def main(): # Import a numpy array as the adjacency matrix home = expanduser('~') directory_name = join(home, 'Documents', 'data_conn') data_file_name = join(directory_name, 'func_modeled.npy') struct_conn = np.load(data_file_name) # # Generate graph # G = nx.from_numpy_array(struct_conn) # # # Visualize graph - no meaning to position or colour # plt.figure('Graph') # n_node = G.number_of_nodes() # number of nodes # nx.draw(G, node_size=50, node_color=np.arange(n_node), width=0.1, cmap='Blues') # # Visualise graph with positions specified by brain region coordinates # # Import node positions from file of (x,y,z) co-ordinates from brain region centers positions_file_name = join(directory_name, 'region_positions.npy') region_positions = np.load(positions_file_name) plotting.plot_connectome(struct_conn, region_positions - region_positions.mean(0), title="Structural Connectivity", display_mode='x', alpha=0, node_color='k', node_size=10, edge_cmap='jet', colorbar=True)
def plot_consistent_edges(all_masks, tail, thresh=1., color='gray', coords=None): edge_frac = (all_masks[tail].sum(axis=0)) / (all_masks[tail].shape[0]) print("For the {} tail, {} edges were selected in at least {}% of folds". format(tail, (edge_frac >= thresh).sum(), thresh * 100)) edge_frac_square = sp.spatial.distance.squareform(edge_frac) node_mask = np.amax( edge_frac_square, axis=0 ) >= thresh # find nodes that have at least one edge that passes the threshold node_size = edge_frac_square.sum( axis=0 ) * node_mask * 20 # size nodes based on how many suprathreshold edges they have plotting.plot_connectome(adjacency_matrix=edge_frac_square, edge_threshold=thresh, node_color=color, node_coords=coords, node_size=node_size, display_mode='lzry', edge_kwargs={ "linewidth": 1, 'color': color })
def plot_brain_connections(mat, power_coords, mat_name='beta_mat', thre='99.9%', save_plot=False, cache_prefix='r1s1_'): if mat_name == 'beta_mat': tit = 'Beta' elif mat_name == 'wcorr_mat': tit = 'Weighted Connectivity' else: tit = 'Unknown' # plot sns.set_style('white') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.axis("off") # plot connectome with 80% edge strength in the connectivity plotting.plot_connectome( mat, power_coords, figure=fig, edge_threshold=thre, #node_color=, colorbar=True, node_size=0, # size 264 #alpha=.8, #title='Group analysis: ' + tit, edge_kwargs={'lw': 8}) if save_plot: plt.savefig('./bin/' + cache_prefix + mat_name + thre + '.png') plt.close()
def test_plot_connectome_non_symmetric(node_coords, non_symmetric_matrix): """Tests for plot_connectome with non symmetric adjacency matrices.""" ax = plot_connectome(non_symmetric_matrix, node_coords, display_mode='ortho') # No thresholding was performed, we should get # as many arrows as we have edges for direction in ['x', 'y', 'z']: assert(len([patch for patch in ax.axes[direction].ax.patches if isinstance(patch, FancyArrow)]) == # Set a few elements of adjacency matrix to zero non_symmetric_matrix[1, 0] = 0.0 non_symmetric_matrix[2, 3] = 0.0 # Plot with different display mode ax = plot_connectome(non_symmetric_matrix, node_coords, display_mode='lzry') # No edge in direction 'l' because of node coords assert(len([patch for patch in ax.axes['l'].ax.patches if isinstance(patch, FancyArrow)]) == 0) for direction in ['z', 'r', 'y']: assert(len([patch for patch in ax.axes[direction].ax.patches if isinstance(patch, FancyArrow)]) == - 2)
def CCA_cm_brain_plot(cca, MNIcoords, mode=0, num_edge=200, title=None): cm = cca.x_weights_mat[:, :, mode] cm = cm + cm.T cm_degree = np.sum(abs(cm), axis=1) cm = matrix_threshold(cm, num_edge=num_edge) cm_degree_plot = (cm_degree / np.max(cm_degree)) * 75 plotting.plot_connectome(cm, MNIcoords, node_size=cm_degree_plot, node_color='black', edge_cmap='vlag', edge_vmin=-1, edge_vmax=1, display_mode='lzr', edge_kwargs={ 'Alpha': 0.75, 'lw': 1 }, node_kwargs={ 'Alpha': 0, 'lw': 0 }, colorbar=True) if title is not None: plt.savefig(title, dpi=600)
def lesion_dist_cm(cm, MNIcoords, title=None, vmin=-30, vmax=30): #binarize cm[cm > 0] = 1 cm = np.sum(cm, axis=2) #symmetrize cm = cm + cm.T cm_degree = np.sum(abs(cm), axis=1) cm_degree_plot = (cm_degree / np.max(cm_degree)) * 100 plotting.plot_connectome( cm, MNIcoords, node_size=cm_degree_plot, node_color='black', edge_cmap='viridis', edge_vmin= vmin, # to get same colour echeme as the nifti plot set to opposite edge_vmax=vmax, colorbar=True, display_mode='lzr', edge_kwargs={ 'Alpha': 0.25, 'lw': 1 }, node_kwargs={ 'Alpha': 0, 'lw': 0 }) if title is not None: plt.savefig(title, dpi=600)
def plot_connectome_edge_thresholding(node_coords, non_symmetric_matrix): """Tests for plot_connectome with edge thresholding.""" # Case 1: Threshold is a number thresh = 1.1 ax = plot_connectome(non_symmetric_matrix, node_coords, edge_threshold=thresh) for direction in ['x', 'y', 'z']: assert(len([patch for patch in ax.axes[direction].ax.patches if isinstance(patch, FancyArrow)]) == np.sum(np.abs(non_symmetric_matrix) >= thresh) ) # Case 2: Threshold is a percentage thresh = 80 ax = plot_connectome(non_symmetric_matrix, node_coords, edge_threshold="{}%".format(thresh)) for direction in ['x', 'y', 'z']: assert(len([patch for patch in ax.axes[direction].ax.patches if isinstance(patch, FancyArrow)]) == np.sum(np.abs(non_symmetric_matrix) >= np.percentile(np.abs( non_symmetric_matrix.ravel()), thresh)) ) plt.close()
def channel_position_plot(ax, coords, mask=[]): """Plot electrode position on brain with nilearn Plot all electrodes in white and selected electrode in blue. Output jpeg with several projections Parameters ---------- ax : pyplot ax ax where to plot coords : list coords of channel to plot """ colors = np.array([[0.7, 0.13, 0.13, 1.]] * len(coords)) sizes = 10 * np.ones(len(colors)) if len(mask) > 0 and np.sum(mask) > 0: sizes[mask] = 0.5 * np.ones(np.sum(mask)) colors[mask] = np.array([[0., 0., 0., .5]] * np.sum(mask)) # nilearn plot try: plotting.plot_connectome(np.zeros((len(coords), len(coords))), coords, node_color=colors.tolist(), display_mode='lyrz', axes=ax, node_size=sizes) except: pass
def plot_ecog_electrodes_mni_from_file_and_labels(mni_coords_fullfile,chan_labels,num_grid_chans=64,colors=list()): 'Plots ECoG electrodes from MNI coordinate file' #Example code to run it: #import sys #sys.path.append('/home/stepeter/AJILE/stepeter_sandbox/ECoG_Preprocessing') #from plot_ecog_electrodes_mni import * #mni_coords_fullfile='/data2/users/stepeter/mni_coords/a0f66459/a0f66459_MNI_atlasRegions.xlsx' #plot_ecog_electrodes_mni_from_file_and_labels(mni_coords_fullfile,chan_num_min=-1,chan_num_max=-1,num_grid_chans=64) #NOTE: A warning may pop up the first time running it, leading to no output. Rerun this function, and the plots should appear. #Load in MNI file mni_file = pd.read_excel(mni_coords_fullfile, delimiter=",") #Create dataframe for electrode locations locs=mni_file.loc[mni_file['Electrode'].isin(chan_labels)][['X coor', 'Y coor', 'Z coor']] print(locs.shape) #Label strips/depths differently for easier visualization (or use defined color list) if len(colors)==0: for s in range(locs.shape[0]): if s>=num_grid_chans: colors.append('r') else: colors.append('b') #Plot the result ni_plt.plot_connectome(np.eye(locs.shape[0]), locs, output_file=None, node_kwargs={'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolors': None}, node_size=10, node_color=colors)
def plot_ecog_electrodes_mni_direct(mni_coords,num_grid_chans=64,colors=list()): 'Plots ECoG electrodes from MNI coordinate file' #Example code to run it: # import sys # sys.path.append('/home/stepeter/AJILE/stepeter_sandbox/ECoG_Preprocessing') # from plot_ecog_electrodes_mni import * # colors=list() # cmap ='jet') # for i in range(virtualCoords_pos.shape[1]): # colors.append(np.asarray(cmap(frac_sbj_virtual_grid[0,i]))[0:3]) # colors = np.asarray(colors) # colors = list(map(lambda x: x[0], np.array_split(colors, colors.shape[0], axis=0))) # plot_ecog_electrodes_mni_direct(virtualCoords_pos.T,num_grid_chans=64,colors=colors) #NOTE: If running in Jupyter, use '%matplotlib inline' instead of '%matplotlib notebook' #Create dataframe for electrode locations locs=pd.DataFrame(mni_file.loc[mni_file['Electrode'].isin(chan_labels)]['Coordinates']) #locs=pd.DataFrame({'x': mni_coords[:,0].T, # 'y': mni_coords[:,1].T, # 'z': mni_coords[:,2].T}) #Label strips/depths differently for easier visualization (or use defined color list) if len(colors)==0: for s in range(locs.shape[0]): if s>=num_grid_chans: colors.append('r') else: colors.append('b') #Plot the result ni_plt.plot_connectome(np.eye(locs.shape[0]), locs, output_file=None, node_kwargs={'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolors': None}, node_size=10, node_color=colors)
def plot_connectivity_glassbrain(subject_id, group, pc, roi_coords, suffix, session='func1', preprocessing_folder='pipeline_1', save=True, msdl=False): """Plots connectome of pc """ title = '-'.join([suffix, group, subject_id, session]) output_folder = os.path.join(set_figure_base_dir('connectivity'), suffix) if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, '_'.join([suffix, 'connectome', group, session, preprocessing_folder, subject_id])) if msdl: title += '_msdl' output_file += '_msdl' plt.figure(figsize=(10, 20), dpi=90) if save: plot_connectome(pc, roi_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title=title, output_file=output_file) else: plot_connectome(pc, roi_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title=title)
def plot_connectome(covs, tv=False): # g = np.zeros(shape=(160, 160)) g = covs dos_coords = datasets.fetch_coords_dosenbach_2010() dos_coords = dos_coords.rois dos_coords_table = [[x, y, z] for (x, y, z) in dos_coords ] # Reformat the atlas coordinates f = plt.figure(figsize=(2.3, 3.5)) # 2.2,2.3 if tv: plotting.plot_connectome(g, dos_coords_table, display_mode='z', output_file='figs/connectome_tv.pdf', edge_threshold="0.0005%", annotate=True, figure=f, node_size=18) else: plotting.plot_connectome(g, dos_coords_table, display_mode='z', output_file='figs/connectome.pdf', edge_threshold="0.0005%", annotate=True, figure=f, node_size=18)
def save_graphs_models(subj, subj_folder, mnicoor, thresholds): for i, r in enumerate(thresholds): correlation_matrix = subj[i] aux = int(round(thresholds[i] * 100)) if aux < 10: aux = '0' + str(aux) else: aux = str(aux) print('r=' + aux + ',', end=' ') SAVEIMAGENAME = subj_folder + "\\" + subj_folder + '_r' + aux + '.png' plotting.plot_connectome(correlation_matrix, mnicoor, colorbar=False, node_color='black', edge_vmin=0, edge_vmax=1, node_size=10, display_mode="lzry", title='r=.' + aux, output_file=SAVEIMAGENAME) return None
def test_plot_connectome_with_nans(adjacency, node_coords, base_params): """Smoke test for plot_connectome with nans in the adjacency matrix.""" adjacency[0, 1] = np.nan adjacency[1, 0] = np.nan base_params["node_color"] = np.array(['green', 'blue', 'k', 'yellow']) plot_connectome(adjacency, node_coords, **base_params) plt.close()
def plot_consistent_edges(all_masks, tail, thresh=1., color='gray', coords=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plots edges which are consistent in a defined percentage of folds""" edge_frac = (all_masks[tail].sum(axis=0)) / (all_masks[tail].shape[0]) summary = "{} suprathreshold (>= {} %) edges in {} % of the subjects".format( (edge_frac >= thresh).sum(), thresh * 100, "TODO") print("For the {} tail, {} edges were selected in at least {}% of folds". format(tail, (edge_frac >= thresh).sum(), thresh * 100)) edge_frac_square = sp.spatial.distance.squareform(edge_frac) node_mask = np.amax( edge_frac_square, axis=0 ) >= thresh # find nodes that have at least one edge that passes the threshold node_size = edge_frac_square.sum( axis=0 ) * node_mask * 20 # size nodes based on how many suprathreshold edges they have plotting.plot_connectome(adjacency_matrix=edge_frac_square, edge_threshold=thresh, node_color=color, node_coords=coords, node_size=node_size, display_mode='lzry', edge_kwargs={ "linewidth": 1, 'color': color }, **plot_kwargs) return (edge_frac_square >= thresh).astype(int), node_mask
def test_plot_connectome_exceptions_non_symmetric_adjacency(matrix): """Tests that warning messages are given when the adjacency matrix ends up being non symmetric. """ node_coords = np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="A directed graph will be plotted."): plot_connectome(matrix, node_coords, display_mode='x') plt.close()
def test_plot_connectome_display_mode(display_mode, node_coords, adjacency, base_params): """Smoke test for plot_connectome with different values for display_mode. """ plot_connectome(adjacency, node_coords, display_mode=display_mode, **base_params) plt.close()
def test_plot_connectome_tuple_node_coords(adjacency, node_coords, base_params, tmpdir): """Smoke test for plot_connectome where node_coords is not provided as an array but as a list of tuples. """ plot_connectome(adjacency, [tuple(each) for each in node_coords], display_mode='x', **base_params) plt.close()
def plot_cluster_freqs_on_brain(self, cluster_name, xyz, colormap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, do_3d=False): """ Plot the frequencies of single electrode cluster on either a 2d or interactive 2d brain. Parameters ---------- cluster_name: str Name of column in self.res['clusters'] xyz: np.ndarray 3 x n array of electrode locations. Should be in MNI space. colormap: str matplotlib colormap name vmin: float lower limit of colormap values. If not given, lowest value in frequency column will be used vmax: float upper limit of colormap values. If not given, highest value in frequency column will be used do_3d: Whether to plot an interactive 3d brain, or a 2d brain Returns ------- If 2d, returns the matplotlib figure. If 3d, returns the html used to render the brain. """ # get frequecies for this cluster freqs = self.res['clusters'][cluster_name].values # get color for each frequency. Start with all black colors = np.stack([[0., 0., 0., 0.]] * len(freqs)) # fill in colors of electrodes with defined frequencies cm = plt.get_cmap(colormap) cNorm = clrs.Normalize(vmin=np.nanmin(freqs) if vmin is None else vmin, vmax=np.nanmax(freqs) if vmax is None else vmax) colors[~np.isnan(freqs)] = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm).to_rgba(freqs[~np.isnan(freqs)]) # if plotting 2d, use the nilearn glass brain if not do_3d: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ni_plot.plot_connectome(np.eye(xyz.shape[0]), xyz, node_kwargs={'alpha': 0.7, 'edgecolors': None}, node_size=60, node_color=colors, display_mode='lzr', axes=ax) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='4%', pad=0) cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=colormap, norm=cNorm, orientation='horizontal') cb1.set_label('Frequency', fontsize=20) fig.set_size_inches(15, 10) return fig # if plotting 3d use the nilearn 3d brain. Unfortunately this doesn't add a colorbar. else: # you need to return the html. If in jupyter, it will automatically render return ni_plot.view_markers(xyz, colors=colors, marker_size=6)
def plot(connectome, title, axes): plotting.plot_connectome(connectome, DesikanAtlas.coordinates(), title=title, edge_threshold='90%', node_size=20, colorbar=True, axes=axes, annotate=True)
def test_plot_connectome_exception_wrong_edge_threshold(adjacency, node_coords): # noqa """Tests that a TypeError is raised in plot_connectome when edge threshold is neither a number nor a string. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='should be either a number or a string'): plot_connectome( adjacency, node_coords, edge_threshold=object(), display_mode='x' )
def test_plot_connectome_node_colors(node_color, display_mode, node_coords, adjacency, base_params, tmpdir): """Smoke test for plot_connectome with different values for node_color.""" plot_connectome(adjacency, node_coords, node_color=node_color, display_mode=display_mode, **base_params) plt.close()
def test_plot_connectome_node_and_edge_kwargs(adjacency, node_coords): """Smoke test for plot_connectome with node_kwargs, edge_kwargs, and edge_cmap arguments. """ plot_connectome(adjacency, node_coords, edge_threshold='70%', node_size=[10, 20, 30, 40], node_color=np.zeros((4, 3)), edge_cmap='RdBu', colorbar=True, node_kwargs={'marker': 'v'}, edge_kwargs={'linewidth': 4}) plt.close()
def test_plot_connectome_exceptions_providing_node_info_with_kwargs( node_kwargs, adjacency, node_coords, expected_error_node_kwargs): """Tests that an error is raised when specifying node parameters via node_kwargs in plot_connectome. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected_error_node_kwargs): plot_connectome( adjacency, node_coords, node_kwargs=node_kwargs, display_mode='x' )
def test_plot_connectome_masked_array_sparse_matrix(node_coords, adjacency, base_params): """Smoke tests for plot_connectome with masked arrays and sparse matrices as inputs. """ masked_adjacency_matrix =, np.abs(adjacency) < 0.5) plot_connectome(masked_adjacency_matrix, node_coords, **base_params) sparse_adjacency_matrix = sparse.coo_matrix(adjacency) plot_connectome(sparse_adjacency_matrix, node_coords, **base_params) plt.close()
def test_plot_connectome_exceptions_wrong_number_node_colors(node_color, adjacency, node_coords): """Tests that a wrong number of node colors raises a ValueError in plot_connectome. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Mismatch between the number of nodes'): plot_connectome( adjacency, node_coords, node_color=node_color, display_mode='x' )
def test_plot_connectome_exception_wrong_edge_threshold_format( threshold, adjacency, node_coords): """Tests that a ValueError is raised when edge_threshold is an incorrectly formatted string. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=("should be a number followed " "by the percent sign")): plot_connectome( adjacency, node_coords, edge_threshold=threshold, display_mode='x' )
def run_mini_pipeline(): atlas = datasets.fetch_atlas_msdl() atlas_img = atlas['maps'] labels = pd.read_csv(atlas['labels'])['name'] masker = NiftiMapsMasker(maps_img=atlas_img, standardize=True, memory='/tmp/nilearn', verbose=0) data = datasets.fetch_adhd(number_subjects) figures_folder = '../figures/' count=0 for func_file, confound_file in zip(data.func, data.confounds): # fit the data to the atlas mask, regress out confounds time_series = masker.fit_transform(func_file, confounds=confound_file) correlation = np.corrcoef(time_series.T) #plotting starts here plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(correlation, interpolation="nearest") x_ticks = plt.xticks(range(len(labels)), labels, rotation=90) y_ticks = plt.yticks(range(len(labels)), labels) corr_file = figures_folder+'subject_number_' + str(count) + '_correlation.pdf' plt.savefig(corr_file) atlas_region_coords = [plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img) for img in image.iter_img(atlas_img)] threshold = 0.6 plotting.plot_connectome(correlation, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold=threshold) connectome_file = figures_folder+'subject_number_' + str(count) + '_connectome.pdf' plt.savefig(connectome_file) #graph setup #binarize correlation matrix correlation[correlation<threshold] = 0 correlation[correlation != 0] = 1 graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(correlation) partition=louvain.best_partition(graph) values = [partition.get(node) for node in graph.nodes()] plt.figure() nx.draw_spring(graph, cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet'), node_color = values, node_size=30, with_labels=True) graph_file = figures_folder+'subject_number_' + str(count) + '_community.pdf' plt.savefig(graph_file) count += 1 plt.close('all')
def plot( self, ROIcoord, clusterID, title): """ INPUT: - ROIcoord: MNNI coordinates - clusterID: which cluster should we plot """ ii = np.where( self.W[:, clusterID] !=0 )[0] RandomMat = np.cov( np.random.random(( 10, len(ii))).T ) # this is just a place holder, we will not plot any of it! # we just plot the result plotting.plot_connectome(RandomMat, ROIcoord[ii,:], node_color='black', annotate=False, display_mode='ortho', edge_kwargs = {'alpha':0}, node_size=50, title=title)
def plot_brains(coords, colors, fname): plt.clf() adjMat = np.zeros(shape=(len(colors), len(colors))) bf = plt.figure(figsize=[24, 20]) plot_connectome(adjMat, coords, colors, display_mode='lr', node_size=900, figure=bf, output_file=fname)
def plot_ecog_electrodes_mni_from_file(mni_coords_fullfile, chan_num_min=-1, chan_num_max=-1, num_grid_chans=64, colors=list()): 'Plots ECoG electrodes from MNI coordinate file' #Example code to run it: #import sys #sys.path.append('/home/stepeter/AJILE/stepeter_sandbox/ECoG_Preprocessing') #from plot_ecog_electrodes_mni import * #mni_coords_fullfile='/data2/users/stepeter/mni_coords/a0f66459/294e1c_Trodes_MNIcoords.txt' #plot_ecog_electrodes_mni(mni_coords_fullfile,chan_num_min=-1,chan_num_max=-1,num_grid_chans=64) #NOTE: A warning may pop up the first time running it, leading to no output. Rerun this function, and the plots should appear. #Load in MNI file mni_file = np.loadtxt(mni_coords_fullfile, delimiter=",") #Specify which channels to plot (from min to max number) if chan_num_min == -1: chan_num_min = 0 if chan_num_max == -1: chan_num_max = mni_file.shape[0] - 1 slice_inds = slice(chan_num_min, chan_num_max + 1) #Create dataframe for electrode locations locs = pd.DataFrame({ 'x': mni_file[slice_inds, 0].T, 'y': mni_file[slice_inds, 1].T, 'z': mni_file[slice_inds, 2].T }) #Label strips/depths differently for easier visualization (or use defined color list) if len(colors) == 0: for s in range(locs.shape[0]): if s >= num_grid_chans: colors.append('r') else: colors.append('b') #Plot the result ni_plt.plot_connectome(np.eye(locs.shape[0]), locs, output_file=None, node_kwargs={ 'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolors': None }, node_size=10, node_color=colors)
def plotBrains(coords, colors, fname=None): #Simplified from projUtils version mpl.rcParams.update(mpl.rcParamsDefault) numc = len(colors) adjMat = np.zeros(shape=(numc, numc)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[24, 12]) plot_connectome(adjMat, coords, colors, display_mode='lr', node_size=900, figure=fig, output_file=fname, black_bg=False)
def plot_connectome(matrix, coords, colors, size, threshold, fname,, title='', max_=None, min_=None, display_='ortho'): """ Wrapper of the plot_connectome function in nilearn with some fixed values """ from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_connectome(adjacency_matrix=matrix, node_coords=coords, node_color=colors.tolist(), node_size=1.5*size, edge_cmap=cmap, edge_vmin=min_, edge_vmax=max_, edge_threshold=threshold, output_file=fname, display_mode=display_, figure=plt.figure(figsize=(16*1.2,9*1.2)),# facecolor='k', edgecolor='k'), #axes, title=title, #annotate, black_bg=True, #alpha, edge_kwargs={ 'alpha':0.8, 'linewidth':9, }, node_kwargs={ 'edgecolors':'k', }, #colorbar=True )
############################################################################### # Plot matrix and graph # --------------------- # # We use `matplotlib` plotting functions to visualize our correlation matrix # and display the graph of connections with `nilearn.plotting.plot_connectome`. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from nilearn import plotting plt.imshow(matrix, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap="RdBu_r", interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar() plt.title("Power correlation matrix") # Tweak edge_threshold to keep only the strongest connections. plotting.plot_connectome( matrix, coords, title="Power correlation graph", edge_threshold="99.8%", node_size=20, colorbar=True ) ############################################################################### # Note the 1. on the matrix diagonal: These are the signals variances, set to # 1. by the `spheres_masker`. Hence the covariance of the signal is a # correlation matrix ############################################################################### # Connectome extracted from Dosenbach's atlas # ------------------------------------------- # # We repeat the same steps for Dosenbach's atlas. dosenbach = datasets.fetch_coords_dosenbach_2010() coords = np.vstack((dosenbach.rois["x"], dosenbach.rois["y"], dosenbach.rois["z"])).T
from nilearn.group_sparse_covariance import GroupSparseCovarianceCV gsc = GroupSparseCovarianceCV(verbose=2) print("-- Computing graph-lasso precision matrices ...") from sklearn import covariance gl = covariance.GraphLassoCV(verbose=2) # Displaying results ########################################################## atlas_imgs = image.iter_img(msdl_atlas_dataset.maps) atlas_region_coords = [plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img) for img in atlas_imgs] title = "GraphLasso" plotting.plot_connectome(-gl.precision_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Sparse inverse covariance (GraphLasso)") plotting.plot_connectome(gl.covariance_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Covariance") plot_matrices(gl.covariance_, gl.precision_, title) title = "GroupSparseCovariance" plotting.plot_connectome(-gsc.precisions_[..., 0], atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title=title) plot_matrices(gsc.covariances_[..., 0], gsc.precisions_[..., 0], title)
# The covariance can be found at estimator.covariance_ plt.imshow(estimator.covariance_, interpolation="nearest", vmax=1, vmin=-1, # And display the labels x_ticks = plt.xticks(range(len(labels)), labels, rotation=90) y_ticks = plt.yticks(range(len(labels)), labels) plt.title('Covariance') ############################################################################## # And now display the corresponding graph # ---------------------------------------- from nilearn import plotting coords = atlas.region_coords plotting.plot_connectome(estimator.covariance_, coords, title='Covariance') ############################################################################## # Display the sparse inverse covariance # -------------------------------------- # we negate it to get partial correlations plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(-estimator.precision_, interpolation="nearest", vmax=1, vmin=-1, # And display the labels x_ticks = plt.xticks(range(len(labels)), labels, rotation=90) y_ticks = plt.yticks(range(len(labels)), labels) plt.title('Sparse inverse covariance') ##############################################################################
# All individual coefficients are stacked in a unique 2D matrix. print('Correlations of ADHD patients are stacked in an array of shape {0}' .format(correlation_matrices.shape)) ############################################################################### # as well as the average correlation across all fitted subjects. mean_correlation_matrix = correlation_measure.mean_ print('Mean correlation has shape {0}.'.format(mean_correlation_matrix.shape)) ############################################################################### # We display the connectomes of the first 3 ADHD subjects and the mean # correlation matrix over all ADHD patients. from nilearn import plotting plot_matrices(correlation_matrices[:4], 'correlation') plotting.plot_connectome(mean_correlation_matrix, msdl_coords, title='mean correlation over 13 ADHD subjects') ############################################################################### # Look at blocks structure, reflecting functional networks. ############################################################################### # Examine partial correlations # ---------------------------- # We can also study **direct connections**, revealed by partial correlation # coefficients. We just change the `ConnectivityMeasure` kind partial_correlation_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='partial correlation') ############################################################################### # and repeat the previous operation. partial_correlation_matrices = partial_correlation_measure.fit_transform( adhd_subjects)
if "Unknown" not in str(label): # Omit the Unknown label. # Compute mean location of vertices in label of index k coordinates.append(np.mean(rr[vert == k], axis=0)) coordinates = np.array(coordinates) # 3D coordinates of parcels # We now make a synthetic connectivity matrix that connects labels # between left and right hemispheres. n_parcels = len(coordinates) corr = np.zeros((n_parcels, n_parcels)) n_parcels_hemi = n_parcels // 2 corr[np.arange(n_parcels_hemi), np.arange(n_parcels_hemi) + n_parcels_hemi] = 1 corr = corr + corr.T plotting.plot_connectome(corr, coordinates, edge_threshold="90%", title='fsaverage Destrieux atlas') ############################################################################## # 3D visualization in a web browser # --------------------------------- # An alternative to :func:`nilearn.plotting.plot_surf_roi` is to use # :func:`nilearn.plotting.view_surf` for more interactive # visualizations in a web browser. See :ref:`interactive-surface-plotting` for # more details. view = plotting.view_surf(fsaverage.infl_left, parcellation, cmap='gist_ncar', symmetric_cmap=False) # uncomment this to open the plot in a web browser: # view.open_in_browser()
from nilearn.connectome import ConnectivityMeasure connectivity_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='partial correlation') partial_correlation_matrix = connectivity_measure.fit_transform( [time_series])[0] ########################################################################## # Display connectome # ------------------- # # We display the graph of connections with `:func: nilearn.plotting.plot_connectome`. from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_connectome(partial_correlation_matrix, dmn_coords, title="Default Mode Network Connectivity") ########################################################################## # Display connectome with hemispheric projections. # Notice (0, -52, 18) is included in both hemispheres since x == 0. plotting.plot_connectome(partial_correlation_matrix, dmn_coords, title="Connectivity projected on hemispheres", display_mode='lyrz') ############################################################################## # 3D visualization in a web browser # --------------------------------- from sklearn import covariance gl = covariance.GraphLassoCV(verbose=2) ############################################################################## # Displaying results # ------------------- atlas_imgs = image.iter_img(msdl_atlas_dataset.maps) atlas_region_coords = [plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img) for img in atlas_imgs] labels = msdl_atlas_dataset.labels plotting.plot_connectome(gl.covariance_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Covariance", display_mode="lzr") plotting.plot_connectome(-gl.precision_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Sparse inverse covariance (GraphLasso)", display_mode="lzr", edge_vmax=.5, edge_vmin=-.5) plot_matrices(gl.covariance_, gl.precision_, "GraphLasso", labels) title = "GroupSparseCovariance" plotting.plot_connectome(-gsc.precisions_[..., 0], atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title=title, display_mode="lzr", edge_vmax=.5, edge_vmin=-.5) plot_matrices(gsc.covariances_[..., 0],
__author__ = '2d Lt Kyle Palko' import numpy as np from nilearn import plotting as plt # import Pitt 0050013, a young autistic subject ts = np.genfromtxt('/media/kap/8e22f6f8-c4df-4d97-a388-0adcae3ec1fb/Python/Thesis/C200/ABIDE_pcp/cpac/filt_noglobal/' 'Pitt_0050013_rois_cc200.1D', skip_header=1) cor = np.corrcoef(ts.T) # create matrix x = np.zeros((200, 200)) for i in range(0, np.size(x, axis=0)): x[i][i] = 1 a = np.genfromtxt('cc200_roi.csv', delimiter=',') row = np.array([c[0] for c in a]) col = np.array([c[1] for c in a]) del a for i in range(0, 10): r = row[i] c = col[i] x[r, c] = cor[r, c] x[c, r] = cor[c, r] node_coords = np.genfromtxt('cc200_lab_coord.csv', delimiter=',') plt.plot_connectome(x, node_coords, output_file='corrtest_1.png', node_size=1)
############################################################################### # Extract and plot correlation matrix for atlas in ['Power', 'Dosenbach']: if atlas == 'Power': timeseries = power_timeseries coords = power_coords else: timeseries = dosenbach_timeseries coords = dosenbach_coords connectivity = connectome.ConnectivityMeasure(kind='correlation') corr_matrix = connectivity.fit_transform([timeseries])[0] np.fill_diagonal(corr_matrix, 0) plt.figure() vmax = np.max(np.abs(corr_matrix)) plt.imshow(corr_matrix, vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax, cmap='RdBu_r', interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar() plt.title(atlas + 'correlation matrix') # Plot the connectome plotting.plot_connectome(corr_matrix, coords, edge_threshold='99.8%', node_size=20, title=atlas + 'correlation connectome')
if kind == 'tangent': mean_connectivity_matrix[kind] = conn_measure.mean_ else: mean_connectivity_matrix[kind] = \ individual_connectivity_matrices[kind].mean(axis=0) ###################################################################### # Plot the mean connectome with hemispheric saggital cuts import numpy as np from nilearn import plotting labels = atlas.labels region_coords = atlas.region_coords for kind in kinds: plotting.plot_connectome(mean_connectivity_matrix[kind], region_coords, edge_threshold='98%', title=kind, display_mode='lzry') ###################################################################### # Use the connectivity coefficients to classify ADHD vs controls from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold, cross_val_score classes = ['{0}{1}'.format(site, adhd) for site, adhd in zip(sites, adhds)] print('Classification accuracy:') mean_scores = [] cv = StratifiedKFold(classes, n_folds=3) for kind in kinds: svc = LinearSVC() # Transform the connectivity matrices to 1D arrays coonectivity_coefs = connectome.sym_to_vec(
############################################################################### # as well as the average correlation across all fitted subjects. mean_correlation_matrix = correlation_measure.mean_ print('Mean correlation has shape {0}.'.format(mean_correlation_matrix.shape)) ############################################################################### # We display the connectome matrices of the first 4 children from nilearn import plotting plot_matrices(correlation_matrices[:4], 'correlation') ############################################################################### # The blocks structure that reflect functional networks are visible. ############################################################################### # Now we display as a connectome the mean correlation matrix over all children. plotting.plot_connectome(mean_correlation_matrix, msdl_coords, title='mean correlation over all children') ############################################################################### # Studying partial correlations # ----------------------------- # We can also study **direct connections**, revealed by partial correlation # coefficients. We just change the `ConnectivityMeasure` kind partial_correlation_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='partial correlation') ############################################################################### # and repeat the previous operation. partial_correlation_matrices = partial_correlation_measure.fit_transform( children) ############################################################################### # Most of direct connections are weaker than full connections,
############################################################################### # Plot resulting connectomes # ---------------------------- title = 'Correlation between %d regions' % n_regions_extracted # First plot the matrix display = plotting.plot_matrix(mean_correlations, vmax=1, vmin=-1, colorbar=True, title=title) # Then find the center of the regions and plot a connectome regions_img = regions_extracted_img coords_connectome = plotting.find_probabilistic_atlas_cut_coords(regions_img) plotting.plot_connectome(mean_correlations, coords_connectome, edge_threshold='90%', title=title) ################################################################################ # Plot regions extracted for only one specific network # ---------------------------------------------------- # First, we plot a network of index=4 without region extraction (left plot) from nilearn import image img = image.index_img(components_img, 4) coords = plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img) display = plotting.plot_stat_map(img, cut_coords=coords, colorbar=False, title='Showing one specific network') ################################################################################ # Now, we plot (right side) same network after region extraction to show that
for time_serie, label in zip(time_series.T, labels): plt.plot(time_serie, label=label) plt.title("Default Mode Network Time Series") plt.xlabel("Scan number") plt.ylabel("Normalized signal") plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() ########################################################################## # Compute precision matrices from sklearn.covariance import LedoitWolf cve = LedoitWolf() ########################################################################## # Display connectome from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_connectome(cve.precision_, dmn_coords, title="Default Mode Network Connectivity") # Display connectome with hemispheric projections. # Notice (0, -52, 18) is included in both hemispheres since x == 0. title = "Connectivity projected on hemispheres" plotting.plot_connectome(cve.precision_, dmn_coords, title=title, display_mode="lyrz")
w,a = pairwise_classification(Xp, yp, title=output) print groups[i], groups[j], a t = np.zeros((len(roi_names), len(roi_names))) t[ind] = np.abs(w) t = (t + t.T) / 2. if msdl: msdl_str = 'msdl' else: msdl_str = 'rois' output_folder = os.path.join(set_figure_base_dir('classification'), metric, session, msdl_str) if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, 'connectome_' + output) plot_connectome(t, roi_coords, title=output, output_file=output_file, annotate=True, edge_threshold='0%') # 1 vs rest for i in range(3): gr_i = dataset.group_indices[groups[i]] yr = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) yr[gr_i] = 1 output = '_'.join([groups[i] + '_rest', metric, session, msdl_str, preprocessing_folder]) plt.figure() w, a = pairwise_classification(X, yr, title=output) print groups[i] + '_rest', a if np.sum(w) == 0:
############################################################################### # Extract and plot correlation matrix # calculate connectivity and plot Power-264 correlation matrix connectivity = connectome.ConnectivityMeasure(kind='correlation') corr_matrix = connectivity.fit_transform([timeseries])[0] np.fill_diagonal(corr_matrix, 0) plt.imshow(corr_matrix, vmin=-1., vmax=1., cmap='RdBu_r') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Power 264 Connectivity') # Plot the connectome plotting.plot_connectome(corr_matrix, power_coords, edge_threshold='99.8%', node_size=20) ############################################################################### # Extract and plot covariance and sparse covariance # Compute the sparse inverse covariance from sklearn.covariance import GraphLassoCV estimator = GraphLassoCV() # Display the covariance plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.imshow(estimator.covariance_, interpolation="nearest",
plt.tight_layout() ########################################################################## # Compute partial correlation matrix # ----------------------------------- # Using object :class:`nilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure`: Its # default covariance estimator is Ledoit-Wolf, allowing to obtain accurate # partial correlations. from nilearn.connectome import ConnectivityMeasure connectivity_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='partial correlation') partial_correlation_matrix = connectivity_measure.fit_transform( [time_series])[0] ########################################################################## # Display connectome # ------------------- from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_connectome(partial_correlation_matrix, dmn_coords, title="Default Mode Network Connectivity") ########################################################################## # Display connectome with hemispheric projections. # Notice (0, -52, 18) is included in both hemispheres since x == 0. plotting.plot_connectome(partial_correlation_matrix, dmn_coords, title="Connectivity projected on hemispheres", display_mode='lyrz')
for func, confounds in zip(data.func, data.confounds): time_series.append(masker.fit_transform(func, confounds=confounds)) # calculate correlation matrices across subjects and display correlation_matrices = connectome_measure.fit_transform(time_series) # Mean correlation matrix across 10 subjects can be grabbed like this, # using connectome measure object mean_correlation_matrix = connectome_measure.mean_ # grab center coordinates for atlas labels coordinates = plotting.find_parcellation_cut_coords(labels_img=yeo['thick_17']) # plot connectome with 80% edge strength in the connectivity plotting.plot_connectome(mean_correlation_matrix, coordinates, edge_threshold="80%", title='Yeo Atlas 17 thick (func)') ########################################################################## # Load probabilistic atlases - extracting coordinates on brain maps # ----------------------------------------------------------------- msdl = datasets.fetch_atlas_msdl() ########################################################################## # Iterate over fetched atlases to extract coordinates - probabilistic # ------------------------------------------------------------------- from nilearn.input_data import NiftiMapsMasker # create masker to extract functional data within atlas parcels masker = NiftiMapsMasker(maps_img=msdl['maps'], standardize=True,
def plot_cluster_stats(self, cluster_name): """ Multi panel plot showing: 1. brain map of electrodes in the cluster, color-coded by phase 2. brain map of electrodes in the cluster, color-coded by subsequent memory effect 3. timecourse of resultant vector length of wave direction, averaged across trials 4. timecourse of r^2, averaged across trials 5. polor plot of left-frontal and hippocampal electrode phases 6/7. same as 5, but for recalled and not recalled items only Data are taken from the timepoint with the highest r-square value. Figure creation code is so ugly sorry. """ ############################ # GET TIME TIME FOR X-AXIS # ############################ time_axis = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['time'] ##################### # SET UP THE FIGURE # ##################### gs = gridspec.GridSpec(6, 3) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[2, :]) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[3, :]) ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[4, 0], projection='polar') ax6 = plt.subplot(gs[4, 1], projection='polar') ax7 = plt.subplot(gs[4, 2], projection='polar') ax8 = plt.subplot(gs[5, 0], projection='polar') ax9 = plt.subplot(gs[5, 1], projection='polar') ax10 = plt.subplot(gs[5, 2], projection='polar') ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[1, :]) # some figure parameters fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(15, 30) mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 18 mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 18 ############################################# # INFO ABOUT THE ELECTRODES IN THIS CLUSTER # ############################################# cluster_rows = self.res['clusters'][cluster_name].notna() regions_all = self.get_electrode_roi_by_hemi() regions = regions_all[cluster_rows]['merged_col'].unique() regions_str = ', '.join(regions) xyz = self.res['clusters'][cluster_rows][['x', 'y', 'z']].values ############################### # ROW 1: electrodes and phase # ############################### mean_r2 = np.nanmean(self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['cluster_r2_adj'], axis=1) argmax_r2 = np.argmax(mean_r2) print(argmax_r2) phases = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['phase_data'][:, argmax_r2] # phases = (phases + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # phases[phases<0] += np.pi*2 # phases *= 180. / np.pi # phases -= phases.min() - 1 colors = np.stack([[0., 0., 0., 0.]] * len(phases)) cm = clrs.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('cm', cc.cyclic_mrybm_35_75_c68_s25) cNorm = clrs.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.pi * 2) colors[~np.isnan(phases)] = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm).to_rgba(phases[~np.isnan(phases)]) ni_plot.plot_connectome(np.eye(xyz.shape[0]), xyz, node_kwargs={'alpha': 0.7, 'edgecolors': None}, node_size=45, node_color=colors, display_mode='lzr', axes=ax1) mean_freq = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['mean_freq'] plt.suptitle('{0} ({1:.2f} Hz): {2}'.format(self.subject, mean_freq, regions_str), y=.9) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='6%', pad=15) cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cm, norm=cNorm, orientation='vertical', ticks=[0, np.pi / 2, np.pi, np.pi * 3 / 2, np.pi * 2])['0°', '90°', '180°', '270°', '360°']) for label in label.set_transform(label.get_transform() + mpl.transforms.ScaledTranslation(0.15, 0, fig.dpi_scale_trans)) ################################################## # ROW 2: electrodes and subsequent memory effect # ################################################## sme = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['sme_t'][:, argmax_r2] colors = np.stack([[0., 0., 0., 0.]] * len(sme)) cm = plt.get_cmap('RdBu_r') clim = np.max(np.abs(sme)) cNorm = clrs.Normalize(vmin=-clim, vmax=clim) colors[~np.isnan(sme)] = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm).to_rgba(sme[~np.isnan(sme)]) ni_plot.plot_connectome(np.eye(xyz.shape[0]), xyz, node_kwargs={'alpha': 0.7, 'edgecolors': None}, node_size=45, node_color=colors, display_mode='lzr', axes=ax5) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax5) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='6%', pad=15) cb2 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap='RdBu_r', norm=cNorm, orientation='vertical') for label in label.set_transform(label.get_transform() + mpl.transforms.ScaledTranslation(0.15, 0, fig.dpi_scale_trans)) ############################ # ROW 3: timecourse of RVL # ############################ rvl = pycircstat.resultant_vector_length(self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['cluster_wave_ang'], axis=1) ax2.plot(time_axis, rvl, lw=2) ax2.set_ylabel('RVL', fontsize=20) ################################## # ROW 4: timecourse of r-squared # ################################## ax3.plot(time_axis, np.nanmean(self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['cluster_r2_adj'], axis=1), lw=2) ax3.set_xlabel('Time (ms)', fontsize=20) ax3.set_ylabel('mean($R^{2}$)', fontsize=20) ############################ # ROW 5a: phase polar plots # ############################ # phases = np.deg2rad(phases) cluster_regions = regions_all[cluster_rows]['merged_col'] phases_left_front = phases[cluster_regions == 'left-Frontal'] phases_hipp = phases[(cluster_regions == 'left-Hipp') | (cluster_regions == 'right-Hipp')] phases_other = phases[~cluster_regions.isin(['left-Frontal', 'left-Hipp', 'right-Hipp'])] for this_phase in phases_left_front: ax4.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, 1], lw=3, c='#67a9cf', alpha=.5) for this_phase in phases_hipp: ax4.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, 1], lw=3, c='#ef8a62', alpha=.5) for this_phase in phases_other: ax4.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, .7], lw=2, c='k', alpha=.4, zorder=-1) ax4.grid() for r in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)[:-1]: ax4.plot([r, r], [0, 1.3], lw=1, c=[.7, .7, .7], zorder=-2) ax4.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) ax4.set_ylim(0, 1.3) ax4.set_yticklabels([]) ax4.set_aspect('equal', 'box') red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#67a9cf', label='L. Frontal') blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#ef8a62', label='Hipp') _ = ax4.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch], loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 0.9), frameon=False, fontsize=16) ################################################ # ROW 5b: phase polar plots for recalled items # ################################################ phases = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['phase_data_recalled'][:, argmax_r2] # phases = (phases + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # phases *= 180. / np.pi # phases -= phases.min() - 1 # phases = np.deg2rad(phases) phases_left_front = phases[cluster_regions == 'left-Frontal'] phases_hipp = phases[(cluster_regions == 'left-Hipp') | (cluster_regions == 'right-Hipp')] phases_other = phases[~cluster_regions.isin(['left-Frontal', 'left-Hipp', 'right-Hipp'])] for this_phase in phases_left_front: ax6.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, 1], lw=3, c='#67a9cf', alpha=.5) for this_phase in phases_hipp: ax6.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, 1], lw=3, c='#ef8a62', alpha=.5) for this_phase in phases_other: ax6.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, .7], lw=2, c='k', alpha=.4, zorder=-1) ax6.grid() for r in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)[:-1]: ax6.plot([r, r], [0, 1.3], lw=1, c=[.7, .7, .7], zorder=-2) ax6.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) ax6.set_ylim(0, 1.3) ax6.set_yticklabels([]) ax6.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax6.set_title('Recalled items', y=1.12) #################################################### # ROW 5c: phase polar plots for not recalled items # #################################################### phases = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['phase_data_not_recalled'][:, argmax_r2] # phases = (phases + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # phases *= 180. / np.pi # phases -= phases.min() - 1 # phases = np.deg2rad(phases) phases_left_front = phases[cluster_regions == 'left-Frontal'] phases_hipp = phases[(cluster_regions == 'left-Hipp') | (cluster_regions == 'right-Hipp')] phases_other = phases[~cluster_regions.isin(['left-Frontal', 'left-Hipp', 'right-Hipp'])] for this_phase in phases_left_front: ax7.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, 1], lw=3, c='#67a9cf', alpha=.5) for this_phase in phases_hipp: ax7.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, 1], lw=3, c='#ef8a62', alpha=.5) for this_phase in phases_other: ax7.plot([this_phase, this_phase], [0, .7], lw=2, c='k', alpha=.4, zorder=-1) ax7.grid() for r in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)[:-1]: ax7.plot([r, r], [0, 1.3], lw=1, c=[.7, .7, .7], zorder=-2) ax7.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) ax7.set_ylim(0, 1.3) ax7.set_yticklabels([]) ax7.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax7.set_title('Not recalled items', y=1.12) #################################################### # ROW 6: #################################################### recalled = self.res['traveling_waves']['cluster1']['recalled'] if ('left-Frontal' in self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['phase_by_roi']) & \ ('both-Hipp' in self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['phase_by_roi']): phase_by_roi = self.res['traveling_waves'][cluster_name]['phase_by_roi'] phase_left_front_roi = phase_by_roi['left-Frontal'][:, argmax_r2] # phase_left_front_roi = (phase_left_front_roi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) phase_hipp_roi = phase_by_roi['both-Hipp'][:, argmax_r2] # phase_hipp_roi = (phase_hipp_roi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) # phase_left_front_roi = (phase_left_front_roi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # phase_left_front_roi *= 180. / np.pi # phase_left_front_roi -= phase_left_front_roi.min() - 1 # phase_left_front_roi = np.deg2rad(phase_left_front_roi) # phase_hipp_roi = (phase_hipp_roi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi # phase_hipp_roi *= 180. / np.pi # phase_hipp_roi -= phase_hipp_roi.min() - 1 # phase_hipp_roi = np.deg2rad(phase_hipp_roi) # LEFT ax8 = self.rose_plot(phase_left_front_roi, n_bins=30, ax=ax8) ax8 = self.rose_plot(phase_hipp_roi, n_bins=30, ax=ax8) ax8.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) ax8.set_yticks([ax8.get_ylim()[1]]) ax8.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax8.tick_params(axis='y', colors=[.7, .7, .7]) for r in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)[:-1]: ax8.plot([r, r], [0, ax8.get_ylim()[1]], lw=1, c=[.7, .7, .7], zorder=-2) ax8.grid() # MIDDLE ax9 = self.rose_plot(phase_left_front_roi[recalled], n_bins=30, ax=ax9) ax9 = self.rose_plot(phase_hipp_roi[recalled], n_bins=30, ax=ax9) ax9.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) ax9.set_yticks([ax9.get_ylim()[1]]) ax9.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax9.tick_params(axis='y', colors=[.7, .7, .7]) for r in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)[:-1]: ax9.plot([r, r], [0, ax9.get_ylim()[1]], lw=1, c=[.7, .7, .7], zorder=-2) ax9.grid() # RIGHT ax10 = self.rose_plot(phase_left_front_roi[~recalled], n_bins=30, ax=ax10) ax10 = self.rose_plot(phase_hipp_roi[~recalled], n_bins=30, ax=ax10) ax10.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) ax10.set_yticks([ax10.get_ylim()[1]]) ax10.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax10.tick_params(axis='y', colors=[.7, .7, .7]) for r in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)[:-1]: ax10.plot([r, r], [0, ax10.get_ylim()[1]], lw=1, c=[.7, .7, .7], zorder=-2) ax10.grid() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.5) return fig
func_filename = adhd_dataset.func[0] confound_filename = adhd_dataset.confounds[0] time_series = masker.fit_transform(func_filename, confounds=[confound_filename]) # Computing precision matrices ################################################ from sklearn.covariance import LedoitWolf cve = LedoitWolf() # Displaying results ########################################################## import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from nilearn import plotting # Display time series for time_serie, label in zip(time_series.T, labels): plt.plot(time_serie, label=label) plt.title('Default Mode Network Time Series') plt.xlabel('Scan number') plt.ylabel('Normalized signal') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() # Display connectome title = "Default Mode Network Connectivity" plotting.plot_connectome(cve.precision_, dmn_coords, title=title)
############################################################################ # Build and display a correlation matrix from nilearn.connectome import ConnectivityMeasure correlation_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='correlation') correlation_matrix = correlation_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0] # Display the correlation matrix import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # Mask out the major diagonal np.fill_diagonal(correlation_matrix, 0) plt.imshow(correlation_matrix, interpolation="nearest", cmap="RdBu_r", vmax=0.8, vmin=-0.8) plt.colorbar() # And display the labels x_ticks = plt.xticks(range(len(labels)), labels, rotation=90) y_ticks = plt.yticks(range(len(labels)), labels) ############################################################################ # And now display the corresponding graph from nilearn import plotting coords = atlas.region_coords # We threshold to keep only the 20% of edges with the highest value # because the graph is very dense plotting.plot_connectome(correlation_matrix, coords, edge_threshold="80%", colorbar=True)
comp_list=partperm(func_type_list) with backend_pdf.PdfPages(save_report) as pdf: for g_index in range(len(func_type_list)+1): pdf.savefig(at_check[g_index]) plt.close() #tstats for comparison of metrics accross groups for kind in kinds: print('saving report: '+kind) for func_type in func_type_list : #average across all subjects Mean_mat = mean_connectivity_matrix[func_type][kind] Mean_tot = np.mean(Mean_mat) #plot connectomes plotting.plot_connectome(Mean_mat, coords,title= func_type +' '+ kind+' connectome',edge_threshold='90%') pdf.savefig() plt.close() if kind in ['correlation','partial correlation']: span = [-1,1] else: m_span = np.max(np.abs(Mean_mat)) span = [-m_span,m_span] plot_matrices(Mean_mat,span ,rois, 'Average '+func_type + ' ' + kind+ ' across subjects\nTotal average for '+kind+' = '+str(Mean_tot) ,colmap ="bwr",labelsize=l) pdf.savefig() plt.close() for comp in comps : paired = Paired if kind in ['correlation', 'partial correlation']: # Z-Fisher transform
time_series = masker.fit_transform(func_filename, confounds=[confound_filename]) ########################################################################## # Display time series import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for time_serie, label in zip(time_series.T, labels): plt.plot(time_serie, label=label) plt.title('Default Mode Network Time Series') plt.xlabel('Scan number') plt.ylabel('Normalized signal') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() ########################################################################## # Compute precision matrices from sklearn.covariance import LedoitWolf cve = LedoitWolf() ########################################################################## # Display connectome from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_connectome(cve.precision_, dmn_coords, title="Default Mode Network Connectivity")
masker = NiftiMapsMasker(maps_img=atlas_filename, standardize=True, memory='nilearn_cache', verbose=5) data = datasets.fetch_adhd(n_subjects=1) time_series = masker.fit_transform(data.func[0], confounds=data.confounds) correlation_matrix = np.corrcoef(time_series.T) # Display the correlation matrix from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(correlation_matrix, interpolation="nearest") # And display the labels x_ticks = plt.xticks(range(len(names)), names, rotation=90) y_ticks = plt.yticks(range(len(names)), names) # And now display the corresponding graph from nilearn import plotting coords = np.vstack((labels['x'], labels['y'], labels['z'])) # We threshold to keep only the 20% of edges with the highest value # because the graph is very dense plotting.plot_connectome(correlation_matrix, coords.T, edge_threshold="80%")
confound_filename = adhd_dataset.confounds[0] # Computing some confounds hv_confounds = mem.cache(nilearn.image.high_variance_confounds)( fmri_filename) time_series = masker.transform(fmri_filename, confounds=[hv_confounds, confound_filename]) print("-- Computing graph-lasso inverse matrix ...") from sklearn import covariance gl = covariance.GraphLassoCV(verbose=2) # Displaying results ########################################################## atlas_imgs = image.iter_img(msdl_atlas_dataset.maps) atlas_region_coords = [plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img) for img in atlas_imgs] title = "GraphLasso" plotting.plot_connectome(-gl.precision_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Sparse inverse covariance") plotting.plot_connectome(gl.covariance_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Covariance") plot_matrices(gl.covariance_, gl.precision_, title)
roi_names, roi_coords = load_msdl_names_and_coords() stat_av = read_test('pc', 'av', 'avg') stat_v = read_test('pc', 'v', 'avg') stat2 = read_test2('pc', ['av', 'v'], 'avg') i, j = np.unravel_index(stat2.argmax(), stat2.shape) print 'av 1sample pval :', stat_av[i, j] print 'v 1sample pval :', stat_v[i, j] print roi_names[i], roi_names[j] print i, j m = np.eye(2) m[1,0] = stat2[i, j] m[0,1] = m[1,0] plot_connectome(m, [roi_coords[i], roi_coords[j]]) conn = [] behav = [] for i in range(len(dataset.subjects)): c = load_dynacomp_fc(dataset.subjects[i], session='func1', metric='pc', msdl=True) conn.append(c[i, j]) b = behav_data[i]['postRT'] - behav_data[i]['preRT'] behav.append(b) sns.jointplot(np.array(conn), np.array(behav), kind='kde') sns.axlabel('Connectivity', 'Behavior')