예제 #1
    def name(self):
        return self.server.name

###  Signals  ###

# update the node set_state on tinc config update
def tinchost_changed(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    # Do nothing while loading fixtures or running migrations
    if kwargs.get('raw', False):
    if hasattr(instance.content_object, 'update_set_state'): # is a node

post_save.connect(tinchost_changed, sender=TincHost)
post_delete.connect(tinchost_changed, sender=TincHost)

# Monkey-Patching Section
tinc = property(get_tinc)

# Hook TincHost support to Node

Node.add_to_class('related_tinc', generic.GenericRelation('tinc.TincHost'))
Node.add_to_class('tinc', tinc)

# Hook TincHost support to Server
Server.add_to_class('related_tinc', generic.GenericRelation('tinc.TincHost'))
Server.add_to_class('tinc', tinc)