예제 #1
def show_board(_boards, _pboards=None, show_float=False):
    shstr = ['   ', ' │ ', '─┘ ', ' └─', '─┐ ', ' ┌─', '───']
    idx = 0
    for z in range(board_z):
        print 'LAYER {}'.format(z + 1)
        for y in range(n_dims_half, board_y + n_dims_half):
            for x in range(n_dims_half, board_x + n_dims_half):
                # ビアを赤色で表示
                if _pboards is not None and _boards[z][y][x]['type'] == 1 and _pboards[z][y][x]['type'] == 'via':
                   sys.stdout.write('\033[1;31;47m {} \033[0m'.format(nl.int2str(_boards[z][y][x]['data'], 36)))
                elif _boards[z][y][x]['type'] == 1:
                   sys.stdout.write('\033[1;30;47m {} \033[0m'.format(nl.int2str(_boards[z][y][x]['data'], 36)))
                    # 正しい配線形状
                    fr_color = '30'

                    # 途切れてないセル / 途切れてるセル
                    bg_color = '47'
                    if show_float:
                        if _boards[z][y][x]['float'] != None:
                            bg_color = '43'

                    sys.stdout.write('\033[1;{};{}m{}\033[0m'.format(fr_color, bg_color, shstr[_boards[z][y][x]['shape']]))

                    idx = idx + 1
            print ''
예제 #2
def show_board(_board, show_float=False):
    shstr = ['   ', ' │ ', '─┘ ', ' └─', '─┐ ', ' ┌─', '───']
    idx = 0
    for y in range(n_dims_half, board_y + n_dims_half):
        for x in range(n_dims_half, board_x + n_dims_half):
            if _board[y][x]['type'] == 1:
                sys.stdout.write('\033[1;30;47m {} \033[0m'.format(nl.int2str(_board[y][x]['data'], 36)))
                # 正しい配線形状
                fr_color = '30'

                # 途切れてないセル / 途切れてるセル
                bg_color = '47'
                if show_float:
                    if _board[y][x]['float'] != None:
                        bg_color = '43'

                sys.stdout.write('\033[1;{};{}m{}\033[0m'.format(fr_color, bg_color, shstr[_board[y][x]['shape']]))

                idx = idx + 1
        print ''
예제 #3
        loss_test, accuracy_test, result = forward(x_test, y_test, train=False)

    # 訓練データ/テストデータの誤差と、正解精度を表示
    if epoch % 100 == 0:
        print 'epoch', epoch
        print 'Train: mean loss={}, accuracy={}'.format(sum_loss / n_train, sum_accuracy / n_train)
        if testfilename != 'none':
            print 'Test:  mean loss={}, accuracy={}'.format(loss_test.data,  accuracy_test.data)

            # テストデータの配線を表示
            idx = 0
            str = ['   ', ' │ ', '─┘ ', ' └─', '─┐ ', ' ┌─', '───']
            for y in range(n_dims_half, board_y + n_dims_half):
                for x in range(n_dims_half, board_x + n_dims_half):
                    if board[y][x]['type'] == 1:
                        sys.stdout.write('\033[1;30;47m ' + nl.int2str(board[y][x]['data'], 36) + ' \033[0m')
                        ex_shape = np.argmax(result.data[idx])
                        # 正しい配線形状
                        if (not args.show_wrong) or board[y][x]['shape'] == ex_shape:
                            sys.stdout.write('\033[1;30;47m' + str[ex_shape] + '\033[0m')
                        # 間違ってる配線形状
                            sys.stdout.write('\033[1;31;47m' + str[ex_shape] + '\033[0m')
                        idx = idx + 1
                print ''

# モデルをシリアライズ化して保存
with open(DIR_DUMP + '/s{}_u{}_e{}_d{}_t{}.pkl'.format(n_dims, n_units, n_epoch, args.dataset, testfilename_short), 'w') as f:
    pickle.dump(model, f)