예제 #1
def pathMatch(dbServer, networkName, userName, password, shapePath, limitMap = None):
    # Default parameters, with explanations and cross-references to Perrine et al., 2015:
    pointSearchRadius = 1000    # "k": Radius (ft) to search from GTFS point to perpendicular VISTA links
    pointSearchPrimary = 350    # "k_p": Radius (ft) to search from GTFS point to new VISTA links    
    pointSearchSecondary = 200  # "k_s": Radius (ft) to search from VISTA perpendicular point to previous point
    limitLinearDist = 3800      # Path distance (ft) to allow new proposed paths from one point to another
    limitDirectDist = 3500      # Radius (ft) to allow new proposed paths from one point to another
    limitDirectDistRev = 500    # Radius (ft) to allow backtracking on an existing link (e.g. parking lot)
    distanceFactor = 1.0        # "f_d": Cost multiplier for Linear path distance
    driftFactor = 1.5           # "f_r": Cost multiplier for distance from GTFS point to its VISTA link
    nonPerpPenalty = 1.5        # "f_p": Penalty multiplier for GTFS points that aren't perpendicular to VISTA links
    limitClosestPoints = 12     # "q_p": Number of close-proximity points that are considered for each GTFS point 
    limitSimultaneousPaths = 8  # "q_e": Number of proposed paths to maintain during pathfinding stage
    maxHops = 12                # Maximum number of VISTA links to pursue in a path-finding operation
    # Get the database connected:
    print("INFO: Connect to database...", file = sys.stderr)
    database = vista_network.connect(dbServer, userName, password, networkName)
    # Read in the topology from the VISTA database:
    print("INFO: Read topology from database...", file = sys.stderr)
    vistaGraph = vista_network.fillGraph(database)
    # Read in the shapefile information:
    print("INFO: Read GTFS shapefile...", file = sys.stderr)
    gtfsShapes = gtfs.fillShapes(shapePath, vistaGraph.gps)
    # Initialize the path-finder:
    pathFinder = path_engine.PathEngine(pointSearchRadius, pointSearchPrimary, pointSearchSecondary, limitLinearDist,
                            limitDirectDist, limitDirectDistRev, distanceFactor, driftFactor, nonPerpPenalty, limitClosestPoints,
    pathFinder.maxHops = maxHops
    # Begin iteration through each shape:
    shapeIDs = gtfsShapes.keys()
    "@type shapeIDs: list<int>"
    gtfsNodesResults = {}
    "@type gtfsNodesResults: dict<int, list<path_engine.PathEnd>>"
    if limitMap is not None:
        for shapeID in limitMap:
            if shapeID not in shapeIDs:
                print("WARNING: Limit shape ID %d is not found in the shape file." % shapeID, file = sys.stderr)
    for shapeID in shapeIDs:
        "@type shapeID: int"
        if limitMap is not None and shapeID not in limitMap:
        print("INFO: -- Shape ID %d --" % shapeID, file = sys.stderr)
        # Find the path for the given shape:
        gtfsNodes = pathFinder.constructPath(gtfsShapes[shapeID], vistaGraph)
        # File this away as a result for later output:
        gtfsNodesResults[shapeID] = gtfsNodes
    return gtfsNodesResults
예제 #2
def restorePathMatch(dbServer, networkName, userName, password, shapePath, pathMatchFilename):
    # Get the database connected:
    print("INFO: Connect to database...", file = sys.stderr)
    database = vista_network.connect(dbServer, userName, password, networkName)
    # Read in the topology from the VISTA database:
    print("INFO: Read topology from database...", file = sys.stderr)
    vistaGraph = vista_network.fillGraph(database)
    # Read in the shapefile information:
    print("INFO: Read GTFS shapefile...", file = sys.stderr)
    gtfsShapes = gtfs.fillShapes(shapePath, vistaGraph.gps)

    # Read the path-match file:
    print("INFO: Read the path-match file '%s'..." % pathMatchFilename, file = sys.stderr)
    with open(pathMatchFilename, 'r') as inFile:
        gtfsNodes = path_engine.readStandardDump(vistaGraph, gtfsShapes, inFile)
        "@type gtfsNodes: dict<int, list<path_engine.PathEnd>>"

    # Filter out the unused shapes:
    unusedShapeIDs = set()
    for shapeID in gtfsShapes.keys():
        if shapeID not in gtfsNodes:
            del gtfsShapes[shapeID]

    return (vistaGraph, gtfsShapes, gtfsNodes, unusedShapeIDs)
def pathMatch(dbServer, networkName, userName, password, filename, limitMap = None):
    # Default parameters, with explanations and cross-references to Perrine et al., 2015:
    pointSearchRadius = 1000    # "k": Radius (ft) to search from GTFS point to perpendicular VISTA links
    pointSearchPrimary = 350    # "k_p": Radius (ft) to search from GTFS point to new VISTA links    
    pointSearchSecondary = 200  # "k_s": Radius (ft) to search from VISTA perpendicular point to previous point
    limitLinearDist = 3800      # Path distance (ft) to allow new proposed paths from one point to another
    limitDirectDist = 3500      # Radius (ft) to allow new proposed paths from one point to another
    limitDirectDistRev = 500    # Radius (ft) to allow backtracking on an existing link (e.g. parking lot)
    distanceFactor = 1.0        # "f_d": Cost multiplier for Linear path distance
    driftFactor = 1.5           # "f_r": Cost multiplier for distance from GTFS point to its VISTA link
    nonPerpPenalty = 1.5        # "f_p": Penalty multiplier for GTFS points that aren't perpendicular to VISTA links
    limitClosestPoints = 8     # "q_p": Number of close-proximity points that are considered for each GTFS point 
    limitSimultaneousPaths = 6  # "q_e": Number of proposed paths to maintain during pathfinding stage
    maxHops = 12                # Maximum number of VISTA links to pursue in a path-finding operation
    # Get the database connected:
    print("INFO: Connect to database...", file = sys.stderr)
    database = vista_network.connect(dbServer, userName, password, networkName)
    # Read in the topology from the VISTA database:
    print("INFO: Read topology from database...", file = sys.stderr)
    vistaGraph = vista_network.fillGraph(database)
    # Read in the GPS track information:
    print("INFO: Read GDB GPS track...", file = sys.stderr)
    gpsTracks = fillFromFile(filename, vistaGraph.gps)
    # Initialize the path-finder:
    pathFinder = path_engine.PathEngine(pointSearchRadius, pointSearchPrimary, pointSearchSecondary, limitLinearDist,
                            limitDirectDist, limitDirectDistRev, distanceFactor, driftFactor, nonPerpPenalty, limitClosestPoints,
    pathFinder.maxHops = maxHops
    # Begin iteration through each shape:
    datafileIDs = compat.listkeys(gpsTracks)
    "@type datafileIDs: list<str>"
    nodesResults = {}
    "@type nodesResults: dict<str, list<path_engine.PathEnd>>"
    if limitMap is not None:
        for datafileID in limitMap:
            if datafileID not in datafileIDs:
                print("WARNING: Limit datafile ID %d is not found in the shape file." % datafileID, file = sys.stderr)
    for datafileID in datafileIDs:
        "@type datafileID: int"
        if limitMap is not None and datafileID not in limitMap:
        print("INFO: -- Datafile %s --" % datafileID, file = sys.stderr)
        # Find the path for the given shape:
        gtfsNodes = pathFinder.constructPath(gpsTracks[datafileID], vistaGraph)
        # File this away as a result for later output:
        nodesResults[datafileID] = gtfsNodes
    return nodesResults
def restorePathMatch(dbServer,
    # Get the database connected:
    print("INFO: Connect to database...", file=sys.stderr)
    database = vista_network.connect(dbServer, userName, password, networkName)

    # Read in the topology from the VISTA database:
    print("INFO: Read topology from database...", file=sys.stderr)
    vistaGraph = vista_network.fillGraph(database, useDirectDist)

    # Read in the shapefile information:
    print("INFO: Read GTFS shapefile...", file=sys.stderr)
    gtfsShapes = gtfs.fillShapes(shapePath, vistaGraph.gps)

    # Read the path-match file:
    print("INFO: Read the path-match file '%s'..." % pathMatchFilename,
    with open(pathMatchFilename, 'r') as inFile:
        gtfsNodes = path_engine.readStandardDump(vistaGraph, gtfsShapes,
        "@type gtfsNodes: dict<int, list<path_engine.PathEnd>>"

    # Filter out the unused shapes:
    unusedShapeIDs = set()
    for shapeID in compat.listkeys(gtfsShapes):
        if shapeID not in gtfsNodes:
            del gtfsShapes[shapeID]

    return (vistaGraph, gtfsShapes, gtfsNodes, unusedShapeIDs)
예제 #5
def main(argv):
    # Initialize from command-line parameters:
    if len(argv) < 7:
    dbServer = argv[1]
    networkName = argv[2]
    userName = argv[3]
    password = argv[4]
    gdbFilename = argv[5]
    gdbPathMatch = argv[6]
    sourceID = 0
    endTime = 86400
    refTime = None
    problemReport = False
    if len(argv) > 6:
        i = 7
        while i < len(argv):
            if argv[i] == "-s" and i < len(argv) - 1:
                sourceID = int(argv[i + 1])
                i += 1
            elif argv[i] == "-t" and i < len(argv) - 1:
                refTime = datetime.strptime(argv[i + 1], '%H:%M:%S')
                i += 1
            elif argv[i] == "-e" and i < len(argv) - 1:
                endTime = int(argv[i + 1])
                i += 1
            elif argv[i] == "-p":
                problemReport = True
            i += 1
    if refTime is None and not problemReport:
        print("ERROR: No reference time is specified.")

    # Get the database connected:
    print("INFO: Connect to database...", file = sys.stderr)
    database = vista_network.connect(dbServer, userName, password, networkName)
    # Read in the topology from the VISTA database:
    print("INFO: Read topology from database...", file = sys.stderr)
    vistaGraph = vista_network.fillGraph(database)
    # Read in the GPS track information:
    print("INFO: Read GDB GPS track '%s'..." % gdbFilename, file = sys.stderr)
    gpsTracks = gdb_extracted.fillFromFile(gdbFilename, vistaGraph.gps)
    # Restore the path match:
    print("INFO: Read the GDB path-match file '%s'..." % gdbPathMatch, file = sys.stderr)
    with open(gdbPathMatch, 'r') as inFile:
        nodes = path_engine.readStandardDump(vistaGraph, gpsTracks, inFile, lambda x: str(x))

    # Assumption: Each shapeID corresponds with one trip that will be reported in the output.
    # And, each route corresponds with one trip.
    # Filter out nodes that have one or zero links:
    for shapeID in nodes.keys():
        ctr = 0
        for node in nodes[shapeID]:
            ctr += len(node.routeInfo)
        if ctr <= 1:
            print("INFO: Filtering out shapeID %s." % str(shapeID), file = sys.stderr)
            del nodes[shapeID]
            del gpsTracks[shapeID]

    # Deal with Problem Report:
    if problemReport:
        print("INFO: Output problem report CSV...", file = sys.stderr)
        problem_report.problemReport(nodes, vistaGraph)
        print("INFO: Done.", file = sys.stderr)

    # TODO: The logic below is a hack to create unique routes given GDB IDs.  There are several
    # long-term problems with this, including the idea that it is impossible to reuse common
    # routes (each instance is its own route) and there are assumptions about vehicle ID
    # numbering in the generated vehicles.
    # Fabricate routes:
    routes = {}
    ctr = 1 # We'll be making arbitrary route IDs:
    for shapeID in gpsTracks:
        routes[ctr] = gtfs.RoutesEntry(ctr, shapeID, "")
        ctr += 1

    # Let vehicle IDs be in a different number range: 
    vehCtr = int(ctr / 10000)
    vehCtr += 10000

    # Fabricate trips and stop times:
    trips = {}
    stopTimes = {}
    for routeID in routes:
        trips[vehCtr] = gtfs.TripsEntry(vehCtr, routes[routeID], "", gpsTracks[routes[routeID].shortName])
        stopTimes[trips[vehCtr]] = list() # Fake the system by having no stops defined.
        vehCtr += 1
    tripIDs = trips.keys()
    # Output the routes file:
    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_route.csv...", file = sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_route.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs.dumpBusRoutes(trips, userName, networkName, outFile)

    # Output the routes_link file:
    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_route_link.csv...", file = sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_route_link.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs.dumpBusRouteLinks(trips, stopTimes, nodes, vistaGraph, 1, False, userName, networkName, refTime, endTime,
            False, False, False, False, outFile)
    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_frequency.csv...", file = sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_frequency.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs._outHeader("public.bus_frequency", userName, networkName, outFile)
        print("\"route\",\"period\",\"frequency\",\"offsettime\",\"preemption\"", file = outFile)
        for tripID in tripIDs:
            departureTime = trips[tripID].shapeEntries[0].time
            timeDiff = departureTime - refTime
            print("%d,1,86400,%d,0" % (tripID, timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds), file = outFile)

    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_period.csv...", file = sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_period.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs._outHeader("public.bus_period", userName, networkName, outFile)
        print("\"id\",\"starttime\",\"endtime\"", file = outFile)
        print("1,0,%d" % endTime, file = outFile)

    # Now we need to write out to the travel_time output:
    print("INFO: Dumping public.travel_time.csv...", file = sys.stderr)
    with open("public.travel_time.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs._outHeader("public.travel_time", userName, networkName, outFile)
        print("\"departure_time\",\"vehicle_id\",\"route_id\",\"exittime\",\"linkid\",\"arrivaltime\",\"sourceid\"", file = outFile)
        for tripID in tripIDs:
            nodeList = nodes[trips[tripID].route.shortName]
            "@type nodeList: list<path_engine.PathEnd>"
            departureTime = trips[tripID].shapeEntries[0].time
            lastTime = trips[tripID].shapeEntries[-1].time
            # Add the first link to the file:
            timeDiff = departureTime - refTime
            timeDiffLast = lastTime - refTime
            outStr = "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % (timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds, trips[tripID].route.routeID,
                 tripID, timeDiffLast.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiffLast.seconds, nodeList[0].pointOnLink.link.id,
                 timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds, sourceID)
            print(outStr, file = outFile)
            for node in nodeList:
                "@type node: path_engine.PathEnd"
                if len(node.routeInfo) > 0:
                    # TODO: Deal with midnight if the time is before refTime.
                    arrivalTime = node.shapeEntry.time
                    for link in node.routeInfo:
                        arrivalTimeSec = 3600 * arrivalTime.hour + 60 * arrivalTime.minute + arrivalTime.second
                        # TODO: We need to make vehicleID, routeID and tripID be consistent.
                        timeDiffArr = arrivalTime - refTime
                        outStr = "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % (timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds, 
                            trips[tripID].route.routeID, tripID, timeDiffLast.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiffLast.seconds, 
                            link.id, timeDiffArr.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiffArr.seconds, sourceID)
                        print(outStr, file = outFile)

    print("INFO: Done.", file = sys.stderr)
def main(argv):
    # Initialize from command-line parameters:
    if len(argv) < 7:
    dbServer = argv[1]
    networkName = argv[2]
    userName = argv[3]
    password = argv[4]
    csvFilename = argv[5]
    csvPathMatch = argv[6]
    sourceID = 0
    endTime = 86400
    refTime = None
    problemReport = False

    if len(argv) > 6:
        i = 7
        while i < len(argv):
            if argv[i] == "-s" and i < len(argv) - 1:
                sourceID = int(argv[i + 1])
                i += 1
            elif argv[i] == "-t" and i < len(argv) - 1:
                refTime = datetime.strptime(argv[i + 1], '%H:%M:%S')
                i += 1
            elif argv[i] == "-e" and i < len(argv) - 1:
                endTime = int(argv[i + 1])
                i += 1
            elif argv[i] == "-p":
                problemReport = True
            i += 1

    if refTime is None and not problemReport:
        print("ERROR: No reference time is specified.")

    # Get the database connected:
    print("INFO: Connect to database...", file=sys.stderr)
    database = vista_network.connect(dbServer, userName, password, networkName)

    # Read in the topology from the VISTA database:
    print("INFO: Read topology from database...", file=sys.stderr)
    vistaGraph = vista_network.fillGraph(database)

    # Read in the GPS track information:
    print("INFO: Read ArcGIS CSV GPS track '%s'..." % csvFilename,
    gpsTracks = arcgiscsv_extracted.fillFromFile(csvFilename, vistaGraph.gps)

    # Restore the path match:
    print("INFO: Read the ArcGIS CSV path-match file '%s'..." % csvPathMatch,
    with open(csvPathMatch, 'r') as inFile:
        nodes = path_engine.readStandardDump(vistaGraph, gpsTracks, inFile,
                                             lambda x: str(x))

    # Assumption: Each shapeID corresponds with one trip that will be reported in the output.
    # And, each route corresponds with one trip.

    # Filter out nodes that have one or zero links:
    for shapeID in compat.listkeys(nodes):
        ctr = 0
        for node in nodes[shapeID]:
            ctr += len(node.routeInfo)
        if ctr <= 1:
            print("INFO: Filtering out shapeID %s." % str(shapeID),
            del nodes[shapeID]
            del gpsTracks[shapeID]

    # Deal with Problem Report:
    if problemReport:
        print("INFO: Output problem report CSV...", file=sys.stderr)
        problem_report.problemReport(nodes, vistaGraph)
        print("INFO: Done.", file=sys.stderr)

    # TODO: The logic below is a hack to create unique routes given GDB IDs.  There are several
    # long-term problems with this, including the idea that it is impossible to reuse common
    # routes (each instance is its own route) and there are assumptions about vehicle ID
    # numbering in the generated vehicles.

    # Fabricate routes:
    routes = {}
    ctr = 1  # We'll be making arbitrary route IDs:
    for shapeID in gpsTracks:
        routes[ctr] = gtfs.RoutesEntry(ctr, shapeID, "")
        ctr += 1

    # Let vehicle IDs be in a different number range:
    vehCtr = int(ctr / 10000)
    vehCtr += 10000

    # Fabricate trips and stop times:
    trips = {}
    stopTimes = {}
    for routeID in routes:
        trips[vehCtr] = gtfs.TripsEntry(vehCtr, routes[routeID], "",
        stopTimes[trips[vehCtr]] = list(
        )  # Fake the system by having no stops defined.
        vehCtr += 1
    tripIDs = compat.listkeys(trips)

    # Output the routes file:
    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_route.csv...", file=sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_route.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs.dumpBusRoutes(trips, userName, networkName, outFile)

    # Output the routes_link file:
    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_route_link.csv...", file=sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_route_link.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs.dumpBusRouteLinks(trips, stopTimes, nodes, vistaGraph, 1,
                                       False, userName, networkName, refTime,
                                       endTime, False, False, False, False,
    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_frequency.csv...", file=sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_frequency.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs._outHeader("public.bus_frequency", userName, networkName,

        for tripID in tripIDs:
            departureTime = trips[tripID].shapeEntries[0].time
            timeDiff = departureTime - refTime
            print("%d,1,86400,%d,0" %
                  (tripID, timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds),

    print("INFO: Dumping public.bus_period.csv...", file=sys.stderr)
    with open("public.bus_period.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs._outHeader("public.bus_period", userName, networkName,
        print("\"id\",\"starttime\",\"endtime\"", file=outFile)
        print("1,0,%d" % endTime, file=outFile)

    # Now we need to write out to the travel_time output:
    print("INFO: Dumping public.travel_time.csv...", file=sys.stderr)
    with open("public.travel_time.csv", 'w') as outFile:
        transit_gtfs._outHeader("public.travel_time", userName, networkName,

        for tripID in tripIDs:
            nodeList = nodes[trips[tripID].route.shortName]
            "@type nodeList: list<path_engine.PathEnd>"
            departureTime = trips[tripID].shapeEntries[0].time
            lastTime = trips[tripID].shapeEntries[-1].time

            # Add the first link to the file:
            timeDiff = departureTime - refTime
            timeDiffLast = lastTime - refTime
            outStr = "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % (
                timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds,
                trips[tripID].route.routeID, tripID, timeDiffLast.days * 24 *
                3600 + timeDiffLast.seconds, nodeList[0].pointOnLink.link.id,
                timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds, sourceID)
            print(outStr, file=outFile)

            for node in nodeList:
                "@type node: path_engine.PathEnd"
                if len(node.routeInfo) > 0:
                    # TODO: Deal with midnight if the time is before refTime.
                    arrivalTime = node.shapeEntry.time
                    for link in node.routeInfo:
                        arrivalTimeSec = 3600 * arrivalTime.hour + 60 * arrivalTime.minute + arrivalTime.second
                        # TODO: We need to make vehicleID, routeID and tripID be consistent.
                        timeDiffArr = arrivalTime - refTime
                        outStr = "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % (
                            timeDiff.days * 24 * 3600 + timeDiff.seconds,
                            trips[tripID].route.routeID, tripID,
                            timeDiffLast.days * 24 * 3600 +
                            timeDiffLast.seconds, link.id, timeDiffArr.days *
                            24 * 3600 + timeDiffArr.seconds, sourceID)
                        print(outStr, file=outFile)

    print("INFO: Done.", file=sys.stderr)