def sensitivity_analysis_for_gradient_ascent(gc, nist, cid2pmap, max_i=250, n_begin=0): # Run the gradient ascent algorithm, where the starting point is Alberty's table from (Mathematica 2006) # Use DETERMINISTIC gradient ascent # run the simulation many times, each time removing a fraction of the reactions from the training set, and # evaluating the MSE only on that fraction (i.e. it will be the test set) grad = GradientAscent(gc) grad.cid2pmap_dict = deepcopy(cid2pmap) grad.load_nist_data(nist, skip_missing_reactions=True) res_file = open('../res/leave1out_report.csv', 'w') csv_results = csv.writer(res_file) csv_results.writerow(["N", "dG0_obs", "dG0_est_before", "dG0_est_after", "iterations", "reaction", "pH", "I", "T", "evaluation", "no. measurements"]) N = len( for n in range(n_begin, N): (sparse_reaction, pH, I, T, evaluation, dG0_obs) =[n] n_measurements = min([nist.cid2count[cid] for cid in sparse_reaction.keys()]) reaction_str = gc.kegg().sparse_reaction_to_string(sparse_reaction, cids=True) sys.stderr.write("%04d) %s, %.1f, %.2f, %.1f, %s, %d, " % (n, reaction_str, pH, I, T, evaluation, n_measurements)) dG0_est_before = grad.reaction_to_dG0(sparse_reaction, pH, I, T) sys.stderr.write("E-before = %.2f, " % abs(dG0_obs - dG0_est_before)) grad.cid2pmap_dict = deepcopy(cid2pmap) grad.train_rowids = range(n) + range(n+1, N) grad.update_cache() grad.deterministic_hill_climb(max_i=max_i, verbose=False) dG0_est_after = grad.reaction_to_dG0(sparse_reaction, pH, I, T) csv_results.writerow([n, dG0_obs, dG0_est_before, dG0_est_after, reaction_str, max_i, pH, I, T, evaluation, n_measurements]) res_file.flush() sys.stderr.write("E-after = %.2f\n" % abs(dG0_obs - dG0_est_after))
def evaluate(gc, nist, cid2pmap): # Run the gradient ascent algorithm, where the starting point is Alberty's table from (Mathematica 2006) # Use DETERMINISTIC gradient ascent # run the simulation many times, each time removing a fraction of the reactions from the training set, and # evaluating the MSE only on that fraction (i.e. it will be the test set) grad = GradientAscent(gc) grad.cid2pmap_dict = deepcopy(cid2pmap) grad.load_nist_data(nist, skip_missing_reactions=True) res_file = open('../res/evaluation_report.csv', 'w') csv_results = csv.writer(res_file) csv_results.writerow( ["N", "dG0_obs", "dG0_est", "reaction", "pH", "I", "T", "evaluation"]) N = len( for n in range(n_begin, N): (sparse_reaction, pH, I, T, evaluation, dG0_obs) =[n] n_measurements = min( [nist.cid2count[cid] for cid in sparse_reaction.keys()]) reaction_str = gc.kegg().sparse_reaction_to_string(sparse_reaction, cids=True) dG0_est = grad.reaction_to_dG0(sparse_reaction, pH, I, T) csv_results.writerow([ n, dG0_obs, dG0_est, reaction_str, pH, I, T, evaluation, n_measurements ]) res_file.flush()
def sensitivity_analysis_for_gradient_ascent(gc, nist, cid2pmap, max_i=250, n_begin=0): # Run the gradient ascent algorithm, where the starting point is Alberty's table from (Mathematica 2006) # Use DETERMINISTIC gradient ascent # run the simulation many times, each time removing a fraction of the reactions from the training set, and # evaluating the MSE only on that fraction (i.e. it will be the test set) grad = GradientAscent(gc) grad.cid2pmap_dict = deepcopy(cid2pmap) grad.load_nist_data(nist, skip_missing_reactions=True) res_file = open('../res/leave1out_report.csv', 'w') csv_results = csv.writer(res_file) csv_results.writerow([ "N", "dG0_obs", "dG0_est_before", "dG0_est_after", "iterations", "reaction", "pH", "I", "T", "evaluation", "no. measurements" ]) N = len( for n in range(n_begin, N): (sparse_reaction, pH, I, T, evaluation, dG0_obs) =[n] n_measurements = min( [nist.cid2count[cid] for cid in sparse_reaction.keys()]) reaction_str = gc.kegg().sparse_reaction_to_string(sparse_reaction, cids=True) sys.stderr.write( "%04d) %s, %.1f, %.2f, %.1f, %s, %d, " % (n, reaction_str, pH, I, T, evaluation, n_measurements)) dG0_est_before = grad.reaction_to_dG0(sparse_reaction, pH, I, T) sys.stderr.write("E-before = %.2f, " % abs(dG0_obs - dG0_est_before)) grad.cid2pmap_dict = deepcopy(cid2pmap) grad.train_rowids = range(n) + range(n + 1, N) grad.update_cache() grad.deterministic_hill_climb(max_i=max_i, verbose=False) dG0_est_after = grad.reaction_to_dG0(sparse_reaction, pH, I, T) csv_results.writerow([ n, dG0_obs, dG0_est_before, dG0_est_after, reaction_str, max_i, pH, I, T, evaluation, n_measurements ]) res_file.flush() sys.stderr.write("E-after = %.2f\n" % abs(dG0_obs - dG0_est_after))
def evaluate(gc, nist, cid2pmap): # Run the gradient ascent algorithm, where the starting point is Alberty's table from (Mathematica 2006) # Use DETERMINISTIC gradient ascent # run the simulation many times, each time removing a fraction of the reactions from the training set, and # evaluating the MSE only on that fraction (i.e. it will be the test set) grad = GradientAscent(gc) grad.cid2pmap_dict = deepcopy(cid2pmap) grad.load_nist_data(nist, skip_missing_reactions=True) res_file = open('../res/evaluation_report.csv', 'w') csv_results = csv.writer(res_file) csv_results.writerow(["N", "dG0_obs", "dG0_est", "reaction", "pH", "I", "T", "evaluation"]) N = len( for n in range(n_begin, N): (sparse_reaction, pH, I, T, evaluation, dG0_obs) =[n] n_measurements = min([nist.cid2count[cid] for cid in sparse_reaction.keys()]) reaction_str = gc.kegg().sparse_reaction_to_string(sparse_reaction, cids=True) dG0_est = grad.reaction_to_dG0(sparse_reaction, pH, I, T) csv_results.writerow([n, dG0_obs, dG0_est, reaction_str, pH, I, T, evaluation, n_measurements]) res_file.flush()