예제 #1
def test_copy():
    maps_file = remote_data_file('manga-8138-12704-MAPS-{0}.fits.gz'.format(dap_test_daptype))

    kin = manga.MaNGAGasKinematics(maps_file)
    _kin = kin.copy()

    assert kin.vel is not _kin.vel, 'Velocity array points to the same object'
    assert numpy.array_equal(kin.vel, _kin.vel), 'Velocity data should be identical'
    assert kin.nbin == _kin.nbin, 'Number of bins is not the same'
예제 #2
def test_sbholes():
    maps_file = remote_data_file('manga-8138-12704-MAPS-{0}.fits.gz'.format(dap_test_daptype))

    kin = manga.MaNGAGasKinematics(maps_file, flux_bound=(0, 100))
    sb = kin.remap('sb')

    _sb = util.gaussian_fill(sb)

    assert numpy.sum(_sb - sb.filled(0.0) > 0) > 250, 'Number of fixed spaxels changed.'
예제 #3
def test_inv_covar():
    maps_file = remote_data_file('manga-8078-12703-MAPS-{0}.fits.gz'.format(dap_test_daptype))
    kin = manga.MaNGAGasKinematics(maps_file, covar=True)

    # Force the covariance matrix to be positive definite
    cov = util.impose_positive_definite(kin.vel_covar)
    # Invert it
    icov = util.cinv(cov.toarray())
    # Check that you get back the identity matrix
    assert numpy.std(numpy.diag(numpy.dot(icov, cov.toarray())) - 1.) < 1e-4, \
            'Multiplication by inverse matrix does not accurately produce identity matrix'
예제 #4
def test_manga_gas_kinematics():
    maps_file = remote_data_file('manga-8138-12704-MAPS-{0}.fits.gz'.format(dap_test_daptype))
    cube_file = remote_data_file('manga-8138-12704-LOGCUBE.fits.gz')

    kin = manga.MaNGAGasKinematics(maps_file, cube_file=cube_file)
    _vel = kin.remap('vel', masked=False)

    with fits.open(maps_file) as hdu:
        eml = manga.channel_dictionary(hdu, 'EMLINE_GVEL')
        assert numpy.array_equal(_vel, hdu['EMLINE_GVEL'].data[eml['Ha-6564']]), 'Bad read'

    # Check that the binning works. NOTE: This doesn't use
    # numpy.array_equal because the matrix multiplication used by bin()
    # leads to differences that are of order the numerical precision.
    assert numpy.allclose(kin.bin(_vel), kin.vel), 'Rebinning is bad'