def createTFCEfMRIOverlayImages(folder,suffix,title='',vmax=8,display_mode='z',slices=range(-20,50,10),threshold=0.94999,plotToAxis=False,f=[],axes=[],colorbar=True,tight_layout=False,draw_cross=False,annotate=False): TFCEposImg,posImg,TFCEnegImg,negImg=getFileNamesfromFolder(folder,suffix) bg_img='./Templates/MNI152_.5mm_masked_edged.nii.gz' # threshold=0.949 pos=image.math_img("np.multiply(img1,img2)", img1=image.threshold_img(TFCEposImg,threshold=threshold),img2=posImg) neg=image.math_img("np.multiply(img1,img2)", img1=image.threshold_img(TFCEnegImg,threshold=threshold),img2=negImg) fw=image.math_img("img1-img2",img1=pos,img2=neg) if plotToAxis: display=plotting.plot_stat_map(fw,display_mode=display_mode,threshold=0, cut_coords=slices,vmax=vmax,colorbar=colorbar, bg_img=bg_img,black_bg=False,title=title,dim=0, figure=f,axes=axes,draw_cross=draw_cross, annotate=annotate) else: display=plotting.plot_stat_map(fw,display_mode=display_mode,threshold=0, cut_coords=slices,vmax=vmax,colorbar=colorbar,bg_img=bg_img, black_bg=False,title=title,dim=0,annotate=annotate) if tight_layout: display.tight_layout() return display
def stat_function_tst(conn, prefix='', OUTPUT_PATH=None, threshold=0.05): fc = conn.hurst tst = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_group)(group, threshold, fc) for group in groups) if OUTPUT_PATH is None: font = {'family' : 'normal', 'size' : 20} changefont('font', **font) gr = ['v', 'av', 'avn'] for i in range(3): title = prefix + '_'.join(groups[i]) try: img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(tst[i]) print title plot_stat_map(img, cut_coords=(3, -63, 36)) except ValueError: print "problem with tst " + title changefont.func_defaults else: for i in range(3): title = prefix + '_'.join(groups[i]) output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, title) try: img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(tst[i]) plot_stat_map(img, cut_coords=(3, -63, 36), output_file=output_file + '.pdf') except ValueError: print "problem with tst " + title
def p_map(task, run, p_values_3d, threshold=0.05): """ Generate three thresholded p-value maps. Parameters ---------- task: int Task number run: int Run number p_value_3d: 3D array of p_value. threshold: The cutoff value to determine significant voxels. Returns ------- threshold p-value images """ fmri_img = image.smooth_img('../../../data/sub001/BOLD/' + 'task00' + str(task) + '_run00' + str(run) + '/filtered_func_data_mni.nii.gz', fwhm=6) mean_img = image.mean_img(fmri_img) log_p_values = -np.log10(p_values_3d) log_p_values[np.isnan(log_p_values)] = 0. log_p_values[log_p_values > 10.] = 10. log_p_values[log_p_values < -np.log10(threshold)] = 0 plot_stat_map(nib.Nifti1Image(log_p_values, fmri_img.get_affine()), mean_img, title="Thresholded p-values", annotate=False, colorbar=True)
def draw_brain_map(self): cmap = plt.get_cmap('Accent') self.fig = plt.figure('brain_map') plot_stat_map(self.cluster_img, cut_coords=(0, 0, 0), output_file=None, display_mode='ortho', colorbar=False, figure=self.fig, axes=None, title=None, threshold=0.1, annotate=True, draw_cross=False, black_bg='auto', symmetric_cbar="auto", dim=True, vmax=None, cmap=cmap)
def qc_image_data(dataset, images, plot_dir='qc'): # Get ready masker = GreyMatterNiftiMasker(memory=Memory(cachedir='nilearn_cache')).fit() if op.exists(plot_dir): # Delete old plots. shutil.rmtree(plot_dir) # Dataframe to contain summary metadata for neurovault images if dataset == 'neurovault': fetch_summary = pd.DataFrame( columns=('Figure #', 'col_id', 'image_id', 'name', 'modality', 'map_type', 'analysis_level', 'is_thresholded', 'not_mni', 'brain_coverage', 'perc_bad_voxels', 'perc_voxels_outside')) for ii, image in enumerate(images): im_path = image['absolute_path'] if im_path is None: continue ri = ii % 4 # row i ci = (ii / 4) % 4 # column i pi = ii % 16 + 1 # plot i fi = ii / 16 # figure i if ri == 0 and ci == 0: fh = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) print('Plot %03d of %d' % (fi + 1, np.ceil(len(images) / 16.))) ax = fh.add_subplot(4, 4, pi) title = "%s%s" % ( '(X) ' if image['rejected'] else '', op.basename(im_path)) if dataset == 'neurovault': fetch_summary.loc[ii] = [ 'fig%03d' % (fi + 1), image.get('collection_id'), image.get('id'), title, image.get('modality'), image.get('map_type'), image.get('analysis_level'), image.get('is_thresholded'), image.get('not_mni'), image.get('brain_coverage'), image.get('perc_bad_voxels'), image.get('perc_voxels_outside')] # Images may fail to be transformed, and are of different shapes, # so we need to trasnform one-by-one and keep track of failures. img = cast_img(im_path, dtype=np.float32) img = clean_img(img) try: img = masker.inverse_transform(masker.transform(img)) except Exception as e: print("Failed to mask/reshape image %s: %s" % (title, e)) plot_stat_map(img, axes=ax, black_bg=True, title=title, colorbar=False) if (ri == 3 and ci == 3) or ii == len(images) - 1: out_path = op.join(plot_dir, 'fig%03d.png' % (fi + 1)) save_and_close(out_path) # Save fetch_summary if dataset == 'neurovault': fetch_summary.to_csv(op.join(plot_dir, 'fetch_summary.csv'))
def plot_stat_map2(**kwargs): cut_coords = kwargs['cut_coords'] row_l = kwargs['row_l'] lines_nb = int(len(cut_coords) / row_l) for line in xrange(lines_nb): opt = dict(kwargs) opt.pop('row_l') opt['cut_coords'] = cut_coords[line * row_l: (line +1) *row_l] plotting.plot_stat_map(**opt)
def compute_hurst_and_stat(metric='dfa', regu='off', OUTPUT_PATH = '/volatile/hubert/beamer/test_hurst/', plot=False): conn = Hurst_Estimator(metric=metric, mask=dataset.mask,smoothing_fwhm=0, regu=regu, n_jobs=5) os.write(1,'fit\n') fc = #conn.load_map(INPUT_PATH) os.write(1,'save\n') #stat_function_tst(conn, metric+' '+regu+' ', OUTPUT_PATH) if plot: os.write(1,'plot\n') a = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(classify_group)(group, fc) for group in groups) tst = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_group)(group, .05, fc) for group in groups) ost = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_onesample)(group, 0.05, fc) for group in ['v', 'av', 'avn']) mht = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_onesample_Hmean)(group, 0.05, fc) for group in ['v', 'av', 'avn']) mpt = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(mne_permutation_ttest)(group,0.05, fc, 1) for group in ['v', 'av', 'avn']) cot = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_onesample_coef)(np.reshape(coef['coef'], (coef['coef'].shape[0], coef['coef'].shape[-1])), 0.05, fc) for coef in a) gr = ['v', 'av', 'avn'] if regu=='off': OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, metric) else: OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, metric, regu) for i in range(3): title = '_'.join(groups[i]) output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, title) img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(tst[i]) plot_stat_map(img, cut_coords=(3, -63, 36), title=title, output_file=output_file + '.pdf') img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(cot[i]) plot_stat_map(img, title='coef_map ' + title, output_file=output_file + 'coef_map.pdf') title = gr[i] output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, title) img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(ost[i]) plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title, output_file= output_file + '.pdf') img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(mht[i]) plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title, output_file= output_file + 'meanH.pdf') img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(mpt[i]) plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title, output_file= output_file + 'mnepermutH.pdf') plt.figure() plt.boxplot(map(lambda x: x['accuracy'], a)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'boxplot.pdf'))
def montage(img, thr=0, mode='coronal', rows=5, cloumns=6, fsz=(10, 20)): """ Make a montage using nilearn for the background The output figure will be 5 slices wide and 6 slices deep :param img: nilearn image containing the data :param thr: threshold for the image :param mode: view mode. saggital, coronal, axial :param rows: number of rows in the figure :param cloumns: number of columns in the figure :param fsz: size of the figure :return fig: figure handle for saving or whatnot """ # Hardwired view range sag_rng = [-65, 65] cor_rng = [-100, 65] axi_rng = [-71, 85] # Get the number of slices n_slices = rows * cloumns if mode == 'coronal': # Get the slice indices view_range = np.floor(np.linspace(cor_rng[0], cor_rng[1], n_slices)) view_mode = 'y' if mode == 'axial': # Get the slice indices view_range = np.floor(np.linspace(axi_rng[0], axi_rng[1], n_slices)) view_mode = 'z' if mode == 'saggital': # Get the slice indices view_range = np.floor(np.linspace(sag_rng[0], sag_rng[1], n_slices)) view_mode = 'x' # Prepare the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsz) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(cloumns, 1, hspace=0, wspace=0) # Loop through the rows of the image for row_id in range(cloumns): # Create the axis to show ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row_id, 0]) # Get the slices in the column direction row_range = view_range[row_id*rows:(row_id+1)*rows] # Display the thing nlp.plot_stat_map(img, cut_coords=row_range, display_mode=view_mode, threshold=thr, axes=ax, black_bg=True) return fig
def run(idx, reduction, alpha, mask, raw, n_components, init, func_filenames): output_dir = join(trace_folder, 'experiment_%i' % idx) try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError: pass dict_fact = SpcaFmri(mask=mask, smoothing_fwhm=3, batch_size=40, shelve=not raw, n_components=n_components, replacement=False, dict_init=fetch_atlas_smith_2009().rsn70 if init else None, reduction=reduction, alpha=alpha, random_state=0, n_epochs=2, l1_ratio=0.5, backend='c', memory=expanduser("~/nilearn_cache"), memory_level=2, verbose=5, n_jobs=1, trace_folder=output_dir ) print('[Example] Learning maps') t0 = time.time(), raw=raw) t1 = time.time() - t0 print('[Example] Dumping results') # Decomposition estimator embeds their own masker masker = dict_fact.masker_ components_img = masker.inverse_transform(dict_fact.components_) components_img.to_filename(join(output_dir, 'components_final.nii.gz')) print('[Example] Run in %.2f s' % t1) # Show components from both methods using 4D plotting tools import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from nilearn.plotting import plot_prob_atlas, show print('[Example] Displaying') fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1) plot_prob_atlas(components_img, view_type="filled_contours", axes=axes[0]) plot_stat_map(index_img(components_img, 0), axes=axes[1], colorbar=False, threshold=0) plt.savefig(join(output_dir, 'components.pdf')) show()
def diff_computed_hurst(metric='wavelet', regu='off', INPUT_PATH = '/volatile/hubert/beamer/test_hurst/', OUTPUT_PATH=''): conn = Hurst_Estimator(metric=metric, mask=dataset.mask, regu=regu, n_jobs=5) os.write(1,'load\n') conn.load_map(INPUT_PATH) fc = conn.hurst os.write(1,'stat\n') tst = ttest_group(['av', 'v'], .05, fc) vmean_avmean = np.mean([fc[i] for i in dataset.group_indices['v']], axis=0) - np.mean([fc[i] for i in dataset.group_indices['av']], axis=0) vmean_avmean[tst == 0] = 0 img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(vmean_avmean) plot_stat_map(img)
def plot_contrast(first_level_model): """ Given a first model, specify, enstimate and plot the main contrasts""" design_matrix = first_level_model.design_matrices_[0] # Call the contrast specification within the function contrasts = make_localizer_contrasts(design_matrix) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 3)) # compute the per-contrast z-map for index, (contrast_id, contrast_val) in enumerate(contrasts.items()): ax = plt.subplot(1, len(contrasts), 1 + index) z_map = first_level_model.compute_contrast( contrast_val, output_type='z_score') plotting.plot_stat_map( z_map, display_mode='z', threshold=3.0, title=contrast_id, axes=ax, cut_coords=1)
def make_thresholded_slices(regions, colors, display_mode='z', overplot=True, binarize=True, **kwargs): """ Plots on axial slices numerous images regions: Nibabel images colors: List of colors (rgb tuples) overplot: Overlay images? binarize: Binarize images or plot full stat maps """ from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from nilearn import plotting as niplt if binarize: for reg in regions: reg.get_data()[reg.get_data().nonzero()] = 1 for i, reg in enumerate(regions): reg_color = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('reg1', [colors[i], colors[i]]) if i == 0: plot = niplt.plot_stat_map(reg, draw_cross=False, display_mode=display_mode, cmap = reg_color, alpha=0.9, colorbar=False, **kwargs) else: if overplot: plot.add_overlay(reg, cmap = reg_color, alpha=.72) else: plt.plot_stat_map(reg, draw_cross=False, display_mode=display_mode, cmap = reg_color, colorbar=False, **kwargs) return plot
def make_stat_image(nifti_file,png_img_file=None): """Make statmap image""" nifti_file = str(nifti_file) brain = plot_stat_map(nifti_file) if png_img_file: brain.savefig(png_img_file) plt.close('all') return brain
def ica_vis(subj_num): # Use the mean as a background mean_img_1 = image.mean_img(BOLD_file_1) mean_img_2 = image.mean_img(BOLD_file_2) mean_img_3 = image.mean_img(BOLD_file_3) plot_stat_map(image.index_img(component_img_1, 5), mean_img_1, output_file=os.path.join(data_path,'sub'+subj_num+'_BOLD','task001_run001'+'ica_1'+'.jpg')) plot_stat_map(image.index_img(component_img_1, 12), mean_img_1, output_file=os.path.join(data_path,'sub'+subj_num+'_BOLD','task001_run001'+'ica_2'+'.jpg')) plot_stat_map(image.index_img(component_img_2, 5), mean_img_2, output_file=os.path.join(data_path,'sub'+subj_num+'_BOLD','task002_run001'+'ica_1'+'.jpg')) plot_stat_map(image.index_img(component_img_2, 12), mean_img_2, output_file=os.path.join(data_path,'sub'+subj_num+'_BOLD','task002_run001'+'ica_2'+'.jpg'))
def plot_stat_overlay(stat_img, contour_img, bg_img, **kwargs): """Plot over bg_img a stat_img and the countour.""" import nilearn.plotting as niplot if bg_img is not None: kwargs['bg_img'] = bg_img display = niplot.plot_stat_map(stat_img, **kwargs) display.add_contours(contour_img, filled=True, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5], colors='g') return display
def dump_comps(masker, compressor, components, threshold=2, fwhm=None, perc=None): from scipy.stats import zscore from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map from nilearn.image import smooth_img from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile if isinstance(compressor, basestring): comp_name = compressor else: comp_name = compressor.__str__().split('(')[0] for i_c, comp in enumerate(components): path_mask = op.join(WRITE_DIR, '%s_%i-%i' % (comp_name, n_comp, i_c + 1)) nii_raw = masker.inverse_transform(comp) nii_raw.to_filename(path_mask + '.nii.gz') comp_z = zscore(comp) if perc is not None: cur_thresh = scoreatpercentile(np.abs(comp_z), per=perc) path_mask += '_perc%i' % perc print('Applying percentile %.2f (threshold: %.2f)' % (perc, cur_thresh)) else: cur_thresh = threshold path_mask += '_thr%.2f' % cur_thresh print('Applying threshold: %.2f' % cur_thresh) nii_z = masker.inverse_transform(comp_z) gz_path = path_mask + '_zmap.nii.gz' nii_z.to_filename(gz_path) plot_stat_map(gz_path, bg_img='colin.nii', threshold=cur_thresh, cut_coords=(0, -2, 0), draw_cross=False, output_file=path_mask + 'zmap.png') # optional: do smoothing if fwhm is not None: nii_z_fwhm = smooth_img(nii_z, fwhm=fwhm) plot_stat_map(nii_z_fwhm, bg_img='colin.nii', threshold=cur_thresh, cut_coords=(0, -2, 0), draw_cross=False, output_file=path_mask + ('zmap_%imm.png' % fwhm))
def plot_components(ica_image, hemi='', out_dir=None, bg_img=datasets.load_mni152_template()): print("Plotting %s components..." % hemi) # Determine threshoold and vmax for all the plots # get nonzero part of the image for proper thresholding of # r- or l- only component nonzero_img = ica_image.get_data()[np.nonzero(ica_image.get_data())] thr = stats.scoreatpercentile(np.abs(nonzero_img), 90) vmax = stats.scoreatpercentile(np.abs(nonzero_img), 99.99) for ci, ic_img in enumerate(iter_img(ica_image)): title = _title_from_terms(terms=ica_image.terms, ic_idx=ci, label=hemi) fh = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) plot_stat_map(ic_img, axes=fh.gca(), threshold=thr, vmax=vmax, colorbar=True, title=title, black_bg=True, bg_img=bg_img) # Save images instead of displaying if out_dir is not None: save_and_close(out_path=op.join( out_dir, '%s_component_%i.png' % (hemi, ci)))
def dump_comps(masker, compressor, components, threshold=2): from scipy.stats import zscore from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map if isinstance(compressor, basestring): comp_name = compressor else: comp_name = compressor.__str__().split('(')[0] for i_c, comp in enumerate(components): path_mask = op.join(WRITE_DIR, '%s_%i-%i' % (comp_name, n_comp, i_c + 1)) nii_raw = masker.inverse_transform(comp) nii_raw.to_filename(path_mask + '.nii.gz') nii_z = masker.inverse_transform(zscore(comp)) gz_path = path_mask + '_zmap.nii.gz' nii_z.to_filename(gz_path) plot_stat_map(gz_path, bg_img='colin.nii', threshold=threshold, cut_coords=(0, -2, 0), draw_cross=False, output_file=path_mask + 'zmap.png')
def main(stat_map="nii/tstat.nii.gz", template="~/NIdata/templates/medres_QBI_chr.nii.gz", black_bg=False, cut_coords=(-50,8,45)): template = path.expanduser(template) colors_plus =, 1, 128)) colors_minus =, 1, 128)) colors = np.vstack((colors_minus, colors_plus[::-1])) mymap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_colormap', colors) for i in ['none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16','spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric','catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos']: display = plotting.plot_stat_map(stat_map, bg_img=template,threshold=2.5, vmax=40, cmap=mymap, black_bg=black_bg, cut_coords=cut_coords, annotate=True, title=i+" interpolation", draw_cross=False, interpolation=i) plt.savefig(i, dpi=700)
def generate_images(components_img, n_components, images_dir, glass=False): # Remove existing images if os.path.exists(images_dir): shutil.rmtree(images_dir) os.makedirs(images_dir) output_filenames = [osp.join(images_dir, 'IC_{}.png'.format(i)) for i in range(n_components)] for i, output_file in enumerate(output_filenames): plot_stat_map(nibabel.Nifti1Image(components_img.get_data()[..., i], components_img.get_affine()), display_mode="z", title="IC %d" % i, cut_coords=7, colorbar=False, output_file=output_file) if glass: output_filenames = [osp.join(images_dir, 'glass_IC_{}.png'.format(i)) for i in range(n_components)] for i, output_file in enumerate(output_filenames): plot_glass_brain(nibabel.Nifti1Image( components_img.get_data()[..., i], components_img.get_affine()), display_mode="ortho", title="IC %d" % i, output_file=output_file)
def make_plot(mr, color, png_image, black_bg=False): """make_plot :param mr: a nibabel.Nifti1Image :param color: a matplotlib color map :param png_image: file name for output png :black_bg: True saves image with black background (default False) """ plot_stat_map( mr, display_mode="z", colorbar=False, annotate=False, draw_cross=False, cmap=color, cut_coords=1, black_bg=black_bg, ) if black_bg == False: plt.savefig(png_image) else: plt.savefig(png_image, facecolor="k", edgecolor="k") plt.close()
def stat_ttest_function(conn, prefix='', OUTPUT_PATH=None): fc = conn.hurst ost = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_onesample)(group, 0.05, fc) for group in ['v', 'av', 'avn']) mht = Parallel(n_jobs=3, verbose=5)(delayed(ttest_onesample_Hmean)(group, 0.05, fc) for group in ['v', 'av', 'avn']) gr = ['v', 'av', 'avn'] if OUTPUT_PATH is None: for i in range(3): title = prefix + gr[i] try: img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(ost[i]) plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title) except ValueError: print "problem with ost " + title try: img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(mht[i]) plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title) except ValueError: print "problem with mht " + title else: for i in range(3): title = prefix + gr[i] output_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, title) try: img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(ost[i]) #plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title, output_file= output_file + '.pdf') plot_stat_map(img, output_file= output_file + '.pdf') except ValueError: print "problem with ost " + title try: img = conn.masker.inverse_transform(mht[i]) #plot_stat_map(img, title='t-test H0 : H = 0.5 pvalue in -log10 scale groupe : ' + title, output_file= output_file + 'meanH.pdf') plot_stat_map(img, output_file= output_file + 'meanH.pdf') except ValueError: print "problem with mht " + title
def _generate_thumbnail(build_dir, img, cut_coords): threshold = np.percentile(nb.load(img).get_data(), 97) display = plot_stat_map(img, threshold=threshold, cut_coords=cut_coords, display_mode='z', annotate=False, colorbar=False, draw_cross=False, black_bg=False) study_id = img.split(os.path.sep)[-2] task_id, map_id = os.path.split(img)[-1].split('.nii.gz')[0].split('_', 1) fname = '%s_%s_%s.png' % ( img.split(os.path.sep)[-2], os.path.split(img)[-1].split('.nii.gz')[0], cut_coords) fname = os.path.join(build_dir, 'thumbnails', fname) display.savefig(fname, dpi=200) return study_id, task_id, map_id, fname
def plot_components_summary(ica_image, hemi='', out_dir=None, bg_img=datasets.load_mni152_template()): print("Plotting %s components summary..." % hemi) n_components = ica_image.get_data().shape[3] # Determine threshoold and vmax for all the plots # get nonzero part of the image for proper thresholding of # r- or l- only component nonzero_img = ica_image.get_data()[np.nonzero(ica_image.get_data())] thr = stats.scoreatpercentile(np.abs(nonzero_img), 90) vmax = stats.scoreatpercentile(np.abs(nonzero_img), 99.99) for ii, ic_img in enumerate(iter_img(ica_image)): ri = ii % 5 # row i ci = (ii / 5) % 5 # column i pi = ii % 25 + 1 # plot i fi = ii / 25 # figure i if ri == 0 and ci == 0: fh = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 20)) print('Plot %03d of %d' % (fi + 1, np.ceil(n_components / 25.))) ax = fh.add_subplot(5, 5, pi) title = _title_from_terms(terms=ica_image.terms, ic_idx=ii, label=hemi) colorbar = ci == 4 plot_stat_map( ic_img, axes=ax, threshold=thr, vmax=vmax, colorbar=colorbar, title=title, black_bg=True, bg_img=bg_img) if (ri == 4 and ci == 4) or ii == n_components - 1: out_path = op.join( out_dir, '%s_components_summary%02d.png' % (hemi, fi + 1)) save_and_close(out_path)
def plot_diff_avg(scores, threshold=0.01, coords=None, cross=False, **kwargs): '''plots subject scoremap using nilearn and returns display object''' mask = spenc_dir+'temporal_lobe_mask_grp_7T_test.nii.gz' background_img = '/home/data/psyinf/forrest_gump/anondata/templates/' + \ 'grpbold7Tp1/brain.nii.gz' scores = scores.copy() scores[np.abs(scores)<threshold] = 0.0 unmasked = unmask(scores, mask) unmasked = threshold_img(unmasked, 0.001) display = plot_stat_map( unmasked, cut_coords=coords, bg_img=background_img, title='metric per voxel', dim=-1, aspect=1.25, threshold=0.001, draw_cross=cross, **kwargs) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(12, 4) return display
def plot_subj_ko(subj, scores, threshold=0.01, coords=None): '''plots subject scoremap using nilearn and returns display object''' subj_mask = './masks/template_mask_thick.nii.gz' background_img = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'templates', 'grpbold7Tp1', 'brain.nii.gz') scores = scores.copy() scores[scores<threshold] = 0.0 unmasked = unmask(scores, subj_mask) unmasked = threshold_img(unmasked, 0.001) display = plot_stat_map( unmasked, cut_coords=coords, bg_img=background_img, symmetric_cbar=False, title='metric per voxel', dim=-1, aspect=1.25, threshold=0.001, draw_cross=False) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(12, 4) return display
def plot_subj(subj, scores, threshold=0.01, coords=None): '''plots subject scoremap using nilearn and returns display object''' subj_mask = spenc_dir+'temporal_lobe_mask_brain_subj{0:02}bold.nii.gz'.format(subj) background_img = '/home/data/psyinf/forrest_gump/anondata/sub{0:03}/'.format(subj)+\ 'templates/bold7Tp1/brain.nii.gz' scores = scores.copy() scores[scores<threshold] = 0.0 unmasked = unmask(scores, subj_mask) unmasked = threshold_img(unmasked, 0.001) display = plot_stat_map( unmasked, cut_coords=coords, bg_img=background_img, symmetric_cbar=False, title='metric per voxel', dim=-1, aspect=1.25, threshold=0.001, draw_cross=False) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(12, 4) return display
def _save_plot(self, predictor): """ Save Plots. Args: predictor: predictor instance Returns: predicter_weightmap_montage.png: Will output a montage of axial slices of weightmap predicter_prediction.png: Will output a plot of prediction """ if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) if self.algorithm == 'lassopcr': coef =,self._lasso.coef_) coef_img = self.nifti_masker.inverse_transform(np.transpose(coef)) elif self.algorithm == 'pcr': coef =,self._regress.coef_) coef_img = self.nifti_masker.inverse_transform(np.transpose(coef)) else: coef_img = self.nifti_masker.inverse_transform(predictor.coef_) overlay_img = nib.load(os.path.join(get_resource_path(),'MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz')) fig1 = plot_stat_map(coef_img, overlay_img, title=self.algorithm + " weights", cut_coords=range(-40, 40, 10), display_mode='z') fig1.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.algorithm + '_weightmap_axial.png')) if self.prediction_type == 'classification': if self.algorithm not in ['svm','ridgeClassifier','ridgeClassifierCV']: fig2 = probability_plot(self.stats_output) fig2.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.algorithm + '_prob_plot.png')) else: fig2 = dist_from_hyperplane_plot(self.stats_output) fig2.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.algorithm + '_Distance_from_Hyperplane_xval.png')) if self.algorithm == 'svm' and self.predictor.probability: fig3 = probability_plot(self.stats_output) fig3.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.algorithm + '_prob_plot.png')) elif self.prediction_type == 'prediction': fig2 = scatterplot(self.stats_output) fig2.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.algorithm + '_scatterplot.png'))
def plot_ica_components(components_img, **kwargs): """ Plot the components IC spatial maps in a grid.""" import math from nilearn.image import iter_img from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec n_ics = len(list(iter_img(components_img))) n_rows = math.ceil(n_ics/2) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3*n_rows), facecolor='black') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_rows, 2) plots = [] for i, ic_img in enumerate(iter_img(components_img)): ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) p = plot_stat_map(ic_img, display_mode="z", title="IC {}".format(i+1), cut_coords=1, colorbar=False, figure=fig, axes=ax, **kwargs) plots.append(p) for p in plots: p.close() return fig
# In[14]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 10)) topic_img_4d = neurosynth_dset_first_500.masker.inverse_transform( gclda_model.p_voxel_g_topic_.T) # Plot first ten topics topic_counter = 0 for i_row in range(5): for j_col in range(2): topic_img = image.index_img(topic_img_4d, index=topic_counter) display = plotting.plot_stat_map( topic_img, annotate=False, cmap="Reds", draw_cross=False, figure=fig, axes=axes[i_row, j_col], ) axes[i_row, j_col].set_title(f"Topic {str(topic_counter).zfill(3)}") topic_counter += 1 colorbar = display._cbar colorbar_ticks = colorbar.get_ticks() if colorbar_ticks[0] < 0: new_ticks = [colorbar_ticks[0], 0, colorbar_ticks[-1]] else: new_ticks = [colorbar_ticks[0], colorbar_ticks[-1]] colorbar.set_ticks(new_ticks, update_ticks=True) glue("figure_gclda_topics", fig, display=False)
def plot_t_brain(objIn, how="full", thr="unc", alpha=None, nperm=None, cut_coords=[], **kwargs): """ Takes a brain data object and computes a 1 sample t-test across it's first axis. If a list is provided will compute difference between brain data objects in list (i.e. paired samples t-test). Args: objIn:(list/Brain_Data) if list will compute difference map first how: (list) whether to plot a glass brain 'glass', 3 view-multi-slice mni 'mni', or both 'full' thr: (str) what method to use for multiple comparisons correction unc, fdr, or tfce alpha: (float) p-value threshold nperm: (int) number of permutations for tcfe; default 1000 cut_coords: (list) x,y,z coords to plot brain slice kwargs: optionals args to nilearn plot functions (e.g. vmax) """ if thr not in ["unc", "fdr", "tfce"]: raise ValueError("Acceptable threshold methods are 'unc','fdr','tfce'") views = ["x", "y", "z"] if len(cut_coords) == 0: cut_coords = [ range(-40, 50, 10), [-88, -72, -58, -38, -26, 8, 20, 34, 46], [-34, -22, -10, 0, 16, 34, 46, 56, 66], ] else: if len(cut_coords) != 3: raise ValueError( "cut_coords must be a list of coordinates like [[xs],[ys],[zs]]" ) cmap = "RdBu_r" if isinstance(objIn, list): if len(objIn) == 2: obj = objIn[0] - objIn[1] else: raise ValueError("Contrasts should contain only 2 list items!") thrDict = {} if thr == "tfce": thrDict["permutation"] = thr if nperm is None: nperm = 1000 thrDict["n_permutations"] = nperm print("1-sample t-test corrected using: TFCE w/ %s permutations" % nperm) else: if thr == "unc": if alpha is None: alpha = 0.001 thrDict[thr] = alpha print("1-sample t-test uncorrected at p < %.3f " % alpha) elif thr == "fdr": if alpha is None: alpha = 0.05 thrDict[thr] = alpha print("1-sample t-test corrected at q < %.3f " % alpha) else: thrDict = None print("1-sample test unthresholded") out = objIn.ttest(threshold_dict=thrDict) if thrDict is not None: obj = out["thr_t"] else: obj = out["t"] if how == "full": plot_glass_brain(obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs) for v, c in zip(views, cut_coords): plot_stat_map(obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs) elif how == "glass": plot_glass_brain(obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs) elif how == "mni": for v, c in zip(views, cut_coords): plot_stat_map(obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs) del obj del out return
haxby_func_filename = haxby_dataset.func[0] # one motor contrast map from NeuroVault motor_images = datasets.fetch_neurovault_motor_task() stat_img = motor_images.images[0] ############################################################################### # Plotting statistical maps with function `plot_stat_map` # -------------------------------------------------------- from nilearn import plotting # Visualizing t-map image on EPI template with manual # positioning of coordinates using cut_coords given as a list plotting.plot_stat_map(stat_img, threshold=3, title="plot_stat_map", cut_coords=[36, -27, 66]) ############################################################################### # Making interactive visualizations with function `view_img` # ---------------------------------------------------------- # An alternative to :func:`nilearn.plotting.plot_stat_map` is to use # :func:`nilearn.plotting.view_img` that gives more interactive # visualizations in a web browser. See :ref:`interactive-stat-map-plotting` # for more details. view = plotting.view_img(stat_img, threshold=3) # In a Jupyter notebook, if ``view`` is the output of a cell, it will # be displayed below the cell view
def plot_n_save_3plane(in_dict): ''' in_dict fields: in_dir in_fn cut_coords do_save (boolean) formats_used (a list-like object) area (brain area, for naming the output file) cmap (optional): a matplotlib colorbar object symmetric_cbar (optional): whether to treat cmap as symetrical ''' if 'symmetric_cbar' not in in_dict.keys(): in_dict['symmetric_cbar'] = 'auto' if 'cmap' not in in_dict.keys(): in_dict['cmap'] = mymap if in_dict['symmetric_cbar'] == 'auto': in_dict['cmap'] = cm.autumn if 'vmax' not in in_dict.keys(): in_dict['vmax'] = None if 'draw_cross' not in in_dict.keys(): in_dict['draw_cross'] = True if 'cluster_dict' not in in_dict.keys(): cluster_dict = {} else: cluster_dict = in_dict['cluster_dict'] cluster_dict['in_nii_fn'] = opj(in_dict['in_dir'], in_dict['in_fn']) if cluster_dict: thresholder = NiiThresholder(**cluster_dict) used_fn = thresholder.make_thresholded_image() else: used_fn = opj(in_dict['in_dir'], in_dict['in_fn']) pv = plotting.plot_stat_map( used_fn, black_bg=True, bg_img=(os.getenv('FSLDIR') + '/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz'), threshold=in_dict['threshold'], cut_coords=in_dict['cut_coords'], cmap=in_dict['cmap'], symmetric_cbar=in_dict['symmetric_cbar'], draw_cross=in_dict['draw_cross'], vmax=in_dict['vmax']) set_fig_bg_contrast(pv) if in_dict['do_save']: for fmt in in_dict['formats_used']: pv.savefig( opj( in_dict['out_dir'], in_dict['in_fn'].split('.')[0] + '_' + in_dict['area'] + '.' + fmt)) try: thresholder.clean_out_fn() except NameError: pass return pv
def plot_spm( zmaps, roi_dict, bg_img=None, z_threshold=0, f=None, axes=None, # brain_mask='../Templates/mni_icbm152_nlin_asym_09c_nifti/mni_icbm152_nlin_asym_09c.nii.gz', roi_to_plot=('PreSMA', 'M1', 'ACC', 'rIFG', 'STR', 'GPe', 'GPi', 'STN'), cut_coords=[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], contrasts=('failed_stop - go_trial', 'successful_stop - go_trial', 'failed_stop - successful_stop'), plot_columns=(0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7), empty_plots=False, skip_all_but_last=False, **kwargs): if f is None: gridspec = dict(hspace=0.0, wspace=0.0, width_ratios=[1, 1, 0.05, 1, 1, .05, 1, 1, .1]) f, axes = plt.subplots( len(roi_to_plot), len(zmaps) + 3, gridspec_kw=gridspec ) # add 3 columns: 2 interspace, 1 on the right for the colorbar if empty_plots: f.set_size_inches(len(zmaps) * 4, len(roi_to_plot) * 4) return f, axes all_cut_coords = [] all_disps = [] for row_n, roi in enumerate(roi_to_plot): # for debugging if skip_all_but_last: if row_n < (len(roi_to_plot) - 1): continue # get cut coordinates based on 1 hemisphere (if applicable) if roi in ['STR', 'STN', 'PreSMA', 'GPe', 'GPi']: roi_map = roi_dict['l' + roi] else: roi_map = roi_dict[roi] # roi_map = make_conjunction_mask(roi_map['fn'], brain_mask) if roi == 'rIFG': ## saggital if cut_coords[row_n] is None: this_cut_coords = plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords( roi_map['fn'])[0:1] else: this_cut_coords = cut_coords[row_n] display_mode = 'x' plot_rois = ['rIFG'] #, 'M1', 'rPreSMA'] elif roi == 'STR': ## axial view if cut_coords[row_n] is None: this_cut_coords = plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords( roi_map['fn'])[2:3] else: this_cut_coords = cut_coords[row_n] display_mode = 'z' plot_rois = [ 'rIFG', 'M1', 'lSTR', 'lGPe', 'lGPi', 'lSTN', 'rSTR', 'rGPe', 'rGPi', 'rSTN' ] elif roi == 'STN': ## plot coronal view if cut_coords[row_n] is None: this_cut_coords = plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords( roi_map['fn'])[1:2] else: this_cut_coords = cut_coords[row_n] display_mode = 'y' plot_rois = [ 'rIFG', 'M1', 'lSTR', 'lGPe', 'lGPi', 'lSTN', 'rSTR', 'rGPe', 'rGPi', 'rSTN' ] all_cut_coords.append({display_mode: this_cut_coords[0]}) # loop over contrasts for columns for col_n, map_n in zip(plot_columns, np.arange(len(zmaps))): zmap = zmaps[map_n] if skip_all_but_last: if col_n < (len(zmaps) - 1): continue if row_n == (len(roi_to_plot) - 1) and col_n == (len(zmaps) - 1): # plot colobar in the last plot cbar = False else: cbar = False # # do not plot in column 2 or 5 # plot_col = col_n # if col_n > 1: # plot_col = col_n + 1 # if col_n > 3: # plot_col = col_n + 2 if isinstance(z_threshold, list): this_threshold = z_threshold[map_n] else: this_threshold = z_threshold ax = axes[row_n, col_n] # print(cbar) disp = plotting.plot_stat_map(zmap, bg_img=bg_img, threshold=this_threshold, cut_coords=this_cut_coords, display_mode=display_mode, axes=ax, colorbar=cbar, **kwargs) # just plot *all* contours, always for roi_ in plot_rois: roi_map = roi_dict[roi_] # for roi_, roi_map in roi_dict.items(): # print(roi_map) add_contours(disp, roi=roi_map['fn'], thr=roi_map['threshold'], color=roi_map['color']) # determine limits (xlim/ylim) based on first column, and apply to all others this_key = list([x for x in disp.axes.keys()])[0] # Determine new xlim/ylim based on first column if col_n == plot_columns[0]: # extract old/current limits cur_xlim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_xlim() cur_ylim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_ylim() if display_mode == 'x': new_xlim = get_prop_limits([0, 1], cur_xlim) new_ylim = get_prop_limits([0, 1], cur_ylim) elif display_mode == 'z' and 'STN' in roi: new_xlim = get_prop_limits([.25, .75], cur_xlim) new_ylim = get_prop_limits([.40, .90], cur_ylim) elif display_mode == 'z' and 'STR' in roi: new_xlim = get_prop_limits([0, 1], cur_xlim) new_ylim = get_prop_limits([0.3, 1], cur_ylim) elif display_mode == 'y': new_xlim = get_prop_limits([.26, .74], cur_xlim) new_ylim = get_prop_limits([.25, .75], cur_ylim) # Change axes limits disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_xlim(new_xlim[0], new_xlim[1]) disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_ylim(new_ylim[0], new_ylim[1]) all_disps.append(disp) # # set new xlimits if necessary (ie zoom for STN view) # if 'STN' in roi and display_mode == 'z': # this_key = [x for x in disp.axes.keys()] # this_key = this_key[0] # cur_xlim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_xlim() # cur_ylim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_ylim() # new_xlim = get_prop_limits([.25, .75], cur_xlim) # new_ylim = get_prop_limits([.40, .90], cur_ylim) # disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_xlim(new_xlim[0], new_xlim[1]) # disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_ylim(new_ylim[0], new_ylim[1]) # elif 'STN' in roi and display_mode == 'y': # this_key = [x for x in disp.axes.keys()] # this_key = this_key[0] # cur_xlim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_xlim() # cur_ylim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_ylim() # new_xlim = get_prop_limits([.25, .75], cur_xlim) # new_ylim = get_prop_limits([.25, .75], cur_ylim) # disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_xlim(new_xlim[0], new_xlim[1]) # disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_ylim(new_ylim[0], new_ylim[1]) # elif 'STR' in roi and display_mode == 'z': # this_key = [x for x in disp.axes.keys()] # this_key = this_key[0] # cur_xlim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_xlim() # cur_ylim = disp.axes[this_key].ax.get_ylim() # new_xlim = get_prop_limits([0, 1], cur_xlim) # new_ylim = get_prop_limits([.3, 1], cur_ylim) # disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_xlim(new_xlim[0], new_xlim[1]) # disp.axes[this_key].ax.set_ylim(new_ylim[0], new_ylim[1]) # all_disps.append(disp) # add labels if not skip_all_but_last: for row_n, ax in enumerate(axes[:, 0]): cc = all_cut_coords[row_n] disp_mode = [x for x in cc.keys()][0] coord = cc[disp_mode] ax.annotate('%s = %d' % (disp_mode, int(coord)), xy=(0, 0.5), xytext=(-ax.yaxis.labelpad - 0.5, 0), xycoords=ax.yaxis.label, textcoords='offset points', rotation=90, ha='right', va='center') f.set_size_inches(len(zmaps) * 4, len(roi_to_plot) * 4) return f, axes, all_disps
def denoise(img_file, tsv_file, out_path, col_names=False, hp_filter=False, lp_filter=False, out_figure_path=False): nii_ext = '.nii.gz' FD_thr = [.5] sc_range = np.arange(-1, 3) constant = 'constant' # read in files img = load_niimg(img_file) # get file info img_name = os.path.basename(img.get_filename()) file_base = img_name[0:img_name.find('.')] save_img_file = pjoin(out_path, file_base + \ '_NR' + nii_ext) data = img.get_data() df_orig = pandas.read_csv(tsv_file, '\t', na_values='n/a') df = copy.deepcopy(df_orig) Ntrs = df.as_matrix().shape[0] print('# of TRs: ' + str(Ntrs)) assert (Ntrs == data.shape[len(data.shape) - 1]) # select columns to use as nuisance regressors if col_names: df = df[col_names] str_append = ' [SELECTED regressors in CSV]' else: col_names = df.columns.tolist() str_append = ' [ALL regressors in CSV]' # fill in missing nuisance values with mean for that variable for col in df.columns: if sum(df[col].isnull()) > 0: print('Filling in ' + str(sum(df[col].isnull())) + ' NaN value for ' + col) df[col] = df[col].fillna(np.mean(df[col])) print('# of Confound Regressors: ' + str(len(df.columns)) + str_append) # implement HP filter in regression TR = img.header.get_zooms()[-1] frame_times = np.arange(Ntrs) * TR if hp_filter: hp_filter = float(hp_filter) assert (hp_filter > 0) period_cutoff = 1. / hp_filter df = make_first_level_design_matrix(frame_times, period_cut=period_cutoff, add_regs=df.as_matrix(), add_reg_names=df.columns.tolist()) # fn adds intercept into dm hp_cols = [col for col in df.columns if 'drift' in col] print('# of High-pass Filter Regressors: ' + str(len(hp_cols))) else: # add in intercept column into data frame df[constant] = 1 print('No High-pass Filter Applied') dm = df.as_matrix() # prep data data = np.reshape(data, (-1, Ntrs)) data_mean = np.mean(data, axis=1) Nvox = len(data_mean) # setup and run regression model = regression.OLSModel(dm) results = if not hp_filter: results_orig_resid = copy.deepcopy( results.resid) # save for rsquared computation # apply low-pass filter if lp_filter: # input to butterworth fn is time x voxels low_pass = float(lp_filter) Fs = 1. / TR if low_pass >= Fs / 2: raise ValueError( 'Low pass filter cutoff if too close to the Nyquist frequency (%s)' % (Fs / 2)) temp_img_file = pjoin(out_path, file_base + \ '_temp' + nii_ext) temp_img = nb.Nifti1Image(np.reshape( results.resid.T + np.reshape(data_mean, (Nvox, 1)), img.shape).astype('float32'), img.affine, header=img.header) temp_img.to_filename(temp_img_file) results.resid = butterworth(results.resid, sampling_rate=Fs, low_pass=low_pass, high_pass=None) print('Low-pass Filter Applied: < ' + str(low_pass) + ' Hz') # add mean back into data clean_data = results.resid.T + np.reshape( data_mean, (Nvox, 1)) # add mean back into residuals # save out new data file print('Saving output file...') clean_data = np.reshape(clean_data, img.shape).astype('float32') new_img = nb.Nifti1Image(clean_data, img.affine, header=img.header) new_img.to_filename(save_img_file) ######### generate Rsquared map for confounds only if hp_filter: # first remove low-frequency information from data hp_cols.append(constant) model_first = regression.OLSModel(df[hp_cols].as_matrix()) results_first = results_first_resid = copy.deepcopy(results_first.resid) del results_first, model_first # compute sst - borrowed from matlab sst = np.square( np.linalg.norm(results_first_resid - np.mean(results_first_resid, axis=0), axis=0)) # now regress out 'true' confounds to estimate their Rsquared nr_cols = [col for col in df.columns if 'drift' not in col] model_second = regression.OLSModel(df[nr_cols].as_matrix()) results_second = # compute sse - borrowed from matlab sse = np.square(np.linalg.norm(results_second.resid, axis=0)) del results_second, model_second, results_first_resid elif not hp_filter: # compute sst - borrowed from matlab sst = np.square( np.linalg.norm(data.T - np.mean(data.T, axis=0), axis=0)) # compute sse - borrowed from matlab sse = np.square(np.linalg.norm(results_orig_resid, axis=0)) del results_orig_resid # compute rsquared of nuisance regressors zero_idx = scipy.logical_and(sst == 0, sse == 0) sse[zero_idx] = 1 sst[zero_idx] = 1 # would be NaNs - become rsquared = 0 rsquare = 1 - np.true_divide(sse, sst) rsquare[np.isnan(rsquare)] = 0 ######### Visualizing DM & outputs fontsize = 12 fontsize_title = 14 def_img_size = 8 if not out_figure_path: out_figure_path = save_img_file[0:save_img_file.find('.')] + '_figures' if not os.path.isdir(out_figure_path): os.mkdir(out_figure_path) png_append = '_' + img_name[0:img_name.find('.')] + '.png' print('Output directory: ' + out_figure_path) # DM corr matrix cm = df[df.columns[0:-1]].corr() curr_sz = copy.deepcopy(def_img_size) if cm.shape[0] > def_img_size: curr_sz = curr_sz + ((cm.shape[0] - curr_sz) * .3) mtx_scale = curr_sz * 100 mask = np.zeros_like(cm, dtype=np.bool) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(curr_sz, curr_sz)) cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True) sns.heatmap(cm, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, center=0, vmax=cm[cm < 1].max().max(), vmin=cm[cm < 1].min().min(), square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .6}) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=60, ha='right', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(cm.columns.tolist(), rotation=-30, va='bottom', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title('Nuisance Corr. Matrix', fontsize=fontsize_title) plt.tight_layout() file_corr_matrix = 'Corr_matrix_regressors' + png_append fig.savefig(pjoin(out_figure_path, file_corr_matrix)) plt.close(fig) del fig, ax # DM of Nuisance Regressors (all) tr_label = 'TR (Volume #)' fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(curr_sz - 4.1, def_img_size)) x_scale_html = ((curr_sz - 4.1) / def_img_size) * 890 reporting.plot_design_matrix(df, ax=ax) ax.set_title('Nuisance Design Matrix', fontsize=fontsize_title) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=60, ha='right', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(tr_label, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout() file_design_matrix = 'Design_matrix' + png_append fig.savefig(pjoin(out_figure_path, file_design_matrix)) plt.close(fig) del fig, ax # FD timeseries plot FD = 'FD' poss_names = ['FramewiseDisplacement', FD, 'framewisedisplacement', 'fd'] fd_idx = [df_orig.columns.__contains__(i) for i in poss_names] if np.sum(fd_idx) > 0: FD_name = poss_names[fd_idx == True] if sum(df_orig[FD_name].isnull()) > 0: df_orig[FD_name] = df_orig[FD_name].fillna( np.mean(df_orig[FD_name])) y = df_orig[FD_name].as_matrix() Nremove = [] sc_idx = [] for thr_idx, thr in enumerate(FD_thr): idx = y >= thr sc_idx.append(copy.deepcopy(idx)) for iidx in np.where(idx)[0]: for buffer in sc_range: curr_idx = iidx + buffer if curr_idx >= 0 and curr_idx <= len(idx): sc_idx[thr_idx][curr_idx] = True Nremove.append(np.sum(sc_idx[thr_idx])) Nplots = len(FD_thr) sns.set(font_scale=1.5) sns.set_style('ticks') fig, axes = plt.subplots(Nplots, 1, figsize=(def_img_size * 1.5, def_img_size / 2), squeeze=False) sns.despine() bound = .4 fd_mean = np.mean(y) for curr in np.arange(0, Nplots): axes[curr, 0].plot(y) axes[curr, 0].plot((-bound, Ntrs + bound), FD_thr[curr] * np.ones((1, 2))[0], '--', color='black') axes[curr, 0].scatter(np.arange(0, Ntrs), y, s=20) if Nremove[curr] > 0: info = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(sc_idx[curr]) for cluster in np.arange(1, info[1] + 1): temp = np.where(info[0] == cluster)[0] axes[curr, 0].axvspan(temp.min() - bound, temp.max() + bound, alpha=.5, color='red') axes[curr, 0].set_ylabel('Framewise Disp. (' + FD + ')') axes[curr, 0].set_title(FD + ': ' + str(100 * Nremove[curr] / Ntrs)[0:4] + '% of scan (' + str(Nremove[curr]) + ' volumes) would be scrubbed (FD thr.= ' + str(FD_thr[curr]) + ')') plt.text(Ntrs + 1, FD_thr[curr] - .01, FD + ' = ' + str(FD_thr[curr]), fontsize=fontsize) plt.text(Ntrs, fd_mean - .01, 'avg = ' + str(fd_mean), fontsize=fontsize) axes[curr, 0].set_xlim((-bound, Ntrs + 8)) plt.tight_layout() axes[curr, 0].set_xlabel(tr_label) file_fd_plot = FD + '_timeseries' + png_append fig.savefig(pjoin(out_figure_path, file_fd_plot)) plt.close(fig) del fig, axes print(FD + ' timeseries plot saved') else: print(FD + ' not found: ' + FD + ' timeseries not plotted') file_fd_plot = None # Carpet and DVARS plots - before & after nuisance regression # need to create mask file to input to DVARS function mask_file = pjoin(out_figure_path, 'mask_temp.nii.gz') nifti_masker = NiftiMasker(mask_strategy='epi', standardize=False) nifti_masker.mask_img_.to_filename(mask_file) # create 2 or 3 carpet plots, depending on if LP filter is also applied Ncarpet = 2 total_sz = int(16) carpet_scale = 840 y_labels = ['Input (voxels)', 'Output \'cleaned\''] imgs = [img, new_img] img_files = [img_file, save_img_file] color = ['red', 'salmon'] labels = ['input', 'cleaned'] if lp_filter: Ncarpet = 3 total_sz = int(20) carpet_scale = carpet_scale * (9 / 8) y_labels = ['Input', 'Clean Pre-LP', 'Clean LP'] imgs.insert(1, temp_img) img_files.insert(1, temp_img_file) color.insert(1, 'firebrick') labels.insert(1, 'clean pre-LP') labels[-1] = 'clean LP' dvars = [] print('Computing dvars...') for in_file in img_files: temp = nac.compute_dvars(in_file=in_file, in_mask=mask_file)[1] dvars.append(np.hstack((temp.mean(), temp))) del temp small_sz = 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(def_img_size * 1.5, def_img_size + ((Ncarpet - 2) * 1))) row_used = 0 if np.sum(fd_idx) > 0: # if FD data is available row_used = row_used + small_sz ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((total_sz, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=small_sz) ax0.plot(y) ax0.scatter(np.arange(0, Ntrs), y, s=10) curr = 0 if Nremove[curr] > 0: info = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(sc_idx[curr]) for cluster in np.arange(1, info[1] + 1): temp = np.where(info[0] == cluster)[0] ax0.axvspan(temp.min() - bound, temp.max() + bound, alpha=.5, color='red') ax0.set_ylabel(FD) for side in ["top", "right", "bottom"]: ax0.spines[side].set_color('none') ax0.spines[side].set_visible(False) ax0.set_xticks([]) ax0.set_xlim((-.5, Ntrs - .5)) ax0.spines["left"].set_position(('outward', 10)) ax_d = plt.subplot2grid((total_sz, 1), (row_used, 0), rowspan=small_sz) for iplot in np.arange(len(dvars)): ax_d.plot(dvars[iplot], color=color[iplot], label=labels[iplot]) ax_d.set_ylabel('DVARS') for side in ["top", "right", "bottom"]: ax_d.spines[side].set_color('none') ax_d.spines[side].set_visible(False) ax_d.set_xticks([]) ax_d.set_xlim((-.5, Ntrs - .5)) ax_d.spines["left"].set_position(('outward', 10)) ax_d.legend(fontsize=fontsize - 2) row_used = row_used + small_sz st = 0 carpet_each = int((total_sz - row_used) / Ncarpet) for idx, img_curr in enumerate(imgs): ax_curr = plt.subplot2grid((total_sz, 1), (row_used + st, 0), rowspan=carpet_each) fig = plotting.plot_carpet(img_curr, figure=fig, axes=ax_curr) ax_curr.set_ylabel(y_labels[idx]) for side in ["bottom", "left"]: ax_curr.spines[side].set_position(('outward', 10)) if idx < len(imgs) - 1: ax_curr.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax_curr.set_xticklabels('') ax_curr.set_xlabel('') st = st + carpet_each file_carpet_plot = 'Carpet_plots' + png_append fig.savefig(pjoin(out_figure_path, file_carpet_plot)) plt.close() del fig, ax0, ax_curr, ax_d, dvars os.remove(mask_file) print('Carpet/DVARS plots saved') if lp_filter: os.remove(temp_img_file) del temp_img # Display T-stat maps for nuisance regressors # create mean img img_size = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]) mean_img = nb.Nifti1Image(np.reshape(data_mean, img_size), img.affine) mx = [] for idx, col in enumerate(df.columns): if not 'drift' in col and not constant in col: con_vector = np.zeros((1, df.shape[1])) con_vector[0, idx] = 1 con = results.Tcontrast(con_vector) mx.append(np.max(np.absolute([con.t.min(), con.t.max()]))) mx = .8 * np.max(mx) t_png = 'Tstat_' file_tstat = [] for idx, col in enumerate(df.columns): if not 'drift' in col and not constant in col: con_vector = np.zeros((1, df.shape[1])) con_vector[0, idx] = 1 con = results.Tcontrast(con_vector) m_img = nb.Nifti1Image(np.reshape(con, img_size), img.affine) title_str = col + ' Tstat' fig = plotting.plot_stat_map(m_img, mean_img, threshold=3, colorbar=True, display_mode='z', vmax=mx, title=title_str, cut_coords=7) file_temp = t_png + col + png_append fig.savefig(pjoin(out_figure_path, file_temp)) file_tstat.append({'name': col, 'file': file_temp}) plt.close() del fig, file_temp print(title_str + ' map saved') # Display R-sq map for nuisance regressors m_img = nb.Nifti1Image(np.reshape(rsquare, img_size), img.affine) title_str = 'Nuisance Rsq' mx = .95 * rsquare.max() fig = plotting.plot_stat_map(m_img, mean_img, threshold=.2, colorbar=True, display_mode='z', vmax=mx, title=title_str, cut_coords=7) file_rsq_map = 'Rsquared' + png_append fig.savefig(pjoin(out_figure_path, file_rsq_map)) plt.close() del fig print(title_str + ' map saved') ######### html report templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="/") templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) templateVars = { "img_file": img_file, "save_img_file": save_img_file, "Ntrs": Ntrs, "tsv_file": tsv_file, "col_names": col_names, "hp_filter": hp_filter, "lp_filter": lp_filter, "file_design_matrix": file_design_matrix, "file_corr_matrix": file_corr_matrix, "file_fd_plot": file_fd_plot, "file_rsq_map": file_rsq_map, "file_tstat": file_tstat, "x_scale": x_scale_html, "mtx_scale": mtx_scale, "file_carpet_plot": file_carpet_plot, "carpet_scale": carpet_scale } TEMPLATE_FILE = pjoin(os.getcwd(), "report_template.html") template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE) outputText = template.render(templateVars) html_file = pjoin(out_figure_path, img_name[0:img_name.find('.')] + '.html') with open(html_file, "w") as f: f.write(outputText) print('') print('HTML report: ' + html_file) return new_img
from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map # Before visualizing, we transform the computed p-values to Nifti-like image # using function `new_img_like` from nilearn. from nilearn.image import new_img_like # First argument being a reference image and second argument should be p-values # data to convert to a new image as output. This new image will have same header # information as reference image. log_p_values_img = new_img_like(fmri_img, log_p_values) # Now, we visualize log p-values image on functional mean image as background # with coordinates given manually and colorbar on the right side of plot (by # default colorbar=True) plot_stat_map(log_p_values_img, mean_img, title="p-values", cut_coords=cut_coords) ############################################################################# # **Selecting features using f_classif**: Feature selection method is also # available in the scikit-learn Python package, where it has been extended to # several classes, using the `sklearn.feature_selection.f_classif` function. ############################################################################## # Build a mask from this statistical map (Improving the quality of the mask) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # **Thresholding** - We build the t-map to have better representation of voxels # of interest and voxels with lower p-values correspond to the most intense # voxels. This can be done easily by applying a threshold to a t-map data in # array.
# Now, we show from here how to visualize the retrieved datasets using plotting # tools from nilearn. from nilearn import plotting ######################################## # Visualizing in - 'sagittal', 'coronal' and 'axial' with given coordinates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The first argument is a path to the filename of a constrast map, # optional argument `display_mode` is given as string 'ortho' to visualize # the map in three specific directions xyz and the optional `cut_coords` # argument, is here a list of integers denotes coordinates of each slice # in the order [x, y, z]. By default the `colorbar` argument is set to True # in plot_stat_map. plotting.plot_stat_map(stat_img, display_mode='ortho', cut_coords=[36, -27, 60], title="display_mode='ortho', cut_coords=[36, -27, 60]") ######################################## # Visualizing in - single view 'axial' with number of cuts=5 # ----------------------------------------------------------- # In this type of visualization, the `display_mode` argument is given as # string 'z' for axial direction and `cut_coords` as integer 5 without a # list implies that number of cuts in the slices should be maximum of 5. # The coordinates to cut the slices are selected automatically plotting.plot_stat_map(stat_img, display_mode='z', cut_coords=5, title="display_mode='z', cut_coords=5") ########################################
logp_thresh = -np.log(.05) ############################################################################### # Fisher's (using functions) # -------------------------------------------------- # Get images for analysis files = dset.get_images(imtype='z') files = [f for f in files if f] z_imgs = [nib.load(f) for f in files] z_data = apply_mask(z_imgs, mask_img) print('{0} studies found.'.format(z_data.shape[0])) result = fishers(z_data, mask_img) fishers_result = unmask(result['z'], mask_img) plot_stat_map(fishers_result, cut_coords=[0, 0, -8], draw_cross=False, cmap='RdBu_r') ############################################################################### # Fisher's (using Estimators) # -------------------------------------------------- # Here is the object-oriented approach meta = Fishers() plot_stat_map(meta.results.get_map('z'), cut_coords=[0, 0, -8], draw_cross=False, cmap='RdBu_r') ############################################################################### # Stouffer's with fixed-effects inference
for train, test in cv:[train], target[train]) prediction = svc.predict(fmri_masked[test]) cv_scores.append( np.sum(prediction == target[test]) / float(np.size(target[test]))) print cv_scores ### Unmasking ################################################################# # Retrieve the SVC discriminating weights coef_ = svc.coef_ # Reverse masking thanks to the Nifti Masker coef_img = nifti_masker.inverse_transform(coef_) # Save the coefficients as a Nifti image coef_img.to_filename('haxby_svc_weights.nii') ### Visualization ############################################################# import pylab as plt from nilearn.image.image import mean_img from nilearn.plotting import plot_roi, plot_stat_map mean_epi = mean_img(func_filename) plot_stat_map(coef_img, mean_epi, title="SVM weights", display_mode="yx") plot_roi(nifti_masker.mask_img_, mean_epi, title="Mask", display_mode="yx")
plotting.plot_connectome(mean_correlations, coords_connectome, edge_threshold='90%', title=title) ################################################################################ # Plot regions extracted for only one specific network # ---------------------------------------------------- components_img = atlas_harvard_oxford.maps # First, we plot a network of index=4 without region extraction (left plot) from nilearn import image img = image.index_img(components_img, 1) coords = plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img) display = plotting.plot_stat_map(img, cut_coords=coords, colorbar=False, title='Showing one specific network') ################################################################################ # Now, we plot (right side) same network after region extraction to show that # connected regions are nicely seperated. # Each brain extracted region is identified as separate color. # For this, we take the indices of the all regions extracted related to original # network given as 4. regions_indices_of_map3 = np.where(np.array(regions_index) == 1) display = plotting.plot_anat(cut_coords=coords, title='Regions from this network') # Add as an overlay all the regions of index 4
print 'dot product is done' #maybe save the z-image and run randomise on that? sbc_hb_z = np.arctanh(sbc_hb) print 'we have z values' sbc_hb_img = brain_masker.inverse_transform(sbc_hb.T) sbc_hb_z_img = brain_masker.inverse_transform(sbc_hb_z.T) print 'and a z-value image' output_png = join(sink_dir, level, '{0}-{1}_sbc_hb.png'.format(s, run)) output_nii = join(sink_dir, level, '{0}-{1}_sbc_hb.nii.gz'.format(s, run)) output_z_nii = join(sink_dir, level, '{0}-{1}_sbc_z_hb.nii.gz'.format(s, run)) rmaps.append(output_nii) zmaps.append(output_z_nii) sbc_hb_img.to_filename(output_nii) sbc_hb_z_img.to_filename(output_z_nii) plotting.plot_stat_map(sbc_hb_img, bg_img=mean_func, output_file=output_png) except Exception as e: print(e) try: avg_z_map = mean_img(zmaps) avg_z_map.to_filename( join(sink_dir, level, '{0}_mean_zmap.nii.gz'.format(s))) except Exception as e: print(e)
# Print the results print("Classification accuracy: %.4f / Chance level: %f" % (classification_accuracy, 1. / len(np.unique(conditions)))) # Classification accuracy: 0.9861 / Chance level: 0.5000 ############################################################################# # Visualize the results # Look at the SVC's discriminating weights coef = svc.coef_ # reverse feature selection coef = feature_selection.inverse_transform(coef) # reverse masking weight_img = masker.inverse_transform(coef) # Use the mean image as a background to avoid relying on anatomical data from nilearn import image mean_img = image.mean_img(func_filename) # Create the figure from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show plot_stat_map(weight_img, mean_img, title='SVM weights') # Saving the results as a Nifti file may also be important weight_img.to_filename('haxby_face_vs_house.nii') show()
nested_cv_scores = cross_val_score(grid, X, y, cv=5) #NEST_SCORE = np.mean(nested_cv_scores) print("Nested CV score: %.4f" % np.mean(nested_cv_scores)) # Here is the image coef = svc.coef_ # reverse feature selection coef = feature_selection.inverse_transform(coef) # reverse masking weight_img = masker.inverse_transform(coef) # Use the mean image as a background to avoid relying on anatomical data from nilearn import image mean_img = image.mean_img(dataset) mean_img.to_filename( '/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Experiments/ChocoData/derivatives/code/decoding/milkshake_vs_h2O/images/all_p1_mean_nimask.nii' ) # Create the figure from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show display = plot_stat_map(weight_img, mean_img, title='Milkshake vs. H2O') display.savefig( '/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Experiments/ChocoData/derivatives/code/decoding/milkshake_vs_h2O/images/all_p1_SVM_nimask.png' ) # Saving the results as a Nifti file may also be important weight_img.to_filename( '/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Experiments/ChocoData/derivatives/code/decoding/milkshake_vs_h2O/images/all_p1_SVM_nimask.nii' )
# Let's now retrieve a motor contrast from a Neurovault repository motor_images = datasets.fetch_neurovault_motor_task() print(motor_images.images) ############################################################################### # motor_images is a list of filenames. We need to take the first one tmap_filename = motor_images.images[0] ############################################################################### # Visualizing a 3D file # ---------------------- # # The file contains a 3D volume, we can easily visualize it as a # statistical map: from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_stat_map(tmap_filename) ############################################################################### # Visualizing works better with a threshold plotting.plot_stat_map(tmap_filename, threshold=3) ############################################################################### # Visualizing one volume in a 4D file # ----------------------------------- # # We can download resting-state networks from the Smith 2009 study on # correspondance between rest and task rsn = datasets.fetch_atlas_smith_2009()['rsn10'] print(rsn) ###############################################################################
# For this, we first define the contrasts as we would do for a single session n_columns = design_matrices[0].shape[1] contrast_val = np.hstack(([-1, -1, 1, 1], np.zeros(n_columns - 4))) ######################################################################### # Statistics for the first session from nilearn import plotting cut_coords = [-129, -126, 49] contrast_id = 'DSt_minus_SSt' fmri_glm =[0], design_matrices=design_matrices[0]) summary_statistics_session1 = fmri_glm.compute_contrast(contrast_val, output_type='all') plotting.plot_stat_map(summary_statistics_session1['z_score'], bg_img=mean_img_, threshold=3.0, cut_coords=cut_coords, title='{0}, first session'.format(contrast_id)) ######################################################################### # Statistics for the second session fmri_glm =[1], design_matrices=design_matrices[1]) summary_statistics_session2 = fmri_glm.compute_contrast(contrast_val, output_type='all') plotting.plot_stat_map(summary_statistics_session2['z_score'], bg_img=mean_img_, threshold=3.0, cut_coords=cut_coords, title='{0}, second session'.format(contrast_id))
print("Nested CV score: %.4f" % np.mean(nested_cv_scores)) # In[ ]: # Here is the image coef = svc.coef_ # reverse feature selection coef = feature_selection.inverse_transform(coef) # reverse masking weight_img = masker.inverse_transform(coef) # Use the mean image as a background to avoid relying on anatomical data from nilearn import image mean_img = image.mean_img(dataset) mean_img.to_filename( '/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Experiments/ChocoData/derivatives/code/decoding/LF_HS_vs_h2O/images/4wp2_k2_mean_nimask.nii' ) # Create the figure from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show display = plot_stat_map(weight_img, mean_img, title='SVM weights LF_HS vs h2O 4 waves') display.savefig( '/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Experiments/ChocoData/derivatives/code/decoding/LF_HS_vs_h2O/images/4wp2_k2_nimask.png' ) # Saving the results as a Nifti file may also be important weight_img.to_filename( '/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Experiments/ChocoData/derivatives/code/decoding/LF_HS_vs_h2O/images/4wp2_k2_nimask.nii' )
resampled_affine = resampled_stat_img.affine template_img = load_img(template) template_shape = template_img.shape template_affine = template_img.affine print("""Shape comparison: - Original t-map image shape : {0} - Resampled t-map image shape: {1} - Template image shape : {2} """.format(original_shape, resampled_shape, template_shape)) print("""Affine comparison: - Original t-map image affine :\n {0} - Resampled t-map image affine:\n {1} - Template image affine :\n {2} """.format(original_affine, resampled_affine, template_affine)) from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_stat_map(stat_img, bg_img=template, cut_coords=(36, -27, 66), threshold=3, title="t-map in original resolution") plotting.plot_stat_map(resampled_stat_img, bg_img=template, cut_coords=(36, -27, 66), threshold=3, title="Resampled t-map")
### Fit TV-L1 ################################################################# # Here we're using the regressor object given that the task is to predict a # continuous variable, the gain of the gamble. from nilearn.decoding import SpaceNetRegressor decoder = SpaceNetRegressor( mask=mask_img, penalty="tv-l1", eps=1e-1, # prefer large alphas memory="cache"), object_category) # fit # Visualize TV-L1 weights import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map plot_stat_map(decoder.coef_img_, title="tv-l1", display_mode="yz", cut_coords=[20, -2]) ### Fit Graph-Net ############################################################# decoder = SpaceNetRegressor( mask=mask_img, penalty="graph-net", eps=1e-1, # prefer large alphas memory="cache"), object_category) # fit # Visualize Graph-Net weights plot_stat_map(decoder.coef_img_, title="graph-net", display_mode="yz", cut_coords=[20, -2])
axis = fig.subplots(nrows=U.shape[1] * 2, ncols=1) for k in range(U.shape[1]): #k = 0 idx = 2 * k map_img = map_img_l[k] #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.set_title("T-stats T>%.2f" % tstats_thres) vmax = np.abs(map_arr).max() axis[idx].set_title("PC%i (EV:%.3f%%)" % (k+1, explained_variance_ratio[k] * 100)) plotting.plot_glass_brain(map_img, colorbar=True, vmax=vmax, figure=fig, axes=axis[idx]) #pdf.savefig() display = plotting.plot_stat_map(map_img, colorbar=True, draw_cross=True, cmap=cmnl.cold_white_hot, figure=fig, axes=axis[idx+1])#, symmetric_cbar=False)#,, cut_coords=[16, -4, 0], symmetric_cbar=False, cmap=cold_blue)#, threshold=3,)#, figure=fig, axes=ax) pdf.savefig() plt.savefig(prefix+"_components-brain-maps.png") plt.close(fig) pdf.close() ######################################################################################################################## cd /neurospin/brainomics/2019_rundmc_wmh/analyses/201909_rundmc_wmh_pca/models/pca_enettv_0.000350_1.000_0.001 fsl5.0-fslsplit components-brain-maps.nii.gz ./components-brain-maps_PC -t ~/git/scripts/brainomics/ /neurospin/brainomics/2019_rundmc_wmh/analyses/201909_rundmc_wmh_pca/models/pca_enettv_0.000350_1.000_0.001/components-brain-maps_PC0000.nii.gz --atlas JHU --thresh_size 10 ~/git/scripts/brainomics/ /neurospin/brainomics/2019_rundmc_wmh/analyses/201909_rundmc_wmh_pca/models/pca_enettv_0.000350_1.000_0.001/components-brain-maps_PC0001.nii.gz --atlas JHU --thresh_size 10 ~/git/scripts/brainomics/ /neurospin/brainomics/2019_rundmc_wmh/analyses/201909_rundmc_wmh_pca/models/pca_enettv_0.000350_1.000_0.001/components-brain-maps_PC0002.nii.gz --atlas JHU --thresh_size 10 #
def plotting_hrf_stats(v, t_r, hrf_ref=None, stat_type='tp', display_mode='ortho', cut_coords=None, masker=None, atlas_type='havard', atlas_kwargs=dict(), n_scales=122, plot_dir='.', fname=None, save_nifti=False, verbose=False): """ Plot, and save as pdf, each stats HRF for each ROIs. Parameters ---------- v : array, shape (n_hrf_rois, n_times_atom), the initial used HRFs t_r : float, Time of Repetition, fMRI acquisition parameter, the temporal resolution hrf_ref : array or None, shape (n_times_atom, ), (default=None), reference HRF to plot for comparison stat_type : str, (default='tp'), statistic to compute on each HRFs possible choice are ('tp', 'fwhm') normalized : bool, (default=False), whether or not to normalized by the l-inf norm each HRFs display_mode : None or str, coords to cut the plotting, possible value are None to have x, y, z or 'x', 'y', 'z' for a single cut cut_coords : tuple or None, MNI coordinate to perform display masker : Nilearn-Masker like, masker class to perform the inverse Nifti transformation atlas_type : str, func, or None, (default=None), atlas type, possible choice are ['havard', 'basc', given-function] atlas_kwargs : dict, (default=dict()), additional kwargs for the atlas, if a function is passed. n_scales : int, (default=122), number of scale if atlas_type == 'basc' plot_dir : str, (default='.'), directory under which the pdf is saved fname : str, (default='v_{fwhm/tp}.pdf'), filename under which the pdf is saved save_nifti : bool, (default=False), whether or not to save the image as Nifti verbose : bool, (default=False), verbosity level """ if stat_type not in ['tp', 'fwhm']: raise ValueError("stat_type should be in ['tp', 'fwhm'], " "got {}".format(stat_type)) if atlas_type == 'havard': _, atlas_rois = fetch_vascular_atlas() elif atlas_type == 'basc': n_scales_ = f"scale{int(n_scales)}" _, atlas_rois = fetch_atlas_basc_2015(n_scales=n_scales_) elif isinstance(atlas_type, collections.Callable): _, atlas_rois = atlas_type(**atlas_kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"atlas_type should belong to ['havard', 'basc', " f"given-function], got {atlas_type}") hrf_rois = dict() rois = masker.transform(atlas_rois).astype(int).ravel() index = np.arange(rois.shape[-1]) for roi_label in np.unique(rois): hrf_rois[roi_label] = index[roi_label == rois] _, roi_label_from_hrf_idx, _ = split_atlas(hrf_rois) raw_atlas_rois = atlas_rois.get_data() n_hrf_rois, n_times_atom = v.shape if hrf_ref is not None: if stat_type == 'tp': ref_stat = tp(t_r, hrf_ref) elif stat_type == 'fwhm': ref_stat = fwhm(t_r, hrf_ref) for m in range(n_hrf_rois): v_ = v[m, :] if stat_type == 'tp': stat_ = tp(t_r, v_) stat_name = 'TtP' elif stat_type == 'fwhm': stat_ = fwhm(t_r, v_) stat_name = 'FWHM' if hrf_ref is not None: stat_ -= ref_stat title = "{0}(-{0}-reference) map (s)".format(stat_name) else: title = "{} map (s)".format(stat_name) label = roi_label_from_hrf_idx[m] raw_atlas_rois[raw_atlas_rois == label] = stat_ stats_map = image.new_img_like(atlas_rois, raw_atlas_rois) plotting.plot_stat_map(stats_map, title=title, colorbar=True, display_mode=display_mode, cut_coords=cut_coords, symmetric_cbar=False) if save_nifti: nii_filename = os.path.join(plot_dir, "v_{}.nii".format(stat_type)) stats_map.to_filename(nii_filename) if fname is None: fname = "v_{}.pdf".format(stat_type) fname = os.path.join(plot_dir, fname) plt.savefig(fname, dpi=150) if verbose: print("Saving plot under '{0}'".format(fname))
from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show # Use the fmri mean image as a surrogate of anatomical data from nilearn import image from nilearn.image import get_data mean_fmri_img = image.mean_img(func_filename) threshold = -np.log10(0.1) # 10% corrected vmax = min(signed_neg_log_pvals.max(), neg_log_pvals_bonferroni.max()) # Plot thresholded p-values map corresponding to F-scores display = plot_stat_map(neg_log_pvals_bonferroni_unmasked, mean_fmri_img, threshold=threshold,, display_mode='z', cut_coords=[-1, ], vmax=vmax) neg_log_pvals_bonferroni_data = get_data(neg_log_pvals_bonferroni_unmasked) n_detections = (neg_log_pvals_bonferroni_data > threshold).sum() title = ('Negative $\\log_{10}$ p-values' '\n(Parametric two-sided F-test' '\n+ Bonferroni correction)' '\n%d detections') % n_detections display.title(title, y=1.1) # Plot permutation p-values map display = plot_stat_map(signed_neg_log_pvals_unmasked, mean_fmri_img, threshold=threshold,, display_mode='z', cut_coords=[-1, ],
# the following line: canica_components_img.to_filename( '/home/bk/Desktop/bkrest/canica_resting_state.nii.gz') from nilearn.plotting import plot_prob_atlas # Plot all ICA components together plot_prob_atlas(canica_components_img, title='All ICA components') from nilearn.image import iter_img from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map for i, cur_img in enumerate(iter_img(canica_components_img)): plot_stat_map(cur_img, display_mode="z", title="IC %d" % i, cut_coords=1, colorbar=False) from nilearn.decomposition import DictLearning dict_learning = DictLearning(n_components=20, memory="nilearn_cache", memory_level=2, verbose=1, random_state=0, n_epochs=1, mask_strategy='template') print('[Example] Fitting dicitonary learning model')
# taken from Wikipedia query = "Aphasia is an inability to comprehend or formulate language" response = encoder(query) print(response.keys()) ###################################################################### # The "z_map" entry of the results is a brain map showing the anatomical # regions that are most strongly associated with the query in the neuroimaging # literature. It is a `Nifti1Image` which can be saved, displayed, etc. from nilearn import plotting print(type(response["z_map"])) plotting.plot_stat_map(response["z_map"], display_mode="z", title="aphasia", threshold=3.1) ###################################################################### # # Display the map on the cortical surface: view = plotting.view_img_on_surf(response["z_map"], threshold=3.1) view.open_in_browser() # (in a Jupyter notebook, we can display an inline view): view ###################################################################### # # Or open interactive viewer:
design_matrix=design_matrix.iloc[:, 0:40], ax=ax[i]) fig.savefig(f'{out_dir}{sub}/figures/{sub}_contrasts_trials.png') #--- trial effects estimation zmaps = np.zeros((89, 105, 89, n_trials)) for i in range(n_trials): zmap = fmri_glm_non_smoothed.compute_contrast(np.asarray( trial_contrasts[f'Q{i+1:02}']), output_type='z_score') zmaps[:, :, :, i] = zmap.get_fdata() p = plot_stat_map(zmap, threshold=3, display_mode='z', cut_coords=8, black_bg=False, title='Q{:0>2d}'.format(i + 1)) p.savefig(f'{out_dir}{sub}/figures/{sub}_Q{i+1:02}_zmap.png') zmap_img = nib.Nifti1Image(zmaps, zmap.affine, zmap.header), f'{out_dir}{sub}/{sub}_{task}_Q_all_zmaps.nii.gz') #--- overal effect estimation fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) fig.set_size_inches(17, 3) plot_contrast_matrix(trial_contrasts['overall'], design_matrix=design_matrix.iloc[:, 0:40], ax=ax) fig.savefig(f'{out_dir}{sub}/figures/{sub}_contrast_overall.png')
from gclda.utils import get_resource_path ############################################################################### # Load model and initialize decoder # ---------------------------------- model_file = join(get_resource_path(), 'models/Neurosynth2015Filtered2', 'model_200topics_2015Filtered2_10000iters.pklz') model = Model.load(model_file) ############################################################################### # Read in image to decode # -------------------------------------- file_to_decode = '../data/faces_specificity_z.nii.gz' img_to_decode = nib.load(file_to_decode) fig = plotting.plot_stat_map(img_to_decode, display_mode='z', threshold=3.290527, cut_coords=[-28, -4, 20, 50]) ############################################################################### # Decode image # ------------- df, topic_weights = decode_continuous(model, img_to_decode) ############################################################################### # Get associated terms # --------------------- df = df.sort_values(by='Weight', ascending=False) print(df.head(10)) ############################################################################### # Plot topic weights
def plot_brain(objIn, how="full", thr_upper=None, thr_lower=None, save=False, **kwargs): """ More complete brain plotting of a Brain_Data instance Args: obj: (Brain_Data) object to plot how: (str) whether to plot a glass brain 'glass', 3 view-multi-slice mni 'mni', or both 'full' thr_upper: (str/float) thresholding of image. Can be string for percentage, or float for data units (see Brain_Data.threshold() thr_lower: (str/float) thresholding of image. Can be string for percentage, or float for data units (see Brain_Data.threshold() save (str): if a string file name or path is provided plots will be saved into this directory appended with the orientation they belong to kwargs: optionals args to nilearn plot functions (e.g. vmax) """ if thr_upper or thr_lower: obj = objIn.threshold(upper=thr_upper, lower=thr_lower) else: obj = objIn.copy() views = ["x", "y", "z"] coords = [ range(-50, 51, 8), range(-80, 50, 10), range(-40, 71, 9), ] # [-88,-72,-58,-38,-26,8,20,34,46] cmap = "RdBu_r" if thr_upper is None and thr_lower is None: print("Plotting unthresholded image") else: if isinstance(thr_upper, str): print("Plotting top %s of voxels" % thr_upper) elif isinstance(thr_upper, (float, int)): print("Plotting voxels with stat value >= %s" % thr_upper) if isinstance(thr_lower, str): print("Plotting lower %s of voxels" % thr_lower) elif isinstance(thr_lower, (float, int)): print("Plotting voxels with stat value <= %s" % thr_lower) if save: path, filename = os.path.split(save) filename, extension = filename.split(".") glass_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_glass." + extension) x_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_x." + extension) y_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_y." + extension) z_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_z." + extension) else: glass_save, x_save, y_save, z_save = None, None, None, None saves = [x_save, y_save, z_save] if how == "full": plot_glass_brain(obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs) if save: plt.savefig(glass_save, bbox_inches="tight") for v, c, savefile in zip(views, coords, saves): plot_stat_map(obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs) if save: plt.savefig(savefile, bbox_inches="tight") elif how == "glass": plot_glass_brain(obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs) if save: plt.savefig(glass_save, bbox_inches="tight") elif how == "mni": for v, c, savefile in zip(views, coords, saves): plot_stat_map(obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs) if save: plt.savefig(savefile, bbox_inches="tight") del obj # save memory return
masker = estimator.masker_ # Drop output maps to a Nifti file components_img = masker.inverse_transform(estimator.components_) components_img.to_filename('%s_resting_state.nii.gz' % names[estimator]) components_imgs.append(components_img) ############################################################################### # Visualize the results from nilearn.plotting import (plot_prob_atlas, find_xyz_cut_coords, show, plot_stat_map) from nilearn.image import index_img # Selecting specific maps to display: maps were manually chosen to be similar indices = {dict_learning: 1, canica: 31} # We select relevant cut coordinates for displaying cut_component = index_img(components_imgs[0], indices[dict_learning]) cut_coords = find_xyz_cut_coords(cut_component) for estimator, components in zip(estimators, components_imgs): # 4D plotting plot_prob_atlas(components, view_type="filled_contours", title="%s" % names[estimator], cut_coords=cut_coords, colorbar=False) # 3D plotting plot_stat_map(index_img(components, indices[estimator]), title="%s" % names[estimator], cut_coords=cut_coords, colorbar=False) show()
def plotting_spatial_comp(u, variances, masker, plot_dir='.', fname=None, display_mode='ortho', perc_voxels_to_retain=0.1, bg_img=None, save_nifti=False, verbose=False): """ Plot, and save as pdf, each spatial estimated component. Parameters ---------- u : array, shape (n_atoms, n_voxels), the spatial maps variances : array, shape (n_atoms, ) the order variances for each components masker : Nilearn-Masker like, masker class to perform the inverse Nifti transformation plot_dir : str, (default='.'), directory under which the pdf is saved fname : str, (default='u.pdf'), filename under which the pdf is saved display_mode : None or str, coords to cut the plotting, possible value are None to have x, y, z or 'x', 'y', 'z' for a single cut perc_voxels_to_retain : float, (default=0.1), percentage of voxels to retain when plotting the spatial maps bg_img : Nifti-like or None, (default=None), background image, None means no image save_nifti : bool, (default=False), whether or not to save the image as Nifti verbose : bool, (default=False), verbosity level """ if display_mode in ['x', 'y', 'z']: cut_coords = 1 colorbar = False compress_plot = True else: display_mode = 'ortho' cut_coords = None colorbar = True compress_plot = False n_atoms, n_voxels = u.shape img_u = [] for k in range(1, n_atoms + 1): u_k = u[k - 1] last_retained_voxel_idx = int(perc_voxels_to_retain * n_voxels) th = np.sort(u_k)[-last_retained_voxel_idx] expl_var = variances[k - 1] if compress_plot: title = "Map-{}".format(k) else: title = "Map-{} (explained variance = {:.2e})".format(k, expl_var) img_u_k = masker.inverse_transform(u_k) img_u.append(img_u_k) if bg_img is not None: plotting.plot_stat_map(img_u_k, title=title, colorbar=colorbar, display_mode=display_mode, cut_coords=cut_coords, threshold=th, bg_img=bg_img) else: plotting.plot_stat_map(img_u_k, title=title, colorbar=colorbar, display_mode=display_mode, cut_coords=cut_coords, threshold=th) if save_nifti: nii_filename = os.path.join(plot_dir, "u_{0:03d}.nii".format(k)) img_u_k.to_filename(nii_filename) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, "u_{0:03d}.pdf".format(k)), dpi=150) pdf_files = os.path.join(plot_dir, 'u_*.pdf') if fname is None: fname = 'u.pdf' pdf_file = os.path.join(plot_dir, fname) if compress_plot: cmd_cat = ("pdfjam --suffix nup --nup 8x5 --no-landscape {} " "--outfile {}".format(pdf_files, pdf_file)), shell=True) cmd_crop = "pdfcrop {0} {0}".format(pdf_file), shell=True) else: cmd = "pdftk {} cat output {}".format(pdf_files, pdf_file), shell=True)"rm -f {}".format(pdf_files), shell=True) if verbose: print("Saving plot under '{0}'".format(pdf_file))
# Grab extracted components umasked back to Nifti image. # Note: For older versions, less than 0.4.1. components_img_ # is not implemented. See Note section above for details. components_img = estimator.components_img_ components_img.to_filename('%s_resting_state.nii.gz' % names[estimator]) components_imgs.append(components_img) ############################################################################### # Visualize the results # ---------------------- from nilearn.plotting import (plot_prob_atlas, find_xyz_cut_coords, show, plot_stat_map) from nilearn.image import index_img # Selecting specific maps to display: maps were manually chosen to be similar indices = {dict_learning: 25, canica: 33} # We select relevant cut coordinates for displaying cut_component = index_img(components_imgs[0], indices[dict_learning]) cut_coords = find_xyz_cut_coords(cut_component) for estimator, components in zip(estimators, components_imgs): # 4D plotting plot_prob_atlas(components, view_type="filled_contours", title="%s" % names[estimator], cut_coords=cut_coords, colorbar=False) # 3D plotting plot_stat_map(index_img(components, indices[estimator]), title="%s" % names[estimator], cut_coords=cut_coords, colorbar=False) show()
design_matrix = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((tested_var, np.ones_like(tested_var))), columns=['fluency', 'intercept']) ########################################################################### # Fit of the second-level model from nistats.second_level_model import SecondLevelModel model = SecondLevelModel(smoothing_fwhm=5.0), design_matrix=design_matrix) ########################################################################## # To estimate the contrast is very simple. We can just provide the column # name of the design matrix. z_map = model.compute_contrast('fluency', output_type='z_score') ########################################################################### # We compute the fdr-corrected p = 0.05 threshold for these data from nistats.thresholding import map_threshold _, threshold = map_threshold(z_map, alpha=.05, height_control='fdr') ########################################################################### #Let us plot the second level contrast at the computed thresholds from nilearn import plotting plotting.plot_stat_map( z_map, threshold=threshold, colorbar=True, title='Group-level association between motor activity \n' 'and reading fluency (fdr<0.05')