예제 #1
def isolated(XYZ, k=18):
    Outputs an index I of isolated points from their integer coordinates,
    XYZ (3, n), and under k-connectivity, k = 6, 18 or 24.
    A, B, D = FG.graph_3d_grid(XYZ.transpose(),k)
    # Number of vertices
    V = max(A) + 1
    # Labels of connected components
    label = FG.graph_cc(A,B,D,V)
    # Isolated points
    ncc = label.max() + 1
    p = XYZ.shape[1]
    size = np.zeros(ncc, float)
    ones = np.ones((p, 1), float)
    add_lines(ones, size.reshape(ncc, 1), label)
    return np.where(size[label] == 1)[0]
예제 #2
def extract_clusters_from_thresh(T,XYZ,th,k=18):
    Extract clusters from statistical map
    above specified threshold
    In:  T      (p)     statistical map
         XYZ    (3,p)   voxels coordinates
         th     <float> threshold
         k      <int>   the number of neighbours considered. (6,18 or 26)
    Out: labels (p)     cluster labels
    labels = -np.ones(len(T),int)
    I = np.where(T >= th)[0]
    if len(I)>0:
        SupraThreshXYZ = XYZ[:, I]
        # Compute graph associated to suprathresh_coords
        A, B, D = graph_3d_grid(SupraThreshXYZ.transpose(),k)
        # Number of vertices
        V = max(A) + 1
        # Labels of connected components
        CC_label = graph_cc(A,B,D,V)
        labels[I] = CC_label
    return labels