class DisplayHook(tf.train.SessionRunHook): """ Define the hook to display training loss, training speed and learning rate every n steps and determine when to stop. """ def __init__(self, checkpoint_dir, display_steps=100, maximum_train_steps=None, do_summary=True, is_chief=True): """ Initializes the hook. Args: checkpoint_dir: A string, base directory for the checkpoint files. display_steps: A python integer, display every N steps. maximum_train_steps: A python integer, the maximum training steps. do_summary: Whether to save summaries when display. is_chief: Whether this is the chief process.do_summary: """"Create DisplayHook.") self._checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir # display steps self._display_steps = display_steps self._maximum_train_steps = maximum_train_steps self._do_summary = do_summary self._is_chief = is_chief # not used now # display values global_step = training_util.get_global_step() display_keys = ops.get_collection( Constants.DISPLAY_KEY_COLLECTION_NAME) display_values = ops.get_collection( Constants.DISPLAY_VALUE_COLLECTION_NAME) self._display_args = dict(zip(display_keys, display_values)) self._display_args["global_step"] = global_step # timer & summary writer self._timer = None self._summary_writer = None def begin(self): """ Creates StepTimer and SummaryWriter. """ self._timer = StepTimer(every_steps=self._display_steps) if self._do_summary: self._summary_writer = SummaryWriter(self._checkpoint_dir) def before_run(self, run_context): """ Dumps graphs and loads checkpoint if there exits. Called before each call to run(). Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. Returns: A `SessionRunArgs` object containing global_step and arguments to be displayed. """ self._timer.register_before_run() return tf.train.SessionRunArgs(self._display_args) def after_run(self, run_context, run_values): """ Checks running steps and print args. Also checks the maximum training steps to raise stop request. Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. run_values: A SessionRunValues object. """ global_step = run_values.results.pop("global_step") if self._timer.should_trigger_for_step(global_step): training_loss = run_values.results[Constants.TRAIN_LOSS_KEY_NAME] elapsed_steps, _ = self._timer.update_last_triggered_step( global_step) session_run_time = self._timer.get_session_run_time() steps_per_sec = elapsed_steps * 1. / session_run_time secs_per_step = session_run_time * 1. / elapsed_steps"Update %d \t TrainingLoss=%f UD %f secs/step" % (global_step, training_loss, secs_per_step)) if self._summary_writer is not None: self._summary_writer.add_summary("global_step/sec", steps_per_sec, global_step) self._summary_writer.add_summary("global_step/secs_per_step", secs_per_step, global_step) for k, v in run_values.results.items(): self._summary_writer.add_summary(k, v, global_step) # hit maximum training steps if self._maximum_train_steps and global_step >= self._maximum_train_steps: "Training maximum steps. maximum_train_step={}".format( self._maximum_train_steps)) run_context.request_stop()
class TextMetricSpec(tf.train.SessionRunHook): """ Define base class for metric hook. """ def __init__(self, model_configs, dataset, start_at=0, eval_steps=100, do_summary=True, model_name=None): """ Initializes base metric hook. Args: model_configs: A dictionary of all configurations. dataset: A `Dataset` object. start_at: A python integer, start to evaluate model at this step. eval_steps: A python integer, evaluate model every N steps. do_summary: Whether to save summaries. model_name: A string, the top scope name of all variables. """ self._model_configs = copy.deepcopy(model_configs) self._dataset = dataset self._checkpoint_dir = model_configs["model_dir"] self._start_at = start_at self._eval_steps = eval_steps self._do_summary = do_summary self._global_step = tf.train.get_global_step() self._summary_writer = None self._timer = None self._model_name = model_name def begin(self): """ Creates StepTimer and SummaryWriter. Calls `_prepare()` method implemented by derived classes. """ self._prepare() self._timer = StepTimer(every_steps=self._eval_steps, start_at=self._start_at) if self._do_summary: self._summary_writer = SummaryWriter(self._checkpoint_dir) def before_run(self, run_context): """ Called before each call to run(). Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. Returns: A `SessionRunArgs` object containing global_step. """ self._timer.register_before_run() return tf.train.SessionRunArgs(self._global_step) def after_run(self, run_context, run_values): """ Checks running steps and do evaluation. Calls `_do_evaluation()` method implemented by derived classes. Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. run_values: A SessionRunValues object. """ global_step = run_values.results if self._timer.should_trigger_for_step(global_step): self._do_evaluation(run_context, global_step) self._timer.update_last_triggered_step(global_step) @abstractmethod def _prepare(self): """ Prepares for evaluation, e.g. building the model (reusing variables) """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _do_evaluation(self, run_context, global_step): """ Evaluates the model. Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. global_step: A python integer, the current training step. """ raise NotImplementedError
class CheckpointSaverHook(tf.train.SessionRunHook): """ Define the hook that saves checkpoints every N steps.""" def __init__(self, checkpoint_dir, save_checkpoint_steps=1000, saver=None, pretrain_model=None, problem_name=None, model_name="njunmt.models.SequenceToSequence", do_summary=True, is_chief=True): """ Initializes the hook. Args: checkpoint_dir: A string, base directory for the checkpoint files. save_checkpoint_steps: A python integer, save every N steps. saver: `Saver` object, used for saving. pretrain_model: The pretrained model dir. problem_name: A string. model_name: The model name. do_summary: Whether to save summaries. is_chief: Whether this is the chief process. """"Create CheckpointSaverHook.") if saver is None: saver = get_saver_or_default(max_to_keep=8) # pylint: disable=protected-access self._saver = saver self._checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self._save_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, Constants.MODEL_CKPT_FILENAME) self._pretrain_model = pretrain_model self._problem_name = problem_name self._model_name = model_name # save every n steps self._save_checkpoint_steps = save_checkpoint_steps # variable for self._global_step = training_util.get_global_step() # for after create session self._do_summary = do_summary self._is_chief = is_chief # timer & summary writer self._timer = None self._summary_writer = None def begin(self): """ Creates StepTimer and SummaryWriter. """ self._first_call = True self._timer = StepTimer(every_steps=self._save_checkpoint_steps) if self._do_summary: self._summary_writer = SummaryWriter(self._checkpoint_dir) self._reload_var_ops = None if not saver_lib.latest_checkpoint( self._checkpoint_dir) and self._pretrain_model: self._reload_var_ops = load_pretrain_model( model_name=self._model_name, pretrain_model_dir=self._pretrain_model, problem_name=self._problem_name) def before_run(self, run_context): """ Dumps graphs and loads checkpoint if there exits. Called before each call to run(). Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. Returns: A `SessionRunArgs` object containing global_step. """ # We do write graph and saver_def at the first call of before_run. # We cannot do this in begin, since we let other hooks to change graph and # add variables in begin. Graph is finalized after all begin calls. if self._is_chief and self._first_call: training_util.write_graph( ops.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(add_shapes=True), self._checkpoint_dir, "graph.pbtxt") # dump model details "model_analysis.txt" dump_model_analysis(self._checkpoint_dir) # dump model configs graph = ops.get_default_graph() meta_graph_def = meta_graph.create_meta_graph_def( graph_def=graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True), saver_def=self._saver.saver_def) if self._summary_writer is not None: self._summary_writer.add_graph(graph) self._summary_writer.add_meta_graph(meta_graph_def)"CheckpointSaverHook (before_run): dump graph...") checkpoint_path = saver_lib.latest_checkpoint(self._checkpoint_dir) if self._first_call: if checkpoint_path: # reloading model self._saver.restore(run_context.session, checkpoint_path) gs = "CheckpointSaverHook (before_run): reloading models and reset global_step={}" .format(gs)) StepTimer.reset_init_triggered_step(gs) elif self._reload_var_ops: "Assign all variables with pretrained variables.") self._first_call = False self._timer.register_before_run() return tf.train.SessionRunArgs(self._global_step) def after_run(self, run_context, run_values): """ Checks running steps and save checkpoints. Args: run_context: A `SessionRunContext` object. run_values: A SessionRunValues object. """ global_step = run_values.results if self._is_chief and self._timer.should_trigger_for_step(global_step): self._timer.update_last_triggered_step(global_step) self._save(global_step, run_context.session) def _save(self, step, session): """ Saves checkpoints. Args: step: A python integer, running step. session: A TensorFlow Session. """ """Saves the latest checkpoint.""", self._save_path, global_step=step)"Saving checkpoints for {} into {}".format( step, self._save_path)) if self._summary_writer is not None: self._summary_writer.add_session_log( SessionLog(status=SessionLog.CHECKPOINT, checkpoint_path=self._save_path), step)