def remove_mentions(text) -> str: """ Function that removes words preceded with a '@' Parameters ---------- text : str Returns ------- string """ text = normalize_whitespace(constants.AT_PATTERN.sub('', text)) return text
def remove_html_tags(text) -> str: """ Function that removes words between < and > Parameters ---------- text : str Returns ------- string """ text = normalize_whitespace(constants.HTML_TAG_PATTERN.sub('', text)) return text
def remove_hashtag(text) -> str: """ Function that removes words preceded with a '#' eg. "I take care of my skin #selfcare#selfestim" --> "I take care of my skin" Parameters ---------- text : str Returns ------- str text of a post without hashtags """ text = normalize_whitespace(constants.HASHTAG_PATTERN.sub('', text)) return text
def test_normalize_whitespace(input_str, expected_str): result = normalize_whitespace(input_str) np.testing.assert_equal(result, expected_str)