예제 #1
def test_AR_LD():

    Test the Levinson Durbin estimate of the AR coefficients against the
    expercted PSD

    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).real.mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)

    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
예제 #2
def test_AR_est_consistency():
    order = 10  # some even number
    ak = _random_poles(order // 2)
    x, v, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512, coefs=-ak[1:], drop_transients=100)
    ak_yw, ssq_yw = tsa.AR_est_YW(x, order)
    ak_ld, ssq_ld = tsa.AR_est_LD(x, order)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ak_yw, ak_ld)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ssq_yw, ssq_ld)