def deployBuild(): getLogger().info('Deploy the latest build on BSM Server') try: #1. Stop BSM Service getLogger().info('Stop BSM Service.') cmd = "su -c '$JBOSS_HOME/bin/bsmsrv abort' - bsm" runSSHCommand(cmd) #2. Uninstall previous deployed build getLogger().info('Uninstall previous build.') cmd = 'rm -rf /soft/bsmsoft/bsm1/bsm' runSSHCommand(cmd) #3. Install BSM component build ='_(.*)_', BSMCONFIG['artifact']).group(1) getLogger().info('Install BSM package') cmd = './nagra_install_3.11.4 bsmsoft bsm1 bsm bsm %s -link yes -peek_tar yes -install yes -overwrite yes -create_dir yes' % ( build) runSSHCommand(cmd) #4. Start BSM Service getLogger().info('Launch the BSM Service.') cmd = "su -c '$HOME/bin/bsmsrv_bsm1 start' - bsm" runSSHCommand(cmd) except Exception: raise finally: SSH.close()
def drawChartForAutoFailureByPriority(): import pylab as p results = {'P0': 0, 'P1': 0, 'P2': 0, 'P3': 0, 'P4': 0, 'P5': 0} getLogger().info('Draw Automation failures by priorities chart') failedCaseDict = retrieveFailedTestCases() for key in failedCaseDict: priority = failedCaseDict[key][1] results[priority] = results[priority] + 1 #Start to draw bar chart fig = p.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) y = [ results['P0'], results['P1'], results['P2'], results['P3'], results['P4'], results['P5'] ] n = len(y) ind = range(n), y, facecolor='yellow', align='center', ecolor='black') ax.set_ylabel('Number of Failures') # Create a title, in italics ax.set_title('Automation Failures By Priorities', fontstyle='italic') ax.set_xticks(ind) group_labels = ['P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'] ax.set_xticklabels(group_labels) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'FailureByPriority.png'))
def loadRptTemplate(): try: getLogger().info('Load BSM report template.') fileHandler = open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'rpt.tpl')) return except Exception, e: getLogger().error('Exception happened: %s' % e) raise
def runCommand(cmd): getLogger().info('Run command %s' % (cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdoutput, erroutput = p.communicate() return stdoutput, erroutput
def getConfigData(): results = {} from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'config', 'BSMConfig.xml') getLogger().info('Result from Ant command: %s' % (str)) config = ET.parse(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'config', 'BSMConfig.xml')) entries = config.findall('./entry') for entry in entries: results[entry.attrib['key']] = entry.text return results
def drawChartForAutoFailureDistribution(): getLogger().info('Draw Automation failure distribution chart') try: table_content = getDetailTableContent() testDataParser = TestDataParser() testDataParser.feed(table_content.strip()) getLogger().info('Retrieved Suite Name info from Junit report: %s ' % str(testDataParser.getSuiteNameList())) getLogger().info( 'Retrieved Total number List info from Junit report: %s ' % str(testDataParser.getTotalCaseNumList())) getLogger().info( 'Retrieved Failure number List info from Junit report: %s ' % str(testDataParser.getFailureNumList())) font = {'family': 'Calibri', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 9} plt.rc('font', **font) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.pie(x=testDataParser.getFailureNumList(), labels=testDataParser.getSuiteNameList(), autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True) plt.title("Automation Failures Distribution", bbox={ 'facecolor': '0.8', 'pad': 5 }) plt.savefig(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'Failure.png')) except Exception: raise
def setTestSummaryData(template): try: getLogger().info( 'Retrieve test summary data from JUnit report and set it to template' ) fileHandler = open( os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'junit', 'overview-summary.html')) content = i = content.index("<h2>Summary</h2>") start = content.index("<table", i) end = content.index("table>", start) + OFFSET table_content = removeLinks(content[start:end]) return template.replace('#SUMMARY#', table_content) except Exception, e: getLogger().error('Exception happened: %s' % e) raise
def runSSHCommand(command): getLogger().info('Run ssh command: %s' % (command)) try: stdin, stdout, stderr = SSH.exec_command(command) getLogger().info('Std output: %s' % ( getLogger().info('Std err: %s' % ( except paramiko.SSHException: getLogger().error("Error running command: " + command) raise
def getBuildInfo(): import re buildnum = '' url = '' try: #Get build num html = getHttpResponse(BSMCONFIG['buildbranch']) patt = re.compile(r'Last successful build \(#(\d+)\)') matcher = if matcher is not None: buildnum = #Compose build download address url = BSMCONFIG[ 'buildbranch'] + buildnum + '/artifact/bsmapp/target/' + BSMCONFIG[ 'artifact'] getLogger().info('Latest successful build num is %s and url %s' % (buildnum, url)) return buildnum, url except Exception: raise
def checkUrl(): #Sleep for 3 mins and check whether the bsm server is launched. getLogger().info('Check whether the build %s is ready for test' % (BUILD_NUM)) import time, re patt = re.compile(r'Login') testurl = 'http://' + BSMCONFIG['host_name'] + ':8080/bsm/' count = 1 while (count <= 10): getLogger().info('Sleep for 10 secs') time.sleep(10) getLogger().info('Try to access test url: %s' % (testurl)) html = getHttpResponse(testurl) matcher = if matcher is None: count += 1 continue else: getLogger().info('The build %s is ready for test' % (BUILD_NUM)) return True return False
def downloadBuild(): #1. Remove previous installation package getLogger().info('Remove previous package') build ='-(.*)_', BSMCONFIG['artifact']).group(1) cmd = 'rm -f *%s*' % build runSSHCommand(cmd) #2. Retrive and download the latest build info getLogger().info( 'Retrieve the latest successful build from Jeakins CI Server') BUILD_NUM, BUILD_URL = getBuildInfo() getLogger().info('Downloading the latest successful build from %s' % (BUILD_URL)) cmd = 'wget -q -T300 ' + BUILD_URL runSSHCommand(cmd)
def retrieveFailedTestCases(): from BsmCaseRetriever import BsmCaseRetriever def getSuiteFailureTableContent(fileName): fileHandler = open(fileName) content = i = -99 try: i = content.index("<h2>Errors</h2>") except: i = content.index("<h2>Failures</h2>") start = content.index("<table", i) end = content.index("table>", start) + OFFSET return content[start:end] getLogger().info('Draw Automation Failure chart by prority') basePath = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'junit', 'com', 'nagra', 'bsm', 'tests') htmlFileList = os.listdir(basePath) bsmCaseRetriever = BsmCaseRetriever( os.path.join(sys.path[0], '.\..\..\Fitnesse')) try: table_content = getDetailTableContent() testDataParser = TestDataParser() testDataParser.feed(table_content.strip()) suiteNameLst = testDataParser.getSuiteNameList() getLogger().info(suiteNameLst) failureNumLst = testDataParser.getFailureNumList() getLogger().info(failureNumLst) i = 0 results = {} while (i < len(suiteNameLst)): if failureNumLst[i] != 0: for fileItem in htmlFileList: pattern = '\d+_%s-errors.html|\d+_%s-fails.html' % ( suiteNameLst[i], suiteNameLst[i]) if re.match(pattern, fileItem) is not None: failureCaseParser = FailureCaseParser() failureCaseParser.feed( getSuiteFailureTableContent( os.path.join(basePath, fileItem))) for caseId in failureCaseParser.getFailureCaseList(): results[ caseId] = bsmCaseRetriever.retrieveCaseTitleAndPriority( suiteNameLst[i], caseId) i = i + 1 return results except Exception: raise
def uploadTestData(localpath, remotepath): from os import listdir from os.path import join try: getLogger().info('Create SFTP Connection.') t = paramiko.Transport((BSMCONFIG['host_name'], 22)) t.connect(username=BSMCONFIG['host_username'], password=BSMCONFIG['host_password']) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) getLogger().info('Change working directory to %s' % (remotepath)) sftp.chdir(remotepath) for file in listdir(localpath): src = join(localpath, file) des = join(remotepath, file) sftp.put(src, des) getLogger().info('Uploaded file from %s to %s' % (src, des)) t.close() except Exception: raise
def runCommand(cmd): getLogger().info('Run command %s' % (cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdoutput, erroutput = p.communicate() return stdoutput, erroutput if __name__ == '__main__': global SSH, SSHAS global BUILD_NUM, BUILD_URL import re, os.path, sys, subprocess os.chdir(os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])) os.chdir("..") BSMCONFIG = getConfigData() SSH = getSSHConn() BUILD_NUM = '' BUILD_URL = '' updateBranch() downloadBuild() deployBuild() if checkUrl(): runAutoTest() generateReport() sendReport() else: getLogger().info('Test url is not avaiable.')
def updateBranch(): getLogger().info('Sync with P4 Server to update test branch') cmd = 'p4 sync' (stdoutput, erroutput) = runCommand(cmd) getLogger().info('Result from command: %s' % (stdoutput)) return stdoutput
def generateReport(): from genReport import generateRpt getLogger().info('Generate Test report') generateRpt(BUILD_NUM, BUILD_URL)
def runAutoTest(): getLogger().info('Call Ant Command to run BSM Automation.') cmd = 'ant.bat runalltests' (stdoutput, erroutput) = runCommand(cmd) getLogger().info('Result from Ant command: %s' % (stdoutput)) return stdoutput
def sendReport(): from autoReportSender import sendReport getLogger().info('Send out Automation test report') sendReport() getLogger().info('Finished Automation test on build %s' % (BUILD_NUM))