예제 #1
def create_graph(p_node,s):

    completed_nodes = []
    uncomplete_nodes = []

    global g

    g = Graph()
    p = p_node
    parent_follower  = s.pAll[p_node].follower
    parent_node_name = s.pAll[p_node].id
    g.add_node(id=str(parent_node_name),radius = 5,stroke = color(1, 0, 0.25, 1),text = color(1))

    print parent_node_name,"--->",parent_follower
    for i in range(len(parent_follower)):
            radius = 5,
            stroke = color(1), 
              text = color(1))

    # Random edges.
    for i in range(len(parent_follower)):
        node1 = str(parent_node_name)
        node2 = str(parent_follower[i])
        g.add_edge(node1, node2,
                   length = 500.0,
                   weight = random(),
                   stroke = color(1, 0, 0.25, 1))

    print "-"*50
    print "Completed_Nodes  ",completed_nodes
    print "Uncomplete_Nodes ",uncomplete_nodes

##New Round
    while len(uncomplete_nodes) <> 0:
        node1 = uncomplete_nodes[0]
        changed_node = node_convert(node1,s)
        follower_list = s.pAll[changed_node].follower

        for i in follower_list:
            if i not in completed_nodes:

                node_1 = str(node1)
                node2 = str(i)
                print node_1,"--->",i
                g.add_node(id=str(i),radius = 5,stroke = color(1, 0, 0.25, 1),text = color(1))
                           length = 50.0,
                           stroke = color(1),
                           weight = random())

        del uncomplete_nodes[0]

##  New Round
##    for I in range(len(parent_follower)):
##        p_node = s.pAll[p].follower[I]
##        parent_name = p_node
##        p_node = node_convert(p_node,s)
##        p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower
##        p_node = parent_name #change
##        print parent_name,"-->",p_links
##        r     = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([0,51,255])    #rd.randint(10,200)
##        green = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([255,128,255]) #rd.randint(0,100)
##        b     = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([128,0,255])   #rd.randint(0,200)
##        if len(p_links) <> 0:
##            for i in range(len(p_links)):
##                node1 = str(parent_name)
##                bul = True
##                if p_links[i] not in s.pAll[p].follower:  #Not a parent follower
##                    for j in range (I):                   #Loop to check another sibling's follower
##                        sibling = s.pAll[p].follower[j]
##                        sibling = node_convert(sibling,s)
##                        if p_links[i] in s.pAll[sibling].follower:
##                            bul = True #Controlling Parameter
##                    if bul:
##                        g.add_node(id=str(p_links[i]),radius = 5,stroke = color(r, green, b, 1),text = color(1))
##                        node2 = str(p_links[i])
##                        g.add_edge(node1, node2,
##                                   length = 50.0,
##                                   weight = random(),
##                                   stroke = color(r, green, b, 1))


    # Two handy tricks to prettify the layout:
    # 1) Nodes with a higher weight (i.e. incoming traffic) appear bigger.
    for node in g.nodes:
        node.radius = 5#node.radius + node.radius*node.weight
    # 2) Nodes with only one connection ("leaf" nodes) have a shorter connection.
    for node in g.nodes:
        if len(node.edges) == 1:
            node.edges[0].length = 0.5

    g.prune(depth=0)          # Remove orphaned nodes with no connections.
    g.distance         = 25   # Overall spacing between nodes.
    g.layout.force     = 0.01 # Strength of the attractive & repulsive force.
    g.layout.repulsion = 5    # Repulsion radius.

    dragged = None
예제 #2
def create_graph(p_node, s):

    global g

    g = Graph()

    p = p_node

    temp = s.pAll[p_node].follower

               stroke=color(1, 0, 0.25, 1),

    for i in range(len(temp)):  #100
        g.add_node(id=str(temp[i]), radius=5, stroke=color(1), text=color(1))

    # Random edges.
    p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower
    for i in range(len(p_links)):
        node1 = str(p_node)  #choice(g.nodes)
        node2 = str(p_links[i])  #choice(g.nodes)
                   stroke=color(1, 0, 0.25, 1))

    #New Round
    for I in range(len(temp)):

        p_node = s.pAll[p].follower[I]  #0
        p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower

        #print [x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]
        r = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0, 100)
                       ])  #rd.choice([0,51,255])    #rd.randint(10,200)
        green = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0, 100)
                           ])  #rd.choice([255,128,255]) #rd.randint(0,100)
        b = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0, 100)
                       ])  #rd.choice([128,0,255])   #rd.randint(0,200)

        #print r,green,b

        for i in range(len(p_links)):
            node1 = str(p_node)  #choice(g.nodes)

            bul = True
            if p_links[i] not in s.pAll[p].follower:  #Not a parent follower

                for j in range(I):  #Loop to check another sibling's follower

                    sibling = s.pAll[p].follower[j]

                    if p_links[i] in s.pAll[sibling].follower:

                        bul = False

                if bul:
                               stroke=color(r, green, b, 1),
                    node2 = str(p_links[i])  #choice(g.nodes)
                               stroke=color(r, green, b, 1))

    # Two handy tricks to prettify the layout:
    # 1) Nodes with a higher weight (i.e. incoming traffic) appear bigger.
    for node in g.nodes:
        node.radius = 5  #node.radius + node.radius*node.weight
    # 2) Nodes with only one connection ("leaf" nodes) have a shorter connection.
    for node in g.nodes:
        if len(node.edges) == 1:
            node.edges[0].length = 0.5

    g.prune(depth=0)  # Remove orphaned nodes with no connections.
    g.distance = 15  # Overall spacing between nodes.
    g.layout.force = 0.01  # Strength of the attractive & repulsive force.
    g.layout.repulsion = 5  # Repulsion radius.

    dragged = None
예제 #3
    node2 = str(i)#choice(g.nodes)
    g.add_edge(node1, node2, 
        length = 200.0, 
        weight = random(), 
        stroke = color(1, 0, 0.25, 0.75))

# Two handy tricks to prettify the layout:
# 1) Nodes with a higher weight (i.e. incoming traffic) appear bigger.
for node in g.nodes:
    node.radius = node.radius + node.radius*node.weight
# 2) Nodes with only one connection ("leaf" nodes) have a shorter connection.
for node in g.nodes:
    if len(node.edges) == 1:
        node.edges[0].length *= 0.5

g.prune(depth=0)          # Remove orphaned nodes with no connections.
g.distance         = 15   # Overall spacing between nodes.
g.layout.force     = 0.01 # Strength of the attractive & repulsive force.
g.layout.repulsion = 10   # Repulsion radius.

dragged = None
def draw(canvas):
    translate(600, 600)
    # With directed=True, edges have an arrowhead indicating the direction of the connection.
    # With weighted=True, Node.centrality is indicated by a shadow under high-traffic nodes.
    # With weighted=0.0-1.0, indicates nodes whose centrality > the given threshold.
    # This requires some extra calculations.
예제 #4
파일: 07-graph.py 프로젝트: msarch/py
# Random edges.
for i in range(75):
    node1 = choice(g.nodes)
    node2 = choice(g.nodes)
    g.add_edge(node1, node2, length=1.0, weight=random(), stroke=color(0))

# Two handy tricks to prettify the layout:
# 1) Nodes with a higher weight (i.e. incoming traffic) appear bigger.
for node in g.nodes:
    node.radius = node.radius + node.radius * node.weight
# 2) Nodes with only one connection ("leaf" nodes) have a shorter connection.
for node in g.nodes:
    if len(node.edges) == 1:
        node.edges[0].length *= 0.1

g.prune(depth=0)  # Remove orphaned nodes with no connections.
g.distance = 10  # Overall spacing between nodes.
g.layout.force = 0.01  # Strength of the attractive & repulsive force.
g.layout.repulsion = 15  # Repulsion radius.

dragged = None

def draw(canvas):

    translate(250, 250)

    # With directed=True, edges have an arrowhead indicating the direction of the connection.
    # With weighted=True, Node.centrality is indicated by a shadow under high-traffic nodes.
예제 #5
def create_graph(p_node, s):

    completed_nodes = []
    uncomplete_nodes = []
    global g

    g = Graph()

    p = p_node

    temp = s.pAll[p_node].follower

               stroke=color(1, 0, 0.25, 1),

    ##    print "-"*50
    ##    print "parent_node ",p_node
    ##    print "parent follower ",temp

    for i in range(len(temp)):  #100
        g.add_node(id=str(temp[i]), radius=5, stroke=color(1), text=color(1))


    # Random edges.
    p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower
    for i in range(len(p_links)):
        node1 = str(p_node)  #choice(g.nodes)
        node2 = str(p_links[i])  #choice(g.nodes)
                   stroke=color(1, 0, 0.25, 1))

##    print "-"*50
##    print "Completed_Nodes  ",completed_nodes
##    print "Uncomplete_Nodes ",uncomplete_nodes

    while len(uncomplete_nodes) <> 0:
        node1 = uncomplete_nodes[0]
        follower_list = s.pAll[node1].follower

        ##        print "node1 which became parent ",node1

        for i in follower_list:
            if i not in completed_nodes:

                node_1 = str(node1)
                node2 = str(i)
                print node_1, "--->", i
                           stroke=color(1, 0, 0.25, 1),

        del uncomplete_nodes[0]

##        print "Completed_Nodes  ",completed_nodes
##        print "Uncomplete_Nodes ",uncomplete_nodes

#New Round
##    for I in range(len(temp)):
##        p_node = s.pAll[p].follower[I] #0
##        p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower
##        print "Sibling Node ",p_node
##        print "Sibling Follower ",p_links
##        #print [x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]
##        r     = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)])#rd.choice([0,51,255])    #rd.randint(10,200)
##        green = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([255,128,255]) #rd.randint(0,100)
##        b     = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([128,0,255])   #rd.randint(0,200)
##        #print r,green,b
##        for i in range(len(p_links)):
##            node1 = str(p_node)#choice(g.nodes)
##            bul = True
##            if p_links[i] not in s.pAll[p].follower:  #Not a parent follower
##                for j in range (I):                  #Loop to check another sibling's follower
##                    sibling = s.pAll[p].follower[j]
##                    if p_links[i] in s.pAll[sibling].follower:
##                        bul = False
##                if bul:
##                    g.add_node(id=str(p_links[i]),radius = 5,stroke = color(r, green, b, 1),text = color(1))
##                    node2 = str(p_links[i])#choice(g.nodes)
##                    g.add_edge(node1, node2,
##                               length = 50.0,
##                               weight = random(),
##                               stroke = color(r, green, b, 1))

# Two handy tricks to prettify the layout:
# 1) Nodes with a higher weight (i.e. incoming traffic) appear bigger.
    for node in g.nodes:
        node.radius = 5  #node.radius + node.radius*node.weight
    # 2) Nodes with only one connection ("leaf" nodes) have a shorter connection.
    for node in g.nodes:
        if len(node.edges) == 1:
            node.edges[0].length = 0.5

    g.prune(depth=0)  # Remove orphaned nodes with no connections.
    g.distance = 15  # Overall spacing between nodes.
    g.layout.force = 0.01  # Strength of the attractive & repulsive force.
    g.layout.repulsion = 5  # Repulsion radius.

    dragged = None
예제 #6
def create_graph(p_node,s):

    global g

    g = Graph()
    p = p_node
    temp = s.pAll[p_node].follower
    g.add_node(id=str(p_node),radius = 5,stroke = color(1, 0, 0.25, 1),text = color(1))

    for i in range(len(temp)):#100
            radius = 5,
            stroke = color(1), 
              text = color(1))
    # Random edges.
    p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower
    for i in range(len(p_links)):
        node1 = str(p_node)#choice(g.nodes)
        node2 = str(p_links[i])#choice(g.nodes)
        g.add_edge(node1, node2,
                   length = 500.0,
                   weight = random(),
                   stroke = color(1, 0, 0.25, 1))

    #New Round
    for I in range(len(temp)):
        p_node = s.pAll[p].follower[I] #0
        p_links = s.pAll[p_node].follower

        #print [x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]
        r     = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)])#rd.choice([0,51,255])    #rd.randint(10,200)
        green = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([255,128,255]) #rd.randint(0,100)
        b     = rd.choice([x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)]) #rd.choice([128,0,255])   #rd.randint(0,200)

        #print r,green,b
        for i in range(len(p_links)):
            node1 = str(p_node)#choice(g.nodes)

            bul = True
            if p_links[i] not in s.pAll[p].follower:  #Not a parent follower
                for j in range (I):                  #Loop to check another sibling's follower
                    sibling = s.pAll[p].follower[j]
                    if p_links[i] in s.pAll[sibling].follower:

                        bul = False

                if bul:
                    g.add_node(id=str(p_links[i]),radius = 5,stroke = color(r, green, b, 1),text = color(1))
                    node2 = str(p_links[i])#choice(g.nodes)
                    g.add_edge(node1, node2,
                               length = 50.0,
                               weight = random(),
                               stroke = color(r, green, b, 1))


    # Two handy tricks to prettify the layout:
    # 1) Nodes with a higher weight (i.e. incoming traffic) appear bigger.
    for node in g.nodes:
        node.radius = 5#node.radius + node.radius*node.weight
    # 2) Nodes with only one connection ("leaf" nodes) have a shorter connection.
    for node in g.nodes:
        if len(node.edges) == 1:
            node.edges[0].length = 0.5

    g.prune(depth=0)          # Remove orphaned nodes with no connections.
    g.distance         = 15   # Overall spacing between nodes.
    g.layout.force     = 0.01 # Strength of the attractive & repulsive force.
    g.layout.repulsion = 5   # Repulsion radius.

    dragged = None