예제 #1
    def dosDiff(self, vincinity):
        """ Difference between spin up and down DOS """
        print('Running DOS difference analysis...')
        concentrations = []
        I_dos = []
        normalised = []
        outFile = os.path.join(self.analysisDir, 'dos_diff.txt')
        normalisedFile = os.path.join(self.analysisDir,

        checkAnalysisFiles(outFile, normalisedFile)

        # Define time variables for calculating time left.
        numData = len(self.listDataDir)
        numDataLeft = numData
        startTime = time.time()
        prevTime = startTime
        eachTimeTaken = []

        # Start the analysis process.
        for dirname in self.listDataDir:
            # Get DOS data.
            dosUpFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, dirname, 'dos_up.txt')
            dosDownFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, dirname, 'dos_down.txt')
            rawFile = os.path.join(self.rawDir, dirname, 'dos.agr')
            dosUp = getDOS(dosUpFile, rawFile, 'up')
            dosDown = getDOS(dosDownFile, rawFile, 'down')

            # Correction to the Fermi level from the DOS data.
            dataLen = len(dosDown)
            truncated = []

            for i in range(dataLen):
                if math.fabs(dosDown[i][0]) < vincinity:

            correction = sorted(truncated, key=itemgetter(1))[0][0]

            # Shift the whole dataset.
            # for i in range(dataLen):
            #     dosUp[i][0] += correction
            #     dosDown[i][0] += correction

            # Linearly interpolate the DOS data.
            dosUpInterp = nmod.getInterp1d(dosUp)
            dosDownInterp = nmod.getInterp1d(dosDown)

            # Calculate the difference between the DOS at E-E_f = 0eV.
            dosDiff = dosUpInterp(correction) - dosDownInterp(correction)
            # dosDiff = dosDownInterp(0)

            with open(outFile, 'a+') as f:
                f.write(dirname + ' ' + str(dosDiff) + '\n')

            # Calculate time left.
            eachTimeTaken.append(time.time() - prevTime)
            prevTime = time.time()
            numDataLeft -= 1
            sys.stdout.write('\r' + str(numDataLeft) + '/' + str(numData)
                             + ' - Time left: ' + nmod.seconds2str(
                             nmod.findMean(eachTimeTaken) * numDataLeft)
                             + '         ')

        # Normalise the data and store as a new file.
        normalised = nmod.normalise(I_dos)
        print('\nNormalising DOS difference data...')
        with open(normalisedFile, 'a+') as f:
            for i in range(len(normalised)):
                f.write(concentrations[i] + ' ' + str(normalised[i]) + '\n')

        print('DOS difference analysis completed. Time taken: '
               + nmod.seconds2str(time.time() - startTime))
예제 #2
    def bandGap(self, aInit, stripSize, stepSize):
        """ Band gap analysis """
        print('Running band gap analysis...')
        iterations = int(math.fabs(aInit) / stepSize) + 1
        concentrations = []
        I_bg = []
        normalised = []
        outFile = os.path.join(self.analysisDir, 'band_gap.txt')
        normalisedFile = os.path.join(self.analysisDir,

        checkAnalysisFiles(outFile, normalisedFile)

        # Define time variables for calculating time left.
        numData = len(self.listDataDir)
        numDataLeft = numData
        startTime = time.time()
        prevTime = startTime
        eachTimeTaken = []
        # Start the analysis process.
        for dirname in self.listDataDir:
            # Get DOS data.
            dosFile = os.path.join(self.dataDir, dirname, 'dos_down.txt')
            rawFile = os.path.join(self.rawDir, dirname, 'dos.agr')
            dos = getDOS(dosFile, rawFile, 'down')

            # Linearly interpolate the DOS data.
            dosInterp = nmod.getInterp1d(dos)
            integrals = []

            # Calculate minimum integral by translating a fixed width strip.
            for i in range(iterations):
                delta = i * stepSize
                a = aInit + delta 
                b = aInit + stripSize + delta
                integral = integrate.quad(dosInterp, a, b, limit=100)[0]

            minIntegral = min(integrals)

            with open(outFile, 'a+') as f:
                f.write(dirname + ' ' + str(minIntegral) + '\n')

            # Calculate time left.
            eachTimeTaken.append(time.time() - prevTime)
            prevTime = time.time()
            numDataLeft -= 1
            sys.stdout.write('\r' + str(numDataLeft) + '/' + str(numData)
                             + ' - Time left: ' + nmod.seconds2str(
                             nmod.findMean(eachTimeTaken) * numDataLeft)
                             + '         ')

        # Normalise the data and store as a new file.
        normalised = nmod.normalise(I_bg)
        print('\nNormalising band gap data...')
        with open(normalisedFile, 'a+') as f:
            for i in range(len(normalised)):
                f.write(concentrations[i] + ' ' + str(normalised[i]) + '\n')

        print('Band gap analysis completed. Time taken: '
               + nmod.seconds2str(time.time() - startTime))