예제 #1
def test_fetch_localizer():
    dataset = datasets.fetch_localizer_first_level()
    assert_true(isinstance(dataset['events'], _basestring))
    assert_true(isinstance(dataset.epi_img, _basestring))
예제 #2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from nilearn import plotting

from nistats.first_level_model import FirstLevelModel
from nistats import datasets

# Prepare data and analysis parameters
# -------------------------------------
# Prepare timing
t_r = 2.4
slice_time_ref = 0.5

# Prepare data
data = datasets.fetch_localizer_first_level()
paradigm_file = data.paradigm
paradigm = pd.read_csv(paradigm_file, sep=' ', header=None, index_col=None)
paradigm.columns = ['session', 'trial_type', 'onset']
fmri_img = data.epi_img

# Perform first level analysis
# ----------------------------
# Setup and fit GLM
first_level_model = FirstLevelModel(t_r, slice_time_ref,
                                    hrf_model='glover + derivative')
first_level_model = first_level_model.fit(fmri_img, paradigm)

# Estimate contrasts
예제 #3
def test_fetch_localizer():
    dataset = datasets.fetch_localizer_first_level(data_dir=tmpdir)
    assert_true(isinstance(dataset.paradigm, _basestring))
    assert_true(isinstance(dataset.epi_img, _basestring))
예제 #4
from nilearn import plotting

from nistats.glm import FirstLevelGLM
from nistats.design_matrix import make_design_matrix
from nistats import datasets

### Data and analysis parameters #######################################

# timing
n_scans = 128
tr = 2.4
frame_times = np.linspace(0.5 * tr, (n_scans - .5) * tr, n_scans)

# data
data = datasets.fetch_localizer_first_level()
paradigm_file = data.paradigm
fmri_img = data.epi_img

### Design matrix ########################################

paradigm = pd.read_csv(paradigm_file, sep=' ', header=None, index_col=None)
paradigm.columns = ['session', 'name', 'onset']
n_conditions = len(paradigm.name.unique())
design_matrix = make_design_matrix(
    frame_times, paradigm, hrf_model='glover + derivative',
    drift_model='cosine', period_cut=128)

### Perform a GLM analysis ########################################

fmri_glm = FirstLevelGLM().fit(fmri_img, design_matrix)
obviously less accurate than using a subject-tailored mesh.


# Prepare data and analysis parameters
# -------------------------------------
# Prepare timing parameters
t_r = 2.4
slice_time_ref = 0.5

# Prepare data
# First the volume-based fMRI data.
from nistats.datasets import fetch_localizer_first_level
data = fetch_localizer_first_level()
fmri_img = data.epi_img

# Second the experimental paradigm.
events_file = data['events']
import pandas as pd
events = pd.read_table(events_file)

# Project the fMRI image to the surface
# -------------------------------------
# For this we need to get a mesh representing the geometry of the
# surface.  we could use an individual mesh, but we first resort to a
# standard mesh, the so-called fsaverage5 template from the Freesurfer
예제 #6
def test_fetch_localizer():
    dataset = datasets.fetch_localizer_first_level(data_dir=tmpdir)
    assert_true(isinstance(dataset.paradigm, _basestring))
    assert_true(isinstance(dataset.epi_img, _basestring))
예제 #7
obviously less accurate than using a subject-tailored mesh.


# Prepare data and analysis parameters
# -------------------------------------
# Prepare timing parameters
t_r = 2.4
slice_time_ref = 0.5

# Prepare data
# First the volume-based fMRI data.
from nistats.datasets import fetch_localizer_first_level
data = fetch_localizer_first_level()
fmri_img = data.epi_img

# Second the experimental paradigm.
events_file = data.events
import pandas as pd
events = pd.read_table(events_file)

# Project the fMRI image to the surface
# -------------------------------------
# For this we need to get a mesh representing the geometry of the
# surface.  we could use an individual mesh, but we first resort to a
# standard mesh, the so-called fsaverage5 template from the Freesurfer