예제 #1
def main():
    inputim = imread("tiananmen.jpg")
    row, col, _ = inputim.shape
    t1 = np.load("tiananmen.npy")
    maxX = np.max(t1[0, :])
    maxY = np.max(t1[1, :])
    minX = np.min(t1[0, :])
    minY = np.min(t1[1, :])
    t2 = np.array([[0, maxX - minX, 0, maxX - minX],
                   [0, 0, maxY - minY, maxY - minY]])
    row, col = t1.shape
    t1_1 = np.ones((row + 1, col))
    t2_1 = np.ones((row + 1, col))
    t1_1[:-1, :] = t1
    t2_1[:-1, :] = t2
    H = computeH.computeH(t1, t2)
    warped = np.dot(H, t1_1)
    warped = normalizeHomogeneous.normalizeHomogeneous(warped)
    rectifyIm = rectifyImage(inputim, t1_1, H)

    plt.title("rectify image_tiananmen")
    rectifyIm = np.array(rectifyIm, np.int32)
예제 #2
def main():
    #for wdc
    #for crops
    t1 = np.load("cc1.npy")
    t2 = np.load("cc2.npy")
    #for keble
    row, col = t1.shape  # 2*N
    # homogeneous coordinate
    t1_1 = np.ones((row + 1, col))
    t2_1 = np.ones((row + 1, col))
    t1_1[:-1, :] = t1
    t2_1[:-1, :] = t2
    H = computeH(t1, t2)
    t1_result = np.dot(H, t1_1)
    t1_result = normalizeHomogeneous.normalizeHomogeneous(t1_result)
    im2 = imread("crop2.jpg")
    plt.title("Pairs in wdc")
    plt.scatter(t1_result[0, :], t1_result[1, :], s=1, c='b')
    plt.scatter(t2[0], t2[1], s=1, c='r')

예제 #3
def warpImage(inputIm, refIm, H):
    hInput, wInput, _ = inputIm.shape
    hRef, wRef, _ = refIm.shape
    corners = np.array([[1, 1, wInput, wInput], [1, hInput, 1, hInput],
                        [1, 1, 1, 1]])
    cornersWarped = np.dot(H, corners)
    cornersWarped = normalizeHomogeneous.normalizeHomogeneous(cornersWarped)
    x_min = np.min(cornersWarped[0, :])
    x_max = np.max(cornersWarped[0, :])
    y_min = np.min(cornersWarped[1, :])
    y_max = np.max(cornersWarped[1, :])
    width = np.int(np.ceil(x_max - x_min))
    hight = np.int(np.ceil(y_max - y_min))
    warpIm = np.zeros((hight * width, 3))
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)

    xx = np.arange(x_min, x_max)
    yy = np.arange(y_min, y_max)
    [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
    tmp = np.ones((1, X.shape[0] * X.shape[1]))
    tmpX = X.reshape(1, -1)
    pointsProjected = np.vstack((X.reshape(1, -1), Y.reshape(1, -1), tmp))
    pointsSorce = np.dot(Hinv, pointsProjected)
    pointsSorce = normalizeHomogeneous.normalizeHomogeneous(pointsSorce)

    xr = pointsSorce[0, :]
    xr = xr.astype(np.int)
    yr = pointsSorce[1, :]
    yr = yr.astype(np.int)

    for i in range(0, width * hight):
        if (xr[i] >= 1 and yr[i] >= 1 and xr[i] < wInput and yr[i] < hInput):
            for c in range(0, 3):
                warpIm[i, c] = inputIm[yr[i], xr[i], c]

    warpIm = np.reshape(warpIm, (hight, width, 3))

    offsetX = 1
    offsetY = 1

    if (y_min < 1):
        offsetY = np.int(round(np.abs(y_min)))
    if (x_min < 1):
        offsetX = np.int(round(np.abs(x_min)))

    canvas = np.zeros((np.int(hRef + offsetY), np.int(wRef + offsetX), 3))
    canvas = canvas.astype(np.int32)
    #print( canvas[offsetY:,offsetX:,:].shape)
    canvas[offsetY:, offsetX:, :] = refIm
    mergeIm = warpIm.copy()
    r, c, _ = canvas.shape
    for i in range(0, r):
        for j in range(0, c):
            if (i < hight and j < width):
                if (canvas[i, j, 1] != 0 and canvas[i, j, 2] != 0
                        and canvas[i, j, 0] != 0):
                    mergeIm[i, j, :] = canvas[i, j, :]
    #mergeIm = np.array(mergeIm, np.int32)

    return warpIm, mergeIm
예제 #4
def rectifyImage(inputIm, corners, H):
    input_x = inputIm.shape[0]
    input_y = inputIm.shape[1]
    #ref_x = refIm.shape[0]
    #ref_y = refIm.shape[1]
    #corners = np.array([[0, input_y - 1, 0, input_y - 1], [0, 0, input_x - 1, input_x - 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]])
    cornersWarped = np.dot(H, corners)
    cornersWarped = normalizeHomogeneous.normalizeHomogeneous(cornersWarped)
    x_min = min(cornersWarped[0, :])
    x_max = max(cornersWarped[0, :])
    y_min = min(cornersWarped[1, :])
    y_max = max(cornersWarped[1, :])
    print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
    # boundary points
    point1 = min(x_min, 0)
    point2 = x_max
    point3 = min(y_min, 0)
    point4 = y_max
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)
    # initial
    width = np.int(math.ceil(x_max - point1) - 1)
    height = np.int(math.ceil(y_max - point3) - 1)
    warpIm = np.zeros((height, width, 3))
    mergeIm = warpIm.copy()
    row = []
    col = []
    k = 0
    for i in range(np.int(point1), np.int(point2)):
    for j in range(np.int(point3), np.int(point4)):
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(row, col)
    box = np.column_stack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel()))
    result_box = (np.append(box, np.ones((len(box), 1)), axis=1)).T
    for i in range(np.int(point3), np.int(point4)):
        for j in range(np.int(point1), np.int(point2)):
            if (len(result_box.T) > k):
                tmp = result_box.T[k]
                inv = np.matmul(Hinv, tmp)
                input_col = inv[0] / inv[2]
                input_row = inv[1] / inv[2]
                k = k + 1
            if (0 < input_row and 0 < input_col and input_row < input_x - 1
                    and input_col < input_y - 1):
                r = np.int(input_row)
                c = np.int(input_col)
                tmp1 = input_row - r
                tmp2 = input_col - c
                warpIm_r = np.int(i - point3)
                warpIm_c = np.int(j - point1)
                mergeIm_r = np.int(i - point3)
                mergeIm_c = np.int(j - point1)
                # mapping warp
                warpIm[warpIm_r, warpIm_c] = (1 - tmp1) * (1 - tmp2) * inputIm[r][c] + tmp1 * (1 - tmp2) * inputIm[r][
                    c + 1] \
                                             + tmp1 * tmp2 * inputIm[r + 1][c + 1] + (1 - tmp1) * tmp2 * inputIm[r + 1][
                # mapping merge
            # mergeIm[mergeIm_r, mergeIm_c] = (1 - tmp1) * (1 - tmp2) * inputIm[r][c] + tmp1 * (1 - tmp2) * \
            #                                 inputIm[r][c + 1] \
            #                                 + tmp1 * tmp2 * inputIm[r + 1][c + 1] + (1 - tmp1) * tmp2 * \
            #                                 inputIm[r + 1][c]

    return warpIm