예제 #1
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_area(area):
  s = sprintf('\n# area %s modules\n', area.name)
  s += sprintf('area %s\n', area.name)
  s += format_modules(area)
  s += format_cables(area)
  return s
예제 #2
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_knobs(patch):
  s = sprintf("\n# knobs\n")
  last_name = ''
  for i in range(len(patch.knobs)):
    row = i / 24
    knob = patch.knobs[i]
    if not knob.assigned:

    module = knob.param.module
    knob_loc, name = format_knob_location(i)
    area = {0:'fx', 1:'voice', 2:'settings'}[module.area.index]
    if area == 'settings': # not hasattr(knob.param, 'module'):
      s += sprintf('knob %s %s\n', knob_loc, format_settings_param(knob.param))

    loc = module_loc(module)
    t = sprintf('knob %s %s.%s.%s', knob_loc, area, loc,
    u = sprintf('  # %s:', name)
    if module.name != last_name:
      u += ' ' + module.name + ' (' + module.type.shortnm.lower() + ')'
    s += sprintf('%-35s %s\n', t, u)
    last_name = module.name
  return s
예제 #3
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_area(area):
    s = sprintf('\n# area %s modules\n', area.name)
    s += sprintf('area %s\n', area.name)
    s += format_modules(area)
    s += format_cables(area)
    return s
예제 #4
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_knobs(patch):
    s = sprintf("\n# knobs\n")
    last_name = ''
    for i in range(len(patch.knobs)):
        row = i / 24
        knob = patch.knobs[i]
        if not knob.assigned:

        module = knob.param.module
        knob_loc, name = format_knob_location(i)
        area = {0: 'fx', 1: 'voice', 2: 'settings'}[module.area.index]
        if area == 'settings':  # not hasattr(knob.param, 'module'):
            s += sprintf('knob %s %s\n', knob_loc,

        loc = module_loc(module)
        t = sprintf('knob %s %s.%s.%s', knob_loc, area, loc,
        u = sprintf('  # %s:', name)
        if module.name != last_name:
            u += ' ' + module.name + ' (' + module.type.shortnm.lower() + ')'
        s += sprintf('%-35s %s\n', t, u)
        last_name = module.name
    return s
예제 #5
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_settings(patch):
  settings = patch.settings
  s = sprintf('# settings\n')
  for group in settings.groups:
    for attr in group:
      variations = clean_variations(getattr(settings, attr).variations[:])
      variations = ' '.join([ '%d' % v for v in variations])
      s += sprintf('setting %s %s\n', attr, variations)
  return s
예제 #6
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_settings(patch):
    settings = patch.settings
    s = sprintf('# settings\n')
    for group in settings.groups:
        for attr in group:
            variations = clean_variations(
                getattr(settings, attr).variations[:])
            variations = ' '.join(['%d' % v for v in variations])
            s += sprintf('setting %s %s\n', attr, variations)
    return s
예제 #7
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_midicc(patch):
  s = sprintf('\n# midicc\n')
  for ctrl in patch.ctrls:
    index = ctrl.param.index
    area = {0:'fx', 1:'voice', 2:'settings'}[ctrl.param.module.area.index]
    if ctrl.param.module.area.index != 2:
      loc = module_loc(ctrl.param.module)
      t = sprintf('%s.%s', loc, ctrl.param.type.name.lower())
      t = format_settings_param(ctrl.param)
    s += sprintf('midicc %2d %s\n', ctrl.midicc, t)
  return s
예제 #8
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_params(module, loc):
  s = ''
  if hasattr(module, 'params') and len(module.params):
    for p, param in enumerate(module.params):
      variations = param.variations[:]
      name = module.type.params[p].name.lower()
      while len(variations) > 1 and variations[-2] == variations[-1]:
      variations = ' '.join([ '%d' % v for v in variations])
      s += sprintf('    set %s.%s %s\n', loc, name, variations)
      if hasattr(param, 'labels'):
        labels = ':'.join(param.labels)
        s += sprintf('    label %s.%s %s\n', loc, name, labels)
  return s
예제 #9
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_params(module, loc):
    s = ''
    if hasattr(module, 'params') and len(module.params):
        for p, param in enumerate(module.params):
            variations = param.variations[:]
            name = module.type.params[p].name.lower()
            while len(variations) > 1 and variations[-2] == variations[-1]:
            variations = ' '.join(['%d' % v for v in variations])
            s += sprintf('    set %s.%s %s\n', loc, name, variations)
            if hasattr(param, 'labels'):
                labels = ':'.join(param.labels)
                s += sprintf('    label %s.%s %s\n', loc, name, labels)
    return s
예제 #10
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_cables(area):
    s = sprintf('  # cables\n')
    for cable in area.cables:
        source, dest = cable.source, cable.dest
        smod, dmod = source.module, dest.module
        stype, dtype = smod.type, dmod.type
        sname = source.type.name.lower()
        dname = dest.type.name.lower()
        sloc = module_loc(smod)
        dloc = module_loc(dmod)
        t = sprintf('connect %s.%s %s.%s', sloc, sname, dloc, dname)
        u = sprintf('# %s -%s %s', stype.shortnm, '->'[source.direction],
        s += sprintf('  %-35s %s\n', t, u)
    return s
예제 #11
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_cables(area):
  s = sprintf('  # cables\n')
  for cable in area.cables:
    source, dest = cable.source, cable.dest
    smod, dmod = source.module, dest.module
    stype, dtype = smod.type, dmod.type
    sname = source.type.name.lower()
    dname = dest.type.name.lower()
    sloc = module_loc(smod)
    dloc = module_loc(dmod)
    t = sprintf('connect %s.%s %s.%s', sloc, sname, dloc, dname)
    u = sprintf('# %s -%s %s', stype.shortnm,
        '->'[source.direction], dtype.shortnm)
    s += sprintf('  %-35s %s\n', t, u)
  return s
예제 #12
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_midicc(patch):
    s = sprintf('\n# midicc\n')
    for ctrl in patch.ctrls:
        index = ctrl.param.index
        area = {
            0: 'fx',
            1: 'voice',
            2: 'settings'
        if ctrl.param.module.area.index != 2:
            loc = module_loc(ctrl.param.module)
            t = sprintf('%s.%s', loc, ctrl.param.type.name.lower())
            t = format_settings_param(ctrl.param)
        s += sprintf('midicc %2d %s\n', ctrl.midicc, t)
    return s
예제 #13
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_modes(module, loc):
    s = ''
    if hasattr(module, 'modes') and len(module.modes):
        for m, mode in enumerate(module.modes):
            mtype = module.type.modes[m]
            name = mtype.name.lower()
            s += sprintf('    mode %s.%s %s\n', loc, name, mode.value)
    return s
예제 #14
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_modes(module, loc):
  s = ''
  if hasattr(module, 'modes') and len(module.modes):
    for m, mode in enumerate(module.modes):
      mtype = module.type.modes[m]
      name = mtype.name.lower()
      s += sprintf('    mode %s.%s %s\n', loc, name, mode.value)
  return s
예제 #15
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_modules(area):
    s = sprintf('  # modules\n')
    modules = area.modules[:]

    def by_position(a, b):
        x = cmp(a.horiz, b.horiz)
        if x:
            return x
        return cmp(a.vert, b.vert)

    last_vert = -1
    last_horiz = -1
    last_col = -1
    last_color = -1
    for module in modules:
        # handle location/color
        if module.horiz != last_col:
            s += sprintf('  column %s\n' % chr(ord('a') + module.horiz))
            last_vert = 0
        last_col = module.horiz
        sep = module.vert - last_vert
        if sep > module.type.height:
            s += sprintf('  separate %d\n', sep - module.type.height)
        if module.color != last_color:
            s += sprintf('  modulecolor %s\n',
        last_color = module.color
        # print module
        loc = module_loc(module)
        module.loc = loc
        name = module.name
        if name == '':
            name = "''"
        s += sprintf('  add %s %s %s\n', module.type.shortnm.lower(), loc,
        name = name.lower()
        last_vert = module.vert
        last_horiz = module.horiz

        s += format_modes(module, loc)
        s += format_params(module, loc)
    return s
예제 #16
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_modules(area):
  s = sprintf('  # modules\n')
  modules = area.modules[:]
  def by_position(a, b):
    x = cmp(a.horiz, b.horiz)
    if x:
      return x
    return cmp(a.vert, b.vert)
  last_vert = -1
  last_horiz = -1
  last_col = -1
  last_color = -1
  for module in modules:
    # handle location/color
    if module.horiz != last_col:
      s += sprintf('  column %s\n' % chr(ord('a')+module.horiz))
      last_vert = 0
    last_col = module.horiz
    sep = module.vert - last_vert
    if sep > module.type.height:
      s += sprintf('  separate %d\n', sep - module.type.height)
    if module.color != last_color:
      s += sprintf('  modulecolor %s\n', g2modulecolors.name(module.color))
    last_color = module.color
    # print module
    loc = module_loc(module)
    module.loc = loc
    name = module.name
    if name == '':
      name = "''"
    s += sprintf('  add %s %s %s\n', module.type.shortnm.lower(), loc, name)
    name = name.lower()
    last_vert = module.vert
    last_horiz = module.horiz

    s += format_modes(module, loc)
    s += format_params(module, loc)
  return s
예제 #17
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_description(patch):
  s = sprintf('# description\n')
  description = patch.description
  s += sprintf('setting category %s\n', g2categories[description.category])
  s += sprintf('setting voices %d\n', description.voices)
  s += sprintf('setting height %d\n', description.height)
  s += sprintf('setting monopoly %d\n', description.monopoly)
  s += sprintf('setting variation %d\n', description.variation+1)
  x = [ description.red, description.blue, description.yellow,
        description.orange, description.green, description.purple,
        description.white ]
  colors = ''.join(['rbyogpw'[i] for i in range(len(x)) if x[i]])
  s += sprintf('setting cables %s\n', colors)
  return s
예제 #18
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_description(patch):
    s = sprintf('# description\n')
    description = patch.description
    s += sprintf('setting category %s\n', g2categories[description.category])
    s += sprintf('setting voices %d\n', description.voices)
    s += sprintf('setting height %d\n', description.height)
    s += sprintf('setting monopoly %d\n', description.monopoly)
    s += sprintf('setting variation %d\n', description.variation + 1)
    x = [
        description.red, description.blue, description.yellow,
        description.orange, description.green, description.purple,
    colors = ''.join(['rbyogpw'[i] for i in range(len(x)) if x[i]])
    s += sprintf('setting cables %s\n', colors)
    return s
예제 #19
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_settings_param(param):
    if param.module.index < 2:  # morph
        return sprintf('morph.%d.%s', (param.index & 7) + 1,
        return sprintf('setting.%s', param.name.lower())
예제 #20
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_morphs(patch):
  settings = patch.settings
  s = sprintf('\n# morphs\n')
  s += '# morphs per variation: '
  for morphmap in settings.morphmaps:
    s += sprintf('%d ', len(morphmap))
  s += '\n'
  s += sprintf('# label morph.<morph> <label>\n')
  s += sprintf('# set morph.<morph>.dial <variations>\n')
  s += sprintf('# set morph.<morph>.mode <variations>\n')
  s += sprintf('#  add morph.<morph> <variation> <area>.<loc>.<param> <range>\n')
  morphs = settings.morphs
  for i, morph in enumerate(morphs, 1):
    s += sprintf('label morph.%d %s\n', i, morph.label)
  for i, morph in enumerate(morphs, 1):
    variations = clean_variations(morph.dial.variations)
    t = ' '.join(map(lambda a: '%d' % a, variations))
    s += sprintf('set morph.%d.dial %s\n', i, t)
    variations = clean_variations(morph.mode.variations)
    t = ' '.join(map(lambda a: '%d' % a, variations))
    s += sprintf('set morph.%d.mode %s\n', i, t)

  for i, morph in enumerate(morphs, 1):
    maps = morph.maps
    for variation in range(len(maps)):
      if not len(maps[variation]):
      for mmap in maps[variation]:
        param = mmap.param
        loc = module_loc(param.module)
        index = mmap.morph.dial.index
        area = ['fx', 'voice', 'settings'][param.module.area.index]
        t = sprintf('%s.%s.%s ', area, loc, param.type.name.lower())
        t += sprintf('%d ' % mmap.range)
        s += sprintf('  add morph.%d %d %s\n', index, variation, t)

  return s
예제 #21
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_knob_location(location):
    row = location / 24
    col = ((location / 8) % 3) + 1
    knob = (location & 7) + 1
    names = ['osc', 'lfo', 'env', 'filter', 'effect']
    return sprintf('%s%d.%d', 'abcde'[row], col, knob), names[row]
예제 #22
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_knob_location(location):
  row = location / 24
  col = ((location / 8 ) % 3) + 1
  knob = (location & 7) + 1
  names = ['osc', 'lfo', 'env', 'filter', 'effect']
  return sprintf('%s%d.%d', 'abcde'[row], col, knob), names[row]
예제 #23
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_settings_param(param):
  if param.module.index < 2: # morph
    return sprintf('morph.%d.%s', (param.index & 7) + 1, param.name.lower())
    return sprintf('setting.%s', param.name.lower())
예제 #24
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_morphs(patch):
    settings = patch.settings
    s = sprintf('\n# morphs\n')
    s += '# morphs per variation: '
    for morphmap in settings.morphmaps:
        s += sprintf('%d ', len(morphmap))
    s += '\n'
    s += sprintf('# label morph.<morph> <label>\n')
    s += sprintf('# set morph.<morph>.dial <variations>\n')
    s += sprintf('# set morph.<morph>.mode <variations>\n')
    s += sprintf(
        '#  add morph.<morph> <variation> <area>.<loc>.<param> <range>\n')
    morphs = settings.morphs
    for i, morph in enumerate(morphs, 1):
        s += sprintf('label morph.%d %s\n', i, morph.label)
    for i, morph in enumerate(morphs, 1):
        variations = clean_variations(morph.dial.variations)
        t = ' '.join(map(lambda a: '%d' % a, variations))
        s += sprintf('set morph.%d.dial %s\n', i, t)
        variations = clean_variations(morph.mode.variations)
        t = ' '.join(map(lambda a: '%d' % a, variations))
        s += sprintf('set morph.%d.mode %s\n', i, t)

    for i, morph in enumerate(morphs, 1):
        maps = morph.maps
        for variation in range(len(maps)):
            if not len(maps[variation]):
            for mmap in maps[variation]:
                param = mmap.param
                loc = module_loc(param.module)
                index = mmap.morph.dial.index
                area = ['fx', 'voice', 'settings'][param.module.area.index]
                t = sprintf('%s.%s.%s ', area, loc, param.type.name.lower())
                t += sprintf('%d ' % mmap.range)
                s += sprintf('  add morph.%d %d %s\n', index, variation, t)

    return s
예제 #25
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
def format_netlist(area):
    s = sprintf('  # %s netlist\n', area.name)
    for net in area.netlist.nets:
        s += sprintf('# %s\n', area.netlist.nettos(net))
    return s
예제 #26
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
def format_netlist(area):
  s = sprintf('  # %s netlist\n', area.name)
  for net in area.netlist.nets:
    s += sprintf('# %s\n', area.netlist.nettos(net))
  return s
예제 #27
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: msg/g2ools
        param = mmap.param
        loc = module_loc(param.module)
        index = mmap.morph.dial.index
        area = ['fx', 'voice', 'settings'][param.module.area.index]
        t = sprintf('%s.%s.%s ', area, loc, param.type.name.lower())
        t += sprintf('%d ' % mmap.range)
        s += sprintf('  add morph.%d %d %s\n', index, variation, t)

  return s

def format_patch(patch):
  s = format_description(patch)
  s += format_settings(patch)
  if len(patch.voice.modules):
    s += format_area(patch.voice)
  if len(patch.fx.modules):
    s += format_area(patch.fx)
  s += format_knobs(patch)
  s += format_midicc(patch)
  s += format_morphs(patch)
  return s

if __name__ == '__main__':
  prog = sys.argv.pop(0)
  while len(sys.argv):
    filename = sys.argv.pop(0)
    pch = Pch2File(filename)
    s = sprintf('# %s\n', filename) + format_patch(pch.patch)
    printf("%s\n", s)

예제 #28
파일: pch2tog2.py 프로젝트: redpola/g2ools
                loc = module_loc(param.module)
                index = mmap.morph.dial.index
                area = ['fx', 'voice', 'settings'][param.module.area.index]
                t = sprintf('%s.%s.%s ', area, loc, param.type.name.lower())
                t += sprintf('%d ' % mmap.range)
                s += sprintf('  add morph.%d %d %s\n', index, variation, t)

    return s

def format_patch(patch):
    s = format_description(patch)
    s += format_settings(patch)
    if len(patch.voice.modules):
        s += format_area(patch.voice)
    if len(patch.fx.modules):
        s += format_area(patch.fx)
    s += format_knobs(patch)
    s += format_midicc(patch)
    s += format_morphs(patch)
    return s

if __name__ == '__main__':
    prog = sys.argv.pop(0)
    while len(sys.argv):
        filename = sys.argv.pop(0)
        pch = Pch2File(filename)
        s = sprintf('# %s\n', filename) + format_patch(pch.patch)
        printf("%s\n", s)