예제 #1
def run_glm(Y, X, noise_model='ar1', bins=100, n_jobs=1, verbose=0):
    """ GLM fit for an fMRI data matrix

    Y : array of shape (n_time_points, n_voxels)
        The fMRI data.

    X : array of shape (n_time_points, n_regressors)
        The design matrix.

    noise_model : {'ar(N)', 'ols'}, optional
        The temporal variance model.
        To specify the order of an autoregressive model place the
        order after the characters `ar`, for example to specify a third order
        model use `ar3`.

    bins : int, optional
        Maximum number of discrete bins for the AR coef histogram.
        If an autoregressive model with order greater than one is specified
        then adaptive quantification is performed and the coefficients
        will be clustered via K-means with `bins` number of clusters.

    n_jobs : int, optional
        The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means
        'all CPUs'. Default=1.

    verbose : int, optional
        The verbosity level. Default=0.

    labels : array of shape (n_voxels,),
        A map of values on voxels used to identify the corresponding model.

    results : dict,
        Keys correspond to the different labels values
        values are RegressionResults instances corresponding to the voxels.

    acceptable_noise_models = ['ols', 'arN']
    if ((noise_model[:2] != 'ar') and (noise_model != 'ols')):
        raise ValueError(
            "Acceptable noise models are {0}. You provided "
    if Y.shape[0] != X.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('The number of rows of Y '
                         'should match the number of rows of X.'
                         ' You provided X with shape {0} '
                         'and Y with shape {1}'.
                         format(X.shape, Y.shape))

    # Create the model
    ols_result = OLSModel(X).fit(Y)

    if noise_model[:2] == 'ar':

        err_msg = ('AR order must be a positive integer specified as arN, '
                   'where N is an integer. E.g. ar3. '
                   'You provided {0}.'.format(noise_model))
            ar_order = int(noise_model[2:])
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(err_msg)

        # compute the AR coefficients
        ar_coef_ = _yule_walker(ols_result.residuals.T, ar_order)
        del ols_result
        if len(ar_coef_[0]) == 1:
            ar_coef_ = ar_coef_[:, 0]

        # Either bin the AR1 coefs or cluster ARN coefs
        if ar_order == 1:
            for idx in range(len(ar_coef_)):
                ar_coef_[idx] = (ar_coef_[idx] * bins).astype(int) * 1. / bins
            labels = np.array([str(val) for val in ar_coef_])
        else:  # AR(N>1) case
            n_clusters = np.min([bins, Y.shape[1]])
            kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(ar_coef_)
            ar_coef_ = kmeans.cluster_centers_[kmeans.labels_]

            # Create a set of rounded values for the labels with _ between
            # each coefficient
            cluster_labels = kmeans.cluster_centers_.copy()
            cluster_labels = np.array(['_'.join(map(str, np.round(a, 2)))
                                       for a in cluster_labels])
            # Create labels and coef per voxel
            labels = np.array([cluster_labels[i] for i in kmeans.labels_])

        unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
        results = {}

        # Fit the AR model according to current AR(N) estimates
        ar_result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)(
            delayed(_ar_model_fit)(X, ar_coef_[labels == val][0],
                                   Y[:, labels == val])
            for val in unique_labels)

        # Converting the key to a string is required for AR(N>1) cases
        for val, result in zip(unique_labels, ar_result):
            results[val] = result
        del unique_labels
        del ar_result

        labels = np.zeros(Y.shape[1])
        results = {0.0: ols_result}

    return labels, results
예제 #2
def run_glm(Y, X, noise_model='ar1', bins=100, n_jobs=1, verbose=0):
    """ GLM fit for an fMRI data matrix

    Y : array of shape (n_time_points, n_voxels)
        The fMRI data.

    X : array of shape (n_time_points, n_regressors)
        The design matrix.

    noise_model : {'ar1', 'ols'}, optional
        The temporal variance model. Defaults to 'ar1'.

    bins : int, optional
        Maximum number of discrete bins for the AR(1) coef histogram.

    n_jobs : int, optional
        The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means
        'all CPUs'.

    verbose : int, optional
        The verbosity level. Defaut is 0

    labels : array of shape (n_voxels,),
        A map of values on voxels used to identify the corresponding model.

    results : dict,
        Keys correspond to the different labels values
        values are RegressionResults instances corresponding to the voxels.

    acceptable_noise_models = ['ar1', 'ols']
    if noise_model not in acceptable_noise_models:
        raise ValueError(
            "Acceptable noise models are {0}. You provided "
    if Y.shape[0] != X.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('The number of rows of Y '
                         'should match the number of rows of X.'
                         ' You provided X with shape {0} '
                         'and Y with shape {1}'.
                         format(X.shape, Y.shape))

    # Create the model
    ols_result = OLSModel(X).fit(Y)

    if noise_model == 'ar1':
        # compute and discretize the AR1 coefs
        ar1 = (
             * ols_result.residuals[:-1]).sum(axis=0)
            / (ols_result.residuals ** 2).sum(axis=0)
        del ols_result
        ar1 = (ar1 * bins).astype(np.int) * 1. / bins
        # Fit the AR model acccording to current AR(1) estimates
        results = {}
        labels = ar1
        # Parallelize by creating a job per ARModel
        vals = np.unique(ar1)
        ar_result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)(
            delayed(_ar_model_fit)(X, val, Y[:, labels == val])
            for val in vals)
        for val, result in zip(vals, ar_result):
            results[val] = result
        del vals
        del ar_result

        labels = np.zeros(Y.shape[1])
        results = {0.0: ols_result}

    return labels, results
예제 #3
                                   for i in range(ds_.shape[1]))

df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack([
    ds_.samples[:, 0],
                  columns=['y', 'task', 'subject', 'dexterity'])

df['y'] = np.float_(df['y'])

dm = patsy.dmatrix("y ~ task + dexterity - 1", df)
X = np.asarray(dm)

model = OLSModel(X)
y = ds_.samples

y_ = (y - np.mean(y, axis=0)) / np.std(y, axis=0)
results = model.fit(y_)

x = ds_.sa.dexterity2

model = OLSModel(x)

betas = np.zeros((3, 7, ds.shape[1]))
rsquared = np.zeros((3, ds.shape[1]))
ttask = np.zeros((3, 7, ds.shape[1]))

for b, result in enumerate(results):