def random_tree(depth=3, midrange=3, variation=2): tree = Tree() def random_name(): return uuid.uuid4().hex def get_children(): children = midrange + randint(-variation, variation) return children def create_children(node, depth, count=0): if depth <= 0: return for child in range(get_children()): new_node = Node(random_name()) count += 1 print(, count, depth) node.adopt(new_node) tree.node_list.append(new_node) create_children(new_node, depth - 1, count) root = Node(random_name()) tree.root = root tree.node_list.append(root) create_children(root, depth) print(tree.get_node_index(root)) print([ for node in tree.node_list]) return tree
def find_next_move(self, board, current_player): """ Define an end time which will act as a terminating condition """ tree = Tree() rootNode = tree.get_root() rootNode.state.board = board rootNode.state.set_player(current_player) self.opponent = 3 - current_player move_epochs = 50000 for _ in range(move_epochs): promising_node = self.select_promising_node(rootNode) if promising_node.get_state().get_board().check_game_state() == -1: self.expand_node(promising_node) nodeToExplore = promising_node if len(promising_node.get_children()) > 0: nodeToExplore = promising_node.get_random_child() playoutResult = self.simulate_random_playout(nodeToExplore) self.back_propogation(nodeToExplore, playoutResult) winnerNode = rootNode.get_child_with_max_score() tree.set_root(winnerNode) newBoard = deepcopy(winnerNode.get_state().get_board()) return newBoard
def parseString(self, toParse, parent=None): """ Change to default comparing to the Object. Attributes: toParse (String): users inputed ASII string parent (Tree): Node of a tree """ komaIndex = toParse.find(',') if komaIndex == -1: notIndex = toParse.find('~') tempTree = None if notIndex != -1: if notIndex != 0: raise ValueError else: toParse = toParse.replace(')', '') toParse = toParse.replace('(', '') tempTree = Tree(toParse[0]) tempTree.addChild(Tree(toParse[1:])) else: toParse = toParse.replace(')', '') toParse = toParse.replace('(', '') tempTree = Tree(toParse) if self.tree is None: self.tree = tempTree else: parent.addChild(tempTree) return toParse else: while toParse[:komaIndex + 1].count('(') != ( toParse[:komaIndex].count(',') + 1): newIndex = toParse[komaIndex + 1:].find(',') + 1 komaIndex += newIndex if newIndex == -1: raise ValueError() sign = toParse[0] tree = Tree(sign) if self.tree is None: self.tree = tree else: parent.addChild(tree) left = self.parseString(toParse[2:komaIndex], tree) right = self.parseString(toParse[komaIndex+1:-1], tree) if left == -1 or right == -1 or ( not tree.checkIfSignIsCorrect(sign)): raise ValueError()
def id3(x, y, feature_list, impurity_measure="entropy", parent_node=None): """ Creates a decision tree, with the id3 alogoritm, based on learning data :param x: dataset of items as list of list :param y: target values for items as list :param feature_list: available features for each iteration as list :param impurity_measure: impurity measure entropy or gini as string :param parent_node: parent for this node iteration as Tree (node representation), default None :return: root node for tree as type Tree (node representation) """ x = np.array(x) uniques, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)#Find unique target values if len(uniques) == 1: # Set is pure, only one target value left in set return Tree(uniques[0], label=uniques[0]) if len(feature_list) == 0:#No more attributes to split on if counts[0] > counts[1]: return Tree(uniques[0], label=uniques[0]) else: return Tree(uniques[1], label=uniques[1]) best_attribute = max_ig(x, y, feature_list, impurity_measure) vals, counts = np.unique(x[:, best_attribute], return_counts=True)#Finds unique attribute values this_node = Tree(best_attribute, parent_node) n_children = len(vals) feature_list.remove(best_attribute) children_labels = [] for child in range(n_children): #Creates each children, based on unique attribute values x_for_this_child = [] y_for_this_child = [] for item in range(len(x)): #Loops through all items, and passes on all items with correct attribute value if x[item][best_attribute] == vals[child]: # Items where the attribute value is equal to the decision branch x_for_this_child.append(x[item]) y_for_this_child.append(y[item]) # Continues to grow this child node new_child = id3(x_for_this_child, y_for_this_child, feature_list, impurity_measure, parent_node=this_node) new_child.set_was_split_on(vals[child]) #Saves what attribute value this child was split on this_node.add_child(new_child) children_labels.append(new_child.label) label_list, label_count = np.unique(children_labels, return_counts=True) #Lists of children labels label = label_list[np.argmax(label_count)] this_node.set_label(label)#This node get most popular label among children return this_node
def test_parseString(self): testedClass = Automota() testTree = Tree('&') testTree.addChild(Tree('A')) testTree.addChild(Tree('~')) testTree.right.addChild(Tree('B')) testedClass.parseString('&(A,~B)') self.assertEqual(testTree, testedClass.tree)
def test_getRows(self): testTree = Tree('&') testTree.addChild(Tree('A')) testTree.addChild(Tree('~')) testTree.right.addChild(Tree('B')) testedClass = TruthTable(['A', 'B'], testTree) expectedValue = [['0', '0', '0'], ['0', '1', '0'], ['1', '0', '1'], ['1', '1', '0']] self.assertEqual(expectedValue, testedClass.rows)
def test_findVariables(self): testedClass = Automota() testTree = Tree('&') testTree.addChild(Tree('A')) testTree.addChild(Tree('~')) testTree.right.addChild(Tree('B')) outArray = testedClass.findVariables(testTree) outArray.sort() self.assertEqual(outArray, ['A', 'B'])
def test_getValuesForVariables(self): testTree = Tree('&') testTree.addChild(Tree('A')) testTree.addChild(Tree('~')) testTree.right.addChild(Tree('B')) testedClass = TruthTable(['A', 'B'], testTree) expectedValue = [['0', '0'], ['0', '1'], ['1', '0'], ['1', '1']] values = testedClass.getValuesForVariables(['A', 'B']) self.assertEqual(expectedValue, values)
def getNormalForm(self, rows, variables): """ Gets a normal form from a rows. Attributes: rows (List): list of rows variables (List): list of variables. Returns: Tree: Normal form tree. """ trees = [] for row in rows: if row[-1] == '1': vars = [] tempTrees = [] for index, value in enumerate(row[:-1]): if value != '*': if value == '0': vars.append('~' + variables[index]) elif value == '1': vars.append(variables[index]) for var in vars: if '~' in var: tempTree = Tree('~') tempTree.addChild(Tree(var[1:])) tempTrees.append(tempTree) else: tempTrees.append(Tree(var)) trees.append(self.nodesToTree(tempTrees, '&')) return self.nodesToTree(trees, '|')
def nodesToTree(self, trees, sign): """ Transforms a list of nodes to tree and connects the nodes with sign. Attributes: trees (List): list of rows sign (List): sign to connect nodes with. Returns: Tree: object of type Tree. """ while len(trees) != 1: tree1 = trees[0] tree2 = trees[1] trees.pop(0) trees.pop(0) newTree = Tree(sign) newTree.addChild(tree1) newTree.addChild(tree2) trees.append(newTree) return trees[0]
def test_simplify(self): testTree = Tree('|') testTree.addChild(Tree('A')) testTree.addChild(Tree('|')) testTree.right.addChild(Tree('B')) testTree.right.addChild(Tree('C')) testedClass = TruthTable(['A', 'B', 'C'], testTree) expectedValue = [ ['0', '0', '0', '0'], ['*', '*', '1', '1'], ['*', '1', '*', '1'], ['1', '*', '*', '1'], ] values = testedClass.rows simplified_table = testedClass.simplify(values) self.assertEqual(expectedValue, simplified_table)
def test_traverseTree(self): testedClass = Automota() expectedOutput = [ 'node [ fontname = "Arial" ]', 'node1 [ label = "=" ]', 'node1 -- node2', 'node2 [ label = "A" ]', 'node1 -- node3', 'node3 [ label = "~" ]', 'node3 -- node4', 'node4 [ label = "B" ]'] inputTree = Tree('=') inputTree.addChild(Tree('A')) inputTree.addChild(Tree('~')) inputTree.right.addChild(Tree('B')) result = testedClass.traverseTree(inputTree) self.assertEqual(expectedOutput, result)
def fit(self, data, attributes, target_name): ''' Built and return decision tree using ID3 algorithm ''' data_target = data[target_name] # Data target contains one label entropy_data_target = Calculate.entropy(data_target) if entropy_data_target == 0: value_list = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, target_name) value_dict = dict() for key, value in value_list.items(): value_dict[key] = len(value_list[key]) # Set current_node, info_gain, values tree = Tree( Node(None, entropy_data_target, value_dict, result=data_target[0], is_leaf=True)) return tree # Nothing attribute shall be chosen if len(attributes) == 0: # Set current_node, info_gain, values value_list = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, target_name) value_dict = dict() for key, value in value_list.items(): value_dict[key] = len(value_list[key]) tree = Tree( Node(None, entropy_data_target, value_dict, result=Calculate.most_label(data_target), is_leaf=True)) return tree else: # Find best attribute to be node using either info gain or gain ratio best_attr = '' best_point = 0 # Could be Info gain or Gain ratio for attr in attributes: if self.gain_ratio: point = Calculate.gain_ratio(data[attr], data_target) if point > best_point: best_point = point best_attr = attr else: point = Calculate.info_gain(data[attr], data_target) if point > best_point: best_point = point best_attr = attr value_list = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, target_name) value_dict = dict() for key, value in value_list.items(): value_dict[key] = len(value_list[key]) # Build decision tree recursively dtree = Tree(Node(best_attr, best_point, value_dict)) # Delete usage attribute in attributes attributes.remove(best_attr) # Scan all posible value to be generated subtree list_attribute = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, best_attr) i = 0 for attribute in list_attribute: data = pd.DataFrame( data=list_attribute[attribute]).reset_index(drop=True) data.drop(best_attr, axis=1, inplace=True) dtree.add_child(, attributes, target_name)) dtree.children[i].value.edge = attribute i += 1 return dtree
def __fit_without_prune(self, data, features, target): ''' Built entire decision tree without pruning ''' continuous_features = list() discrete_features = list() for feature in features: if len(list(data[feature])) > 0: is_continue = self.is_attr_continue(list(data[feature])) if is_continue: continuous_features.append(feature) else: discrete_features.append(feature) if not continuous_features: return MyID3(self.gain_ratio).fit(data, features, target) # Continuous attribute # If only one value exist entropy_data_target = Calculate.entropy(data[target]) if entropy_data_target == 0: value_list = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, target) value_dict = dict() for key, value in value_list.items(): value_dict[key] = len(value_list[key]) return Tree( Node( None, 0.0, # Entropy must be 0 since only one value exist value_dict, result=data[target][0], is_leaf=True)) if (len(features) == 0): value_list = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, target) value_dict = dict() for key, value in value_list.items(): value_dict[key] = len(value_list[key]) return Tree( Node(None, entropy_data_target, value_dict, result=Calculate.most_label(data[target]), is_leaf=True)) # Find best attribute and build tree recursively best_attr = '' best_point = 0 is_discrete = False best_splitter = 0 chosen_edge = list(['', '']) for feature in continuous_features: best_treshold = self.find_threshold(data[[feature]], data[[target]]) if best_treshold[1] > best_point: best_attr = str(feature) chosen_edge[0] = best_attr + ' > ' + str(best_treshold[0]) chosen_edge[1] = best_attr + ' <= ' + str(best_treshold[0]) best_point = best_treshold[1] best_splitter = best_treshold[0] for feature in discrete_features: point = Calculate.info_gain(data[feature], data[target]) if point > best_point: best_point = point best_attr = str(feature) is_discrete = True value_list = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, target) value_dict = dict() for key, value in value_list.items(): value_dict[key] = len(value_list[key]) dtree = Tree(Node(best_attr, best_point, value_dict)) # Scan all posible value to be generated subtree if is_discrete: list_attribute = Calculate.get_unique_data(data, best_attr) else: list_attribute = Calculate.split_by_threshold( data, best_attr, best_splitter) i = 0 for attribute in list_attribute: data = pd.DataFrame(data=list_attribute[attribute]).reset_index( drop=True) dtree.add_child(self.__fit_without_prune(data, features, target)) if is_discrete: dtree.children[i].value.edge = attribute else: dtree.children[i].value.edge = chosen_edge[i] i += 1 return dtree
from node import Node, Tree from bfs import bfs_traversal from dfs import dfs_traversal from tree_traversals import in_order_traversal, pre_order_traversal, post_order_traversal first_tree_dict = { "a": ("b", "c"), "b": ("d", "e"), "c": ("h", "i"), "d": ("f", "g") } other_tree_dict = { "a": ("b", "b"), "b": ("c", "c"), "c": ("d", "d"), "d": ("e", "e"), "e": ("f", "f") } if __name__ == "__main__": first_tree = Tree("a", first_tree_dict) other_tree = Tree("a", other_tree_dict) print(dfs_traversal(first_tree.get_root()))
def load_json(self, view, scene, points): """ Фунция, выводящая openFileDialog и выполняющая загрузку указанного JSON файла с интерфейсом :param view: левый или правый graphicsView :param scene: одна из сцен, присвоенных graphicsView :param points: точки, описывающие положения тепловых зон на тепловой карте """ file_name = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.main_window, 'Load file', './', "*.json") if file_name[0]: # Открываем json файл и считываем данные with open(file_name[0]) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) # Создаём корень дерева элементов root = Node(data["tagName"], data["id"], data["className"], data["clientWidth"], data["clientHeight"], data["clientTop"], data["clientLeft"]) children = data["children"] tree = Tree(root) if view == self.ui.initialView: self.initial_tree = tree self.loaded_interfaces[0] = True if PRINT_INFO: print( "====================== INITIAL TREE ======================" ) else: self.optimized_tree = tree self.best_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) self.loaded_interfaces[1] = True if PRINT_INFO: print( "====================== OPTIMIZED TREE ======================" ) # Вызываем функцию заполнения дерева и выводим структуру дерева self.identifier = 1 self.fill_tree(root, children) if PRINT_INFO: tree.draw_tree() print() # Рисуем элементы дерева на QGraphicsView self.draw_interface(view, scene, tree, points) # Обнуляем статистику self.count_iterations = 0 self.count_useless_iterations = 0 # Делаем доступными кнопки управления отображением self.enable_check_buttons() # Если оба интерфейса загружены - делаем доступными кнопки управления алгоритмами оттимизации if self.loaded_interfaces[0] and self.loaded_interfaces[1]: self.enable_algorithm_buttons() self.initial_energy = FitnessFunctions.get_energy( self.initial_tree, self.ui.optimizedView.width(), self.ui.optimizedView.height())
Return the text_surface, text's start position and height as a tuple.''' white = (255, 255, 255) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) text_surface = font.render(previous_filename, 1, white) text_h = font.get_height() text_w = font.get_linesize() text_pos = (0, (screen_size[1] - 1 - text_h - previous_height)) return (text_surface, text_pos, text_h) if __name__ == '__main__': tree = Tree() # ask the user to choose a directory d = media.choose_folder() tree.insert_directory((d, os.path.getsize(d))) # ask the user to choose whether file is colored according to filetype color = raw_input("Do you want files colored according to \ their filetype?(yes or no)") while color != "yes" and color != "no": color = raw_input("Do you want files colored according \ to their filetype?(yes or no)") # ask the user whether to use gradient choice gradient = raw_input("Do you want files colored plain \ or gradient? (p or g)\n" )
def test_getNormalForm(self): testTree = Tree('>') testTree.addChild(Tree('A')) testTree.addChild(Tree('B')) testedClass = TruthTable(['A', 'B'], testTree) values = testedClass.rows simplified_table = testedClass.simplify(values) normalForm = testedClass.getNormalForm(simplified_table, ['A', 'B']) expectedTree = Tree('|') expectedTree.addChild(Tree('~')) expectedTree.addChild(Tree('B')) expectedTree.left.addChild(Tree('A')) self.assertEqual(expectedTree, normalForm)