예제 #1
def get_required_rows_from_stock_flow():
	f = 'rzrq.xls'
	f1 = 'other_rzrq.xls'
	if os.path.isfile(f) and not os.path.isfile(f1):	
		df = normalize.parse_file(f)
		is_stock_in = df[u'买卖标志'] == u'担保划入'
		df[u'成交编号'] = df[u'成交编号'].astype(unicode)
		is_stock_in1 = df[u'成交编号'] == u'担保品提交'
		is_stock_in11 = df[u'成交编号'] == u'担保物提交'
		is_1 = is_stock_in & (is_stock_in1 | is_stock_in11)
		is_2 = df[u'买卖标志'] == u'红股入账'
		df[u'成交日期'] = df[u'成交日期'].astype(unicode)
		return df[is_1 | is_2]
	elif os.path.isfile(f1):
		print f1
		df = normalize.parse_file(f1)
		is_stock_in = df[u'交易类别'] == u'担保划入'
		is_stock_in1 = df[u'交易类别'] == u'送股'
		is_stock_in2 = df[u'交易类别'] == u'托管转入'
		df1 = df[is_stock_in | is_stock_in1 | is_stock_in2].copy()
		df1.rename(columns={u'交易类别':u'买卖标志'}, inplace=True)
		return df1

		print 'no stock flow file, skip...'
		return None
예제 #2
파일: merge.py 프로젝트: imagebody/ulopark
def merge(f1, f2):
	bf1 = f1[:f1.rfind('.')]
	bf2 = f2[:f2.rfind('.')]
	of1 = normalize.process(f1, bf1)
	of2 = normalize.process(f2, bf2)
	df1 = normalize.parse_file(of1)
	df2 = normalize.parse_file(of2)

	df_all = pd.concat([df1, df2])
	#df_all['old index'] = df_all.index
	df_all = df_all.reset_index()
	df_all.to_excel('tmp_merged.xls', encoding='gbk')
예제 #3
def merge_rzrq_cash_and_stock_flow():
	cash_flow_records = get_required_rows_from_cash_flow()
	if cash_flow_records is None:
		return ''

	f1 = 'rzrq.xls'
	stock_flow_records = normalize.parse_file(f1)
	stock_flow_records[u'证券代码'] = u''
	for i, row in stock_flow_records.iterrows():
		stock_name = row[u'证券名称']
		if type(stock_name) is float and math.isnan(stock_name):
			stock_code = get_stock_code(stock_name)
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'证券代码'] = stock_code
			stock_number = abs(row[u'成交数量'])
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'成交数量'] = stock_number

	#stock_flow_records[u'成交日期'] = stock_flow_records[u'成交日期'].astype(int)
	stock_flow_records['index'] = stock_flow_records.index
	cash_flow_records['index'] = cash_flow_records.index
	merged_flow_records = pd.concat([stock_flow_records, cash_flow_records])
	sm = merged_flow_records.sort([u'成交日期', 'index']).reset_index()
	rtn_file = u'华泰融资融券账户_merged.xls'
	sm.to_excel(rtn_file, encoding='gbk')
	return rtn_file
예제 #4
def get_required_rows_from_cash_flow():
	f = 'huatai_rzrq_cash_flow.xls'
	if not os.path.isfile(f):
		print 'no huatai cash flow file, skip ...'
		return (None, 0)
	flow_records = normalize.parse_file(f)
	flow_records.rename(columns={u'日期':u'成交日期', u'资金余额':u'本次金额'}, inplace=True)
	flow_records = flow_records.fillna(0)
	flow_records[u'发生金额'] = flow_records[u'借方(收入)'] - flow_records[u'贷方(支出)']
	flow_records['need_merge'] = False

	for i,row in flow_records.iterrows():
		zhaiyao = row[u'摘要']
		if re.match(match_stock, zhaiyao):
			result = re.match(match_stock, zhaiyao)
			operation = result.group(1)
			stock_code = result.group(2)
			stock_name = result.group(3)
			save_stock_name_code(stock_name, stock_code)
			#print operation,type(stock_code),stock_code,type(stock_name),stock_name
		elif re.match(match_bank, zhaiyao):
			result = re.match(match_bank, zhaiyao)
			operation = result.group(1)
			flow_records.loc[i, u'摘要'] = operation
			flow_records.loc[i, 'need_merge'] = True
		elif zhaiyao in [u'直接偿还融资利息', u'卖券偿还融资负债', u'卖券偿还融资利息', u'直接偿还融资负债', u'直接偿还融资费用', u'融资借款', u'卖券偿还融资费用', u'买券偿还融券利息', u'利息归本', u'股息红利税补缴']:
			flow_records.loc[i, 'need_merge'] = True
			print 'unknown row: %s' % row

	df = flow_records[flow_records['need_merge']==True].copy()
	df[u'发生金额'] = df[u'借方(收入)'] - df[u'贷方(支出)']
	return df
예제 #5
def merge_cash_stock_flow():
	f1 = 'normal.xls'
	stock_flow_records = normalize.parse_file(f1)
	for i, row in stock_flow_records.iterrows():
		if u'成交编号' not in row.index:
			print row
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'其他' and row[u'成交编号'] == u'股息差别税':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'股息差别税'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'转托' and row[u'成交编号'] == u'转托管转入':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'股份转入'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'ETF申购' and row[u'成交编号'] == u'现金替代差额':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'ETF申购现金替代差额'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'托管转入' and row[u'成交编号'] == u'上市流通':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'新股上市流通'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'托管转出' and row[u'成交编号'] == u'上市转出':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'新股上市转出'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'股票回购':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'东兴股票质押融资'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'股票购回':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'东兴股票质押解除'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'直接还款':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'申购扣款'
		if row[u'委托类别'] == u'缴款' and row[u'成交编号'] == u'配股认购':
			stock_flow_records.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'配股认购'	

	stock_flow_records.rename(columns={u'成交编号':u'摘要'}, inplace=True)
	(cash_flow_records, init_cash) = get_required_rows_from_cash_flow()
	if cash_flow_records is None:
		return ''
	cash_flow_records[u'成交日期'] = cash_flow_records[u'成交日期'].astype(int)
	stock_flow_records[u'成交日期'] = stock_flow_records[u'成交日期'].astype(int)
	merged_flow_records = pd.concat([cash_flow_records, stock_flow_records])

	sm = merged_flow_records.sort([u'成交日期', u'成交时间']).reset_index()

	if pd.isnull( sm.iloc[0][u'剩余金额'] ):
		actual_amount = 0
		if not pd.isnull( sm.iloc[0][u'发生金额'] ):
			actual_amount = float(sm.iloc[0][u'发生金额']) 
			sm.loc[0, u'发生金额'] = 0	
		sm.loc[0, u'剩余金额'] = init_cash + actual_amount
	sm.rename(columns={u'摘要':u'东兴摘要'}, inplace=True)
	rtn_file = u'东兴普通账户_merged.xls'
	sm.to_excel(rtn_file, encoding='gbk')
	return rtn_file
예제 #6
def pre_process_cash_flow():
	f = 'dongxing_rzrq_cash_flow.xls'
	df = normalize.parse_file(f)
	init_cash = get_init_cash_from_cash_flow(df.iloc[0])

	df[u'证券代码'] = ''
	df[u'证券名称'] = ''
	df[u'成交价格'] = 0
	df[u'成交数量'] = 0

	for i, row in df.iterrows():
		parse_operation(i, row, df)

	return (df, init_cash)
예제 #7
def get_required_rows_from_cash_flow():
	f = 'dongxing_normal_cash_flow.xls'
	if not os.path.isfile(f):
		print 'no cash flow file, skip ...'
		return (None, 0)
	flow_records = normalize.parse_file(f)
	init_cash = get_init_cash_from_cash_flow(flow_records.iloc[0])

	del flow_records[u'币种']
	is_be0100 = flow_records[u'摘要'].str.contains('BE0100')
	is_interest_in = flow_records[u'摘要'].str.contains(u'结息入账,积数:')
	is_bank_transfer = flow_records[u'摘要'].str.contains(u'银行转帐转')

	df = flow_records[is_be0100 | is_interest_in | is_bank_transfer].copy()
	df[u'证券代码'] = ''
	df[u'证券名称'] = ''
	df[u'成交价格'] = 0
	df[u'成交数量'] = 0
	for i, row in df.iterrows():
		zhaiyao = row[u'摘要']
		if zhaiyao.find('BE0100') != -1:
			df.loc[i, u'证券代码'] = u'BE0100'
			df.loc[i, u'证券名称'] = u'现金宝'
			actual_amount = row[u'发生金额']
			df.loc[i, u'成交价格'] = 1
			if re.match(match_be0100_buy, zhaiyao):
				df.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'买入'
				df.loc[i, u'成交数量'] = -actual_amount
			elif re.match(match_be0100_sell, zhaiyao):
				df.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'卖出'
				df.loc[i, u'成交数量'] = -actual_amount
			elif re.search(match_be0100_hongli, zhaiyao):
				df.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'红利'
				print '!!! error unknown zhaiyao %s ' % zhaiyao
		elif zhaiyao.find(u'结息入账,积数:') != -1:
			df.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'利息归本'
		elif zhaiyao.find(u'银行转帐转入') != -1:
			df.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'银行转入' 
		elif zhaiyao.find(u'银行转帐转出') != -1:
			df.loc[i, u'委托类别'] = u'银行转出' 
			print '!!!! unknown row %s' % row	
	return (df, init_cash)
예제 #8
def test():
	f = 'huatai_rzrq_cash_flow.xls'
	if not os.path.isfile(f):
		print 'no huatai cash flow file, skip ...'
		return (None, 0)
	flow_records = normalize.parse_file(f)
	flow_records['is_stock'] = False
	for i,row in flow_records.iterrows():
		zhaiyao = row[u'摘要']
		if re.match(match_stock, zhaiyao):
			result = re.match(match_stock, zhaiyao)
			operation = result.group(1)
			stock_code = result.group(2)
			stock_name = result.group(3)
			flow_records.loc[i, 'is_stock'] = True

	is_stock = flow_records['is_stock'] == True
	df = flow_records[is_stock]
	df.to_excel('is_stock.xls', encoding='gbk')