예제 #1
class One_hot_vector(Vectors):

    def __init__(self):

        self.itos = []
        self.stoi = {}
        self.vectors = None
        self.dim = 30000
        self.init_vec = torch.zeros(self.dim)
        self.fill_value = 5
        temp = torch.zeros(self.dim)
        temp[-1] = self.fill_value
        self.unk_init_vector = temp
        # self.vector_init()
        self.pst = PunktSentenceTokenizer()
        # self.pre_train()
        self.st  = sent_tokenize
        self.method = 'origin'
        self.threshold = 25
    def clean_string(self, string):
        Performs tokenization and string cleaning for the Reuters dataset
        # string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9(),!?\'`]", " ", string)
        string = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", string)
        return string.lower().strip().split()
    def clean_string_np(self, string):
        Performs tokenization and string cleaning for the Reuters dataset
        # string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9(),!?\'`]", " ", string)
        string = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", string)
        string = string.lower().strip().split()
        string = list(filter(None, string))
        res    = np.array(list(map(self.stoi_take, string )))
        return res
    def stoi_take(self, word):
        if word in self.stoi.keys():
            return self.stoi[word]
            return 0

    def unk_init(self, tensor):
        size_tup = tuple(tensor.size())
        if size_tup not in cls.cache:
            cls.cache[size_tup] = torch.zeros(tensor.size())[-1] = 1
            # cls.cache[size_tup]
        return cls.cache[size_tup]

    def __getitem__(self, token):
        if token in self.stoi:
            return self.init_vec.scatter_(0,torch.LongTensor([self.stoi[token]]), self.fill_value)
            return self.unk_init_vector

    def vector_init(self):

        data_path = '/home/zhangxin/sentiment_analysis/hedwig-data/datasets/aclImdb/' 
        output_data_path = '/home/zhangxin/sentiment_analysis/hedwig-data/datasets/IMDB_stanford/' 

        ''' Acutally, we don't need to conduct any data in here. 
            Since this Class are designed for storing the word embedding which doesn't exist in our model. 
        # path_pt =output_data_path+"Vocabulary_matrix.pt"
        # if os.path.isfile(path_pt):
        #     logger.info('Loading vectors from {}'.format(path_pt))
        #     self.itos, self.stoi, self.vectors, self.dim = torch.load(path_pt)
        # else:
        #     text = []
        #     dataset = ['train',]
        #     for name in dataset:
        #         dataset = name
        #         if name =='dev':
        #             dataset = 'test'
        #         data = []
        #         for rate in ['pos', 'neg']:
        #             input_data_dir = os.path.join(data_path, dataset, rate)
        #             file_list = os.listdir(input_data_dir)
        #             # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        #             for file in file_list:
        #                 if file.split('.')[-1]!='txt':
        #                     continue
        #                 with open(os.path.join(input_data_dir,file), 'r') as review:
        #                     text.extend(self.clean_string(review.readline()))
        #     word_frequence = Counter(text)
        #     top_3w = word_frequence.most_common(30000-1) #30000th is the position of unk vector       

        #     for i,word in enumerate(top_3w):
        #         self.itos.append(word)
        #         self.stoi[word] = i

        #     logger.info('Saving vectors to {}'.format(path_pt))
        #     torch.save((self.itos, self.stoi, self.vectors, self.dim), path_pt)
    def split_sentence(self, string):
        string_list = re.split(r"<br /><br />", string)
        sentence_list = []
        for string in  string_list:
            string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9():;.,!?\'`]", " ", string)   
            string = re.sub(r"([.?!](\s*)){2,}",".", string) 
            sentence_list_tmp = re.split(r'[;.!?]',string.strip())
            sentence_list.extend(list(filter(None, sentence_list_tmp)))

        # string = re.sub(r"<br />", " ", string) # get rid of huanhangfu
        # string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9():.,!?\'`]", " ", string)   
        # string = re.sub(r"([.?!](\s*)){2,}",".", string) 
        # sentence_list = re.split(r'[.!?]',string.strip())
        # sentence_list = list(filter(None, sentence_list))

        return sentence_list 

    def count_word(self, string):
        string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9():.,!?\'`]", " ", string) 
        return len(string.strip().split())

    def split_doc(self):

        data_path = '/home/zhangxin/sentiment_analysis/hedwig-data/datasets/aclImdb/' 
        output_data_path = '/home/zhangxin/sentiment_analysis/hedwig-data/datasets/IMDB_stanford/' 

        text = []
        max_sentence = 0
        sentence_len = []
        max_word_len = []
        dataset = ['train','test']
        for name in dataset:
            dataset = name
            if name =='dev':
                dataset = 'test'
            data = []
            for rate in ['pos', 'neg']:
                input_data_dir = os.path.join(data_path, dataset, rate)
                file_list = os.listdir(input_data_dir)
                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                for file in file_list:
                    if file.split('.')[-1]!='txt':
                    with open(os.path.join(input_data_dir,file), 'r') as review:
                        sen_list = self.split_sentence(review.readline()) 
                        max_sentence = max(len(sen_list), max_sentence)
                        max_word_len.append(max([self.count_word(sen) for sen in sen_list]))
                        # if len(sen_list)>117:
                            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    def pre_train(self):
        # trainer = PunktTrainer()
        # trainer.INCLUDE_ALL_COLLOCS = True
        # trainer.train(text)
        # tokenizer = PunktSentenceTokenizer(trainer.get_params())
        logger.info('pretrain success!')
    def __len__(self):
        return self.dim       

    def wirte_xls(self, data):
        file = Workbook(encoding = 'utf-8')
        table = file.add_sheet('data')

        method = 'origin'
        num_freq = Counter(data[0])
        word_num_freq = Counter(data[1])
        for i,num in enumerate(data[0]):
            table.write(i,1, num)
        for i, name in enumerate(num_freq):
            table.write(i,2, name)
            table.write(i,3, num_freq[name])
        for i, name in enumerate(word_num_freq):
            table.write(i,4, name)   
            table.write(i,5, word_num_freq[name])


    def onehot2int(self, label):
        '''str -> int'''

        label = list(label)        
        return [i for i, l in enumerate(label) if l=='1']

    def tsv2np(self):
        database = 'Reuters'
        dataset = ['train', 'test']
        output_file = './{}_data.pkl'.format(database)
        data_path   = '/home/zhangxin/sentiment_analysis/hedwig-data/datasets/{}/'.format(database) 
        data = {}
        labels= {}
        for name in dataset:
            doc = []
            doc_count = []
            labels[name] = []
            with open(data_path + '{}.tsv'.format(name), 'r') as input_tsv:
                tsv_data_raw = csv.reader(input_tsv, delimiter='\t')
                for label, text in tsv_data_raw:

                    # if name == 'train':
            # if name == 'train':                
        word_frequence = Counter(doc_count)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            #         top_3w = word_frequence.most_common(30000-2) #30000th is the position of unk vector       

            #         self.itos.extend(['<UNK>'])
            #         self.stoi['<UNK>'] = 0
            #         # self.stoi['<PAD>'] = 1

            #         for i,(word, count) in enumerate(top_3w):
            #             self.itos.append(word)
            #             self.stoi[word] = i + 1

            # with open(data_path + '{}.tsv'.format(name), 'r') as input_tsv:

            #     tsv_data_raw = csv.reader(input_tsv, delimiter='\t')
            #     for label, text in tsv_data_raw:
            #         doc_tmp = list(map(self.clean_string_np, self.split_sentence(text)))
            #         # doc_tmp = list(filter(None, doc_tmp))
            #         doc.append(doc_tmp)

            # data[name] = doc
        data_store = IMDB_data_struct(self.itos,self.stoi,labels,data)
        with open(output_file,'wb') as file:
            pickle.dump(data_store, file)
    def tsv_count(self):
        dataset = ['train', 'test']
        output_file = './imdb_flaw.pkl'
        data_path   = '/home/s/CNN-BiLSTM2/hedwig-data/datasets/IMDB_stanford/' 
        data = {}
        labels= {}
        broke_text = {}
        broke_text_list = {}
        broke_text_data = {}
        max_lensen = 0
        max_doc_len = 0
        mean_sen = []
        mean_doc = []
        for name in dataset:
            doc = []
            doc_count = []
            labels[name] = []

            with open(data_path + '{}.tsv'.format(name), 'r') as input_tsv:
                broke_text[name] = 0
                broke_text_list[name] = []
                broke_text_data[name] = []
                tsv_data_raw = csv.reader(input_tsv, delimiter='\t')
                for idx, (label, text) in enumerate(tsv_data_raw):
                    doc_tmp = list(map(self.clean_string, self.split_sentence(text)))
                    doc_tmp = list(filter(None, doc_tmp))
                    max_lensen = max( max( [len(sen) for sen in doc_tmp]),max_lensen)
                    mean_sen.append(sum([len(sen) for sen in doc_tmp])/len(doc_tmp))
                    # if max_lensen == 275:
                        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                    max_doc_len = max(max_doc_len, len(doc_tmp))
                    if len(doc_tmp) > 50 or max( [len(sen) for sen in doc_tmp])>100:
                        broke_text[name] += 1
                        # broke_text_data[name].append(text)
                    # for i, sen in enumerate(doc_tmp):
                    #     if len(sen) == 0:
                    #         import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                    # if min([len(i) for i in doc_tmp]) == 0:
                    #     broke_text[name] += 1
                    #     broke_text_list[name].append(idx)
                    #     broke_text_data[name].append(text)
        mean_sen = sum(mean_sen)/50000
        mean_doc = sum(mean_doc)/50000
        with open(output_file,'wb') as file:
            pickle.dump([broke_text, broke_text_list], file)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
from nltk.tokenize import PunktSentenceTokenizer,word_tokenize,sent_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import state_union

train_text = state_union.raw("2005-GWBush.txt")
sample_text = state_union.raw("2006-GWBush.txt")
custom_sent_tokenizer = PunktSentenceTokenizer.train(train_text)

tokenized = custom_sent_tokenizer.tokenize(sample_text)