def Addmultiply_divideNode(parent, table): #添加<乘除运算符>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<乘除运算符>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Multiplication and division operators>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['*']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('*', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '*') treelist.append(t) GoNext() elif MYSYM[p] == Operation['/']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('/', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '/') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "只能是*或/运算符") global Error Error = 1
def AddConstNode(parent, table): # <常量说明部分> global treeid # 分析树的标识符 treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<常量说明部分>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) # 添加树节点 t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, treeid, '<Description of constants>') treelist.append(t) # <常量说明部分> -> const treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('const', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'const') treelist.append(t) GoNext() # 添加 <常量定义> AddDefine_constNode(child, table) while MYSYM[p] == Border[',']: # 添加, treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(',', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ',') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddDefine_constNode(child, table) if MYSYM[p] == Border[';']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(';', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ';') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print("缺少分号") global Error Error = 1
def AddexpNode(parent, table): #添加<表达式>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<表达式>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<expression>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['+']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('+', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '+') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AdditemNode(child, table) elif MYSYM[p] == Operation['-']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('-', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '-') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AdditemNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('LIT', 0, -1)) code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, Operation['*'])) #如果是-号做取负运算 else: AdditemNode(child, table) while MYSYM[p] == Operation['+'] or MYSYM[p] == Operation['-']: # print('符号',MYSYM[p]) opr = MYSYM[p] - 8 #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!opr应该是2 AddAdd_subtractNode(child, table) AdditemNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, opr))
def AddAdd_subtractNode(parent, table): #添加<加减运算符>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<加减运算符>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Add and subtract operators>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['+']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('+', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '+') treelist.append(t) GoNext() elif MYSYM[p] == Operation['-']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('-', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '-') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "只能是+或—运算符") global Error Error = 1
def AddComplexNode(parent, table): #添加<复合语句>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<复合语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Compound statement>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Key['begin']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('begin', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'begin') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddStatementNode(child, table) while MYSYM[p] == Border[';'] or MYSYM[p] == ident or MYSYM[p] == Key[ 'if'] or MYSYM[p] == Key['begin'] or MYSYM[p] == Operation[ 'read'] or MYSYM[p] == Operation['write'] or MYSYM[ p] == Key['call']: if MYSYM[p] == Border[';']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(';', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ';') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddStatementNode(child, table) else: print(Location[p], "行末缺少分号") global Error Error = 1 treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(';', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ';') treelist.append(t) AddStatementNode(child, table) if MYSYM[p] == Key['end']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('end', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'end') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "begin后面缺少end") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "递归错误!") error()
def AddWriteNode(parent, table): #添加<WRITE>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<写语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Written statement>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['write']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('write', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'write') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == Border['(']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('(', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '(') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddexpNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, Operation['write'] - 8)) while MYSYM[p] == Border[',']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(',', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ',') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddexpNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, Operation['write'])) if MYSYM[p] == Border[')']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(')', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ')') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "缺少右括号") global Error Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "write后缺少括号") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "递归错误") error()
def AddVarNode(parent, table): #<变量说明部分> global Error, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<变量说明部分>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, treeid, '<Variable description>') treelist.append(t) treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('var', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'var') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] != ident: print(Location[p], "变量类型定义错误,只能是ident") Error = 1 name = AddIdentNode(child, table) entry = Entry(name, KIND.VARIABLE) t = table.add(entry) if t == 1: print(Location[p], + ' 重定义') Error = 1 GoNext() while MYSYM[p] == Border[',']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(',', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ',') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] != ident: print(Location[p], "变量类型定义错误,只能是ident") Error = 1 name = AddIdentNode(child, table) entry = Entry(name, KIND.VARIABLE) t = table.add(entry) if t == 1: print(Location[p], + ' 重定义') Error = 1 GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == Border[';']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(';', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ';') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "行末缺少分号") Error = 1
def AddDefine_constNode(parent, table): #<常量定义> global Error, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<常量定义>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, treeid, '<Constants defined>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] != ident: # const 后面需要跟着标识符 print("<常量定义>错误,缺少标识符") exit(-1) name = AddIdentNode(child, table) # 添加<标识符>节点 GoNext() if MYSYM[p] != Operation[':=']: # 标识符后面需要跟着 := print(Location[p], "缺少赋值符号") exit(-1) treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(':=', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ':=') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] != number: # := 后面需要跟着 <常数>节点 print(Location[p], "常量赋值错误,只能用常数赋值") Error = 1 val = AddUnintNode(child, table) # 添加<常数>节点 GoNext() entry = Entry(name, KIND.CONSTANT, val) # 新增常量或者变量的时候需要在字符表中新增一条目录 t = table.add(entry) # 目录entry添加到字符表的时候需要进行判断是否重定义 if t == 1: print(Location[p], + ' 重定义') Error = 1
def AddConditionNode(parent, table): #添加<条件>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<条件表达式>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Conditional expression>') treelist.append(t) parent.AddChild(child) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['+'] or MYSYM[p] == Operation['-'] or MYSYM[ p] == ident or MYSYM[p] == number or MYSYM[p] == Border['(']: AddexpNode(child, table) opr = AddRelationNode(child, table) AddexpNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, opr - 7)) elif MYSYM[p] == Operation['odd']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('odd', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'odd') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddexpNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, Operation['odd'])) else: print(Location[p], "无法识别的条件判断") global Error Error = 1
def AddfactorNode(parent, table): # 添加<因子>节点 global Error, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<因子>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<factor>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == ident: name = AddIdentNode(child, table) GoNext() (l, a, flag) = table.find(name) if a == 0: #####################################################3#3 a=Node print(Location[p], '错误,未定义的标识符', name) Error = 1 if flag == isConst: #常量 code.append(PCode('LIT', 0, a)) else: #变量 code.append(PCode('LOD', l, a)) elif MYSYM[p] == number: val = AddUnintNode(child, table) GoNext() code.append(PCode('LIT', 0, val)) elif MYSYM[p] == Border['(']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('(', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '(') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddexpNode(child, table) if MYSYM[p] == Border[')']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(')', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ')') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], '缺少右括号)') Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "缺少括号") Error = 1
def AddIfNode(parent, table): #添加<条件语句>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<条件语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Conditional statements>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Key['if']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('if', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'if') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddConditionNode(child, table) ret = PCode('JPC', 0, None) code.append(ret) if MYSYM[p] != Key['then']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('then', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'then') treelist.append(t) child.AddChild(Node('then')) AddStatementNode(child, table) ret.a = len(code) print(Location[p], "缺少then") global Error Error = 1 else: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('then', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'then') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddStatementNode(child, table) ret.a = len(code) # while : else: print(Location[p], "递归错误") Error = 1
def AddWhileNode(parent, table): # 添加<WHILE型循环语句>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<当型循环语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<While type loop statement>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Key['while']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('while', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'while') treelist.append(t) GoNext() ret = len(code) AddConditionNode(child, table) fret = PCode('JPC', 0, None) code.append(fret) if MYSYM[p] == Key['do']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('do', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'do') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddStatementNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('JMP', 0, ret)) fret.a = len(code) else: print(Location[p], "while后面缺少do") global Error Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "递归错误") error()
def AddRelationNode(parent, table): #添加<关系运算符>节点 global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<关系运算符>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Relational operator>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['='] or MYSYM[p] == Operation['<>'] or MYSYM[ p] == Operation['<'] or MYSYM[p] == Operation['<='] or MYSYM[ p] == Operation['>'] or MYSYM[p] == Operation['>=']: opr = MYSYM[p] treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild( Node( list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])], treeid)) if list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])] == '=': s = '=' if list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])] == '<>': s = '<>' if list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])] == '<': s = '<' if list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])] == '<=': s = '<=' if list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])] == '>': s = '>' if list(Operation.keys())[list(Operation.values()).index( MYSYM[p])] == '>=': s = '>=' t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, s) treelist.append(t) GoNext() return opr else: print(Location[p], "不存在的关系运算符") global Error Error = 1
def AddUnintNode(parent, table): # 添加<常数>节点,返回常数的值 eg <常数>->10 return 10 global ChangShuId, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<数字>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<digital>') treelist.append(t) val = MYNUM[ChangShuId] treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(str(val), treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, str(val)) treelist.append(t) ChangShuId += 1 return val
def AddIdentNode(parent, table): # 添加<标识符>节点,返回标识符的值 eg <标识符>->a return a global IndetId, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<标识符>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<identifier>') treelist.append(t) name = MYID[IndetId] treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(name, treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, name) treelist.append(t) IndetId += 1 return name
def AddGiveValueNode(parent, table): #添加<赋值语句>节点 global Error, treeid if MYSYM[p] == ident: treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<赋值语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Assignment statement>') treelist.append(t) name = AddIdentNode(child, table) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] != Operation[':=']: print(Location[p], "赋值号错误!") Error = 1 treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(':=', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ':=') treelist.append(t) GoNext() AddexpNode(child, table) (l, a, flag) = table.find(name) if a == 0: print(Location[p], '未定义的标识符', name) exit(-1) if flag == 0: print(Location[p], '对常量的非法赋值:' + name) exit(-1) if flag == 2: print(Location[p], '对函数名的非法赋值:' + name) exit(-1) if flag == 1: code.append(PCode('STO', l, a)) else: print(Location[p], '递归错误') error()
def AddprocedureNode(parent, table): #<过程说明部分> global treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<过程说明部分>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, treeid, '<Process description>') treelist.append(t) (childTable, entry, table) = AddprocedureHeadNode(child, table) tableList.append(table) tableList.append(childTable) AddSonProgramNode(child, childTable, entry) #table.entries[name].adr=len(code) while MYSYM[p] == Border[';']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(';', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ';') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == Key['procedure']: AddprocedureNode(child, table) else: error()
def AddprocedureHeadNode(parent, table): #<过程首部>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 global Error, treeid if MYSYM[p] == Key['procedure']: treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<过程首部>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, treeid, '<The process first>') treelist.append(t) treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('procedure', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'procedure') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] != ident: print(Location[p], 'procedure后面缺少ident') Error = 1 name = AddIdentNode(child, table) entry = Entry(name, KIND.PROCEDURE) t = table.add(entry) if t == 1: print(Location[p], + ' 重定义') Error = 1 childTable = Table(table) # level 加1 GoNext() ''' if MYSYM[p] != Border['(']: print(Location[p],"procedure后面缺少()") Error = 1 GoNext() while (MYSYM[p] == ident): name = AddIdentNode(child, table) entry1 = Entry(name, KIND.VARIABLE) childTable.add(entry1) GoNext() while MYSYM[p] == Border[',']: treeid=treeid+1 child.AddChild(Node(',',treeid)) t=Tree(child.treeid,child.Name,treeid,',') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == ident: name = AddIdentNode(child, table) entry1 = Entry(name, KIND.VARIABLE) childTable.add(entry1) GoNext() else: print(Location[p],"传参只能传ident") Error = 1 if MYSYM[p] == Border[')']: GoNext() else: print(Location[p],"缺少‘)’") Error = 1 ''' if MYSYM[p] == Border[';']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(';', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ';') treelist.append(t) GoNext() return childTable, entry, table else: print(Location[p], "缺少分号") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "递归错误!") Error = 1 error()
def AddReadNode(parent, table): # 添加<READ语句>节点 global Error, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<读语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Read the statements>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Operation['read']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('read', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'read') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == Border['(']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('(', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, '(') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == ident: name = AddIdentNode(child, table) GoNext() code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, Operation['read'] - 7)) ################33#OPR 0 16 (l, a, flag) = table.find(name) if a == 0: print(Location[p], '错误,未定义的标识符', name) Error = 1 if flag == isConst: print(Location[p], '对常量的非法赋值:' + name) Error = 1 else: code.append(PCode('STO', l, a)) while MYSYM[p] == Border[',']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(',', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ',') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == ident: name = AddIdentNode(child, table) GoNext() code.append(PCode('OPR', 0, Operation['read'])) (l, a, flag) = table.find(name) if a == 0: print(Location[p], '错误,未定义的标识符', name) Error = 1 if flag == isConst: print(Location[p], '对常量的非法赋值:' + name) Error = 1 else: code.append(PCode('STO', l, a)) else: print(Location[p], '读操作只能对变量进行') Error = 1 if MYSYM[p] == Border[')']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node(')', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, ')') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "缺少右括号") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], '读操作只能对变量进行') Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "read后缺少括号") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "递归错误") error()
def AddCallNode(parent, table): # 添加<CALL语句>节点 global Error, treeid treeid = treeid + 1 child = Node('<过程调用语句>', treeid) parent.AddChild(child) t = Tree(parent.treeid, parent.Name, child.treeid, '<Procedure call statement>') treelist.append(t) if MYSYM[p] == Key['call']: treeid = treeid + 1 child.AddChild(Node('call', treeid)) t = Tree(child.treeid, child.Name, treeid, 'call') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == ident: name1 = AddIdentNode(child, table) GoNext() ''' if MYSYM[p] == Border['(']: treeid=treeid+1 child.AddChild(Node('(',treeid)) t=Tree(child.treeid,child.Name,treeid,'(') treelist.append(t) GoNext() if MYSYM[p] == ident or MYSYM[p] == number: temp = 3 AddexpNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', temp, 29)) while MYSYM[p] == Border[',']: GoNext() temp += 1 AddexpNode(child, table) code.append(PCode('OPR', temp, 29)) if MYSYM[p] == Border[')']: treeid=treeid+1 child.AddChild(Node(')',treeid)) t=Tree(child.treeid,child.Name,treeid,')') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p],"缺少右括号") Error = 1 elif MYSYM[p] == Border[')']: treeid=treeid+1 child.AddChild(Node(')',treeid)) t=Tree(child.treeid,child.Name,treeid,')') treelist.append(t) GoNext() else: print(Location[p], "缺少右括号") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "call后面缺少括号") Error = 1 ''' (l, a, flag) = table.find(name1) if a == 0: print(Location[p], '错误,未定义的标识符', name1) Error = 1 if flag != 2: print(Location[p], '调用非函数名', name1) Error = 1 code.append(PCode('CAL', l, a)) else: print(Location[p], "call后面缺少ident") Error = 1 else: print(Location[p], "递归错误!") exit(-1)