def __init__(self, model_path, gpu_id=None, random_seed=None): torch_setup(gpus=[gpu_id] if gpu_id is not None else [], random_seed=random_seed) self._logger = logging.getLogger('nmmt.NMTDecoder') self._engines, self._engines_checkpoint = {}, {} self._cold_engines, self._warm_engines, self._hot_engines = [], [], [] # create and put in its map a TextProcessor and a NMTEngine for each line in model.conf settings = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(), 'model.conf')) self._cold_size = self._get_int(settings, 'settings', 'cold_size', 1000) self._warm_size = self._get_int(settings, 'settings', 'warm_size', 5) self._hot_size = self._get_int(settings, 'settings', 'hot_size', 2) if self._cold_size < 1: raise ValueError("Cold size must be larger than 0!") if self._warm_size < 1: raise ValueError("Warm size must be larger than 0!") if self._hot_size < 1: raise ValueError("Hot size must be larger than 0!") self._logger.debug("Model sizes: hot:%d warm:%d cold:%d" % (self._hot_size, self._warm_size, self._cold_size)) if not settings.has_section('models'): raise Exception('no model specified in %s' % os.path.join(model_path, 'model.conf')) for key, model_name in settings.items('models'): model_file = os.path.join(model_path, model_name) # the running state of the engines depend on their position in the configration file: # the higher in the list the better its state with log_timed_action(self._logger, 'Loading "%s" model from checkpoint' % key): self._engines[key] = NMTEngine.load_from_checkpoint(model_file) if len(self._hot_engines) < self._hot_size: # the engine is automatically created in COLD state # and now it is upgraded to HOT self._engines[key].running_state = NMTEngine.HOT self._hot_engines.append(key) elif len(self._warm_engines) < self._warm_size: # the engine is automatically created in WARM state self._engines[key].running_state = NMTEngine.WARM self._warm_engines.append(key) else: self._cold_engines.append(key) self._logger.debug( "Running states of the models: hot:%s, warm:%s, cold:%s" % (self._hot_engines, self._warm_engines, self._cold_engines)) # Public-editable options self.beam_size = 5 self.max_sent_length = 160
def tune(self, suggestions, epochs=None, learning_rate=None): # Set tuning parameters if epochs is None or learning_rate is None: _epochs, _learning_rate = self._estimate_tuning_parameters( suggestions) epochs = epochs if epochs is not None else _epochs learning_rate = learning_rate if learning_rate is not None else _learning_rate if learning_rate > 0. and epochs > 0: if self._tuner is None: from nmmt.NMTEngineTrainer import NMTEngineTrainer optimizer = Optim( self.metadata.tuning_optimizer, 1., max_grad_norm=self.metadata.tuning_max_grad_norm) tuner_opts = NMTEngineTrainer.Options() tuner_opts.log_level = logging.NOTSET self._tuner = NMTEngineTrainer(self, options=tuner_opts, optimizer=optimizer) self._tuner.opts.step_limit = epochs self._tuner.reset_learning_rate(learning_rate) # Process suggestions tuning_src_batch, tuning_trg_batch = [], [] for suggestion in suggestions: source = self.processor.encode_line(suggestion.source, is_source=True) source = self.src_dict.convertToIdxTensor( source, Constants.UNK_WORD) target = self.processor.encode_line(, is_source=False) target = self.trg_dict.convertToIdxTensor( target, Constants.UNK_WORD, Constants.BOS_WORD, Constants.EOS_WORD) tuning_src_batch.append(source) tuning_trg_batch.append(target) tuning_set = Dataset(tuning_src_batch, tuning_trg_batch, len(tuning_src_batch), torch_is_using_cuda()) tuning_set = DatasetWrapper(tuning_set) # Run tuning log_message = 'Tuning on %d suggestions (epochs = %d, learning_rate = %.3f )' % ( len(suggestions), self._tuner.opts.step_limit, with log_timed_action(self._logger, log_message, log_start=False): self._tuner.train_model(tuning_set)
def translate(self, text, suggestions=None, n_best=1): # (1) Process text and suggestions processed_text = self._text_processor.encode_line(text, is_source=True) processed_suggestions = None if self.tuning_epochs > 0 and suggestions is not None and len( suggestions) > 0: processed_suggestions = [], [] for suggestion in suggestions: processed_suggestions[0].append( self._text_processor.encode_line(suggestion.source, is_source=True)) processed_suggestions[1].append( self._text_processor.encode_line(, is_source=False)) # (2) Tune engine if suggestions provided if processed_suggestions is not None: msg = 'Tuning engine on %d suggestions (%d epochs)' % (len( processed_suggestions[0]), self.tuning_epochs) with log_timed_action(self._logger, msg, log_start=False): self._engine.tune(*processed_suggestions, epochs=self.tuning_epochs) # (3) Translate pred_batch, pred_score = self._engine.translate( processed_text, n_best=n_best, beam_size=self.beam_size, max_sent_length=self.max_sent_length, replace_unk=self.replace_unk) # (4) Reset engine if needed if processed_suggestions is not None: with log_timed_action(self._logger, 'Restoring model initial state', log_start=False): self._engine.reset_model() return self._text_processor.decode_tokens(pred_batch[0])
def reset_model(self): with log_timed_action(self._logger, 'Restoring model initial state', log_start=False): self.model.load_state_dict(self._model_init_state) self.model.encoder.rnn.dropout = 0. self.model.decoder.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.) self.model.decoder.rnn.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.) self._model_loaded = True
def get_engine(self, source_lang, target_lang, variant=None): key = source_lang + '__' + target_lang if variant is not None: variant_key = key + '__' + variant if variant_key in self._engines: key = variant_key else: self._logger.warning( 'Variant "%s" not found, falling back to "%s"' % (variant_key, key)) key = key.lower() # ConfigParser seems to interfere with key casing if key not in self._engines: return None engine = self._engines[key] if engine.running_state != NMTEngine.HOT: # the running state of the required engine is COLD; upgrade to HOT with log_timed_action(self._logger, 'Upgrading "%s" model' % key): if engine.running_state == NMTEngine.WARM: # the running state of the required engine is WARM self._warm_engines.remove(key) else: # the running state of the required engine is COLD self._cold_engines.remove(key) if len( self._hot_engines ) >= self._hot_size: # no more space among the hot engines if len( self._warm_engines ) >= self._warm_size: # no more space among the warm engines # move the last warm engine to cold tmp_key = self._warm_engines.pop() self._engines[tmp_key].running_state = NMTEngine.COLD self._cold_engines.insert(0, tmp_key) # move the last hot engine to warm, which has at least one space tmp_key = self._hot_engines.pop() self._engines[tmp_key].running_state = NMTEngine.WARM self._warm_engines.insert(0, tmp_key) # insert the required engine in the first position of the hot models engine.running_state = NMTEngine.HOT self._hot_engines.insert(0, key) self._logger.debug( "Running states of the models: hot:%s, warm:%s, cold:%s" % (self._hot_engines, self._warm_engines, self._cold_engines)) return engine
def __init__(self, model_path, gpu_id=None, random_seed=None): self._logger = logging.getLogger('nmmt.NMTDecoder') if gpu_id is not None: torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_id) if random_seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(random_seed) random.manual_seed_all(random_seed) using_cuda = gpu_id is not None self._text_processor = SubwordTextProcessor.load_from_file( os.path.join(model_path, 'model.bpe')) with log_timed_action(self._logger, 'Loading model from checkpoint'): self._engine = NMTEngine.load_from_checkpoint( os.path.join(model_path, ''), using_cuda=using_cuda) # Public-editable options self.beam_size = 5 self.max_sent_length = 160 self.replace_unk = False self.tuning_epochs = 5