def test_fetch_cobre(tmp_path, request_mocker): metadata, ids = _cobre_metadata() request_mocker.url_mapping["*phenotypic_data.tsv.gz"] = _cobre_data(ids) request_mocker.url_mapping["*articles/4197885"] = metadata # All subjects cobre_data = check_deprecation(func.fetch_cobre, "'fetch_cobre' has been deprecated")( n_subjects=None, data_dir=str(tmp_path)) phenotypic_names = [ 'func', 'confounds', 'phenotypic', 'description', 'desc_con', 'desc_phenotypic' ] # test length of functional filenames to max 146 assert len(cobre_data.func) == 146 # test length of corresponding confounds files of same length to max 146 assert len(cobre_data.confounds) == 146 # test return type variables assert sorted(cobre_data) == sorted(phenotypic_names) # test functional filenames in a list assert isinstance(cobre_data.func, list) # test confounds files in a list assert isinstance(cobre_data.confounds, list) assert isinstance(cobre_data.func[0], str) # returned phenotypic data will be an array assert isinstance(cobre_data.phenotypic, np.recarray) # Fetch only 30 subjects data_30_subjects = func.fetch_cobre(n_subjects=30, data_dir=str(tmp_path)) assert len(data_30_subjects.func) == 30 assert len(data_30_subjects.confounds) == 30 # Test more than maximum subjects test_150_subjects = func.fetch_cobre(n_subjects=150, data_dir=str(tmp_path)) assert len(test_150_subjects.func) == 146
def test_fetch_cobre(tmp_path, request_mocker): ids_n = [ 40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40008, 40009, 40010, 40011, 40012, 40013, 40014, 40015, 40016, 40017, 40018, 40019, 40020, 40021, 40022, 40023, 40024, 40025, 40026, 40027, 40028, 40029, 40030, 40031, 40032, 40033, 40034, 40035, 40036, 40037, 40038, 40039, 40040, 40041, 40042, 40043, 40044, 40045, 40046, 40047, 40048, 40049, 40050, 40051, 40052, 40053, 40054, 40055, 40056, 40057, 40058, 40059, 40060, 40061, 40062, 40063, 40064, 40065, 40066, 40067, 40068, 40069, 40071, 40072, 40073, 40074, 40075, 40076, 40077, 40078, 40079, 40080, 40081, 40082, 40084, 40085, 40086, 40087, 40088, 40089, 40090, 40091, 40092, 40093, 40094, 40095, 40096, 40097, 40098, 40099, 40100, 40101, 40102, 40103, 40104, 40105, 40106, 40107, 40108, 40109, 40110, 40111, 40112, 40113, 40114, 40115, 40116, 40117, 40118, 40119, 40120, 40121, 40122, 40123, 40124, 40125, 40126, 40127, 40128, 40129, 40130, 40131, 40132, 40133, 40134, 40135, 40136, 40137, 40138, 40139, 40140, 40141, 40142, 40143, 40144, 40145, 40146, 40147 ] ids = np.asarray(ids_n, dtype='|U17') current_age = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') gender = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') handedness = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') subject_type = np.empty(len(ids), dtype="S10") subject_type[0:74] = 'Control' subject_type[74:146] = 'Patient' diagnosis = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') frames_ok = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') fd = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') fd_scrubbed = np.ones(len(ids), dtype='<f8') csv = np.rec.array([ ids, current_age, gender, handedness, subject_type, diagnosis, frames_ok, fd, fd_scrubbed ], dtype=[('ID', '|U17'), ('Current Age', '<f8'), ('Gender', '<f8'), ('Handedness', '<f8'), ('Subject Type', '|U17'), ('Diagnosis', '<f8'), ('Frames OK', '<f8'), ('FD', '<f8'), ('FD Scrubbed', '<f8')]) # Create a dummy 'files' cobre_dir = str(tmp_path / 'cobre') os.mkdir(cobre_dir) # Create the tsv name_f = os.path.join(cobre_dir, 'phenotypic_data.tsv') with open(name_f, 'wb') as f: header = '# {0}\n'.format('\t'.join(csv.dtype.names)) f.write(header.encode()) np.savetxt(f, csv, delimiter='\t', fmt='%s') # create an empty gz file f_in = open(name_f) name_f_gz = os.path.join(cobre_dir, 'phenotypic_data.tsv.gz') f_out =, 'wb') f_out.close() f_in.close() dummy = os.path.join(cobre_dir, '4197885') dummy_data = [] for i in np.hstack(ids_n): # Func file f = 'fmri_00' + str(i) + '.nii.gz' m = 'fmri_00' + str(i) + '.tsv.gz' dummy_data.append({'download_url': 'whatever', 'name': f}) dummy_data.append({'download_url': 'whatever', 'name': m}) # Add the TSV file dummy_data.append({ 'download_url': 'whatever', 'name': 'phenotypic_data.tsv.gz' }) # Add JSON files dummy_data.append({ 'download_url': 'whatever', 'name': 'keys_confounds.json' }) dummy_data.append({ 'download_url': 'whatever', 'name': 'keys_phenotypic_data.json' }) dummy_data = {'files': dummy_data} json.dump(dummy_data, open(dummy, 'w')) local_url = "file://" + dummy # All subjects cobre_data = check_deprecation(func.fetch_cobre, "'fetch_cobre' has been deprecated")( n_subjects=None, data_dir=str(tmp_path), url=local_url) phenotypic_names = [ 'func', 'confounds', 'phenotypic', 'description', 'desc_con', 'desc_phenotypic' ] # test length of functional filenames to max 146 assert len(cobre_data.func) == 146 # test length of corresponding confounds files of same length to max 146 assert len(cobre_data.confounds) == 146 # test return type variables assert sorted(cobre_data) == sorted(phenotypic_names) # test functional filenames in a list assert isinstance(cobre_data.func, list) # test confounds files in a list assert isinstance(cobre_data.confounds, list) assert isinstance(cobre_data.func[0], str) # returned phenotypic data will be an array assert isinstance(cobre_data.phenotypic, np.recarray) # Fetch only 30 subjects data_30_subjects = func.fetch_cobre(n_subjects=30, url=local_url, data_dir=str(tmp_path)) assert len(data_30_subjects.func) == 30 assert len(data_30_subjects.confounds) == 30 # Test more than maximum subjects test_150_subjects = func.fetch_cobre(n_subjects=150, url=local_url, data_dir=str(tmp_path)) assert len(test_150_subjects.func) == 146 os.remove(dummy)