def process_chunk(l0, l1, group, group_id,chunk,chunks): s='' try: s = NNTP_SSL('', 443, 'nemik1', 'this1moois') except: return ("fail", 0) resp, count, first, last, name = print "\n------NOW PROCESSING CHUNK %d of %d (%d/%d) FROM %s-----\n\n" % (int(chunk),int(chunks),int(l0),int(l1),group) syslog.syslog("NOW PROCESSING CHUNK %d of %d (%d/%d) FROM %s" % (int(chunk),int(chunks),int(l0),int(l1),group)) docs_xml = "" resp, subs = s.xover(str(l0), str(l1)) #dictionary of files #key is file name which is subject_file #value is tuple of poster->String, date->Int(timestamp), subject_exact->String, total parts, list [] segments -> (), segment is tuple of (id, segment, size) files = {} id = 0 for sub in subs: size = sub[6] subject_exact = decode(sub[1])#.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") #maybe do this by looking for the pattern everywhere and taking the last one from the group, not just end of line? may files appearing as articles.... subject_file = re.sub("\((\d+)\/(\d+)\)$", "", subject_exact) p ="\((\d+)\/(\d+)\)$",subject_exact) #data PartInfo = Part (Int, Int) id = sub[0] poster = decode(sub[2]) date_str = sub[3] #subject_file_id = query for it #if None subject_file_id insert into files #d = "Fri, 03 Jul 2009 19:31:58 +0200" date = int(time.mktime(rfc822.parsedate(date_str))) fid = 0 #part is tuple w/ ints (part #, total) part=() try: part = (int(, int( except: c.execute("SELECT id FROM articles WHERE id = %s", (sub[4],)) aid = c.fetchone() if aid != None: continue else: try: print "ARTICLE: : %s" % subject_exact except: print "ARTICLE: f**k you print-ascii" #c.execute("INSERT INTO articles (id, group_id, subject, poster, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (sub[4], group_id, subject_exact, poster, date,)) #c.execute("INSERT INTO articles (id, group_id, subject, poster, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)", (sub[4], group_id, subject_exact, poster, date,)) c.execute("INSERT INTO articles (id, group_id, subject, poster, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, (TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + %s * INTERVAL '1 second'))", (sub[4], group_id, subject_exact, poster, date,date,)) connection.commit() continue #guaranteed the file will be in the DB c.execute("SELECT id FROM files WHERE subject = %s", (subject_file)) subject_file_id = c.fetchone() if subject_file_id != None: subject_file_id = int(subject_file_id[0]) fid = subject_file_id else: try: print "processing %s" % subject_file except: print "processing SOMETHING CAN'T BE PRINTED, f**k you ascii" #c.execute("INSERT INTO files (subject, name, poster, parts_total, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (subject_file, subject_file, poster, part[1], date)) #c.execute("INSERT INTO files (subject, name, poster, parts_total, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)", (subject_file, subject_file, poster, part[1], date)) c.execute("INSERT INTO files (subject, name, poster, parts_total, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, (TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + %s * INTERVAL '1 second'))", (subject_file, subject_file, poster, part[1], date,date)) connection.commit() headers = s.head(id) groups_posted = "" for header in headers[3]: if "Newsgroups: " in header: groups_posted = header.replace('Newsgroups: ','').split(',') if fid == 0: c.execute("SELECT id FROM files WHERE name = %s", (subject_file,)) fid = int(c.fetchone()[0]) #guarantee that group exists otherwise create it gid = 0 for group in groups_posted: c.execute("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) gid = c.fetchone() #if i dont have that group, add it if gid != None: gid = int(gid[0]) else: c.execute("INSERT INTO groups (name, last_article) VALUES(%s, %s)", (group, 0,)) connection.commit() if gid == 0: c.execute("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) gid = int(c.fetchone()) c.execute("SELECT id FROM file_group WHERE file_id = %s AND group_id = %s", (fid, gid,)) exists = c.fetchone() if exists != None: continue else: c.execute("INSERT INTO file_group (file_id, group_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (fid, gid,)) connection.commit() #print "sub is %s, groups are %s" % (sub, groups_posted) #add part to parts table and associate with file try: c.execute("INSERT INTO parts (id, file_id, bytes, number) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (sub[4], fid, size, part[0])) connection.commit() except: continue firprint = str("first article:"+subs[1][0]+"last article:"+subs[-1][0]+"id is "+id) print firprint syslog.syslog(firprint) c.execute("UPDATE groups SET last_article = %s WHERE name = %s", (subs[-1][0], group,)) connection.commit() print "\n\n ---- STATUS OF %s UDPATED! ---- \n\n" % (group) syslog.syslog("STATUS OF %s UDPATED!" % (group)) s.quit() return (docs_xml,subs[-1][0])
def process_chunk(l0, l1, group, group_id, chunk, chunks): s = "" try: s = NNTP_SSL("", 443, "nemik1", "this1moois") except: return ("fail", 0) resp, count, first, last, name = print "\n------NOW PROCESSING CHUNK %d of %d (%d/%d) FROM %s-----\n\n" % ( int(chunk), int(chunks), int(l0), int(l1), group, ) syslog.syslog("NOW PROCESSING CHUNK %d of %d (%d/%d) FROM %s" % (int(chunk), int(chunks), int(l0), int(l1), group)) docs_xml = "" resp, subs = s.xover(str(l0), str(l1)) # dictionary of files # key is file name which is subject_file # value is tuple of poster->String, date->Int(timestamp), subject_exact->String, total parts, list [] segments -> (), segment is tuple of (id, segment, size) files = {} id = 0 for sub in subs: size = sub[6] subject_exact = decode(sub[1]) # .encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") # maybe do this by looking for the pattern everywhere and taking the last one from the group, not just end of line? may files appearing as articles.... subject_file = re.sub("\((\d+)\/(\d+)\)$", "", subject_exact) p ="\((\d+)\/(\d+)\)$", subject_exact) # data PartInfo = Part (Int, Int) id = sub[0] poster = decode(sub[2]) date_str = sub[3] # subject_file_id = query for it # if None subject_file_id insert into files # d = "Fri, 03 Jul 2009 19:31:58 +0200" date = int(time.mktime(rfc822.parsedate(date_str))) fid = 0 # part is tuple w/ ints (part #, total) part = () try: part = (int(, int( except: c.execute("SELECT id FROM articles WHERE id = %s", (sub[4],)) aid = c.fetchone() if aid != None: continue else: try: print "ARTICLE: : %s" % subject_exact except: print "ARTICLE: f**k you print-ascii" # c.execute("INSERT INTO articles (id, group_id, subject, poster, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (sub[4], group_id, subject_exact, poster, date,)) # c.execute("INSERT INTO articles (id, group_id, subject, poster, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)", (sub[4], group_id, subject_exact, poster, date,)) c.execute( "INSERT INTO articles (id, group_id, subject, poster, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, (TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + %s * INTERVAL '1 second'))", (sub[4], group_id, subject_exact, poster, date, date), ) connection.commit() continue # guaranteed the file will be in the DB c.execute("SELECT id FROM files WHERE subject = %s", (subject_file)) subject_file_id = c.fetchone() if subject_file_id != None: subject_file_id = int(subject_file_id[0]) fid = subject_file_id else: try: print "processing %s" % subject_file except: print "processing SOMETHING CAN'T BE PRINTED, f**k you ascii" # c.execute("INSERT INTO files (subject, name, poster, parts_total, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (subject_file, subject_file, poster, part[1], date)) # c.execute("INSERT INTO files (subject, name, poster, parts_total, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)", (subject_file, subject_file, poster, part[1], date)) c.execute( "INSERT INTO files (subject, name, poster, parts_total, date, time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, (TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + %s * INTERVAL '1 second'))", (subject_file, subject_file, poster, part[1], date, date), ) connection.commit() headers = s.head(id) groups_posted = "" for header in headers[3]: if "Newsgroups: " in header: groups_posted = header.replace("Newsgroups: ", "").split(",") if fid == 0: c.execute("SELECT id FROM files WHERE name = %s", (subject_file,)) fid = int(c.fetchone()[0]) # guarantee that group exists otherwise create it gid = 0 for group in groups_posted: c.execute("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) gid = c.fetchone() # if i dont have that group, add it if gid != None: gid = int(gid[0]) else: c.execute("INSERT INTO groups (name, last_article) VALUES(%s, %s)", (group, 0)) connection.commit() if gid == 0: c.execute("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) gid = int(c.fetchone()) c.execute("SELECT id FROM file_group WHERE file_id = %s AND group_id = %s", (fid, gid)) exists = c.fetchone() if exists != None: continue else: c.execute("INSERT INTO file_group (file_id, group_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (fid, gid)) connection.commit() # print "sub is %s, groups are %s" % (sub, groups_posted) # add part to parts table and associate with file try: c.execute( "INSERT INTO parts (id, file_id, bytes, number) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (sub[4], fid, size, part[0]) ) connection.commit() except: continue firprint = str("first article:" + subs[1][0] + "last article:" + subs[-1][0] + "id is " + id) print firprint syslog.syslog(firprint) c.execute("UPDATE groups SET last_article = %s WHERE name = %s", (subs[-1][0], group)) connection.commit() print "\n\n ---- STATUS OF %s UDPATED! ---- \n\n" % (group) syslog.syslog("STATUS OF %s UDPATED!" % (group)) s.quit() return (docs_xml, subs[-1][0])
def process_group(group,c,connection): docs_xml = "" last_article = 0 not_in_db = False group_id = 0 #guarantees group is in the DB """ read last good article for the group from DB or file """ #last_article = int(file('last_article','r').readlines()[0]) c.execute("SELECT id, last_article FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) rows=c.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: last_article = int(rows[0][1]) group_id = int(rows[0][0]) else: print "ADDING %s to DB!" % (group) not_in_db = True c.execute("INSERT INTO groups (name, last_article) VALUES (%s, %s)", (group,0)) connection.commit() c.execute("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) group_id = int(c.fetchone()[0]) print "last article is %s" % last_article #connect to usenet, with SSL! WOO! s='' try: s = NNTP_SSL('', 443, 'nemik1', 'this1moois') except: return ("fail", 0) #group_table = group_to_table(group) #print group_table resp, count, first, last, name = print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last tolerance = 10000 #tolerance = 300 #oldest = last if last_article == 0:# and not_in_db: latest = str(int(last) - tolerance) print "NOT IN DB! USING TOLERANCE OF %d!!!" % (tolerance) else: latest = str(last_article) to_do = int(last) - int(latest) print "\n------NOW PROCESSING %d ARTICLES FROM %s-----\n\n" % (to_do, group) syslog.syslog("NOW PROCESSING %d ARTICLES FROM %s" % (to_do, group)) if to_do ==0: s.quit() return ("",0) s.quit() #split work of todo into 5,000 article chunks chunks = (to_do / 5000) + 1 if chunks == 1: print "only 1 chunk" return process_chunk(latest, last, group, group_id, 1, chunks) end = int(latest) for chunk in range(1,chunks): if chunk == len(range(0,chunks)): print "last chunk" return process_chunk(end, last, group, group_id,chunk,chunks) process_chunk(end,end+5000, group, group_id,chunk,chunks) end = end+5000
def process_group(group, c, connection): docs_xml = "" last_article = 0 not_in_db = False group_id = 0 # guarantees group is in the DB """ read last good article for the group from DB or file """ # last_article = int(file('last_article','r').readlines()[0]) c.execute("SELECT id, last_article FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) rows = c.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: last_article = int(rows[0][1]) group_id = int(rows[0][0]) else: print "ADDING %s to DB!" % (group) not_in_db = True c.execute("INSERT INTO groups (name, last_article) VALUES (%s, %s)", (group, 0)) connection.commit() c.execute("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s", (group,)) group_id = int(c.fetchone()[0]) print "last article is %s" % last_article # connect to usenet, with SSL! WOO! s = "" try: s = NNTP_SSL("", 443, "nemik1", "this1moois") except: return ("fail", 0) # group_table = group_to_table(group) # print group_table resp, count, first, last, name = print "Group", name, "has", count, "articles, range", first, "to", last tolerance = 10000 # tolerance = 300 # oldest = last if last_article == 0: # and not_in_db: latest = str(int(last) - tolerance) print "NOT IN DB! USING TOLERANCE OF %d!!!" % (tolerance) else: latest = str(last_article) to_do = int(last) - int(latest) print "\n------NOW PROCESSING %d ARTICLES FROM %s-----\n\n" % (to_do, group) syslog.syslog("NOW PROCESSING %d ARTICLES FROM %s" % (to_do, group)) if to_do == 0: s.quit() return ("", 0) s.quit() # split work of todo into 5,000 article chunks chunks = (to_do / 5000) + 1 if chunks == 1: print "only 1 chunk" return process_chunk(latest, last, group, group_id, 1, chunks) end = int(latest) for chunk in range(1, chunks): if chunk == len(range(0, chunks)): print "last chunk" return process_chunk(end, last, group, group_id, chunk, chunks) process_chunk(end, end + 5000, group, group_id, chunk, chunks) end = end + 5000