def test_reg_jacobian_jac_l(): # Create a reg_jacobian object nr = RegJacobian() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_jacobian') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr.inputs.type = 'jacL' nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jacL {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_jacL.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_avg_lts(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data one_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') two_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') three_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr.inputs.avg_lts_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -avg_lts %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.txt'), one_file, two_file, three_file)) assert argv == expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_f3d(): # Create a reg_f3d object nr = RegF3D() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_f3d') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') rmask_file = example_data('mask.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.rmask_file = rmask_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 nr.inputs.vel_flag = True nr.inputs.be_val = 0.1 nr.inputs.le_val = 0.1 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_f3d') + ' ' + '-be 0.100000 ' +\ '-cpp ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'im2_cpp.nii.gz ' +'-flo ' + flo_file + ' ' +\ '-le 0.100000 ' + '-omp 4 ' + '-ref ' + ref_file + ' ' +\ '-res ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'im2_res.nii.gz ' + '-rmask ' + rmask_file + ' ' + '-vel' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_tools_iso(): # Create a reg_tools object nr = RegTools() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_tools') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr.inputs.in_file = in_file nr.inputs.iso_flag = True nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -iso -omp 4 -out {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_tools'), in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'im1_tools.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_avg_nii(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') nr.inputs.avg_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = '%s %s -avg %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path( 'reg_average'), os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), one_file, two_file, three_file) assert argv == expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_avg_nii(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') nr.inputs.avg_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = '%s %s -avg %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), one_file, two_file, three_file) yield assert_equal, argv, expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_tools_iso(): # Create a reg_tools object nr = RegTools() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_tools') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr.inputs.in_file = in_file nr.inputs.iso_flag = True nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -iso -omp 4 -out {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_tools'), in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im1_tools.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_resample_blank(): # Create a reg_resample object nr = RegResample() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_resample') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr.inputs.type = 'blank' nr.inputs.inter_val = 'LIN' nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -inter 1 -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} \ -blank {blank}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_resample'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, blank=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_blank.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_jacobian_jac_l(): # Create a reg_jacobian object nr = RegJacobian() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_jacobian') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr.inputs.type = 'jacL' nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jacL {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_jacL.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_f3d(): """ tests for reg_f3d interface""" # Create a reg_f3d object nr_f3d = RegF3D() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_f3d.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_f3d') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') rmask_file = example_data('mask.nii') nr_f3d.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_f3d.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_f3d.inputs.rmask_file = rmask_file nr_f3d.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 nr_f3d.inputs.vel_flag = True nr_f3d.inputs.be_val = 0.1 nr_f3d.inputs.le_val = 0.1 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -be 0.100000 -cpp {cpp} -flo {flo} -le 0.100000 -omp 4 \ -ref {ref} -res {res} -rmask {rmask} -vel' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_f3d'), cpp=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_cpp.nii.gz'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, res=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_res.nii.gz'), rmask=rmask_file) assert nr_f3d.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_aladin(): """ tests for reg_aladin interface""" # Create a reg_aladin object nr_aladin = RegAladin() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_aladin.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_aladin') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') rmask_file = example_data('mask.nii') nr_aladin.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_aladin.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_aladin.inputs.rmask_file = rmask_file nr_aladin.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -aff {aff} -flo {flo} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -res {res} \ -rmask {rmask}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_aladin'), aff='im2_aff.txt', flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, res='im2_res.nii.gz', rmask=rmask_file, ) assert nr_aladin.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_avg_lts(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data one_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') two_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') three_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr.inputs.avg_lts_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -avg_lts %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.txt'), one_file, two_file, three_file)) yield assert_equal, argv, expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_comp_nii(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') trans2_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') nr.inputs.ref1_file = ref_file nr.inputs.comp_input2 = trans2_file nr.inputs.comp_input = trans_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -ref {ref_file} -omp 4 -comp {trans1} {trans2} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), ref_file=ref_file, trans1=trans_file, trans2=trans2_file, out_file=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_aladin(): # Create a reg_aladin object nr = RegAladin() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_aladin') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') rmask_file = example_data('mask.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.rmask_file = rmask_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -aff {aff} -flo {flo} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -res {res} \ -rmask {rmask}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_aladin'), aff=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_aff.txt'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, res=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_res.nii.gz'), rmask=rmask_file) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_resample_blank(): # Create a reg_resample object nr = RegResample() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_resample') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr.inputs.type = 'blank' nr.inputs.inter_val = 'LIN' nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -inter 1 -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} \ -blank {blank}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_resample'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, blank=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_blank.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_comp_nii(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') trans2_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') nr.inputs.ref1_file = ref_file nr.inputs.comp_input2 = trans2_file nr.inputs.comp_input = trans_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -ref {ref_file} -omp 4 -comp {trans1} {trans2} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), ref_file=ref_file, trans1=trans_file, trans2=trans2_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_measure(): """ tests for reg_measure interface """ # Create a reg_measure object nr_measure = RegMeasure() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_measure.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_measure') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr_measure.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_measure.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_measure.inputs.measure_type = 'lncc' nr_measure.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -lncc -omp 4 -out {out} -ref {ref}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_measure'), flo=flo_file, out='im2_lncc.txt', ref=ref_file) assert nr_measure.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_measure(): """ tests for reg_measure interface """ # Create a reg_measure object nr_measure = RegMeasure() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_measure.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_measure') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr_measure.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_measure.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_measure.inputs.measure_type = 'lncc' nr_measure.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -lncc -omp 4 -out {out} -ref {ref}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_measure'), flo=flo_file, out=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'im2_lncc.txt'), ref=ref_file) assert nr_measure.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_jacobian_jac(): """ Test interface for RegJacobian """ # Create a reg_jacobian object nr_jacobian = RegJacobian() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_jacobian.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_jacobian') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Test Reg Jacobian: jac ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_jacobian.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_jacobian.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr_jacobian.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jac {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_jac.nii.gz')) assert nr_jacobian.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test Reg Jacobian: jac m nr_jacobian_2 = RegJacobian(type='jacM', omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_jacobian_2.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_jacobian_2.inputs.trans_file = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jacM {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_jacM.nii.gz')) assert nr_jacobian_2.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test Reg Jacobian: jac l nr_jacobian_3 = RegJacobian(type='jacL', omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_jacobian_3.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_jacobian_3.inputs.trans_file = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jacL {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_jacL.nii.gz')) assert nr_jacobian_3.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_jacobian_jac(): """ Test interface for RegJacobian """ # Create a reg_jacobian object nr_jacobian = RegJacobian() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_jacobian.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_jacobian') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Test Reg Jacobian: jac ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_jacobian.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_jacobian.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr_jacobian.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jac {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac='warpfield_jac.nii.gz') assert nr_jacobian.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test Reg Jacobian: jac m nr_jacobian_2 = RegJacobian(type='jacM', omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_jacobian_2.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_jacobian_2.inputs.trans_file = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jacM {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac='warpfield_jacM.nii.gz') assert nr_jacobian_2.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test Reg Jacobian: jac l nr_jacobian_3 = RegJacobian(type='jacL', omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_jacobian_3.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_jacobian_3.inputs.trans_file = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} -jacL {jac}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_jacobian'), ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, jac='warpfield_jacL.nii.gz') assert nr_jacobian_3.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_resample_res(): """ tests for reg_resample interface """ # Create a reg_resample object nr_resample = RegResample() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_resample.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_resample') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Resample res ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_resample.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_resample.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_resample.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr_resample.inputs.inter_val = 'LIN' nr_resample.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -inter 1 -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} \ -res {res}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_resample'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, res='im2_res.nii.gz') assert nr_resample.cmdline == expected_cmd # test_reg_resample_blank() nr_resample_2 = RegResample(type='blank', inter_val='LIN', omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_resample_2.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_resample_2.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_resample_2.inputs.trans_file = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -inter 1 -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} \ -blank {blank}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_resample'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, blank='im2_blank.nii.gz') assert nr_resample_2.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_resample_res(): """ tests for reg_resample interface """ # Create a reg_resample object nr_resample = RegResample() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_resample.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_resample') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Resample res ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_resample.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_resample.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_resample.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr_resample.inputs.inter_val = 'LIN' nr_resample.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -inter 1 -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} \ -res {res}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_resample'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, res='im2_res.nii.gz') assert nr_resample.cmdline == expected_cmd # test_reg_resample_blank() nr_resample_2 = RegResample(type='blank', inter_val='LIN', omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_resample_2.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_resample_2.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_resample_2.inputs.trans_file = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -flo {flo} -inter 1 -omp 4 -ref {ref} -trans {trans} \ -blank {blank}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_resample'), flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, trans=trans_file, blank='im2_blank.nii.gz') assert nr_resample_2.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_seg_patchmatch(): # Create a node object seg_patchmatch = PatchMatch() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_PatchMatch', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert seg_patchmatch.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') mask_file = example_data('im2.nii') db_file = example_data('db.xml') seg_patchmatch.inputs.in_file = in_file seg_patchmatch.inputs.mask_file = mask_file seg_patchmatch.inputs.database_file = db_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -i {in_file} -m {mask_file} -db {db} -o {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, mask_file=mask_file, db=db_file, out_file='im1_pm.nii.gz', ) assert seg_patchmatch.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_seg_calctopncc(): """ Test interfaces for seg_CalctoNCC""" # Create a node object calctopncc = CalcTopNCC() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_CalcTopNCC', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert calctopncc.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') file1 = example_data('im2.nii') file2 = example_data('im3.nii') calctopncc.inputs.in_file = in_file calctopncc.inputs.num_templates = 2 calctopncc.inputs.in_templates = [file1, file2] calctopncc.inputs.top_templates = 1 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -target {in_file} -templates 2 {file1} {file2} -n 1' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, file1=file1, file2=file2, ) assert calctopncc.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_seg_em(): # Create a node object seg_em = EM() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_EM', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert seg_em.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') seg_em.inputs.in_file = in_file seg_em.inputs.no_prior = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -nopriors 4 -bc_out {bc_out} -out \ {out_file} -out_outlier {out_outlier}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, out_file='im1_em.nii.gz', bc_out='im1_bc_em.nii.gz', out_outlier='im1_outlier_em.nii.gz', ) assert seg_em.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_merge(): # Create a node object merge = Merge() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_maths', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert merge.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') file1 = example_data('im2.nii') file2 = example_data('im3.nii') merge.inputs.in_file = in_file merge.inputs.merge_files = [file1, file2] merge.inputs.dimension = 2 merge.inputs.output_datatype = 'float' cmd_tmp = '{cmd} {in_file} -merge 2 2 {f1} {f2} -odt float {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, f1=file1, f2=file2, out_file='im1_merged.nii') assert merge.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_binary_maths(): # Create a node object binarym = BinaryMaths() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_maths', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert binarym.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') binarym.inputs.in_file = in_file binarym.inputs.operand_value = 2.0 binarym.inputs.operation = 'sub' binarym.inputs.output_datatype = 'float' cmd_tmp = '{cmd} {in_file} -sub 2.00000000 -odt float {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, out_file='im1_sub.nii') assert binarym.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_seg_filllesions(): # Create a node object seg_fill = FillLesions() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_FillLesions', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert seg_fill.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') lesion_mask = example_data('im2.nii') seg_fill.inputs.in_file = in_file seg_fill.inputs.lesion_mask = lesion_mask expected_cmd = '{cmd} -i {in_file} -l {lesion_mask} -o {out_file}'.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, lesion_mask=lesion_mask, out_file='im1_lesions_filled.nii.gz', ) assert seg_fill.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_def(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.def_input = trans_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_transform') + ' -omp 4 ' +\ '-def ' + trans_file + ' ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_tuple_maths(): # Create a node object tuplem = TupleMaths() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_maths', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert tuplem.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') op_file = example_data('im2.nii') tuplem.inputs.in_file = in_file tuplem.inputs.operation = 'lncc' tuplem.inputs.operand_file1 = op_file tuplem.inputs.operand_value2 = 2.0 tuplem.inputs.output_datatype = 'float' cmd_tmp = '{cmd} {in_file} -lncc {op} 2.00000000 -odt float {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, op=op_file, out_file='im1_lncc.nii') assert tuplem.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_tools_iso(): # Create a reg_tools object nr = RegTools() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_tools') # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr.inputs.in_file = in_file nr.inputs.iso_flag = True nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_tools') + ' ' + '-in ' + in_file + ' -iso ' +\ '-omp 4 ' + '-out ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'im1_tools.nii.gz' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_demean3(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') aff1_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') aff2_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff3_file = example_data('elastix.txt') trans1_file = example_data('roi01.nii') trans2_file = example_data('roi02.nii') trans3_file = example_data('roi03.nii') nr.inputs.warp_files = [aff1_file, trans1_file, one_file, aff2_file, trans2_file, two_file, aff3_file, trans3_file, three_file] nr.inputs.demean3_ref_file = ref_file nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -demean3 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), ref_file, aff1_file, trans1_file, one_file, aff2_file, trans2_file, two_file, aff3_file, trans3_file, three_file)) yield assert_equal, argv, expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_comp_txt(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data aff1_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff2_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr.inputs.comp_input2 = aff2_file nr.inputs.comp_input = aff1_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_transform') + ' -omp 4 ' +\ '-comp ' + aff1_file + ' ' + aff2_file + ' ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'ants_Affine_trans.txt' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_jacobian_jac(): # Create a reg_jacobian object nr = RegJacobian() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_jacobian') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_jacobian') + ' -omp 4 ' + '-ref ' + ref_file + ' ' +\ '-trans ' + trans_file + ' -jac ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'warpfield_jac.nii.gz' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_demean3(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') aff1_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') aff2_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff3_file = example_data('elastix.txt') trans1_file = example_data('roi01.nii') trans2_file = example_data('roi02.nii') trans3_file = example_data('roi03.nii') nr.inputs.warp_files = [ aff1_file, trans1_file, one_file, aff2_file, trans2_file, two_file, aff3_file, trans3_file, three_file ] nr.inputs.demean3_ref_file = ref_file nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -demean3 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), ref_file, aff1_file, trans1_file, one_file, aff2_file, trans2_file, two_file, aff3_file, trans3_file, three_file)) assert argv == expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_measure(): # Create a reg_measure object nr = RegMeasure() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_measure') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.measure_type = 'lncc' nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_measure') + ' ' + '-flo ' + flo_file + ' ' + '-lncc ' + '-omp 4 '+\ '-out ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'im2_lncc.txt ' + '-ref ' + ref_file yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_flirt(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data aff_file = example_data('elastix.txt') ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') in_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr.inputs.flirt_2_nr_input = (aff_file, ref_file, in_file) nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_transform') + ' -omp 4 ' +\ '-flirtAff2NR ' + '%s %s %s' % (aff_file, ref_file, in_file) + ' ' +\ os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'elastix_trans.txt' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_def(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.def_input = trans_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -def {trans_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), trans_file=trans_file, out_file=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_def(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.def_input = trans_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -def {trans_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), trans_file=trans_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_fit_asl(): """ Testing FitAsl interface.""" # Create the test node fit_asl = FitAsl() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('fit_asl', env_dir='NIFTYFIT_DIR') assert fit_asl.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Tests on the interface: # Runs cbf fitting assuming all tissue is GM! in_file = example_data('asl.nii.gz') fit_asl.inputs.source_file = in_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -source {in_file} -cbf {cbf} -error {error} -syn {syn}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, cbf='asl_cbf.nii.gz', error='asl_error.nii.gz', syn='asl_syn.nii.gz', ) assert fit_asl.cmdline == expected_cmd # Runs cbf fitting using IR/SR T1 data to estimate the local T1 and uses # the segmentation data to fit tissue specific blood flow parameters # (lambda,transit times,T1) fit_asl2 = FitAsl(sig=True) in_file = example_data('asl.nii.gz') t1map = example_data('T1map.nii.gz') seg = example_data('segmentation0.nii.gz') fit_asl2.inputs.source_file = in_file fit_asl2.inputs.t1map = t1map fit_asl2.inputs.seg = seg cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -source {in_file} -cbf {cbf} -error {error} \ -seg {seg} -sig -syn {syn} -t1map {t1map}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, t1map=t1map, seg=seg, cbf='asl_cbf.nii.gz', error='asl_error.nii.gz', syn='asl_syn.nii.gz', ) assert fit_asl2.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_average_avg_ref(): # Create a reg_average object nr = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_average') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') trans1_file = example_data('roi01.nii') trans2_file = example_data('roi02.nii') trans3_file = example_data('roi03.nii') nr.inputs.warp_files = [trans1_file, one_file, trans2_file, two_file, trans3_file, three_file] nr.inputs.avg_ref_file = ref_file nr.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -avg_tran %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), ref_file, trans1_file, one_file, trans2_file, two_file, trans3_file, three_file)) assert argv == expected_argv expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_aladin(): # Create a reg_aladin object nr = RegAladin() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path("reg_aladin") # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data("im1.nii") flo_file = example_data("im2.nii") rmask_file = example_data("mask.nii") nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.rmask_file = rmask_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = ( get_custom_path("reg_aladin") + " " + "-aff " + os.getcwd() + os.sep + "im2_aff.txt " + "-flo " + flo_file + " " + "-omp 4 " + "-ref " + ref_file + " " + "-res " + os.getcwd() + os.sep + "im2_res.nii.gz " + "-rmask " + rmask_file ) yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_resample_res(): # Create a reg_resample object nr = RegResample() # Check if the command is properly defined yield assert_equal, nr.cmd, get_custom_path('reg_resample') # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr.inputs.trans_file = trans_file nr.inputs.inter_val = 'LIN' nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 expected_cmd = get_custom_path('reg_resample') + ' ' + '-flo ' + flo_file + ' ' + '-inter 1 -omp 4 ' +\ '-ref ' + ref_file + ' ' + '-trans ' + trans_file + ' ' +\ '-res ' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'im2_res.nii.gz' yield assert_equal, nr.cmdline, expected_cmd
def test_reg_tools_mul(): """ tests for reg_tools interface """ # Create a reg_tools object nr_tools = RegTools() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_tools.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_tools') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Test reg_tools: mul in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr_tools.inputs.in_file = in_file nr_tools.inputs.mul_val = 4 nr_tools.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -mul 4.0 -omp 4 -out {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_tools'), in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'im1_tools.nii.gz')) assert nr_tools.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_tools: iso nr_tools_2 = RegTools(iso_flag=True, omp_core_val=4) in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr_tools_2.inputs.in_file = in_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -iso -omp 4 -out {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_tools'), in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'im1_tools.nii.gz')) assert nr_tools_2.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_tools_mul(): """ tests for reg_tools interface """ # Create a reg_tools object nr_tools = RegTools() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_tools.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_tools') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Test reg_tools: mul in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr_tools.inputs.in_file = in_file nr_tools.inputs.mul_val = 4 nr_tools.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -mul 4.0 -omp 4 -out {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_tools'), in_file=in_file, out_file='im1_tools.nii.gz') assert nr_tools.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_tools: iso nr_tools_2 = RegTools(iso_flag=True, omp_core_val=4) in_file = example_data('im1.nii') nr_tools_2.inputs.in_file = in_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -in {in_file} -iso -omp 4 -out {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_tools'), in_file=in_file, out_file='im1_tools.nii.gz') assert nr_tools_2.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_comp_txt(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data aff1_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff2_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr.inputs.comp_input2 = aff2_file nr.inputs.comp_input = aff1_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -comp {aff1} {aff2} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff1=aff1_file, aff2=aff2_file, out_file=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ants_Affine_trans.txt')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_comp_txt(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data aff1_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff2_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr.inputs.comp_input2 = aff2_file nr.inputs.comp_input = aff1_file nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -comp {aff1} {aff2} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff1=aff1_file, aff2=aff2_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'ants_Affine_trans.txt')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_f3d(): """ tests for reg_f3d interface""" # Create a reg_f3d object nr_f3d = RegF3D() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_f3d.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_f3d') # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') flo_file = example_data('im2.nii') rmask_file = example_data('mask.nii') nr_f3d.inputs.ref_file = ref_file nr_f3d.inputs.flo_file = flo_file nr_f3d.inputs.rmask_file = rmask_file nr_f3d.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 nr_f3d.inputs.vel_flag = True nr_f3d.inputs.be_val = 0.1 nr_f3d.inputs.le_val = 0.1 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -be 0.100000 -cpp {cpp} -flo {flo} -le 0.100000 -omp 4 \ -ref {ref} -res {res} -rmask {rmask} -vel' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_f3d'), cpp='im2_cpp.nii.gz', flo=flo_file, ref=ref_file, res='im2_res.nii.gz', rmask=rmask_file, ) assert nr_f3d.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_flirt(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data aff_file = example_data('elastix.txt') ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') in_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr.inputs.flirt_2_nr_input = (aff_file, ref_file, in_file) nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -flirtAff2NR {aff} {ref} {in_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format( cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff=aff_file, ref=ref_file, in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'elastix_trans.txt')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_flirt(): # Create a reg_transform object nr = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data aff_file = example_data('elastix.txt') ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') in_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr.inputs.flirt_2_nr_input = (aff_file, ref_file, in_file) nr.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -flirtAff2NR {aff} {ref} {in_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff=aff_file, ref=ref_file, in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'elastix_trans.txt')) assert nr.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_dwi_tool(): """ Testing DwiTool interface.""" # Create a node object dwi_tool = DwiTool() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('dwi_tool', env_dir='NIFTYFITDIR') assert dwi_tool.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('dwi.nii.gz') bval_file = example_data('bvals') bvec_file = example_data('bvecs') b0_file = example_data('b0.nii') mask_file = example_data('mask.nii.gz') dwi_tool.inputs.source_file = in_file dwi_tool.inputs.mask_file = mask_file dwi_tool.inputs.bval_file = bval_file dwi_tool.inputs.bvec_file = bvec_file dwi_tool.inputs.b0_file = b0_file dwi_tool.inputs.dti_flag = True cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -source {in_file} -bval {bval} -bvec {bvec} -b0 {b0} \ -mask {mask} -dti -famap {fa} -logdti2 {log} -mcmap {mc} -mdmap {md} \ -rgbmap {rgb} -syn {syn} -v1map {v1}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, bval=bval_file, bvec=bvec_file, b0=b0_file, mask=mask_file, fa='dwi_famap.nii.gz', log='dwi_logdti2.nii.gz', mc='dwi_mcmap.nii.gz', md='dwi_mdmap.nii.gz', rgb='dwi_rgbmap.nii.gz', syn='dwi_syn.nii.gz', v1='dwi_v1map.nii.gz') assert dwi_tool.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_fit_dwi(): """ Testing FitDwi interface.""" # Create a node object fit_dwi = FitDwi() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('fit_dwi', env_dir='NIFTYFITDIR') assert fit_dwi.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('dwi.nii.gz') bval_file = example_data('bvals') bvec_file = example_data('bvecs') fit_dwi.inputs.source_file = in_file fit_dwi.inputs.bval_file = bval_file fit_dwi.inputs.bvec_file = bvec_file fit_dwi.inputs.dti_flag = True cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -source {in_file} -bval {bval} -bvec {bvec} -dti \ -error {error} -famap {fa} -mcmap {mc} -mcout {mcout} -mdmap {md} -nodiff \ {nodiff} -res {res} -rgbmap {rgb} -syn {syn} -tenmap2 {ten2} -v1map {v1}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, bval=bval_file, bvec=bvec_file, error='dwi_error.nii.gz', fa='dwi_famap.nii.gz', mc='dwi_mcmap.nii.gz', md='dwi_mdmap.nii.gz', nodiff='dwi_no_diff.nii.gz', res='dwi_resmap.nii.gz', rgb='dwi_rgbmap.nii.gz', syn='dwi_syn.nii.gz', ten2='dwi_tenmap2.nii.gz', v1='dwi_v1map.nii.gz', mcout='dwi_mcout.txt') assert fit_dwi.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_unary_stats(): """ Test for the seg_stats interfaces """ # Create a node object unarys = UnaryStats() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_stats', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert unarys.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') unarys.inputs.in_file = in_file unarys.inputs.operation = 'a' expected_cmd = '{cmd} {in_file} -a'.format(cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file) assert unarys.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_unary_maths(): # Create a node object unarym = UnaryMaths() # Check if the command is properly defined cmd = get_custom_path('seg_maths', env_dir='NIFTYSEGDIR') assert unarym.cmd == cmd # test raising error with mandatory args absent with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Assign some input data in_file = example_data('im1.nii') unarym.inputs.in_file = in_file unarym.inputs.operation = 'otsu' unarym.inputs.output_datatype = 'float' expected_cmd = '{cmd} {in_file} -otsu -odt float {out_file}'.format( cmd=cmd, in_file=in_file, out_file='im1_otsu.nii') assert unarym.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_transform_def(): """ tests for reg_transform interface """ # Create a reg_transform object nr_transform = RegTransform() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_transform.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_transform') # Assign some input data trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_transform.inputs.def_input = trans_file nr_transform.inputs.omp_core_val = 4 cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -def {trans_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), trans_file=trans_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr_transform.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_transform: def ref nr_transform_2 = RegTransform(omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') nr_transform_2.inputs.ref1_file = ref_file nr_transform_2.inputs.def_input = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -ref {ref_file} -omp 4 -def {trans_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), ref_file=ref_file, trans_file=trans_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr_transform_2.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_transform: comp nii nr_transform_3 = RegTransform(omp_core_val=4) ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') trans2_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') nr_transform_3.inputs.ref1_file = ref_file nr_transform_3.inputs.comp_input2 = trans2_file nr_transform_3.inputs.comp_input = trans_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -ref {ref_file} -omp 4 -comp {trans1} {trans2} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), ref_file=ref_file, trans1=trans_file, trans2=trans2_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'warpfield_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr_transform_3.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_transform: comp txt nr_transform_4 = RegTransform(omp_core_val=4) aff1_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff2_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr_transform_4.inputs.comp_input2 = aff2_file nr_transform_4.inputs.comp_input = aff1_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -comp {aff1} {aff2} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff1=aff1_file, aff2=aff2_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'ants_Affine_trans.txt')) assert nr_transform_4.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_transform: comp nr_transform_5 = RegTransform(omp_core_val=4) trans_file = example_data('warpfield.nii') aff_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr_transform_5.inputs.comp_input2 = trans_file nr_transform_5.inputs.comp_input = aff_file cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -comp {aff} {trans} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff=aff_file, trans=trans_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'elastix_trans.nii.gz')) assert nr_transform_5.cmdline == expected_cmd # Test reg_transform: flirt nr_transform_6 = RegTransform(omp_core_val=4) aff_file = example_data('elastix.txt') ref_file = example_data('im1.nii') in_file = example_data('im2.nii') nr_transform_6.inputs.flirt_2_nr_input = (aff_file, ref_file, in_file) cmd_tmp = '{cmd} -omp 4 -flirtAff2NR {aff} {ref} {in_file} {out_file}' expected_cmd = cmd_tmp.format(cmd=get_custom_path('reg_transform'), aff=aff_file, ref=ref_file, in_file=in_file, out_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'elastix_trans.txt')) assert nr_transform_6.cmdline == expected_cmd
def test_reg_average(): """ tests for reg_average interface """ # Create a reg_average object nr_average = RegAverage() # Check if the command is properly defined assert nr_average.cmd == get_custom_path('reg_average') # Average niis one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') nr_average.inputs.avg_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] generated_cmd = nr_average.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f_obj: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = '%s %s -avg %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path( 'reg_average'), os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), one_file, two_file, three_file) assert argv.decode('utf-8') == expected_argv # Test command line with text file expected_cmd = ('%s --cmd_file %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), reg_average_cmd)) assert generated_cmd == expected_cmd # Test Reg Average: average txt nr_average_2 = RegAverage() one_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') two_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') three_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr_average_2.inputs.avg_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] generated_cmd = nr_average_2.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f_obj: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = '%s %s -avg %s %s %s' % ( get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.txt'), one_file, two_file, three_file) assert argv.decode('utf-8') == expected_argv # Test Reg Average: average list nr_average_3 = RegAverage() one_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') two_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') three_file = example_data('elastix.txt') nr_average_3.inputs.avg_lts_files = [one_file, two_file, three_file] generated_cmd = nr_average_3.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f_obj: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -avg_lts %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.txt'), one_file, two_file, three_file)) assert argv.decode('utf-8') == expected_argv # Test Reg Average: average ref nr_average_4 = RegAverage() ref_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') trans1_file = example_data('roi01.nii') trans2_file = example_data('roi02.nii') trans3_file = example_data('roi03.nii') nr_average_4.inputs.warp_files = [ trans1_file, one_file, trans2_file, two_file, trans3_file, three_file ] nr_average_4.inputs.avg_ref_file = ref_file generated_cmd = nr_average_4.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f_obj: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ( '%s %s -avg_tran %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), ref_file, trans1_file, one_file, trans2_file, two_file, trans3_file, three_file)) assert argv.decode('utf-8') == expected_argv # Test Reg Average: demean3 nr_average_5 = RegAverage() ref_file = example_data('anatomical.nii') one_file = example_data('im1.nii') two_file = example_data('im2.nii') three_file = example_data('im3.nii') aff1_file = example_data('TransformParameters.0.txt') aff2_file = example_data('ants_Affine.txt') aff3_file = example_data('elastix.txt') trans1_file = example_data('roi01.nii') trans2_file = example_data('roi02.nii') trans3_file = example_data('roi03.nii') nr_average_5.inputs.warp_files = [ aff1_file, trans1_file, one_file, aff2_file, trans2_file, two_file, aff3_file, trans3_file, three_file ] nr_average_5.inputs.demean3_ref_file = ref_file generated_cmd = nr_average_5.cmdline # Read the reg_average_cmd reg_average_cmd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reg_average_cmd') with open(reg_average_cmd, 'rb') as f_obj: argv = os.remove(reg_average_cmd) expected_argv = ('%s %s -demean3 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (get_custom_path('reg_average'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'avg_out.nii.gz'), ref_file, aff1_file, trans1_file, one_file, aff2_file, trans2_file, two_file, aff3_file, trans3_file, three_file)) assert argv.decode('utf-8') == expected_argv