예제 #1
    # skullstrip anatomy
    print("Skullstrip INV2")
    skullstrip_spm12(fileINV2, pathSPM12, path)

    # bring skullstrip_mask in conformed space (mri_vol2vol, NN)
    transmask = ApplyVolTransform()
    transmask.inputs.source_file = os.path.join(path_skull,
    transmask.inputs.target_file = os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "orig.mgz")
    transmask.inputs.reg_header = True
    transmask.inputs.interp = "nearest"
    transmask.inputs.transformed_file = os.path.join(path, sub, "mri",
    transmask.inputs.args = "--no-save-reg"

    # apply skullstrip mask to T1 and save as brainmask
    multiply_images(os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "T1.mgz"),
                    os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "skullstrip_mask.nii"),
                    os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "brainmask.mgz"))

    multiply_images(os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "T1.mgz"),
                    os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "skullstrip_mask.nii"),
                    os.path.join(path, sub, "mri", "brainmask.auto.mgz"))

    # autorecon2 and autorecon3
    print("Autorecon2 and Autorecon3")
    os.system("recon-all" + \
              " -hires" + \
              " -autorecon2" + " -autorecon3" + \
예제 #2
def skullstrip_refined(file_mask1, file_mask2):
    The purpose of the following function is to enhance the skullstrip mask in native space. It
    uses a second mask which was manually corrected during the freesurfer segmentation. This
    corrected brainmask is converted to native space and multiplied with the initial brainmask.
        *file_mask1: brainmask in original space.
        *file_mask2: manually corrected brainmask in freesurfer space (brain.finalsurfs.mgz).
        *file_out: filename of enhanced brainmask.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 31-01-2020            
    Last modified: 31-01-2020
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import ApplyVolTransform
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get output path and basename
    path_output, name_output, _ = get_filename(file_mask1)

    # filename of temporary and enhanced brainmask
    file_temp = os.path.join(path_output, "temp.nii")
    file_out = os.path.join(path_output, name_output + "_enhanced.nii")

    # bring skullstrip_mask from conformed space into original space
    transmask = ApplyVolTransform()
    transmask.inputs.source_file = file_mask2
    transmask.inputs.target_file = file_mask1
    transmask.inputs.reg_header = True
    transmask.inputs.interp = "nearest"
    transmask.inputs.transformed_file = file_temp
    transmask.inputs.args = "--no-save-reg"

    # load first brainmask in original space
    mask1 = nb.load(file_mask1)
    mask1_array = mask1.get_fdata()

    # load second brainmask transformed into original space
    mask2 = nb.load(file_temp)
    mask2_array = mask2.get_fdata()

    # make second brainmask binary
    mask2_array[mask2_array == 1] = 0
    mask2_array[mask2_array > 0] = 1

    # multiply both masks
    mask_enhanced_array = mask1_array * mask2_array

    # write enhancec brainmask
    mask_enhanced = nb.Nifti1Image(mask_enhanced_array, mask1.affine,
    nb.save(mask_enhanced, file_out)

    # remove temporary file

    return file_out
예제 #3
# binarise and overwrite mask
mask = nb.load(os.path.join(path_t1, "mask.nii"))
mask_array = mask.get_fdata()
mask_array[mask_array <= mask_threshold] = 0
mask_array[mask_array != 0] = 1
output = nb.Nifti1Image(mask_array, mask.affine, mask.header)
nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_t1, "mask.nii"))

# transform to mp2rage space via scanner coordinates
applyreg = ApplyVolTransform()
applyreg.inputs.source_file = os.path.join(path_t1, "mask.nii")
applyreg.inputs.target_file = os.path.join(path_t1, "T1.nii")
applyreg.inputs.transformed_file = os.path.join(path_t1, "mask.nii")
applyreg.inputs.reg_header = True
applyreg.inputs.interp = "nearest"
convert orig to nifti
mc = MRIConvert()
mc.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_orig, "orig.mgz")
mc.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_orig, "orig.nii")
mc.inputs.in_type = "mgz"
mc.inputs.out_type = "nii"
scanner transformation
get_scanner_transform(os.path.join(path_orig, "orig.nii"),
                      os.path.join(path_t1, "T1.nii"), path_scanner, False)
get_scanner_transform(os.path.join(path_t1, "T1.nii"),