def _transform_and_predict(model, x, block_shape, rotation, translation=[0, 0, 0], verbose=False): """Predict on rigidly transformed features. The rigid transformation is applied to the volumes prior to prediction, and the prediced labels are transformed with the inverse warp, so that they are in the same space. Parameters ---------- model: `tf.keras.Model`, model used for prediction. x: 3D array, volume of features. block_shape: tuple of length 3, shape of non-overlapping blocks to take from the features. This also corresponds to the input of the model, not including the batch or channel dimensions. rotation: tuple of length 3, rotation angle in radians in each dimension. translation: tuple of length 3, units of translation in each dimension. verbose: bool, whether to print progress bar. Returns ------- Array of predictions with the same shape and in the same space as the original input features. """ x = np.asarray(x).astype(np.float32) affine = get_affine(x.shape, rotation=rotation, translation=translation) inverse_affine = tf.linalg.inv(affine) x_warped = warp(x, affine, order=1) x_warped_blocks = to_blocks_numpy(x_warped, block_shape) x_warped_blocks = x_warped_blocks[..., np.newaxis] # add grayscale channel x_warped_blocks = standardize_numpy(x_warped_blocks) y = model.predict(x_warped_blocks, batch_size=1, verbose=verbose) n_classes = y.shape[-1] if n_classes == 1: y = y.squeeze(-1) else: # Usually, the argmax would be taken to get the class membership of # each voxel, but if we get hard values, then we cannot average # multiple predictions. raise ValueError( "This function is not compatible with multi-class predictions.") y = from_blocks_numpy(y, x.shape) y = warp(y, inverse_affine, order=0).numpy() return y
def save_output(output_prefix, model, data, volume_shape, block_shape, one_hot_label=False): '''volume_shape and block_shape are tuple of 3''' num_blocks = int((volume_shape[0] / block_shape[0])**3) labels = np.empty(shape=(num_blocks, *block_shape)) results = np.empty(shape=(num_blocks, *block_shape)) data = data.unbatch().batch(1) for batch, (feat, label) in enumerate(data.take(num_blocks)): pred = model(feat) pred = np.argmax(pred, -1) if one_hot_label: label = tf.math.argmax(label, axis=-1) labels[batch, :, :, :] = label.numpy() results[batch, :, :, :] = pred labels = from_blocks_numpy(labels, volume_shape) results = from_blocks_numpy(results, volume_shape) np.savez(output_prefix, label=labels, result=results)
def predict_from_array(inputs, model, block_shape, batch_size=1, normalizer=None, n_samples=1, return_variance=False, return_entropy=False): """Return a prediction given a filepath and an ndarray of features. Parameters ---------- inputs: ndarray, array of features. model: `tf.keras.Model`, trained model. block_shape: tuple of length 3, shape of sub-volumes on which to predict. batch_size: int, number of sub-volumes per batch for predictions. normalizer: callable, function that accepts an ndarray and returns an ndarray. Called before separating volume into blocks. n_samples: The number of sampling. If set as 1, it will just return the single prediction value. The default value is 1 return_variance: Boolean. If set True, it returns the running population variance along with mean. Note, if the n_samples is smaller or equal to 1, the variance will not be returned; instead it will return None return_entropy: Boolean. If set True, it returns the running entropy. along with mean. Returns ------- ndarray of predictions. """ if normalizer: features = normalizer(inputs) else: features = inputs if block_shape is not None: features = to_blocks_numpy(features, block_shape=block_shape) else: features = features[None] # Add batch dimension. # Add a dimension for single channel. features = features[..., None] # Predict per block to reduce memory consumption. n_blocks = features.shape[0] n_batches = math.ceil(n_blocks / batch_size) if not return_variance and not return_entropy and n_samples == 1: outputs = model.predict(features, batch_size=1, verbose=0) if outputs.shape[-1] == 1: # Binarize according to threshold. outputs = outputs > 0.3 outputs = outputs.squeeze(-1) # Nibabel doesn't like saving boolean arrays as Nifti. outputs = outputs.astype(np.uint8) else: # Hard classes for multi-class segmentation. outputs = np.argmax(outputs, -1) outputs = from_blocks_numpy(outputs, output_shape=inputs.shape) return outputs raise NotImplementedError( "Predicting from Bayesian nets is not implemented yet.") means = np.zeros_like(features) variances = np.zeros_like(features) entropies = np.zeros_like(features) progbar = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(n_batches) progbar.update(0) for j in range(0, n_blocks, batch_size): this_x = features[j:j + batch_size] new_prediction = model.predict(this_x, batch_size=1, verbose=0) prev_mean = np.zeros_like(new_prediction['probabilities']) curr_mean = new_prediction['probabilities'] M = np.zeros_like(new_prediction['probabilities']) for n in range(1, n_samples): new_prediction = model.predict(this_x) prev_mean = curr_mean curr_mean = prev_mean + (new_prediction['probabilities'] - prev_mean) / float(n + 1) M = M + np.multiply(prev_mean - new_prediction['probabilities'], curr_mean - new_prediction['probabilities']) means[j:j + batch_size] = np.argmax(curr_mean, axis=-1) # max mean variances[j:j + batch_size] = np.sum(M / n_samples, axis=-1) entropies[j:j + batch_size] = -np.sum(np.multiply( np.log(curr_mean + 0.001), curr_mean), axis=-1) # entropy progbar.add(1) total_means = from_blocks_numpy(means, output_shape=inputs.shape) total_variance = from_blocks_numpy(variances, output_shape=inputs.shape) total_entropy = from_blocks_numpy(entropies, output_shape=inputs.shape) mean_var_voxels = np.mean(total_variance) std_var_voxels = np.std(total_variance) include_variance = ((n_samples > 1) and (return_variance)) if include_variance: if return_entropy: return total_means, total_variance, total_entropy else: return total_means, total_variance else: if return_entropy: return total_means, total_entropy else: return total_means,
val_accs.append(np.mean(epoch_eval_accuracy)) print( "Loss: {:.3f}, Accuracy: {:.3}, Eval-loss: {:.3}, Eval-accuracy: {:.3f}" .format(np.mean(epoch_train_loss), np.mean(epoch_train_accuracy), np.mean(epoch_eval_loss), np.mean(epoch_eval_accuracy))) # test the model print("------------ test--------------") test_dataset = get_dataset(train_pattern, volume_shape, BATCH_SIZE, block_shape, n_classes, training=False) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() num_blocks = int((volume_shape[0] / block_shape[0])**3) labels = np.empty(shape=(num_blocks, *block_shape)) results = np.empty(shape=(num_blocks, *block_shape)) for batch, (feat, label) in enumerate(test_dataset): pred = model(feat) pred = np.argmax(pred, -1) labels[batch, :, :, :] = label.numpy() results[batch, :, :, :] = pred labels = from_blocks_numpy(labels, volume_shape) results = from_blocks_numpy(results, volume_shape) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() np.savez("output_var_b32", label=labels, result=results)