def getFocalParameters(lensTmp): # get the captor size fbxTmp = tde4.getLensFBackWidth(lensTmp) fbyTmp = tde4.getLensFBackHeight(lensTmp) # get lensTmp Parameters folcalParameter = dict() folcalParameter["filmW"] = fbxTmp folcalParameter["filmH"] = fbyTmp folcalParameter["focalLength"] = tde4.getLensFocalLength(lensTmp) folcalParameter["pixelAspect"] = tde4.getLensPixelAspect(lensTmp) #TODO log.debug(folcalParameter) return folcalParameter
def buildUICamera(req, cameraIndex, cameraTmp): imageHeightOuttmp, imageWidthOuttmp = getOutSize(req, cameraIndex, cameraTmp) nametmp = "exportCamera" + str(cameraIndex) texttmp = "Export Camera " + str(tde4.getCameraName(cameraTmp)) tde4.addToggleWidget(req, nametmp, texttmp, 1) tde4.setWidgetCallbackFunction(req, nametmp, "callBackExportCamera") firstFrame = tde4.getCameraSequenceAttr(cameraTmp)[0] strRes = camWidgetFormat.format(imageWidth=str(imageWidthOuttmp), sep=resSpliter, imageHeight=str(imageHeightOuttmp), firstFrame=firstFrame) camResWidgetName = camWidgetPrefix + str(cameraIndex) log.debug('camResWidgetName (creation): ' + camResWidgetName) tde4.addTextFieldWidget(req, camResWidgetName, camResWidgetText, strRes) tde4.addSeparatorWidget(req, "sep" + str(cameraIndex))
def getOutSize(req, cameraIndex, cameraTmp): # get the actual image size from cameraTmp imageHeightInTmp = tde4.getCameraImageHeight(cameraTmp) imageWidthInTmp = tde4.getCameraImageWidth(cameraTmp) lensTmp = tde4.getCameraLens(cameraTmp) folcalParameter = getFocalParameters(lensTmp) # distorsionMode dyndistmode = tde4.getLensDynamicDistortionMode(lensTmp) log.debug('dyndistmode : ' + str(dyndistmode)) if dyndistmode == "DISTORTION_STATIC": lensModelParameter = getLensModelParameter(camera=None, lens=lensTmp, frame=None) resOutTmp = get_bounding_box.calculateBoundigBox( imageWidthInTmp, imageHeightInTmp, "undistort", folcalParameter, lensModelParameter) imageWidthOuttmp = resOutTmp.width imageHeightOuttmp = resOutTmp.height else: imageHeightOuttmp = imageHeightInTmp imageWidthOuttmp = imageWidthInTmp for frame in range(1, tde4.getCameraNoFrames(cameraTmp) + 1): lensModelParameter = getLensModelParameter(camera=cameraTmp, lens=lensTmp, frame=frame) resOuttmp = get_bounding_box.calculateBoundigBox( imageWidthInTmp, imageHeightInTmp, "undistort", folcalParameter, lensModelParameter) if imageHeightOuttmp < resOuttmp.height: imageHeightOuttmp = resOuttmp.height if imageWidthOuttmp < resOuttmp.width: imageWidthOuttmp = resOuttmp.width if imageHeightInTmp > imageHeightOuttmp: imageHeightOuttmp = imageHeightInTmp if imageWidthInTmp > imageWidthOuttmp: imageWidthOuttmp = imageWidthInTmp log.debug('****************** lensModelParameter ********************') for key in lensModelParameter.keys(): log.debug(key + ' : ' + str(lensModelParameter.get(key))) return imageHeightOuttmp, imageWidthOuttmp
def exportNOID(): # print 'Start exportNOID' req = buildUI() ret = tde4.postCustomRequester(req, "Export NOID - (Maya & Nuke)", 0, 0, "Export", "Cancel") if ret == 1: # Canceled by the user # get the parameters selecteds params = {} params['file_browser'] = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, "file_browser") #params['nukeVersion'] = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, "nukeVersion") #params['openNuke'] = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, "openNuke") params['cameras'] = [] params['camerasOutSize'] = [] params['camerasFirstFrame'] = list() date = strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime()) # YYMMDDhhmmss params['date'] = date for cameraIndex in range(tde4.getNoCameras()): cameraObj = tde4.getIndexCamera(cameraIndex) # cameraName = str(tde4.getCameraName(cameraObj)) # NO USED exprtCamWidgetName = "exportCamera" + str(cameraIndex) exprtCamWidgetExists = tde4.widgetExists(req, exprtCamWidgetName) exprtCamWidgetValue = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, exprtCamWidgetName) if exprtCamWidgetExists and exprtCamWidgetValue: camResWidgetName = camWidgetPrefix + str(cameraIndex) log.debug('camResWidgetName : ' + str(camResWidgetName)) camResWidgetValue = tde4.getWidgetValue(req, camResWidgetName) log.debug('camResWidgetValue: ' + str(camResWidgetValue)) imageWidth, imageHeight, firstFrame = camResWidgetValue.split( resSpliter) imageResolution = tools.Resolution(width=imageWidth, height=imageHeight) params['cameras'].append(cameraObj) params['camerasOutSize'].append(imageResolution) params['camerasFirstFrame'].append(firstFrame) log.debug('imageResolution : ' + str(imageResolution)) if params['cameras'] == []: message = 'Aborting, Nothing selected to Export' log.debug(message) return # debug params for paramName in params: paramValue = params[paramName] log.debug('param : ' + str(paramName)) log.debug('value : ' + str(paramValue)) # Export to Maya mayaExporter.toMaya(params) # Export to Nuke nukeFilesPath = nukeExporter.toNuke(params) # open Nuke or not # if params['openNuke']: # for nukeFilePath in nukeFilesPath: # nukeExePath = findNukeExe(int(params['nukeVersion'])) # toExecute = [nukeExePath, '-q', nukeFilePath] # # log.debug(toExecute) # # useSubProcess = True # if useSubProcess: # subprocess.Popen(toExecute, executable=nukeExePath) # else: # os.system(toExecute) tde4.postQuestionRequester('Export finished', 'All the cameras selected were exported', 'OK') else: message = 'Canceled by user' log.debug(message) message = 'End exportCGEV' log.debug(message)
def toNuke(params, oneFile=False): log.debug('To Nuke - Start') cameras = params['cameras'] camerasOutSize = params['camerasOutSize'] camerasFrameStart = params['camerasFirstFrame'] filesGenerated = [] argsToBatchs = [] if oneFile: filepath = params['file_browser'] + '_undisto.nk' tools.ensure_dir(filepath) fileObj = open(filepath, 'w') for index, cam in enumerate(cameras): fileLines = [] argsExportNuke = [ cam, index, camerasOutSize[index], filepath, params['date'], camerasFrameStart[index] ] fileLines, argsToBatch = exportNuke(*argsExportNuke) if fileLines == -1: # print ("Problem with camera "+ str(cam) ) continue writeLines(fileObj, fileLines) argsToBatchs.append(argsToBatch) filesGenerated.append(filepath) else: # create Directory folderCameras = params['file_browser'] + '_undisto/' try: os.makedirs(folderCameras) except: pass # Todo check if is only that the folder exists for index, cam in enumerate(cameras): cameraName = "%s_%s_1" % (tools.validName( tde4.getCameraName(cam)), index) filepath = folderCameras + cameraName + '_undisto.nk' tools.ensure_dir(filepath) fileObj = open(filepath, 'w') fileLines = [] argsExportNuke = [ cam, index, camerasOutSize[index], filepath, params['date'], camerasFrameStart[index] ] fileLines, argsToBatch = exportNuke(*argsExportNuke) if fileLines == -1: # print ("Problem with camera "+ str(cam) ) continue writeLines(fileObj, fileLines) argsToBatchs.append(argsToBatch) filesGenerated.append(filepath) # Launch batch Render log.debug('Launching batch Render') import toBatch for argsToBatch in argsToBatchs: toBatch.batch3DE(*(argsToBatch)) return filesGenerated log.debug('To Nuke - End')
def exportNuke(cam, index, size, filepath, date, frameStart): # print 'Nuke ',nukeVersion,' version' offsetXNodes = str(index * 400) camInfo = tools.TDECamInfo(cam, index) camShortName = camInfo.getShortName() readFilePath = camInfo.cameraPath projectName = camInfo.projectName projectPath = camInfo.projectPath imagesName = camInfo.imagesName shot = camInfo.shot rez_x = camInfo.rez_x # width rez_y = camInfo.rez_y # height firstFrame = camInfo.firstFrame lastFrame = camInfo.lastFrame offset = int(frameStart) - 1 if camInfo.lens is None: return -1 lensInfo = tools.TDELensInfo(camInfo.lens) p_aspect = lensInfo.p_aspect readFormat = fmatNameBase.format(rX=str(rez_x), rY=str(rez_y), pAspect=str(p_aspect), projName=str(projectName)) undistoGroupName = 'UNDISTO' if camInfo.isSeq(): undistoGroupLabel = '"' + projectName + '\\n' + imagesName + '"' else: undistoGroupLabel = '"Reference frame\\n' + camShortName + '"' ''' projectConfig = newconfig.ProjectCFile(projectName, projectPath, checkConfigured=False) # Working on OCIO prod if projectConfig.isOCIO(): cspaceInName = 'Workingspace_to_LogC' cspaceOutName = 'LogC_to_Workingspace' OCIOConfig = projectConfig.getOCIOConfig() if readFilePath.endswith('.exr'): readColorSpace = OCIOConfig['floatLut'] elif readFilePath.endswith('.dpx'): readColorSpace = OCIOConfig['logLut'] else: readColorSpace = OCIOConfig['int8Lut'] readColorSpace = OCIOConfig['floatLut'] colorspaceInLine = 'in_colorspace ' + OCIOConfig['workingSpaceLut'] colorspaceInLine += '\n out_colorspace ' + OCIOConfig['logLut'] # Working on normal prod else: cspaceInName = 'Lin_to_Log' cspaceOutName = 'Log_to_Lin' if readFilePath.endswith('.exr'): readColorSpace = 'linear' elif readFilePath.endswith('.dpx'): readColorSpace = getdata.getRootColorSpace(projectName) else: readColorSpace = 'sRGB' colorspaceInLine = 'out_colorspace ' + readColorSpace ''' cspaceInName = 'Lin_to_Log' cspaceOutName = 'Log_to_Lin' readColorSpace = 'sRGB' colorspaceInLine = 'out_colorspace ' + readColorSpace log.debug("rez_x : " + str(rez_x)) log.debug("rez_y : " + str(rez_y)) log.debug("size width : " + str(size.width)) log.debug("size height : " + str(size.height)) undistoW = str(max(int(rez_x), int(size.width))) undistoH = str(max(int(rez_y), int(size.height))) Reformat_REZ_UNDISTO_Format = fundNameBase.format(rX=str(undistoW), rY=str(undistoH), pAspect=str(p_aspect), projName=projectName, imagesName=imagesName) writeNodeFile = camInfo.getUndistoImagePath(app='nuke', date=date) writeNodeName = camInfo.getWriteNodeName() Reformat_BASE_REZ_Format = readFormat Reformat_BASE_BOX_Format = readFormat redistoGroupName = 'REDISTO' redistoGroupLabel = undistoGroupLabel # check if there is or not disto # distortion = tools.cameraHasDistortion(cam) # Compose File Lines # Root rootString = [ 'Root { ', ' inputs 0', ' frame ' + firstFrame, ' first_frame ' + firstFrame, ' last_frame ' + lastFrame, ' lock_range true', '}', ] # Read readString = [ 'Read {', ' inputs 0', ' file ' + readFilePath, ' format ' + readFormat, ' first ' + firstFrame, ' last ' + lastFrame, ' colorspace ' + readColorSpace, ' name Master', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 0', '}', ] # Group UNDISTO LDNodeName = getLDNodeName(cam, "undistort", offset, index=0) undistroGroupString = [ 'Group {', ' name ' + undistoGroupName, ' label ' + undistoGroupLabel, ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 150', ' knobChanged "\nif nuke.thisKnob().name().endswith(\'_solo\') and nuke.thisKnob().value() is True:\n for knob in \[knob for knob in nuke.thisNode().knobs().values() if knob != nuke.thisKnob() and\'_solo\')]:\n knob.setValue(False)\n"', ' addUserKnob {20 User l UNDISTO}', ' addUserKnob {41 out_colorspace l "@b; ColorSpace" T ' + cspaceInName + '.out_colorspace}', ' addUserKnob {26 S01 l " "}', ' addUserKnob {41 filter_LD l "@b; Filter" T ' + LDNodeName + '.filter}', ' addUserKnob {26 S02 l " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 Clamp l "@b; Clamp" T " "}', ' addUserKnob {41 minimum l min T Clamp2.minimum}', ' addUserKnob {41 minimum_enable l enable -STARTLINE T Clamp2.minimum_enable}', ' addUserKnob {41 maximum l max T Clamp2.maximum}', ' addUserKnob {41 maximum_enable l enable -STARTLINE T Clamp2.maximum_enable}', ' addUserKnob {26 S03 l " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 bbox l "@b; Bounding Box" T " "}', ' addUserKnob {6 bbox_input_solo l "Preserve Input" +STARTLINE}', ' bbox_input_solo true', ' addUserKnob {6 bbox_crop_solo l "Crop to Format" +STARTLINE}', ' addUserKnob {6 bbox_addpixel_solo l "Add Pixels " +STARTLINE}', ' addUserKnob {41 numpixels l "" -STARTLINE T AdjBBox1.numpixels}', ' addUserKnob {26 by1 l " " T " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 by2 l " " T " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 CGEV l " " t "\nEn cas de probleme, contacter Gaetan Baldy sur le chat\n" -STARTLINE T "<font color=\\"#1C1C1C\\"> v02 - CGEV - 2016"}', '}', ' Input {', ' inputs 0', ' name Input1', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 0', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' maximum 10', ' name Clamp2', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 40', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' channels alpha', ' name Clamp1', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 80', ' }', ' OCIOColorSpace {', ' ' + colorspaceInLine, ' name ' + cspaceInName, ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 120', ' }', ] undistroGroupString.extend( generateNukeNode(cam, "undistort", offset, index=0)) undistroGroupString.extend([ ' Reformat {', ' format ' + Reformat_REZ_UNDISTO_Format, ' resize none', ' filter {{input0.filter}}', ' clamp false', ' pbb {{parent.bbox_input_solo}}', ' name Reformat_REZ_UNDISTO', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 160', ' }', ' AdjBBox {', ' numpixels {100 100}', ' name AdjBBox1', ' label ADD_PIXELS', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 200', ' disable {{!parent.bbox_addpixel_solo}}', ' }', ' OCIOColorSpace {', ' in_colorspace {{' + cspaceInName + '.out_colorspace}}', ' out_colorspace {{' + cspaceInName + '.in_colorspace}}', ' name ' + cspaceOutName, ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 240', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' minimum {{parent.Clamp2.minimum}}', ' minimum_enable {{parent.Clamp2.minimum_enable}}', ' maximum {{parent.Clamp2.maximum}}', ' maximum_enable {{parent.Clamp2.maximum_enable}}', ' name Clamp3', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 280', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' channels alpha', ' minimum {{parent.Clamp1.minimum}}', ' maximum {{parent.Clamp1.maximum}}', ' name Clamp4', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 320', ' }', ' Output {', ' name Output1', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 360', ' }', 'end_group', ]) # node Write writeNodeString = [ 'Write {', ' inputs 1', ' file ' + writeNodeFile, ' file_type jpeg', ' checkHashOnRead false', ' name ' + writeNodeName, ' xpos ' + str(200 + 400 * index), ' ypos 156', '}', ] # Group REDISTO LDNodeName = getLDNodeName(cam, "distort", offset, index) redistroGroupString = [ 'Group {', ' inputs 0', ' name ' + redistoGroupName, ' label ' + redistoGroupLabel, ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 250', ' knobChanged "\nif nuke.thisKnob().name().endswith(\'_solo\') and nuke.thisKnob().value() == True:\n for knob in \[knob for knob in nuke.thisNode().knobs().values() if knob != nuke.thisKnob() and\'_solo\')]:\n knob.setValue(False)\n"', ' addUserKnob {20 User l REDISTO}', ' addUserKnob {41 out_colorspace l "@b; ColorSpace" T ' + cspaceInName + '.out_colorspace}', ' addUserKnob {26 S01 l " "}', ' addUserKnob {41 filter_LD l "@b; Filter" T ' + LDNodeName + '.filter}', ' addUserKnob {26 S02 l " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 Clamp l "@b; Clamp" T " "}', ' addUserKnob {41 minimum l min T Clamp2.minimum}', ' addUserKnob {41 minimum_enable l enable -STARTLINE T Clamp2.minimum_enable}', ' addUserKnob {41 maximum l max T Clamp2.maximum}', ' addUserKnob {41 maximum_enable l enable -STARTLINE T Clamp2.maximum_enable}', ' addUserKnob {26 S03 l " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 bbox l "@b; Bounding Box" T " "}', ' addUserKnob {6 bbox_input_solo l "Preserve Input" +STARTLINE}', ' bbox_input_solo true', ' addUserKnob {6 bbox_crop_solo l "Crop to Format" +STARTLINE}', ' addUserKnob {26 by2 l " " T " "}', ' addUserKnob {26 CGEV l " " t "\nEn cas de probleme, contacter Gaetan Baldy sur le chat\n" -STARTLINE T "<font color=\\"#1C1C1C\\"> v02 - CGEV - 2016"}', '}', ' Input {', ' inputs 0', ' name Input1', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 0', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' maximum 10', ' name Clamp2', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 40', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' channels alpha', ' name Clamp1', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 80', ' }', ' OCIOColorSpace {', ' ' + colorspaceInLine, ' name ' + cspaceInName, ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 120', ' }', ' Reformat {', ' format ' + Reformat_BASE_REZ_Format, ' resize none', ' filter {{' + LDNodeName + '.filter}}', ' clamp false', ' pbb true', ' name Reformat_BASE_REZ', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 160', ' }', ] redistroGroupString.extend(generateNukeNode(cam, "distort", offset, index)) redistroGroupString.extend([ ' Reformat {', ' format ' + Reformat_BASE_BOX_Format, ' resize none', ' filter {{' + LDNodeName + '.filter}}', ' pbb {{!parent.bbox_crop_solo}}', ' name Reformat_BASE_BOX', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 200', ' clamp {{Reformat_BASE_REZ.clamp}}' ' }', ' OCIOColorSpace {', ' in_colorspace {{' + cspaceInName + '.out_colorspace}}', ' out_colorspace {{' + cspaceInName + '.in_colorspace}}', ' name ' + cspaceOutName, ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 240', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' minimum {{parent.Clamp2.minimum}}', ' minimum_enable {{parent.Clamp2.minimum_enable}}', ' maximum {{parent.Clamp2.maximum}}', ' maximum_enable {{parent.Clamp2.maximum_enable}}', ' name Clamp3', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 280', ' }', ' Clamp {', ' channels alpha', ' minimum {{parent.Clamp1.minimum}}', ' maximum {{parent.Clamp1.maximum}}', ' name Clamp4', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 320', ' }', ' Output {', ' name Output1', ' xpos ' + offsetXNodes, ' ypos 360', ' }', 'end_group', ]) allstring = rootString + readString + undistroGroupString +\ writeNodeString + redistroGroupString argsToBatch = [ filepath, writeNodeFile, firstFrame, lastFrame, writeNodeName, 1 ] return allstring, argsToBatch