예제 #1
 def nodelevel(self):
     level = -1
     for parent in LocationIterator(self):
         if IModule.providedBy(parent):
         level += 1
     return level
예제 #2
 def __call__(self, source):
     super(PackageSyncer, self).__call__(source)
     if (IClass.providedBy(source) or IInterface.providedBy(source)) \
       and IDirectory.providedBy(self.anchor) \
       and (source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pypackage') is not None \
       or source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pyegg') is not None):
         modulename = '%s.py' % IModuleNameChooser(source)()
         self.anchor[modulename] = Module()
         self.anchor = self.anchor[modulename]
     elif (IClass.providedBy(source) or IInterface.providedBy(source)) \
       and IModule.providedBy(self.anchor) \
       and (source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pypackage') is not None \
       or source.parent.stereotype('pyegg:pyegg') is not None):
         modulename = '%s.py' % IModuleNameChooser(source)()
         container = self.anchor.parent
         container[modulename] = Module()
         self.anchor = container[modulename]
         if source.parent is None:
         target_node = read_target_node(source.parent, self.target)
         if not target_node:
             super(PackageSyncer, self).__call__(source)
         if len(target_node.path) < len(self.anchor.path):
             self.anchor = target_node
예제 #3
 def nodelevel(self):
     level = -1
     for parent in LocationIterator(self):
         if IModule.providedBy(parent):
         level += 1
     return level
예제 #4
def autoimport(self, source,target):
    """Takes classes with 'api' stereotype and imports them into 
    the pyegg's __init__.py.
    targetob = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    if IModule.providedBy(targetob) or IDirectory.providedBy(targetob):
        init = targetob.parent['__init__.py']
        init = targetob.parent.parent['__init__.py']
    imps = Imports(init)
    imps.set(None, [[source.name, None]])
def generate_sqlalchemy_config(self, source, target):
    tgt = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    if IModule.providedBy(tgt):
        # target is a module, then its ok
        module = tgt
        target_dir = module.parent
        # fetch __init__.py
        module = tgt['__init__.py']
        target_dir = tgt
    # first lets create sqla_config.py that does all the config situps
    fname = 'sqla_config.py'
    package_name = implicit_dotted_path(source)
    templ = JinjaTemplate()
    target_dir.factories[fname] = JinjaTemplate
    templ.template = templatepath(fname) + '.jinja'
    target_dir[fname] = templ
    target_dir[fname].params = {'engine_name':'default', 'package_name':dotted_path(source)}
    # now lets call config_db from the __init__.py
    imps = Imports(module)
    imps.set('sqla_config', 'config_db')
    main = module.functions('main')[0]
    term = 'config.make_wsgi_app'
    make_app = main.blocks(term)[0]
    lines = make_app.lines
    # find occurrence of line in block
    index = -1
    found = False
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if term in lines[i]:
            index = i
        if 'config_db' in lines[i]:
            found = True
    tok = token('config', True, main=main, module=module)
    if index != -1 and not found:
        lines.insert(index, 'config_db(config)')
def typeview(self, source, target):
    schema = getschemaclass(source, target)
    klass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    module = schema.parent
    if IModule.providedBy(module):
        directory = module.parent
        directory = module
    nsmap = {
        None: 'http://namespaces.zope.org/zope',
        'plone': 'http://namespaces.plone.org/plone',
        'grok': 'http://namespaces.zope.org/grok',
    zcmlfile = get_zcml(directory, 'configure.zcml', nsmap=nsmap)

    # include grok:grok directive if not set yet
    set_zcml_directive(directory, 'configure.zcml', 'grok:grok', 'package',

    classname = '%sView' % klass.classname
    if module.classes(classname):
        view = module.classes(classname)[0]
        view = python.Class()
        module[uuid.uuid4()] = view
    view.classname = classname

    if not 'dexterity.DisplayForm' in view.bases:

    context = "grok.context(%s)" % schema.classname
    require = "grok.require('zope2.View')"

    context_exists = False
    require_exists = False

    for block in view.blocks():
        for line in block.lines:
            if line == context:
                context_exists = True
            if line == require:
                require_exists = True

    block = python.Block()
    block.__name__ = str(uuid.uuid4())

    if not context_exists:
    if not require_exists:

    if block.lines:

    template = False
    for attr in view.attributes():
        if 'template' in attr.targets:
            template = attr

    if not template:
        template = python.Attribute()
        template.targets = ['template']
        view[str(uuid.uuid4())] = template

    template.value = "PageTemplate('templates/%s.pt')" \
        % klass.classname.lower()

    imp = Imports(module)
    imp.set('plone.directives', [['dexterity', None]])
    imp.set('five', [['grok', None]])
    imp.set('grokcore.view.components', [['PageTemplate', None]])

    directory = module.parent
    template_name = '%s.pt' % klass.classname.lower()
    template = 'templates/%s' % template_name
    if not 'templates' in directory:
        directory['templates'] = Directory()

    templates = directory['templates']
    templates.factories['.pt'] = XMLTemplate

    if template_name not in templates:
        pt = templates[template_name] = XMLTemplate()
        pt.template = 'agx.generator.dexterity:templates/displayform.pt'
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, context):
     if not IModule.providedBy(context):
         raise ValueError(u"Given context is not an IModule implementation")
     self.context = context
def generate_configuration(self, source, target):
    tgt = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    if IModule.providedBy(tgt):
        # target is a module, then its ok
        module = tgt
        # fetch __init__.py
        module = tgt['__init__.py']
    tok = token('pyramid_configuration', True,
              imports=[], static_views=[], scans=[])
    imps = Imports(module)
    imps.set('wsgiref.simple_server', 'make_server')
    imps.set('pyramid.config', 'Configurator')
    # create a function main if not present
    if 'main' not in [f.functionname for f in module.functions()]:
        func = Function('main')
        func.args = ['global_config', '**settings']
    main = module.functions(name='main')[0]
        srtok = token('site_root', False)
        bootstrap = srtok.bootstrap
    except ComponentLookupError:
        bootstrap = None
    if not main.blocks('Configurator'):
        if bootstrap:
            import_if_necessary(module, bootstrap)
            main.insertfirst(Block('config = Configurator(root_factory=bootstrap)'))
            main.insertfirst(Block('config = Configurator()'))
    # do the configurator stuff
    mainblock = main.blocks('Configurator')[0]
    # importmes
    imptok = token('pyramid_importmes', True, packages=[])
    for pack in imptok.packages:
        mainblock.insertlineafter( "config.include('%s')" % pack,'Configurator', ifnotpresent=True)
    # static views
    for sv in tok.static_views:
        mainblock.insertlineafter('''config.add_static_view('%s', '%s/',%s)''' % \
                (sv[0], sv[1], sv[2]), 'Configurator', ifnotpresent=True)
    # scans
    for scan in tok.scans:
        if scan:
            mainblock.insertlineafter("config.scan('%s')" % scan, 'add_static_view', ifnotpresent=True)
            mainblock.insertlineafter("config.scan()" , 'add_static_view', ifnotpresent=True)
    # insert app stuff at end of block
    mainblock.appendline("app = config.make_wsgi_app()", ifnotpresent=True)
    mainblock.appendline("return app", ifnotpresent=True)
    if not module.blocks('__main__'):
        module.insertlast(Block('''if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = main()
    server = make_server('', 8080, app)
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, context):
     if not IModule.providedBy(context):
         raise ValueError(u"Given context is not an IModule implementation")
     self.context = context
def typeview(self, source, target):
    schema = getschemaclass(source,target)
    klass = read_target_node(source, target.target)
    module = schema.parent
    if IModule.providedBy(module):
        directory = module.parent
        directory = module
    nsmap = {
        None: 'http://namespaces.zope.org/zope',
        'plone': 'http://namespaces.plone.org/plone',
        'grok': 'http://namespaces.zope.org/grok',
    zcmlfile = get_zcml(directory, 'configure.zcml', nsmap=nsmap)

    # include grok:grok directive if not set yet
    set_zcml_directive(directory, 'configure.zcml',
                       'grok:grok', 'package', '.')

    classname = '%sView' % klass.classname
    if module.classes(classname):
        view = module.classes(classname)[0]
        view = python.Class()
        module[uuid.uuid4()] = view
    view.classname = classname

    if not 'dexterity.DisplayForm' in view.bases:

    context = "grok.context(%s)" % schema.classname
    require = "grok.require('zope2.View')"

    context_exists = False
    require_exists = False

    for block in view.blocks():
        for line in block.lines:
            if line == context:
                context_exists = True
            if line == require:
                require_exists = True

    block = python.Block()
    block.__name__ = str(uuid.uuid4())

    if not context_exists:
    if not require_exists:

    if block.lines:

    template = False
    for attr in view.attributes():
        if 'template' in attr.targets:
            template = attr

    if not template:
        template = python.Attribute()
        template.targets = ['template']
        view[str(uuid.uuid4())] = template

    template.value = "PageTemplate('templates/%s.pt')" \
        % klass.classname.lower()

    imp = Imports(module)
    imp.set('plone.directives', [['dexterity', None]])
    imp.set('five', [['grok', None]])
    imp.set('grokcore.view.components', [['PageTemplate', None]])

    directory = module.parent
    template_name = '%s.pt' % klass.classname.lower()
    template = 'templates/%s' % template_name
    if not 'templates' in directory:
        directory['templates'] = Directory()

    templates = directory['templates']
    templates.factories['.pt'] = XMLTemplate

    if template_name not in templates:
        pt = templates[template_name] = XMLTemplate()
        pt.template = 'agx.generator.dexterity:templates/displayform.pt'