[:-1, -1] = template.affine[:-1, -1] - meta['cras'] new_template = nib.Nifti1Image(template.dataobj, affine) new_template_path = temp_dir / 'template.mgz', new_template_path) # Reconstruct volume from mesh[ 'mesh2voxel', surface_path, new_template_path, temp_dir / f'{output_prefix}_output.mgz' ]) # Save the reconstructed volume with the right affine output = nib.load(temp_dir / f'{output_prefix}_output.mgz') new_output = nib.Nifti1Image(output.dataobj, template.affine) #, output_path) return new_output
def main(): # define specific freesurfer polydata surface to read hemi = 'lh' # lh or rh for left or right hemispheres surf = 'inflated' # all surfaces exported by freesurfer, e.g., pial, sphere, smoothwm, curv, inflated... subj = 5 fs_file = '{}.{}'.format(hemi, surf) fs_dir = os.environ[ 'OneDrive'] + r'\data\nexstim_coord\freesurfer\ppM1_S{}\surf'.format( subj) fs_path = os.path.join(fs_dir, fs_file) vertices, faces, volume_info = fsio.read_geometry(fs_path, read_metadata=True) # create the methods to convert the nifti points to vtk object polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = vtk.vtkPoints() polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() scalars = vtk.vtkFloatArray() colors = vtk.vtkNamedColors() # load the point, cell, and data attributes for n, xi in enumerate(vertices): points.InsertPoint(n, xi) scalars.InsertTuple1(n, n) for fc in faces: polys.InsertNextCell(make_vtk_id_list(fc)) # assign the pieces to the vtkPolyData polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata.SetPolys(polys) polydata.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars) # visualize mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(polydata) mapper.SetScalarRange(polydata.GetScalarRange()) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() ren.AddActor(actor) ren.SetBackground(colors.GetColor3d("Cornsilk")) ren_win = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() ren_win.AddRenderer(ren) ren_win.SetSize(800, 800) # create the window interactor iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(ren_win) iren.Initialize() ren_win.Render() iren.Start() close_window(iren)
def get_b0_orientation(surf_in, vol_in, write_output=False, path_output="", name_output=""): """ This function computes the angle between surface normals and B0-direction per vertex. Inputs: *surf_in: input of surface mesh. *vol_in: input of corresponding nifti volume. *write output: write out to disk (boolean). *path_output: path where to save output. *name_output: basename of output file. Outputs: *theta: angle in radians. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 31-07-2020 Last modified: 31-07-2020 """ import os import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from import read_geometry, write_morph_data from import get_filename from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras from lib_gbb.normal import get_normal # make subfolders if write_output and not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # get hemi from surface filename _, hemi, _ = get_filename(surf_in) # load surface vtx, fac = read_geometry(surf_in) # get transformation matrix _, r2v = vox2ras(vol_in) # ras-tkr -> voxel v2s = nb.load(vol_in).affine # voxel -> scanner-ras M = # apply affine transformation vtx = apply_affine(M, vtx) # get surface normals n = get_normal(vtx, fac) # get angle between b0 and surface normals in radians theta = np.arccos(, [0, 0, 1])) # write output if write_output: write_morph_data(os.path.join(path_output, hemi + "." + name_output), theta) return theta
def parse_fs(self, surface_path): (vertices, triangles, metadata) = read_geometry(surface_path, read_metadata=True) cras = metadata['cras'] logger = get_logger(__name__)"From the file %s the extracted metadata is %s" % (surface_path, metadata)) return Surface(vertices, triangles, cras, metadata)
def write_surface(image, filename): extension = filename.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'mha': sitk.WriteImage(image, filename) elif extension == 'annot': print(type(image[1])) io.write_annot(filename, image[0], image[1], image[2]) elif extension == 'label': raise ValueError('Reader for extensions \'label\' not yet implemented') elif extension in ['inflated', 'pial', 'white']: io.read_geometry(filename, image[0], image[1]) else: return io.write_morph_data(filename, image)
def euclDist(subject): import numpy as np import as fs from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix fsDir = '/afs/' surfDir = '/afs/' for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']: # fsaverage5 coords on sphere fsa5_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/fsaverage5/surf/%s.sphere' % (fsDir, hemi))[0] cort = fs.read_label('%s/fsaverage5/label/%s.cortex.label' % (fsDir, hemi)) # get corresponding nodes on subject sphere (find coords of high-dim subject surface closest to fsa5 nodes in sphere space) subj_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.sphere' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0] subj_indices = [] for node in cort: dist2all = np.squeeze( distance_matrix( np.expand_dims(fsa5_sphere_coords[node], axis=0), subj_sphere_coords)) subj_indices.append(list(dist2all).index(min(dist2all))) # pair-wise euclidean distance between included nodes on subject surface (midline) subj_surf_coords_pial = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.pial' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0] subj_surf_coords_wm = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.smoothwm' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0] subj_surf_coords = (subj_surf_coords_pial + subj_surf_coords_wm) / 2. euclDist = np.zeros((10242, 10242)) euclDist[np.ix_(cort, cort)] = distance_matrix( subj_surf_coords[subj_indices, :], subj_surf_coords[subj_indices, :]) '%s/%s/distance_maps/%s_%s_euclDist_fsa5' % (surfDir, subject, subject, hemi), euclDist)
def fetch_template_surface( template: str, join: bool = True, layer: Optional[str] = None, data_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> Union[BSPolyData, Tuple[BSPolyData, BSPolyData]]: """Loads surface templates. Parameters ---------- template : str Name of the surface template. Valid values are "fslr32k", "fsaverage", "fsaverage3", "fsaverage4", "fsaverage5", "fsaverage6", "civet41k", "civet164k". join : bool, optional If true, returns surfaces as a single object, if false, returns an object per hemisphere, by default True. layer : str, optional Name of the cortical surface of interest. Valid values are "white", "smoothwm", "pial", "inflated", "sphere" for fsaverage surfaces; "midthickness", "inflated", "vinflated" for "fslr32k"; "mid", "white" for CIVET surfaces; and "sphere" for "civet41k". If None, defaults to "pial" or "midthickness", by default None. data_dir : str, Path, optional Directory to save the data, by default $HOME_DIR/brainstat_data/surface_data. Returns ------- BSPolyData or tuple of BSPolyData Output surface(s). If a tuple, then the first element is the left hemisphere. """ data_dir = Path( data_dir) if data_dir else data_directories["SURFACE_DATA_DIR"] surface_files = _fetch_template_surface_files(template, data_dir, layer) if template[:9] == "fsaverage": surfaces_fs = [read_geometry(file) for file in surface_files] surfaces = [ build_polydata(surface[0], surface[1]) for surface in surfaces_fs ] elif template == "fslr32k": surfaces = [read_surface(file) for file in surface_files] else: surfaces_obj = [read_civet(file) for file in surface_files] surfaces = [ build_polydata(surface[0], surface[1]) for surface in surfaces_obj ] if join: return combine_surfaces(surfaces[0], surfaces[1]) else: return surfaces[0], surfaces[1]
def load_surface(lr): all_coords = [] for surf_type in ['white', 'pial']: coords, faces = read_geometry( '/data_dir/freesurfer/' 'subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.{surf_type}'.format( surf_type=surf_type)) all_coords.append(coords) coords = np.array(all_coords).astype(np.float).mean(axis=0) surf = Surface(coords, faces) return surf
def load_freesurfer_geometry(filename, to='mesh', warn=False): ''' load_freesurfer_geometry(filename) yields the data stored at the freesurfer geometry file given by filename. The optional argument 'to' may be used to change the kind of data that is returned. The following are valid settings for the 'to' keyword argument: * 'mesh' (the default) yields a mesh object * 'tess' yields a tess object (discarding coordinates) * 'raw' yields a tuple of numpy arrays, identical to the read_geometry return value. ''' if not warn: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='nibabel') (xs, fs, info) = fsio.read_geometry(filename, read_metadata=True) else: (xs, fs, info) = fsio.read_geometry(filename, read_metadata=True) # see if there's chirality data here... filename = os.path.split(filename)[1] filename = filename.lower() if filename.startswith('lh'): info['chirality'] = 'lh.' elif filename.startswith('rh'): info['chirality'] = 'rh.' # parse it into something to = to.lower() if to in ['mesh', 'auto', 'automatic']: return geo.Mesh(fs, xs, meta_data=info) elif to in ['tess', 'tesselation']: return geo.Tesselation(fs, meta_data=info) elif to in ['coords', 'coordinates']: return xs elif to in ['triangles', 'faces']: return fs elif to in ['meta', 'meta_data']: return info elif to =='raw': return (xs, fs) else: raise ValueError('Could not understand \'to\' argument: %s' % to)
def main(): parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() print 'fname:', args.fname g = fio.read_geometry(args.fname) m = Trimesh(g[0], g[1]) if args.outname is None: # (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(args.fname) outname = '%s.stl' % args.fname else: outname = args.outname print 'outname:', outname export_mesh(m, outname)
def main(): parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() print 'fname:', args.fname g = fio.read_geometry(args.fname) if args.outname is None: outname = '%s_vtk' % args.fname else: outname = args.outname print 'outname:', outname rnd = (np.random.random((g[0].shape[0])) * 255).astype(np.uint8) pointData = {'Colors': (rnd, rnd, rnd)} meshToVTK(outname, g[0], g[1], pointData)
def read_freesurfer(cls, filename): """Read a triangular format Freesurfer surface mesh. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the file with the triangular data Returns ------- surface : TriSurface """ vertices, faces = read_geometry(filename) return cls(vertices=vertices, faces=faces)
def read(fn): '''General read function for surfaces For now only supports ascii (as used in AFNI's SUMA), Caret and freesurfer formats ''' if fn.endswith('.asc'): from import surf_fs_asc return elif fn.endswith('.coord'): from import surf_caret return else: import as fsio coords, faces = fsio.read_geometry(fn) return Surface(coords, faces)
def fs_to_dae( args ): #load in FS mesh verts,faces = fsio.read_geometry( args.input ) #dumb copypasta for mesh face normals norms = np.zeros( verts.shape, dtype=verts.dtype ) tris = verts[faces] n = np.cross( tris[::,1 ] - tris[::,0] , tris[::,2 ] - tris[::,0] ) norm_sizes = np.sqrt(n[:,0]**2 + n[:,1]**2 + n[:,2]**2) for i in range(3): n[:,i] = n[:,i] / norm_sizes del norm_sizes #map back to vertices norms[ faces[:,0] ] += n norms[ faces[:,1] ] += n norms[ faces[:,2] ] += n del n norm_sizes = np.sqrt(norms[:,0]**2 + norms[:,1]**2 + norms[:,2]**2) for i in range(3): norms[:,i] = norms[:,i] / norm_sizes #color if not args.color: color = np.ones(norms.shape) * 0.4 else: scalars = fsio.read_morph_data(args.color) color = color_func(scalars) #make trimesh mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(\ verts,\ faces,\ vertex_normals=norms,\ vertex_colors=color) mesh.export(file_obj=args.output, file_type="collada") #mesh.export(file_obj=args.output, file_type="obj") #mesh.export_gltf(file_obj=args.output) return
def plot_normal_direction(input_surf, axis=2): """ Plot normal direction This function plots the direction from the white surface towards the pial surface based on the white surface vertex normals along one axis. Parameters ---------- input_surf : str Filename of source mesh (white surface). axis : int, optional Axis for distance calculation in ras space (0,1,2). The default is 2. Returns ------- None. Notes ------- created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 13-12-2019 Last modified: 05-10-2020 """ # fixed parameter line_threshold = 0.05 # if direction is along one axis, omit line if length is below threshold # load geometry vtx_source, fac_source = read_geometry(input_surf) # get surface normals per vertex norm = get_normal(vtx_source, fac_source) # get distance along one axis r_dist = norm[:,axis].copy() # get directions r_dist[r_dist > line_threshold] = 1 r_dist[r_dist < -line_threshold] = -1 r_dist[np.abs(r_dist) != 1] = 0 # write output header = nb.freesurfer.mghformat.MGHHeader() output = nb.freesurfer.mghformat.MGHImage(r_dist, np.eye(4), header), input_surf+"_plot_normal_dir"+str(axis)+".mgh")
def __init__(self, fsaverage_dir, hemisphere, atlas): # Load patient labels for vertex based on <atlas> parcels (MACRO) (self.vertices, self.colortable, self.labels) = fio.read_annot( f"{fsaverage_dir}/label/{hemisphere}.{atlas}.annot") # Load geometry of the brain (self.coords, self.faces) = fio.read_geometry(f"{fsaverage_dir}/surf/{hemisphere}.sphere.reg") # an array of list: at position i-th there is the list of faces that the vertex i touches self.vertex_to_faces = np.empty((len(self.vertices),), dtype=object) for i in range(len(self.vertex_to_faces)): self.vertex_to_faces[i] = [] # For each face, add the face i to the vertex i-th list of faces for i, f in enumerate(self.faces): for j in range(3): self.vertex_to_faces[f[j]].append(i)
def read_surface(filename): extension = filename.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'mha': img = sitk.ReadImage(filename) return sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) elif extension == 'annot': raise ValueError('Reader for extensions \'annot\' not yet implemented') elif extension == 'label': raise ValueError('Reader for extensions \'label\' not yet implemented') elif extension in ['inflated', 'pial', 'white']: coords, faces = io.read_geometry(filename) return coords, faces else: return io.read_morph_data(filename)
def read(self, surface_path, use_center_surface): vertices, triangles, metadata = read_geometry( surface_path, read_metadata=True) "From the file %s the extracted metadata is %s", surface_path, metadata) if use_center_surface: cras = [0, 0, 0] "The --center_ras flag was specified, so the ras centering point is %s", cras) else: if CENTER_RAS_FS_SURF in metadata: cras = metadata[CENTER_RAS_FS_SURF] "The ras centering point for surface %s is %s", surface_path, cras) else: cras = [0, 0, 0] self.logger.warning("Could not read the ras centering point from surface %s header. " "The cras will be %s", surface_path, cras) return Surface(vertices, triangles, area_mask=None, center_ras=cras, generic_metadata=metadata)
def connectivity_2_tvb_fs(subID, subFolder, SC_matrix, reconallFolder='recon_all'): # Create the results folder if not os.path.exists(subFolder + 'results/'): os.mkdir(subFolder + 'results/') # Load the SC matrix SC = io.loadmat(subFolder + '/mrtrix_68/tracks_68/' + SC_matrix) weights = SC['SC_cap_agg_bwflav2'] delay = SC['SC_dist_agg_mean'] # Load the required things compiuted previously by FREESURFER lh_vert, lh_faces = fs.read_geometry(subFolder + '/' + reconallFolder + '/surf/lh.pial') rh_vert, rh_faces = fs.read_geometry(subFolder + '/' + reconallFolder + '/surf/rh.pial') cortexMesh = {'vertices': np.vstack((lh_vert, rh_vert)), 'faces': np.vstack((lh_faces, rh_faces + np.shape(lh_vert)[0]))} # Calculate vertex-normals cortexMesh['vertexNormals'] = calcVertNormals(cortexMesh['vertices'], cortexMesh['faces']) # Load annotation tables lh_labels, lh_ctab, lh_names = fs.read_annot(subFolder + '/' + reconallFolder + '/label/lh.aparc.annot') rh_labels, rh_ctab, rh_names = fs.read_annot(subFolder + '/' + reconallFolder + '/label/rh.aparc.annot') # Remove the CC i.e. correct labeling lh_labels[lh_labels > 3] -= 1 rh_labels[rh_labels > 3] -= 1 # Combine into single vectors rh_labels += np.max(lh_labels) rh_labels[rh_labels == np.min(rh_labels)] = -1 cortexMesh['labels'] = np.hstack((lh_labels, rh_labels)) # Store label name-strings tmp = lh_names[1:4] + lh_names[5:] tmp_lh = ['lh_' + s for s in tmp] tmp_rh = ['rh_' + s for s in tmp] cortexMesh['labelNames'] = tmp_lh + tmp_rh # Do the TVB mesh clean cortexMesh['vertices'], cortexMesh['faces'], cortexMesh['vertexNormals'], cortexMesh['labels'] = removeFB( cortexMesh['vertices'], cortexMesh['faces'], cortexMesh['vertexNormals'], cortexMesh['labels']) # Now finally start storing things.... # ############ # Define the filenames filenames = ['weights.txt', 'centres.txt', 'tract.txt', 'orientation.txt', 'area.txt', 'cortical.txt', 'hemisphere.txt'] # 1.) Weights np.savetxt(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[0], weights, delimiter=' ', fmt='%1i') # 2.) Position # Calc region centers # centers = np.zeros((weights.shape[0], 3)) with open(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[1], 'w') as f: for i in range(weights.shape[0]): # First get all vertices corresponding to a certain region regionVertices = cortexMesh['vertices'][cortexMesh['labels'] == i + 1] # Compute the mean of each region tmp = np.mean(regionVertices, axis=0) # Now look for the nearest neighbors idx = np.sum(np.abs(cortexMesh['vertices'] - tmp), axis=1).argmin() # Define the nearest vertex as center # centers[i, :] = cortexMesh['vertices'][idx, :] center = cortexMesh['vertices'][idx, :] # Write file f.write('{0} {1} {2} {3}\n'.format(cortexMesh['labelNames'][i], str(center[0]), str(center[1]), str(center[2]))) f.close() # 3.) Tract np.savetxt(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[2], delay, delimiter=' ', fmt='%1i') # 4.) Orientation with open(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[3], 'w') as f: for i in range(weights.shape[0]): # Get all vertex-normals correspodning to the vertices of the current region regionVertexNormals = cortexMesh['vertexNormals'][cortexMesh['labels'] == i + 1] # Compute mean vector orientation = np.mean(regionVertexNormals, axis=0) # Normalize it orientation /= np.sqrt(orientation[0]**2 + orientation[1]**2 + orientation[2]**2) # Write to file f.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(str(orientation[0]), str(orientation[1]), str(orientation[2]))) f.close() # 5.) Area # I'm not quite sure how to get to the exact value for the surface in mm^2 # so for now i just count the surface vertices corresponding to each region # EDIT: According to the TVB Dokumentation, this attribute is not mandatory # for the Input! with open(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[4], 'w') as f: for i in range(weights.shape[0]): area = np.count_nonzero(cortexMesh['labels'] == i) f.write('{0}\n'.format(str(area))) f.close() # 6.) Cortical # Since in the default atlas all areas are cortical cortical = np.ones((68, 1)) np.savetxt(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[5], cortical, delimiter=' ', fmt='%1i') # 7.) Hemisphere # Again hard coded for Desikan-Killany Mask! # TODO: Make this flexible! hemisphere = np.vstack((np.zeros((34, 1)), np.ones((34, 1)))) np.savetxt(subFolder + 'results/' + filenames[6], hemisphere, delimiter=' ', fmt='%1i') # Assemble the Zip-File zf = zipfile.ZipFile(subFolder + 'results/' + subID + '', mode='w') for fname in filenames: zf.write(subFolder + 'results/' + fname) os.remove(subFolder + 'results/' + fname) zf.close()