예제 #1
def main(paths, options_binary_string, ANAT, num_proc=7):

    json_path = paths[0]
    base_directory = paths[1]
    motion_correction_bet_directory = paths[2]
    parent_wf_directory = paths[3]
    # functional_connectivity_directory=paths[4]
    coreg_reg_directory = paths[5]
    atlas_resize_reg_directory = paths[6]
    subject_list = paths[7]
    datasink_name = paths[8]
    # fc_datasink_name=paths[9]
    atlasPath = paths[10]
    # brain_path=paths[11]
    # mask_path=paths[12]
    # atlas_path=paths[13]
    # tr_path=paths[14]
    # motion_params_path=paths[15]
    # func2std_mat_path=paths[16]
    # MNI3mm_path=paths[17]
    # demographics_file_path = paths[18]
    # phenotype_file_path = paths[19]
    data_directory = paths[20]

    number_of_subjects = len(subject_list)
    print("Working with ", number_of_subjects, " subjects.")

    # Create our own custom function - BIDSDataGrabber using a Function Interface.

    # In[858]:

    def get_nifti_filenames(subject_id, data_dir):
        #     Remember that all the necesary imports need to be INSIDE the function for the Function Interface to work!
        from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout

        layout = BIDSLayout(data_dir)
        run = 1

        anat_file_path = [
            f.filename for f in layout.get(
                subject=subject_id, type='T1w', extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz'])
        func_file_path = [
            f.filename for f in layout.get(subject=subject_id,
                                           extensions=['nii', 'nii.gz'])

        if len(anat_file_path) == 0:
            return None, func_file_path[0]  # No Anatomical files present
        return anat_file_path[0], func_file_path[0]

    BIDSDataGrabber = Node(Function(
        input_names=['subject_id', 'data_dir'],
        output_names=['anat_file_path', 'func_file_path']),
    # BIDSDataGrabber.iterables = [('subject_id',subject_list)]
    BIDSDataGrabber.inputs.data_dir = data_directory

    # ## Return TR

    def get_TR(in_file):
        from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout

        data_directory = '/home1/varunk/data/ABIDE1/RawDataBIDs'
        layout = BIDSLayout(data_directory)
        metadata = layout.get_metadata(path=in_file)
        TR = metadata['RepetitionTime']
        return TR

    # ---------------- Added new Node to return TR and other slice timing correction params-------------------------------
    def _getMetadata(in_file):
        from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout
        import logging

        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # create a file handler
        handler = logging.FileHandler('progress.log')

        # add the handlers to the logger

        interleaved = True
        index_dir = False
        data_directory = '/home1/varunk/data/ABIDE1/RawDataBIDs'
        layout = BIDSLayout(data_directory)
        metadata = layout.get_metadata(path=in_file)

        logger.info('Extracting Meta Data of file: %s', in_file)
            tr = metadata['RepetitionTime']
        except KeyError:
                'Key RepetitionTime not found in task-rest_bold.json so using a default of 2.0 '
            tr = 2
                'Key RepetitionTime not found in task-rest_bold.json for file %s so using a default of 2.0 ',

            slice_order = metadata['SliceAcquisitionOrder']
        except KeyError:
                'Key SliceAcquisitionOrder not found in task-rest_bold.json so using a default of interleaved ascending '
                'Key SliceAcquisitionOrder not found in task-rest_bold.json for file %s so using a default of interleaved ascending',
            return tr, index_dir, interleaved

        if slice_order.split(' ')[0] == 'Sequential':
            interleaved = False
        if slice_order.split(' ')[1] == 'Descending':
            index_dir = True

        return tr, index_dir, interleaved

    getMetadata = Node(Function(
        output_names=['tr', 'index_dir', 'interleaved']),

    # ### Skipping 4 starting scans
    # Extract ROI for skipping first 4 scans of the functional data
    # > **Arguments:**
    # t_min: (corresponds to time dimension) Denotes the starting time of the inclusion
    # t_size: Denotes the number of scans to include
    # The logic behind skipping 4 initial scans is to take scans after the subject has stabalized in the scanner.

    # In[863]:

    # ExtractROI - skip dummy scans
    extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1),

    # ### Slice time correction
    # Created a Node that does slice time correction
    # > **Arguments**:
    # index_dir=False -> Slices were taken bottom to top i.e. in ascending order
    # interleaved=True means odd slices were acquired first and then even slices [or vice versa(Not sure)]

    slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(output_type='NIFTI'), name="slicetimer")

    # ### Motion Correction
    # Motion correction is done using fsl's mcflirt. It alligns all the volumes of a functional scan to each other

    # MCFLIRT - motion correction
    mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True, save_plots=True,

    #  Just a dummy node to transfer the output of Mcflirt to the next workflow. Needed if we didnt want to use the Mcflirt
    from_mcflirt = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file']),

    # ### Skull striping
    # I used fsl's BET

    # In[868]:

    skullStrip = Node(BET(mask=False, frac=0.3, robust=True),
                      name='skullStrip')  #

    # *Note*: Do not include special characters in ```name``` field above coz then  wf.writegraph will cause issues

    # ## Resample
    # I needed to resample the anatomical file from 1mm to 3mm. Because registering a 1mm file was taking a huge amount of time.

    # In[872]:

    # Resample - resample anatomy to 3x3x3 voxel resolution
    resample_mni = Node(
            voxel_size=(3, 3, 3),
            resample_mode='Cu',  # cubic interpolation

    resample_anat = Node(
            voxel_size=(3, 3, 3),
            resample_mode='Cu',  # cubic interpolation

    # In[873]:

    resample_atlas = Node(
            voxel_size=(3, 3, 3),
            resample_mode='NN',  # cubic interpolation

    resample_atlas.inputs.in_file = atlasPath

    # # Matrix operations
    # ### For concatenating the transformation matrices

    concat_xform = Node(ConvertXFM(concat_xfm=True), name='concat_xform')

    # Node to calculate the inverse of func2std matrix
    inv_mat = Node(ConvertXFM(invert_xfm=True), name='inv_mat')

    # ## Extracting the mean brain

    meanfunc = Node(interface=ImageMaths(op_string='-Tmean', suffix='_mean'),

    meanfuncmask = Node(interface=BET(mask=True, no_output=True, frac=0.3),

    # ## Apply Mask

    # Does BET (masking) on the whole func scan [Not using this, creates bug for join node]
    maskfunc = Node(interface=ImageMaths(suffix='_bet', op_string='-mas'),

    # Does BET (masking) on the mean func scan
    maskfunc4mean = Node(interface=ImageMaths(suffix='_bet', op_string='-mas'),

    # ## Datasink
    # I needed to define the structure of what files are saved and where.

    # Create DataSink object
    dataSink = Node(DataSink(), name='datasink')

    # Name of the output folder
    dataSink.inputs.base_directory = opj(base_directory, datasink_name)

    # Define substitution strings so that the data is similar to BIDS
    substitutions = [
        ('_subject_id_', 'sub-'), ('_resample_brain_flirt.nii_brain', ''),
        ('_roi_st_mcf_flirt.nii_brain_flirt', ''),
        ('task-rest_run-1_bold_roi_st_mcf.nii', 'motion_params'),

    # Feed the substitution strings to the DataSink node
    dataSink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions

    # ### Apply Mask to functional data
    # Mean file of the motion corrected functional scan is sent to
    # skullStrip to get just the brain and the mask_image.
    # Mask_image is just a binary file (containing 1 where brain is present and 0 where it isn't).
    # After getting the mask_image form skullStrip, apply that mask to aligned
    # functional image to extract its brain and remove the skull

    # In[889]:

    # Function
    # in_file: The file on which you want to apply mask
    # in_file2 = mask_file:  The mask you want to use. Make sure that mask_file has same size as in_file
    # out_file : Result of applying mask in in_file -> Gives the path of the output file

    def applyMask_func(in_file, in_file2):
        import numpy as np
        import nibabel as nib
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        # convert from unicode to string : u'/tmp/tmp8daO2Q/..' -> '/tmp/tmp8daO2Q/..' i.e. removes the prefix 'u'
        mask_file = in_file2

        brain_data = nib.load(in_file)
        mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)

        brain = brain_data.get_data().astype('float32')
        mask = mask_data.get_data()

        # applying mask by multiplying elementwise to the binary mask

        if len(brain.shape) == 3:  # Anat file
            brain = np.multiply(brain, mask)
        elif len(brain.shape) > 3:  # Functional File
            for t in range(brain.shape[-1]):
                brain[:, :, :, t] = np.multiply(brain[:, :, :, t], mask)

        # Saving the brain file

        path = os.getcwd()

        in_file_split_list = in_file.split('/')
        in_file_name = in_file_split_list[-1]

        out_file = in_file_name + '_brain.nii.gz'  # changing name
        brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain,
        nib.save(brain_with_header, out_file)

        out_file = opj(path, out_file)
        out_file2 = in_file2

        return out_file, out_file2

    # #### Things learnt:
    # 1. I found out that whenever a node is being executed, it becomes the current directory and whatever file you create now, will be stored here.
    # 2. #from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; Tracer()()    # Debugger doesnt work in nipype

    # Wrap the above function inside a Node

    # In[890]:

    applyMask = Node(Function(function=applyMask_func,
                              input_names=['in_file', 'in_file2'],
                              output_names=['out_file', 'out_file2']),

    # ### Some nodes needed for Co-registration and Normalization

    # Node for getting the xformation matrix
    func2anat_reg = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI'), name="func2anat_reg")

    # Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data
    func2std_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI', apply_xfm=True),

    # Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data
    std2func_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI',

    # Node for Normalizing/Standardizing the anatomical and getting the xformation matrix
    anat2std_reg = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI'), name="anat2std_reg")

    # I wanted to use the MNI file as input to the workflow so I created an Identity
    # Node that reads the MNI file path and outputs the same MNI file path.
    # Then I connected this node to whereever it was needed.

    MNI152_2mm = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['standard_file', 'mask_file']),
    # Set the mask_file and standard_file input in the Node. This setting sets the input mask_file permanently.
    MNI152_2mm.inputs.mask_file = os.path.expandvars(

    MNI152_2mm.inputs.standard_file = os.path.expandvars(
    # MNI152_2mm.inputs.mask_file = '/usr/share/fsl/5.0/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask.nii.gz'
    # MNI152_2mm.inputs.standard_file = '/usr/share/fsl/5.0/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz'

    # ## Band Pass Filtering
    # Let's do a band pass filtering on the data using the code from https://neurostars.org/t/bandpass-filtering-different-outputs-from-fsl-and-nipype-custom-function/824/2

    ### AFNI

    bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.008,

    # ### Following is a Join Node that collects the preprocessed file paths and saves them in a file

    # In[902]:

    def save_file_list_function_in_brain(in_brain):
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list = np.asarray(in_brain)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',

        np.save('brain_file_list', file_list)
        file_name = 'brain_file_list.npy'
        out_brain = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name)  # path
        return out_brain

    def save_file_list_function_in_mask(in_mask):
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list2 = np.asarray(in_mask)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',

        np.save('mask_file_list', file_list2)
        file_name2 = 'mask_file_list.npy'
        out_mask = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name2)  # path
        return out_mask

    def save_file_list_function_in_motion_params(in_motion_params):
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list3 = np.asarray(in_motion_params)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',

        np.save('motion_params_file_list', file_list3)
        file_name3 = 'motion_params_file_list.npy'
        out_motion_params = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name3)  # path
        return out_motion_params

    def save_file_list_function_in_motion_outliers(in_motion_outliers):
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list4 = np.asarray(in_motion_outliers)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',

        np.save('motion_outliers_file_list', file_list4)
        file_name4 = 'motion_outliers_file_list.npy'
        out_motion_outliers = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name4)  # path
        return out_motion_outliers

    def save_file_list_function_in_joint_xformation_matrix(
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list5 = np.asarray(in_joint_xformation_matrix)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',

        np.save('joint_xformation_matrix_file_list', file_list5)
        file_name5 = 'joint_xformation_matrix_file_list.npy'
        out_joint_xformation_matrix = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name5)  # path
        return out_joint_xformation_matrix

    def save_file_list_function_in_tr(in_tr):
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        tr_list = np.asarray(in_tr)
        print('######################## TR List ######################: \n',

        np.save('tr_list', tr_list)
        file_name6 = 'tr_list.npy'
        out_tr = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name6)  # path
        return out_tr

    def save_file_list_function_in_atlas(in_atlas):
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list7 = np.asarray(in_atlas)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',

        np.save('atlas_file_list', file_list7)
        file_name7 = 'atlas_file_list.npy'
        out_atlas = opj(os.getcwd(), file_name7)  # path
        return out_atlas

    save_file_list_in_brain = JoinNode(Function(

    save_file_list_in_mask = JoinNode(Function(

    save_file_list_in_motion_outliers = JoinNode(

    save_file_list_in_motion_params = JoinNode(

    save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix = JoinNode(

    save_file_list_in_tr = JoinNode(Function(

    save_file_list_in_atlas = JoinNode(Function(

    # save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix', 'in_tr', 'in_atlas'],
    #                output_names=['out_brain','out_mask','out_motion_params','out_motion_outliers','out_joint_xformation_matrix','out_tr', 'out_atlas']),
    #                joinsource="infosource",
    #                joinfield=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix','in_tr', 'in_atlas'],
    #                name="save_file_list")

    # def save_file_list_function(in_brain, in_mask, in_motion_params, in_motion_outliers, in_joint_xformation_matrix, in_tr, in_atlas):
    #     # Imports
    #     import numpy as np
    #     import os
    #     from os.path import join as opj
    #     file_list = np.asarray(in_brain)
    #     print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list)
    #     np.save('brain_file_list',file_list)
    #     file_name = 'brain_file_list.npy'
    #     out_brain = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name) # path
    #     file_list2 = np.asarray(in_mask)
    #     print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list2)
    #     np.save('mask_file_list',file_list2)
    #     file_name2 = 'mask_file_list.npy'
    #     out_mask = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name2) # path
    #     file_list3 = np.asarray(in_motion_params)
    #     print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list3)
    #     np.save('motion_params_file_list',file_list3)
    #     file_name3 = 'motion_params_file_list.npy'
    #     out_motion_params = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name3) # path
    #     file_list4 = np.asarray(in_motion_outliers)
    #     print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list4)
    #     np.save('motion_outliers_file_list',file_list4)
    #     file_name4 = 'motion_outliers_file_list.npy'
    #     out_motion_outliers = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name4) # path
    #     file_list5 = np.asarray(in_joint_xformation_matrix)
    #     print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list5)
    #     np.save('joint_xformation_matrix_file_list',file_list5)
    #     file_name5 = 'joint_xformation_matrix_file_list.npy'
    #     out_joint_xformation_matrix = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name5) # path
    #     tr_list = np.asarray(in_tr)
    #     print('######################## TR List ######################: \n',tr_list)
    #     np.save('tr_list',tr_list)
    #     file_name6 = 'tr_list.npy'
    #     out_tr = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name6) # path
    #     file_list7 = np.asarray(in_atlas)
    #     print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list7)
    #     np.save('atlas_file_list',file_list7)
    #     file_name7 = 'atlas_file_list.npy'
    #     out_atlas = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name7) # path
    #     return out_brain, out_mask, out_motion_params, out_motion_outliers, out_joint_xformation_matrix, out_tr , out_atlas
    # save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix', 'in_tr', 'in_atlas'],
    #                  output_names=['out_brain','out_mask','out_motion_params','out_motion_outliers','out_joint_xformation_matrix','out_tr', 'out_atlas']),
    #                  joinsource="infosource",
    #                  joinfield=['in_brain', 'in_mask', 'in_motion_params','in_motion_outliers','in_joint_xformation_matrix','in_tr', 'in_atlas'],
    #                  name="save_file_list")

    # ### Motion outliers

    motionOutliers = Node(MotionOutliers(no_motion_correction=False,

    # ## Workflow for atlas registration  from std to functional

    wf_atlas_resize_reg = Workflow(name=atlas_resize_reg_directory)


        # Apply the inverse matrix to the 3mm Atlas to transform it to func space
        (maskfunc4mean, std2func_xform, [(('out_file', 'reference'))]),
        (resample_atlas, std2func_xform, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),

        # Now, applying the inverse matrix
        (inv_mat, std2func_xform, [('out_file', 'in_matrix_file')]
         ),  # output: Atlas in func space
        (std2func_xform, save_file_list_in_atlas, [('out_file', 'in_atlas')]),

        # ---------------------------Save the required files --------------------------------------------
        (save_file_list_in_motion_params, dataSink,
         [('out_motion_params', 'motion_params_paths.@out_motion_params')]),
        (save_file_list_in_motion_outliers, dataSink,
         [('out_motion_outliers', 'motion_outliers_paths.@out_motion_outliers')
        (save_file_list_in_brain, dataSink,
         [('out_brain', 'preprocessed_brain_paths.@out_brain')]),
        (save_file_list_in_mask, dataSink,
         [('out_mask', 'preprocessed_mask_paths.@out_mask')]),
        (save_file_list_in_joint_xformation_matrix, dataSink,
        (save_file_list_in_tr, dataSink, [('out_tr', 'tr_paths.@out_tr')]),
        (save_file_list_in_atlas, dataSink, [('out_atlas',

    # In[909]:

    wf_coreg_reg = Workflow(name=coreg_reg_directory)
    # wf_coreg_reg.base_dir = base_directory
    # Dir where all the outputs will be stored(inside coregistrationPipeline folder).

    if ANAT == 1:
        wf_coreg_reg.connect(BIDSDataGrabber, 'anat_file_path', skullStrip,
                             'in_file')  # Resampled the anat file to 3mm

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(skullStrip, 'out_file', resample_anat, 'in_file')

            resample_anat, 'out_file', func2anat_reg, 'reference'
        )  # Make the resampled file as reference in func2anat_reg

        # Sec 1. The above 3 steps registers the mean image to resampled anat image and
        # calculates the xformation matrix .. I hope the xformation matrix will be saved

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(MNI152_2mm, 'standard_file', resample_mni,

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(resample_mni, 'out_file', anat2std_reg,

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(resample_anat, 'out_file', anat2std_reg,

        # Calculates the Xformationmatrix from anat3mm to MNI 3mm

        # We can get those matrices by refering to func2anat_reg.outputs.out_matrix_file and similarly for anat2std_reg

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file', concat_xform,

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(anat2std_reg, 'out_matrix_file', concat_xform,

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(concat_xform, 'out_file', dataSink,

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(concat_xform, 'out_file',

        # Now inverse the func2std MAT to std2func
        wf_coreg_reg.connect(concat_xform, 'out_file', wf_atlas_resize_reg,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Registration of Functional to MNI 3mm space w/o using anatomical
    if ANAT == 0:
        print('Not using Anatomical high resoulution files')
        wf_coreg_reg.connect(MNI152_2mm, 'standard_file', resample_mni,
            resample_mni, 'out_file', func2anat_reg, 'reference'
        )  # Make the resampled file as reference in func2anat_reg

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file', dataSink,

        wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file',

        # Now inverse the func2std MAT to std2func
        wf_coreg_reg.connect(func2anat_reg, 'out_matrix_file',
                             wf_atlas_resize_reg, 'inv_mat.in_file')

    # ## Co-Registration, Normalization and Bandpass Workflow
    # 1. Co-registration means alligning the func to anat
    # 2. Normalization means aligning func/anat to standard
    # 3. Applied band pass filtering in range - highpass=0.008, lowpass=0.08

    # In[910]:

    wf_motion_correction_bet = Workflow(name=motion_correction_bet_directory)
    # wf_motion_correction_bet.base_dir = base_directory

        (from_mcflirt, meanfunc, [('in_file', 'in_file')]),
        (meanfunc, meanfuncmask, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
        (from_mcflirt, applyMask, [('in_file', 'in_file')]),  # 1
        (meanfuncmask, applyMask, [
            ('mask_file', 'in_file2')
        ]),  # 2 output: 1&2,  BET on coregistered fmri scan
        (meanfunc, maskfunc4mean, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),  # 3
        (meanfuncmask, maskfunc4mean,
         [('mask_file', 'in_file2')]),  # 4 output: 3&4, BET on mean func scan
        (applyMask, save_file_list_in_brain, [('out_file', 'in_brain')]),
        (applyMask, save_file_list_in_mask, [('out_file2', 'in_mask')]),
        (maskfunc4mean, wf_coreg_reg, [('out_file', 'func2anat_reg.in_file')])

    infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']),

    infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list)]

    # Create the workflow

    wf = Workflow(name=parent_wf_directory)
    # base_dir = opj(s,'result')
    wf.base_dir = base_directory  # Dir where all the outputs will be stored(inside BETFlow folder).

    # wf.connect([      (infosource, BIDSDataGrabber, [('subject_id','subject_id')]),
    #                   (BIDSDataGrabber, extract, [('func_file_path','in_file')]),
    #                   (BIDSDataGrabber,getMetadata, [('func_file_path','in_file')]),
    #                   (getMetadata,slicetimer, [('tr','time_repetition')]),
    #                   (getMetadata,slicetimer, [('index_dir','index_dir')]),
    #                   (getMetadata,slicetimer, [('interleaved','interleaved')]),
    #                   (getMetadata,save_file_list_in_tr, [('tr','in_tr')]),
    #                   (extract,slicetimer,[('roi_file','in_file')]),
    #                   (slicetimer, mcflirt,[('slice_time_corrected_file','in_file')])
    #                   (mcflirt,dataSink,[('par_file','motion_params.@par_file')]), # saves the motion parameters calculated before
    #                   (mcflirt,save_file_list_in_motion_params,[('par_file','in_motion_params')]),
    #                   (mcflirt,wf_motion_correction_bet,[('out_file','from_mcflirt.in_file')])
    #            ])
    # # Run it in parallel
    # wf.run('MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': num_proc})
    # # Visualize the detailed graph
    # # from IPython.display import Image
    # wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True)

    # Options:
    # discard 4 Volumes (extract), slicetimer, mcflirt
    print('Preprocessing Options:')
    print('Skipping 4 dummy volumes - ', options_binary_string[0])
    print('Slicetiming correction - ', options_binary_string[1])
    print('Finding Motion Outliers - ', options_binary_string[2])
    print('Doing Motion Correction - ', options_binary_string[3])

    # ANAT = 0
    nodes = [extract, slicetimer, motionOutliers, mcflirt]
    wf.connect(infosource, 'subject_id', BIDSDataGrabber, 'subject_id')
    wf.connect(BIDSDataGrabber, 'func_file_path', getMetadata, 'in_file')
    wf.connect(getMetadata, 'tr', save_file_list_in_tr, 'in_tr')

    old_node = BIDSDataGrabber
    old_node_output = 'func_file_path'

    for idx, include in enumerate(options_binary_string):

        if old_node == extract:
            old_node_output = 'roi_file'
        elif old_node == slicetimer:
            old_node_output = 'slice_time_corrected_file'
        # elif old_node == mcflirt:

        # old_node_output = 'out_file'

        if int(include):
            new_node = nodes[idx]

            if new_node == slicetimer:
                wf.connect(getMetadata, 'tr', slicetimer, 'time_repetition')
                wf.connect(getMetadata, 'index_dir', slicetimer, 'index_dir')
                wf.connect(getMetadata, 'interleaved', slicetimer,
                new_node_input = 'in_file'
            elif new_node == extract:
                new_node_input = 'in_file'
            elif new_node == mcflirt:
                new_node_input = 'in_file'
                wf.connect(mcflirt, 'par_file', dataSink,
                           )  # saves the motion parameters calculated before

                wf.connect(mcflirt, 'par_file',
                           save_file_list_in_motion_params, 'in_motion_params')

                wf.connect(mcflirt, 'out_file', wf_motion_correction_bet,

            elif new_node == motionOutliers:

                wf.connect(meanfuncmask, 'mask_file', motionOutliers, 'mask')

                wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_file', dataSink,

                wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_metric_plot', dataSink,

                wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_metric_values', dataSink,

                wf.connect(motionOutliers, 'out_file',

                new_node_input = 'in_file'

                wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input)


            wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input)

            old_node = new_node

            if idx == 3:
                # new_node = from_mcflirt
                # new_node_input = 'from_mcflirt.in_file'

                wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, wf_motion_correction_bet,

                # old_node = new_node

    TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE = opj(base_directory, 'crash_files')
    wf.config = {"execution": {"crashdump_dir": TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE}}

    # Visualize the detailed graph
    # from IPython.display import Image

    wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png', simple_form=True)

    # Run it in parallel
    wf.run('MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': num_proc})
def _main(subject_list,vols,subid_vol_dict, number_of_skipped_volumes,brain_path,\
   functional_connectivity_directory ):

    # ## Volume correction
    # * I have already extracted 4 volumes.
    # * Now extract 120 - 4 = 116 volumes from each subject
    # * So define vols = 114

    if number_of_skipped_volumes == None:
        number_of_skipped_volumes = 4
    vols = vols - number_of_skipped_volumes

    def vol_correct(sub_id, subid_vol_dict, vols, number_of_skipped_volumes):
        sub_vols = subid_vol_dict[sub_id] - number_of_skipped_volumes
        if sub_vols > vols:
            t_min = sub_vols - vols
        elif sub_vols == vols:
            t_min = 0
            raise Exception('Volumes of Sub ',sub_id,' less than desired!')
        return int(t_min)

    # In[491]:

    volCorrect = Node(Function(function=vol_correct, input_names=['sub_id','subid_vol_dict','vols','number_of_skipped_volumes'],
                                    output_names=['t_min']), name='volCorrect')

    volCorrect.inputs.subid_vol_dict = subid_vol_dict
    volCorrect.inputs.vols = vols
    volCorrect.inputs.number_of_skipped_volumes = number_of_skipped_volumes

    # ## Define a function to fetch the filenames of a particular subject ID

    def get_subject_filenames(subject_id,brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path,MNI3mm_path):
        import re
        from itertools import zip_longest
        for brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat in zip_longest(brain_path,mask_path,atlas_path,tr_path,motion_params_path,func2std_mat_path): #itertools helps to zip unequal save_file_list_in_mask
        #  Source : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11318977/zipping-unequal-lists-in-python-in-to-a-list-which-does-not-drop-any-element-fro

            sub_id_extracted = re.search('.+_subject_id_(\d+)', brain).group(1)
            if str(subject_id) in brain:
    #             print("Files for subject ",subject_id,brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param)
                return brain,mask,atlas,tr,motion_param,func2std_mat,MNI3mm_path

        print ('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id,'extracted: ',sub_id_extracted)
        # print ('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id)
        raise Exception('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id,'extracted: ',sub_id_extracted)
        # raise Exception('Unable to locate Subject: ',subject_id)
        return 0

    # Make a node
    getSubjectFilenames = Node(Function(function=get_subject_filenames, input_names=['subject_id','brain_path','mask_path','atlas_path','tr_path','motion_params_path','func2std_mat_path','MNI3mm_path'],
                                    output_names=['brain','mask','atlas','tr','motion_param','func2std_mat', 'MNI3mm_path']), name='getSubjectFilenames')

    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.brain_path = brain_path
    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.mask_path = mask_path
    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.atlas_path = atlas_path
    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.tr_path = tr_path
    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.motion_params_path = motion_params_path
    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.func2std_mat_path = func2std_mat_path
    getSubjectFilenames.inputs.MNI3mm_path = MNI3mm_path

    infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id']),

    infosource.iterables = [('subject_id',subject_list)]

    # ## Band Pass Filtering
    # Let's do a band pass filtering on the data using the
    # code from https://neurostars.org/t/bandpass-filtering-different-outputs-from-fsl-and-nipype-custom-function/824/2

    ### AFNI

    bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.1,
                             despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True,

    # bandpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.001, lowpass=0.01,
    #                          despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True,
    #                          tr=2.0,outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'),name='bandpass')

    # ## Highpass filtering

    # In[506]:

    Perform temporal highpass filtering on the data

    # https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/program_help/3dBandpass.html
    # os.chdir('/home1/varunk/Autism-Connectome-Analysis-bids-related/')

    highpass = Node(afni.Bandpass(highpass=0.009, lowpass=99999,
                             despike=False, no_detrend=True, notrans=True,

    #  FSL bandpass/Highpass
    # highpass = Node(interface=ImageMaths(suffix='_tempfilt'),
    #                   iterfield=['in_file'],
    #                   name='highpass')
    # highpass.inputs.op_string = '-bptf 27.77775001525879  -1' # 23.64 # 31.25

    # ## Smoothing
    # ### Using 6mm fwhm
    # sigma = 6/2.3548 = 2.547987090198743

    spatialSmooth = Node(interface=ImageMaths(op_string='-s 2.5479',

    # ## Performs Gram Schmidt Process
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram%E2%80%93Schmidt_process

    # In[509]:

    def orthogonalize(in_file, mask_file):
        import numpy as np
        import nibabel as nib
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        def gram_schmidt(voxel_time_series, mean_vector):
            numerator = np.dot(voxel_time_series,mean_vector)
            dinominator = np.dot(mean_vector,mean_vector)
            voxel_time_series_orthogonalized = voxel_time_series - (numerator/dinominator)*mean_vector

    #         sum_dot_prod = np.sum(np.dot(voxel_time_series_orthogonalized,mean_vector))

    #         print('Sum of entries of orthogonalized vector = ',sum_dot_prod)
            return voxel_time_series_orthogonalized

        mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)
        mask = mask_data.get_data()

        brain_data = nib.load(in_file)
        brain = brain_data.get_data()

        x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain_data.shape

        # Find mean brain

        mean_vector = np.zeros(t_dim)

        num_brain_voxels = 0

        # Count the number of brain voxels
        for i in range(x_dim):
            for j in range(y_dim):
                for k in range(z_dim):
                    if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                        mean_vector = mean_vector + brain[i,j,k,:]
                        num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1

        mean_vector = mean_vector / num_brain_voxels

        # Orthogonalize
        for i in range(x_dim):
            for j in range(y_dim):
                for k in range(z_dim):
                    if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                        brain[i,j,k,:] = gram_schmidt(brain[i,j,k,:], mean_vector)

        sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1]

        gsr_file_name = 'sub-' + sub_id + '_task-rest_run-1_bold.nii.gz'

    #     gsr_file_name_nii = gsr_file_name + '.nii.gz'

        out_file = opj(os.getcwd(),gsr_file_name) # path

        brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header)

        return out_file

    # In[510]:

    globalSignalRemoval = Node(Function(function=orthogonalize, input_names=['in_file','mask_file'],
                                      output_names=['out_file']), name='globalSignalRemoval' )
    # globalSignalRemoval.inputs.mask_file = mask_file
    # globalSignalRemoval.iterables = [('in_file',file_paths)]

    # ## GLM for regression of motion parameters

    # In[511]:

    def calc_residuals(in_file,
        Calculates residuals of nuisance regressors -motion parameters for every voxel for a subject using GLM.

        in_file : string
            Path of a subject's motion corrected nifti file.
        motion_par_file : string
            path of a subject's motion parameters

        out_file : string
            Path of residual file in nifti format

        import nibabel as nb
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj
        nii = nb.load(in_file)
        data = nii.get_data().astype(np.float32)
        global_mask = (data != 0).sum(-1) != 0

        # Check and define regressors which are provided from files
        if motion_file is not None:
            motion = np.genfromtxt(motion_file)
            if motion.shape[0] != data.shape[3]:
                raise ValueError('Motion parameters {0} do not match data '
                                 'timepoints {1}'.format(motion.shape[0],
            if motion.size == 0:
                raise ValueError('Motion signal file {0} is '

        # Calculate regressors
        regressor_map = {'constant' : np.ones((data.shape[3],1))}

        regressor_map['motion'] = motion

        X = np.zeros((data.shape[3], 1))

        for rname, rval in regressor_map.items():
            X = np.hstack((X, rval.reshape(rval.shape[0],-1)))

        X = X[:,1:]

        if np.isnan(X).any() or np.isnan(X).any():
            raise ValueError('Regressor file contains NaN')

        Y = data[global_mask].T

            B = np.linalg.inv(X.T.dot(X)).dot(X.T).dot(Y)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
            if "Singular matrix" in e:
                raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSingular matrix error: "
                                "The nuisance regression configuration you "
                                "selected may have been too stringent, and the "
                                "regression could not be completed. Ensure your "
                                "parameters are not too "
                raise Exception("Error details: {0}\n\nSomething went wrong with "
                                "nuisance regression.\n\n".format(e))

        Y_res = Y - X.dot(B)

        data[global_mask] = Y_res.T

        img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, header=nii.get_header(),

        subject_name = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
        filename = subject_name + '_residual.nii.gz'
        out_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),filename )
        img.to_filename(out_file) # alt to nib.save

        return out_file

    # In[512]:

    # Create a Node for above
    calc_residuals = Node(Function(function=calc_residuals, input_names=['in_file','motion_file'],
                                    output_names=['out_file']), name='calc_residuals')

    # ## Datasink
    # I needed to define the structure of what files are saved and where.

    # In[513]:

    # Create DataSink object
    dataSink = Node(DataSink(), name='datasink')

    # Name of the output folder
    dataSink.inputs.base_directory = opj(base_directory,fc_datasink_name)

    # To create the substitutions I looked the `datasink` folder where I was redirecting the output. I manually selected the part of file/folder name that I wanted to change and copied below to be substituted.

    # In[514]:

    # Define substitution strings so that the data is similar to BIDS
    substitutions = [('_subject_id_', 'sub-')]

    # Feed the substitution strings to the DataSink node
    dataSink.inputs.substitutions = substitutions

    # ### Following is a Join Node that collects the preprocessed file paths and saves them in a file

    # In[516]:

    def save_file_list_function(in_fc_map_brain_file):
        # Imports
        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        file_list = np.asarray(in_fc_map_brain_file)
        print('######################## File List ######################: \n',file_list)

        file_name = 'fc_map_brain_file_list.npy'
        out_fc_map_brain_file = opj(os.getcwd(),file_name) # path

        return out_fc_map_brain_file

    # In[517]:

    save_file_list = JoinNode(Function(function=save_file_list_function, input_names=['in_fc_map_brain_file'],

    # ## Create a FC node
    # This node:
    # 1. Exracts the average time series of the brain ROI's using the atlas and stores
    #     it as a matrix of size [ROIs x Volumes].
    # 2. Extracts the Voxel time series and stores it in matrix of size [Voxels x Volumes]

    # And save  FC matrix files in shape of brains
    def pear_coff(in_file, atlas_file, mask_file):
        # code to find how many voxels are in the brain region using the mask

            # imports
        import numpy as np
        import nibabel as nib
        import os
        from os.path import join as opj

        mask_data = nib.load(mask_file)
        mask = mask_data.get_data()

        x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape

        atlasPath = atlas_file
        # Read the atlas
        atlasObject = nib.load(atlasPath)
        atlas = atlasObject.get_data()

        num_ROIs = int((np.max(atlas) - np.min(atlas) ))

        # Read the brain in_file

        brain_data = nib.load(in_file)
        brain = brain_data.get_data()

        x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_volumes = brain.shape

        num_brain_voxels = 0

        x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = mask_data.shape

        for i in range(x_dim):
            for j in range(y_dim):
                for k in range(z_dim):
                    if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                        num_brain_voxels = num_brain_voxels + 1

        # Initialize a matrix of ROI time series and voxel time series

        ROI_matrix = np.zeros((num_ROIs, num_volumes))
        voxel_matrix = np.zeros((num_brain_voxels, num_volumes))

        # Fill up the voxel_matrix

        voxel_counter = 0
        for i in range(x_dim):
            for j in range(y_dim):
                for k in range(z_dim):
                    if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                        voxel_matrix[voxel_counter,:] = brain[i,j,k,:]
                        voxel_counter = voxel_counter + 1

        # Fill up the ROI_matrix
        # Keep track of number of voxels per ROI as well by using an array - num_voxels_in_ROI[]

        num_voxels_in_ROI = np.zeros((num_ROIs,1)) # A column arrray containing number of voxels in each ROI

        for i in range(x_dim):
            for j in range(y_dim):
                for k in range(z_dim):
                    label = int(atlas[i,j,k]) - 1
                    if label != -1:
                        ROI_matrix[label,:] = np.add(ROI_matrix[label,:], brain[i,j,k,:])
                        num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] = num_voxels_in_ROI[label,0] + 1

        ROI_matrix = np.divide(ROI_matrix,num_voxels_in_ROI) # Check if divide is working correctly

        X, Y = ROI_matrix, voxel_matrix

        # Subtract mean from X and Y

        X = np.subtract(X, np.mean(X, axis=1, keepdims=True))
        Y = np.subtract(Y, np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True))

        temp1 = np.dot(X,Y.T)
        temp2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(X,X), axis=1, keepdims=True))
        temp3 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.multiply(Y,Y), axis=1, keepdims=True))
        temp4 = np.dot(temp2,temp3.T)
        coff_matrix = np.divide(temp1, (temp4 + 1e-7))

        # Check if any ROI is missing and replace the NAN values in coff_matrix by 0
        if np.argwhere(np.isnan(coff_matrix)).shape[0] != 0:
            print("Some ROIs are not present. Replacing NAN in coff matrix by 0")
            np.nan_to_num(coff_matrix, copy=False)

        # TODO: when I have added 1e-7 in the dinominator, then why did I feel the need to replace NAN by zeros
        sub_id = in_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0].split('-')[1]

        fc_file_name = sub_id + '_fc_map'

        print ("Pear Matrix calculated for subject: ",sub_id)

        roi_brain_matrix = coff_matrix
        brain_file = in_file

        x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, t_dim = brain.shape


        brain_roi_tensor = np.zeros((brain_data.header.get_data_shape()))

        print("Creating brain for Subject-",sub_id)
        for roi in range(num_ROIs):
            brain_voxel_counter = 0
            for i in range(x_dim):
                for j in range(y_dim):
                    for k in range(z_dim):
                        if mask[i,j,k] == 1:
                            brain_roi_tensor[i,j,k,roi] = roi_brain_matrix[roi,brain_voxel_counter]
                            brain_voxel_counter = brain_voxel_counter + 1

            assert (brain_voxel_counter == len(roi_brain_matrix[roi,:]))
        print("Created brain for Subject-",sub_id)

        path = os.getcwd()
        fc_file_name = fc_file_name + '.nii.gz'
        out_file = opj(path,fc_file_name)

        brain_with_header = nib.Nifti1Image(brain_roi_tensor, affine=brain_data.affine,header = brain_data.header)

        fc_map_brain_file = out_file
        return fc_map_brain_file

    # In[521]:

    # Again Create the Node and set default values to paths

    pearcoff = Node(Function(function=pear_coff, input_names=['in_file','atlas_file','mask_file'],
                                    output_names=['fc_map_brain_file']), name='pearcoff')

    # # IMPORTANT:
    # * The ROI 255 has been removed due to resampling. Therefore the FC maps will have nan at that row. So don't use that ROI :)
    # * I came to know coz I keep getting this error: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
    # * To debug it, I read the coff matrix and checked its diagnol to discover the nan value.

    # ## Extract volumes

    # ExtractROI - For volCorrect
    extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_size=-1),

    # ###  Node for applying xformation matrix to functional data

    # In[523]:

    func2std_xform = Node(FLIRT(output_type='NIFTI_GZ',
                             apply_xfm=True), name="func2std_xform")

    # motion_param_regression = 1
    # band_pass_filtering = 0
    # global_signal_regression = 0
    # smoothing = 1
    # volcorrect = 1
    if num_proc == None:
        num_proc = 7

    combination = 'motionRegress' + str(int(motion_param_regression)) + \
     'global' + str(int(global_signal_regression)) + 'smoothing' + str(int(smoothing)) +\
     'filt' + str(int(band_pass_filtering))

    print("Combination: ",combination)

    binary_string = str(int(motion_param_regression)) + str(int(global_signal_regression)) + \
    str(int(smoothing)) + str(int(band_pass_filtering)) + str(int(volcorrect))

    base_dir = opj(base_directory,functional_connectivity_directory)
    # wf = Workflow(name=functional_connectivity_directory)
    wf = Workflow(name=combination)

    wf.base_dir = base_dir # Dir where all the outputs will be stored.

    wf.connect(infosource ,'subject_id', getSubjectFilenames, 'subject_id')

    # ------- Dynamic Pipeline ------------------------

    nodes = [

    # from nipype.interfaces import fsl

    old_node = getSubjectFilenames
    old_node_output = 'brain'

    binary_string = binary_string+'0' # so that the loop runs one more time
    for idx, include in enumerate(binary_string):
        # 11111
        # motion_param_regression
        # global_signal_regression
        # smoothing
        # band_pass_filtering
        # volcorrect

        if old_node == calc_residuals:
            old_node_output = 'out_file'
        elif old_node == extract :
            old_node_output = 'roi_file'
        elif old_node == globalSignalRemoval:
            old_node_output = 'out_file'
        elif old_node == bandpass:
            old_node_output = 'out_file'
        elif old_node == highpass:
            old_node_output = 'out_file'
        elif old_node == spatialSmooth:
            old_node_output = 'out_file'
        elif old_node == volCorrect:
            old_node_output = 'out_file'

        if int(include):
            # if old_node is None:
            #     wf.add_nodes([nodes[idx]])
            # else:

            new_node = nodes[idx]

            if new_node == calc_residuals:
                wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, calc_residuals, [('motion_param', 'motion_file')])])
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            elif new_node == extract :
                wf.connect([( volCorrect, extract, [('t_min','t_min')])])
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            elif new_node == globalSignalRemoval:
                wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, globalSignalRemoval, [('mask','mask_file')])])
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            elif new_node == bandpass:
                wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, bandpass, [('tr','tr')])])
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            elif new_node == highpass:
                wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, highpass, [('tr','tr')])]) #Commenting for FSL
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            elif new_node == spatialSmooth:
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            elif new_node == volCorrect:
                wf.connect([(infosource, volCorrect, [('subject_id','sub_id')])])
                wf.connect([( volCorrect, extract, [('t_min','t_min')])])
                new_node = extract
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

            wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input)

            old_node = new_node

            if idx == 3: # bandpas == 0 => Highpass
                new_node = highpass
                wf.connect([(getSubjectFilenames, highpass, [('tr','tr')])]) #Commenting for FSL
                new_node_input = 'in_file'

                wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, new_node, new_node_input)

                old_node = new_node

    wf.connect(old_node, old_node_output, pearcoff, 'in_file')
    wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames,'atlas', pearcoff, 'atlas_file')
    wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames, 'mask', pearcoff, 'mask_file')

    wf.connect(pearcoff, 'fc_map_brain_file', func2std_xform ,'in_file')
    wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames,'func2std_mat', func2std_xform, 'in_matrix_file')
    wf.connect(getSubjectFilenames, 'MNI3mm_path', func2std_xform,'reference')

    folder_name = combination + '.@fc_map_brain_file'
    wf.connect(func2std_xform, 'out_file',  save_file_list, 'in_fc_map_brain_file')
    wf.connect(save_file_list, 'out_fc_map_brain_file',  dataSink,folder_name)

    TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE = opj(base_directory,'crash_files')
    wf.config = {"execution": {"crashdump_dir": TEMP_DIR_FOR_STORAGE}}

    wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='png')
    wf.run('MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': num_proc})