def approx_pred_mean_var(self, i, j):
        mean = self.mean
        cov = self.cov
        us = self.u[:, i]
        vs = self.v[:, j]

        mn = (mean[us] * mean[vs] + cov[us, vs]).sum()
        var = exp_dotprod_sq(self.u, self.v, mean, cov, i, j) - mn**2
        return mn, var
    def approx_pred_mean_var(self, i, j):
        mean = self.mean
        cov = self.cov
        us = self.u[:, i]
        vs = self.v[:, j]

        mn = (mean[us] * mean[vs] + cov[us, vs]).sum()
        var = exp_dotprod_sq(self.u, self.v, mean, cov, i, j) - mn**2
        return mn, var
    def pred_variance(self, ij):
        The variance in our prediction for R_ij, according to the current
        i, j = ij

        mean = self.mean
        cov = self.cov
        us = self.u[:, i]
        vs = self.v[:, j]

        return (
            # E[ (U_i^T V_j)^2 ]
            exp_dotprod_sq(self.u, self.v, mean, cov, i, j)

            # - E[U_i^T V_j] ^ 2
            - (mean[us] * mean[vs] + cov[us, vs]).sum()**2)
예제 #4
def test_exp_dotprod_sq():
    n = 1
    m = 1
    d = 3
    k = (n + m) * d
    u = np.arange(0, n * d).reshape(n, d).T
    v = np.arange(n * d, (n+m) * d).reshape(m, d).T
    for i in range(NUM_TIMES):
        mn = np.random.normal(0, 10, (k,))
        cov = project_psd(np.random.normal(0, 5, (k,k)), 1e-5)
        samps = np.random.multivariate_normal(mn, cov, NUM_SAMPS)

        monte = _mean([u[:,0]], x[v[:,0]])**2 for x in samps)
        exp1 = pure.exp_dotprod_sq(u, v, mn, cov, 0, 0)
        exp2 = cyth.exp_dotprod_sq(u, v, mn, cov, 0, 0)

        assert exp1 - exp2 < 1e-7
        assert abs(monte - exp1) / exp1 < .02, "%r - %r" % (monte, exp1)
    def pred_variance(self, ij):
        The variance in our prediction for R_ij, according to the current
        i, j = ij

        mean = self.mean
        cov = self.cov
        us = self.u[:, i]
        vs = self.v[:, j]

        return (
            # E[ (U_i^T V_j)^2 ]
            exp_dotprod_sq(self.u, self.v, mean, cov, i, j)

            # - E[U_i^T V_j] ^ 2
            - (mean[us] * mean[vs] + cov[us, vs]).sum() ** 2