예제 #1
 def model(params):
     a = params[0] ** 2 + T_small ** 2
     i = -(params[1] ** 2 + min_index)
     t = params[2] ** 2 + T_small ** 2
     spec = npow.overf_power_spectrum(a, i, f_0, dt, n_time)
     spec += t
     spec = npow.convolve_power(spec, window)
     spec = npow.prune_power(spec)
     spec = spec[1:].real
     return spec
예제 #2
 def model(params):
     a = params[0]**2 + T_small**2
     i = -(params[1]**2 + min_index)
     t = params[2]**2 + T_small**2
     spec = npow.overf_power_spectrum(a, i, f_0, dt, n_time)
     spec += t
     spec = npow.convolve_power(spec, window)
     spec = npow.prune_power(spec)
     spec = spec[1:].real
     return spec
예제 #3
def get_freq_modes_over_f(power_mat, window_function, frequency, n_modes, plots=False):
    """Fines the most correlated frequency modes and fits thier noise."""

    n_f = len(frequency)
    d_f = sp.mean(sp.diff(frequency))
    dt = 1.0 / 2.0 / frequency[-1]
    n_chan = power_mat.shape[-1]
    n_time = window_function.shape[0]
    # The threshold for assuming there isn't enough data to measure anything.
    no_data_thres = 10.0 / n_time
    # Initialize the dictionary that will hold all the parameters.
    output_params = {}
    # First take the low frequency part of the spetrum matrix and average over
    # enough bins to get a well conditioned matrix.
    low_f_mat = sp.mean(power_mat[: 4 * n_chan, :, :].real, 0)
    # Factor the matrix to get the most correlated modes.
    e, v = linalg.eigh(low_f_mat)
    # Make sure they are sorted.
    if not sp.alltrue(sp.diff(e) >= 0):
        raise RuntimeError("Eigenvalues not sorted")
    # Power matrix striped of the biggest modes.
    reduced_power = sp.copy(power_mat)
    mode_list = []
    # Solve for the spectra of these modes.
    for ii in range(n_modes):
        this_mode_params = {}
        # Get power spectrum and window function for this mode.
        mode = v[:, -1 - ii]
        mode_power = sp.sum(mode * power_mat.real, -1)
        mode_power = sp.sum(mode * mode_power, -1)
        mode_window = sp.sum(mode[:, None] ** 2 * window_function, 1)
        mode_window = sp.sum(mode_window * mode[None, :] ** 2, 1)
        # Protect against no data.
        if sp.mean(mode_window).real < no_data_thres:
            this_mode_params["amplitude"] = 0.0
            this_mode_params["index"] = 0.0
            this_mode_params["f_0"] = 1.0
            this_mode_params["thermal"] = T_infinity ** 2 * dt
            # Fit the spectrum.
            p = fit_overf_const(mode_power, mode_window, frequency)
            # Put all the parameters we measured into the output.
            this_mode_params["amplitude"] = p[0]
            this_mode_params["index"] = p[1]
            this_mode_params["f_0"] = p[2]
            this_mode_params["thermal"] = p[3]
        this_mode_params["mode"] = mode
        output_params["over_f_mode_" + str(ii)] = this_mode_params
        # Remove the mode from the power matrix.
        tmp_amp = sp.sum(reduced_power * mode, -1)
        tmp_amp2 = sp.sum(reduced_power * mode[:, None], -2)
        tmp_amp3 = sp.sum(tmp_amp2 * mode, -1)
        reduced_power -= tmp_amp[:, :, None] * mode
        reduced_power -= tmp_amp2[:, None, :] * mode[:, None]
        reduced_power += tmp_amp3[:, None, None] * mode[:, None] * mode
    # Initialize the compensation matrix, that will be used to restore thermal
    # noise that gets subtracted out.  See Jan 29, Feb 17th, 2012 of Kiyo's
    # notes.
    compensation = sp.eye(n_chan, dtype=float)
    for mode1 in mode_list:
        compensation.flat[:: n_chan + 1] -= 2 * mode1 ** 2
        for mode2 in mode_list:
            mode_prod = mode1 * mode2
            compensation += mode_prod[:, None] * mode_prod[None, :]
    # Now that we've striped the noisiest modes, measure the auto power
    # spectrum, averaged over channels.
    auto_spec_mean = reduced_power.view()
    auto_spec_mean.shape = (n_f, n_chan ** 2)
    auto_spec_mean = auto_spec_mean[:, :: n_chan + 1].real
    auto_spec_mean = sp.mean(auto_spec_mean, -1)
    diag_window = window_function.view()
    diag_window.shape = (n_time, n_chan ** 2)
    diag_window = diag_window[:, :: n_chan + 1]
    auto_spec_window = sp.mean(diag_window, -1)
    if sp.mean(auto_spec_window).real < no_data_thres:
        auto_cross_over = 0.0
        auto_index = 0.0
        auto_thermal = 0
        auto_spec_params = fit_overf_const(auto_spec_mean, auto_spec_window, frequency)
        auto_thermal = auto_spec_params[3]
        if auto_spec_params[0] <= 0 or auto_spec_params[3] <= 0 or auto_spec_params[1] > -0.599:
            auto_cross_over = 0.0
            auto_index = 0.0
            auto_index = auto_spec_params[1]
            auto_cross_over = auto_spec_params[2] * (auto_spec_params[0] / auto_spec_params[3]) ** (-1.0 / auto_index)
            # if auto_cross_over < d_f:
            #    auto_index = 0.
            #    auto_cross_over = 0.
    # Plot the mean auto spectrum if desired.
    if plots:
        h = plt.gcf()
        a = h.add_subplot(*h.current_subplot)
        norm = sp.mean(auto_spec_window).real
        auto_plot = auto_spec_mean / norm
        plotable = auto_plot > 0
        lines = a.loglog(frequency[plotable], auto_plot[plotable])
        c = lines[-1].get_color()
        # And plot the fit in a light color.
        if auto_cross_over > d_f / 4.0:
            spec = npow.overf_power_spectrum(auto_thermal, auto_index, auto_cross_over, dt, n_time)
            spec = sp.zeros(n_time, dtype=float)
        spec += auto_thermal
        spec[0] = 0
        spec = npow.convolve_power(spec, auto_spec_window)
        spec = npow.prune_power(spec)
        spec = spec[1:].real
        if norm > no_data_thres:
            spec /= norm
        plotable = spec > 0
        a.loglog(frequency[plotable], spec[plotable], c=c, alpha=0.4, linestyle=":")
    output_params["all_channel_index"] = auto_index
    output_params["all_channel_corner_f"] = auto_cross_over
    # Finally measure the thermal part of the noise in each channel.
    cross_over_ind = sp.digitize([auto_cross_over * 4], frequency)[0]
    cross_over_ind = max(cross_over_ind, n_f // 2)
    cross_over_ind = min(cross_over_ind, int(9.0 * n_f / 10.0))
    thermal = reduced_power[cross_over_ind:, :, :].real
    n_high_f = thermal.shape[0]
    thermal.shape = (n_high_f, n_chan ** 2)
    thermal = sp.mean(thermal[:, :: n_chan + 1], 0)
    thermal_norms = sp.mean(diag_window, 0).real
    bad_inds = thermal_norms < no_data_thres
    thermal_norms[bad_inds] = 1.0
    # Compensate for power lost in mode subtraction.
    compensation[:, bad_inds] = 0
    compensation[bad_inds, :] = 0
    for ii in xrange(n_chan):
        if bad_inds[ii]:
            compensation[ii, ii] = 1.0
    thermal = linalg.solve(compensation, thermal)
    # Normalize
    thermal /= thermal_norms
    thermal[bad_inds] = T_infinity ** 2 * dt
    # Occationally the compensation fails horribly on a few channels.
    # When this happens, zero out the offending indices.
    thermal[thermal < 0] = 0
    output_params["thermal"] = thermal
    # Now that we know what thermal is, we can subtract it out of the modes we
    # already measured.
    for ii in range(n_modes):
        mode_params = output_params["over_f_mode_" + str(ii)]
        thermal_contribution = sp.sum(mode_params["mode"] ** 2 * thermal)
        # Subtract a maximum of 90% of the white noise to keep things positive
        # definate.
        new_white = max(mode_params["thermal"] - thermal_contribution, 0.1 * mode_params["thermal"])
        if mode_params["thermal"] < 0.5 * T_infinity ** 2 * dt:
            mode_params["thermal"] = new_white
    return output_params
예제 #4
def get_freq_modes_over_f(power_mat,
    """Fines the most correlated frequency modes and fits thier noise."""

    n_f = len(frequency)
    d_f = sp.mean(sp.diff(frequency))
    dt = 1. / 2. / frequency[-1]
    n_chan = power_mat.shape[-1]
    n_time = window_function.shape[0]
    # The threshold for assuming there isn't enough data to measure anything.
    no_data_thres = 10. / n_time
    # Initialize the dictionary that will hold all the parameters.
    output_params = {}
    # First take the low frequency part of the spetrum matrix and average over
    # enough bins to get a well conditioned matrix.
    low_f_mat = sp.mean(power_mat[:4 * n_chan, :, :].real, 0)
    # Factor the matrix to get the most correlated modes.
    e, v = linalg.eigh(low_f_mat)
    # Make sure they are sorted.
    if not sp.alltrue(sp.diff(e) >= 0):
        raise RuntimeError("Eigenvalues not sorted")
    # Power matrix striped of the biggest modes.
    reduced_power = sp.copy(power_mat)
    mode_list = []
    # Solve for the spectra of these modes.
    for ii in range(n_modes):
        this_mode_params = {}
        # Get power spectrum and window function for this mode.
        mode = v[:, -1 - ii]
        mode_power = sp.sum(mode * power_mat.real, -1)
        mode_power = sp.sum(mode * mode_power, -1)
        mode_window = sp.sum(mode[:, None]**2 * window_function, 1)
        mode_window = sp.sum(mode_window * mode[None, :]**2, 1)
        # Protect against no data.
        if sp.mean(mode_window).real < no_data_thres:
            this_mode_params['amplitude'] = 0.
            this_mode_params['index'] = 0.
            this_mode_params['f_0'] = 1.
            this_mode_params['thermal'] = T_infinity**2 * dt
            # Fit the spectrum.
            p = fit_overf_const(mode_power, mode_window, frequency)
            # Put all the parameters we measured into the output.
            this_mode_params['amplitude'] = p[0]
            this_mode_params['index'] = p[1]
            this_mode_params['f_0'] = p[2]
            this_mode_params['thermal'] = p[3]
        this_mode_params['mode'] = mode
        output_params['over_f_mode_' + str(ii)] = this_mode_params
        # Remove the mode from the power matrix.
        tmp_amp = sp.sum(reduced_power * mode, -1)
        tmp_amp2 = sp.sum(reduced_power * mode[:, None], -2)
        tmp_amp3 = sp.sum(tmp_amp2 * mode, -1)
        reduced_power -= tmp_amp[:, :, None] * mode
        reduced_power -= tmp_amp2[:, None, :] * mode[:, None]
        reduced_power += tmp_amp3[:, None, None] * mode[:, None] * mode
    # Initialize the compensation matrix, that will be used to restore thermal
    # noise that gets subtracted out.  See Jan 29, Feb 17th, 2012 of Kiyo's
    # notes.
    compensation = sp.eye(n_chan, dtype=float)
    for mode1 in mode_list:
        compensation.flat[::n_chan + 1] -= 2 * mode1**2
        for mode2 in mode_list:
            mode_prod = mode1 * mode2
            compensation += mode_prod[:, None] * mode_prod[None, :]
    # Now that we've striped the noisiest modes, measure the auto power
    # spectrum, averaged over channels.
    auto_spec_mean = reduced_power.view()
    auto_spec_mean.shape = (n_f, n_chan**2)
    auto_spec_mean = auto_spec_mean[:, ::n_chan + 1].real
    auto_spec_mean = sp.mean(auto_spec_mean, -1)
    diag_window = window_function.view()
    diag_window.shape = (n_time, n_chan**2)
    diag_window = diag_window[:, ::n_chan + 1]
    auto_spec_window = sp.mean(diag_window, -1)
    if sp.mean(auto_spec_window).real < no_data_thres:
        auto_cross_over = 0.
        auto_index = 0.
        auto_thermal = 0
        auto_spec_params = fit_overf_const(auto_spec_mean, auto_spec_window,
        auto_thermal = auto_spec_params[3]
        if (auto_spec_params[0] <= 0 or auto_spec_params[3] <= 0
                or auto_spec_params[1] > -0.599):
            auto_cross_over = 0.
            auto_index = 0.
            auto_index = auto_spec_params[1]
            auto_cross_over = auto_spec_params[2] * (
                auto_spec_params[0] / auto_spec_params[3])**(-1. / auto_index)
            #if auto_cross_over < d_f:
            #    auto_index = 0.
            #    auto_cross_over = 0.
    # Plot the mean auto spectrum if desired.
    if plots:
        h = plt.gcf()
        a = h.add_subplot(*h.current_subplot)
        norm = sp.mean(auto_spec_window).real
        auto_plot = auto_spec_mean / norm
        plotable = auto_plot > 0
        lines = a.loglog(frequency[plotable], auto_plot[plotable])
        c = lines[-1].get_color()
        # And plot the fit in a light color.
        if auto_cross_over > d_f / 4.:
            spec = npow.overf_power_spectrum(auto_thermal, auto_index,
                                             auto_cross_over, dt, n_time)
            spec = sp.zeros(n_time, dtype=float)
        spec += auto_thermal
        spec[0] = 0
        spec = npow.convolve_power(spec, auto_spec_window)
        spec = npow.prune_power(spec)
        spec = spec[1:].real
        if norm > no_data_thres:
            spec /= norm
        plotable = spec > 0
    output_params['all_channel_index'] = auto_index
    output_params['all_channel_corner_f'] = auto_cross_over
    # Finally measure the thermal part of the noise in each channel.
    cross_over_ind = sp.digitize([auto_cross_over * 4], frequency)[0]
    cross_over_ind = max(cross_over_ind, n_f // 2)
    cross_over_ind = min(cross_over_ind, int(9. * n_f / 10.))
    thermal = reduced_power[cross_over_ind:, :, :].real
    n_high_f = thermal.shape[0]
    thermal.shape = (n_high_f, n_chan**2)
    thermal = sp.mean(thermal[:, ::n_chan + 1], 0)
    thermal_norms = sp.mean(diag_window, 0).real
    bad_inds = thermal_norms < no_data_thres
    thermal_norms[bad_inds] = 1.
    # Compensate for power lost in mode subtraction.
    compensation[:, bad_inds] = 0
    compensation[bad_inds, :] = 0
    for ii in xrange(n_chan):
        if bad_inds[ii]:
            compensation[ii, ii] = 1.
    thermal = linalg.solve(compensation, thermal)
    # Normalize
    thermal /= thermal_norms
    thermal[bad_inds] = T_infinity**2 * dt
    # Occationally the compensation fails horribly on a few channels.
    # When this happens, zero out the offending indices.
    thermal[thermal < 0] = 0
    output_params['thermal'] = thermal
    # Now that we know what thermal is, we can subtract it out of the modes we
    # already measured.
    for ii in range(n_modes):
        mode_params = output_params['over_f_mode_' + str(ii)]
        thermal_contribution = sp.sum(mode_params['mode']**2 * thermal)
        # Subtract a maximum of 90% of the white noise to keep things positive
        # definate.
        new_white = max(mode_params['thermal'] - thermal_contribution,
                        0.1 * mode_params['thermal'])
        if mode_params['thermal'] < 0.5 * T_infinity**2 * dt:
            mode_params['thermal'] = new_white
    return output_params