def xml2note(self, load_data=True): '''Create a note from a xml file.''' if load_data: self.load_xml() note_xml = self.notes.find('note') ch_xml = note_xml.find('channel_notes') general_xml = note_xml.find('general_notes') text_xml = note_xml.find('log') elements = ch_xml.getchildren() ch_dict = {} for e in elements: ch_dict[e.tag] = e.text elements = general_xml.getchildren() general_dict = {} for e in elements: general_dict[e.tag] = e.text log_xml = note_xml.find('log') elements = log_xml.getchildren() logs_dict = {} for i, e in enumerate(elements): if i == len(elements) - 1: note = e.text logs_dict[e.tag] = e.text elements = 'name,annotation_type,note_type,created,last_edited,coder'.split( ',') element_values = [] for e in elements: print(e) if note_xml.find(e).text: element_values.append(note_xml.find(e).text) else: element_values.append('') name, annotation_type, note_type, created, last_edited, coder = element_values self.note = notes.note(name=name, note=note, ch_notes=ch_dict, general_notes=general_dict, created=created, last_edited=last_edited, coder=coder, annotation_type=annotation_type, note_type=note_type, old_logs=logs_dict, try_load=False)
def output(userinput): # setting the name of the user to their saved configuration (if file exist) read_config() # preserving the input before splitting it rawinput = userinput try: # I separated the basic_tasks and the search function to ease the management of the codes # it was confusing as heck before I split them into their own respective functions. init = basic_tasks(userinput) if init != '': return None, init else: pass # I also separated the weather input so that it's easier to manage weather_check = wt.check_userinput(userinput) if weather_check[0] >= 3: this_list = new_string = f'The current weather of {this_list[0]}, {this_list[1]} is {this_list[5]}, with the temperature of {this_list[2]}°C/{this_list[3]}°F' print(this_list) print(new_string) return wt.voice_output_weather(new_string), this_list else: pass # also the time check_time = day.check_userinput(userinput) if type(check_time) == str: voice_asis = day.voice_output_time(check_time) return None, voice_asis else: if check_time >= 2: time = day.day_now() print(time[0]) return day.voice_output_time(time[0]), time else: pass # also the note check_note = notes.check_userinput(userinput) if check_note[0] >= 3: if check_note[-1] == 'view': note = notes.note(input_check_result=check_note, input=userinput) if 'Here is your note' in note[-1].split(':'): voice('Here is your note.') else: voice('No notes found.') return note elif check_note[-1] == 'make': note = notes.note(input_check_result=check_note, input=userinput) if 'Done' in note[-1].split('!'): voice('Done! Your note has been created.') else: voice('No notes found.') return note elif check_note[-1] == 'edit': return voice(f'Sorry, this feature is not supported yet' ), 'Not supported yet.' elif check_note[-1] == 'delete': note = notes.delete_note() if note[-1] == 'Note successfully deleted': voice('Done!') else: voice('No notes found.') return note else: pass else: pass # and the apps. very limited atm open_app = apps.check_userinput(userinput) if open_app[0] >= 3: if open_app[-1] == 'open': try: os.startfile(num.applications[open_app[1]]) return voice(f'Starting {open_app[1]}' ), f'Starting {open_app[1].capitalize()}...' except KeyError as err: print(err) return voice("App is not supported yet" ), f'App is not supported yet' elif open_app[-1] == 'close': dbl_backslash = '\\' app = num.applications[open_app[1]].rfind(dbl_backslash) try: kill = os.system( f'TASKKILL /F /IM {num.applications[open_app[1]][app:].replace(dbl_backslash, "")}' ) if kill == 128: raise apps.AppNotFoundError(f'{open_app[1]}') if open_app[1] == 'explorer': os.startfile('explorer.exe') return voice(f'Closing {open_app[1]}' ), f'Closing {open_app[1].capitalize()}...' except apps.AppNotFoundError as err: print(err) return voice(f'{open_app[1]} is not running. See the tip for more information'),\ f'{open_app[1].capitalize()} is not running. You can start it by saying "start {open_app[1]}"' # system check (for shut down and restart) sys_check = system.check_input(userinput) if sys_check[0] >= 3: if sys_check[-1] == 'shutdown': return voice(f'Okay, the system will shut down in 5 seconds'),\ os.system('shutdown /s /t 10'), f'Shutting down system in 5 seconds...' elif sys_check[-1] == 'restart': return voice(f'Okay, the system will restart in 5 seconds'),\ os.system('shutdown /r /t 10'), f'Restarting system in 5 seconds...' # splitting the input to make it easier to manage. userinput = userinput.split() print(userinput) # checking whether the international_number keys is in userinput or not (see 'checking' library) def check_input(userinput): for items in userinput: if items in num.websites: return False else: pass for keys in num.international_number.keys(): if keys in userinput: return True else: pass return False # checking whether the international_number values is in userinput or not def check_input_2(userinput): for items in userinput: if items in num.websites: return False else: pass for values in num.international_number.values(): for digits in userinput: for each_digit in digits: if each_digit == str(values): return True else: pass return False # checking whether the international_operands item is in userinput or not def check_input_3(userinput): for items in userinput: if items in num.websites: return False else: pass for operand in num.international_operands: for operand_2 in userinput: if operand_2 == operand: return True else: pass return False # for calculating result inputted by the user using the wolfram API if check_input_3(userinput) and check_input( userinput) or check_input_3(userinput) and check_input_2( userinput): try: calculation = '' # this for loop is to re-construct the items inside the split 'userinput' into a new string, # wolfram doesn't accept list for items in userinput: calculation += items + ' ' app_id = 'AH3H6J-X2E9J7GRV3' client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) res = client.query(calculation) answer = next(res.results).text return voice_output_calculator( answer), f'the answer is {answer}' except: return voice_output_calculator( 'None' ), f'Sorry, your term did not bring up any calculation result. Please try again.' elif 'who' in userinput or 'what' in userinput or 'define' in userinput: header = { 'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,id-ID;q=0.8,id;q=0.7,zh-TW;q=0.6,zh-CN;q=0.5,zh;q=0.4,ja-JP;q=0.3,ja;q=0.2', 'cookie': 'CGIC=EhQxQzFDSFdMX2VuSUQ5MDJJRDkwMiKHAXRleHQvaHRtbCxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi94aHRtbCt4bWwsYXBwbGljYXRpb24veG1sO3E9MC45LGltYWdlL2F2aWYsaW1hZ2Uvd2VicCxpbWFnZS9hcG5nLCovKjtxPTAuOCxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9zaWduZWQtZXhjaGFuZ2U7dj1iMztxPTAuOQ; CONSENT=YES+ID.en+202004; OGPC=19022270-1:; SEARCH_SAMESITE=CgQIyZEB; SID=5gc_fzvC7ld4U-3DPbiZdOCyYdzIzieEtxU47HYhBYHbDxUwGfvbnETbq05rJeB0Y21Pdw.; __Secure-3PSID=5gc_fzvC7ld4U-3DPbiZdOCyYdzIzieEtxU47HYhBYHbDxUwvXFS3hrMrMTFKqLYDLgzdA.; HSID=A5iUgyphfucSjbKOO; SSID=AQ1BbmPS5Mt8G3EH7; APISID=cZzg5fr40eC8gTq1/AMJKcCib6RsfZ1vKY; SAPISID=Jp7fgDOt3axBtUnp/A3rSfLiBWDVaxFz1j; __Secure-3PAPISID=Jp7fgDOt3axBtUnp/A3rSfLiBWDVaxFz1j; ANID=AHWqTUkY4fCAmJvhTm5bEJTidemDLdOUftNUhygn0309rLQdQmeCibUPCk6wNMRn; OTZ=5802877_28_28__28_; NID=207=Ma74myQrby8mAAAHUVXhlLc84trJBQv5L8wOd9O4GAVAnelqDyNRbK7IV0PHWzgUtZA_hLg_HwJ7SAsBaIHNpVjHV3iKyQ9S-TBqFahYHZFwmdDzG1OIdLBjRkGWgzI2D7h11Tvx1UzCqhB8nVz52iRsOJAzw5E9KC0mNp4kIb6Akwsh3nEbMgx033EqLhc-03_Dfs9Czfy3p8xteb_CHFW80kFmqpIvTfBqHTNALUZFUVqmLpacCa1rOQdiNQV6rpq2Gd-0wRi1MA2p-ENq8OAw9AJqs_BhIARN_ui7ZuBw44QFgUxZ9b-7wjgBDG8d5FBi-eAmP_PGatm52HiigWrhB_FfPLSCDK63AJUrEKp0GdYziWsDR3mV1NsU6B7NDptQUeCm; 1P_JAR=2021-01-14-12; DV=czkrUL6j19dPwGsmhb-xJuUDSX0OcJc3mRwa6ZImqAAAAMBLUjyomhJKagAAAJA7uHL3LJt1HAAAAA; SIDCC=AJi4QfEOlVxJy8NFJF3vlfVuWBt5M5b93oS6ETRZgVUXs8-j8U8jkChuYObW-YplhopLpkBGCw; __Secure-3PSIDCC=AJi4QfE1rAuCEUH4TdOd1ktnYUt-OnEoXhByQz4hTT7RFQtfG-QnTKRQhTEv4SSq4FLxkGT5n38', 'referer': '', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'document', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'navigate', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'sec-fetch-user': '******', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1' } try: # i am going to use web-scraping using the BeautifulSoup module in this if statement so it can act as a # quick explanation to the user if they're lazy enough to read on the web. search = '' if len(userinput) > 1: for contents in userinput: if contents == 'what': search = 'define ' elif contents == 'who': search = 'who is ' elif contents == 'is': pass elif contents == 'if': search = 'what happens if ' elif contents == 'happened' or contents == 'happen' or contents == 'happens': search = 'what happened ' elif contents == 'can': search = 'what can ' elif contents == 'will': search = f'{userinput[0]} will ' else: search += f'{contents}+' # request to google using 'request' module > extract it to a html using beautifulsoup module > # prettify it google_search = requests.get( f'{search}', headers=header) soup = BeautifulSoup(google_search.text, 'html.parser') soup = soup.prettify() else: # the only difference with the above section is that if the user only inputted one keyword, # it will go to this section, otherwise it will go to above section search = userinput[-1] google_search = requests.get( f'{search}', headers=header) soup = BeautifulSoup(google_search.text, 'html.parser') soup = soup.prettify() # this is where the webscraping comes into play scraping = re.findall( r'<div class="BNeawe s3v9rd AP7Wnd">\n\s*(.*?)\n', soup) final_scrap = '' for items in scraping: # if statement to filter the result. It will pick the first longest sequence of letters. if len(items) > 50: # re to determine a special occasion (ex. title of a person on the first half of the sentence). # it is to prevent the program for cutting the sentence in that title of the person since the stopping # point is a period then a space. special_occs = re.findall(r'[A-Z][a-z]{0,3}\.', items) if special_occs == []: special_occs = '. ' else: pass final_scrap += items[:items.find( '. ', items.index(special_occs[-1]) + 2)] + '.' + '\n' break else: pass # calling the gTTS module which will read the scrapped text from the web webbrowser.open_new_tab( f'{search}') return voice_output_calculator(final_scrap), final_scrap except: voice_output_calculator('Error') return None, 'Sorry, your term did not bring up any result. Try simplifying the question.' elif userinput[0] or userinput[1] or userinput[2] or userinput[ -1] or userinput[-2] in num.predictions: # ada_pencarian is for the search term, penelusuran is for the search engine detection. if # both return False it'll go to the if statement below. ada_pencarian = re.findall(r'\s*(".+")\s*', rawinput) penelusuran = False # try to find the quotation marks inside the user input. user can use single quote marks to quote # stuff instead of using another double quote marks. try: ada_pencarian = re.findall( r'\s*(".+")\s*', rawinput)[0].replace('"', '') # for removing things in rawinput penelusuran = re.sub(ada_pencarian, '', rawinput).split() except Exception: pass # the if statement below is the old one without using the double quote marks. My friend tested my program # and wacky inputs such as 'how to implement youtube api search on stackoverflow' easily breaks it. line # 435 is the troublemaker, but can do nothing since it's a mandatory line. for that he suggested on # adding double quote marks for the search term. That's what I did here. The else statement does that. # everything is left as is to prevent any more errors from occurring. if not penelusuran: # search term search = '' # search engine, will be said by the assistant web = 'google' # the link for the search engine. defined each in the dictionary in the 'checking' module browse = '' # search check is for the special occasion for yt, yt music and stackoverflow since they can have spaces search_check = None if 'youtube' and 'music' in userinput or 'yt' and 'music' in userinput: browse = num.searches['youtube']['music'] web = 'youtube music' if 'play' in userinput: search_check = 'music' elif 'youtube' in userinput or 'yt' in userinput: browse = num.searches['youtube']['youtube'] web = 'youtube' if 'play' in userinput: search_check = 'youtube' elif 'stack' and 'overflow' in userinput or 'stackoverflow' in userinput: browse = num.searches['stackoverflow'] web = 'stackoverflow' else: for input in num.searches.keys(): if input in userinput: web = input browse = num.searches[web] break else: continue browse = num.searches[web] # these for loops below is for removing things from the search input # (such as the search engine name). for content in num.yt_case: if content in userinput: userinput.remove(content) # __ne__ is to delete things that are present in the list if it's present in the prediction list, # this is why the for loop is necessary for prediction in num.predictions: if prediction in userinput: if userinput[0] == 'is': pass else: userinput = list( filter(prediction.__ne__, userinput)) else: pass # appending the filtered result into a string for final_items in userinput: search += f'{final_items} ' # if the search_check isn't None, it'll open these websites below if search_check == 'youtube': yt = youtube.playonyt(search) return voice(yt[-1]), yt elif search_check == 'music': ytmusic = youtube.play_yt_music(search) return voice(ytmusic[-1]), ytmusic # else they open websites according to their respected variables. else: webbrowser.open_new_tab( f'{rawinput}') return voice_output_calculator( 'penelusuran = False'), f'Tip: input your search term wrapped in double quotation marks for a specific search engine ' \ f'as shown in the example -> Youtube "brofist". You can see the documentation for a ' \ f'complete list of supported search engines and what to do with them.' else: # initializing variables web = 'google' browse = '' search_check = None # a special case for youtube, yt music, stackoverflow and reddit because they're added last. if 'youtube' and 'music' in penelusuran or 'yt' and 'music' in penelusuran: browse = num.searches['youtube']['music'] web = 'youtube music' if 'play' in penelusuran: search_check = 'music' elif 'youtube' in penelusuran or 'yt' in penelusuran: browse = num.searches['youtube']['youtube'] web = 'youtube' if 'play' in penelusuran: search_check = 'youtube' elif 'stack' and 'overflow' in penelusuran or 'stackoverflow' in penelusuran: browse = num.searches['stackoverflow'] web = 'stackoverflow' elif 'reddit' in penelusuran: browse = num.searches['reddit'] web = 'reddit' else: for input in num.searches.keys(): if input in userinput: web = input browse = num.searches[web] break else: continue browse = num.searches[web] # i did this for loop as a failsafe method, and debugging at the same time. __ne__ is to delete all # occurring things that are present in the list if it's present in the prediction list, this is why # the for loop is necessary for prediction in penelusuran: if prediction in num.predictions: penelusuran = list( filter(prediction.__ne__, penelusuran)) else: pass # same as the old one, if search_check isn't None it'll open these below if search_check == 'youtube': yt = youtube.playonyt(ada_pencarian) return voice(yt[-1]), yt elif search_check == 'music': ytmusic = youtube.play_yt_music(ada_pencarian) return voice(ytmusic[-1]), ytmusic # else they'll open the search engines specified by the user with the search term else: webbrowser.open_new_tab(f'{browse}{ada_pencarian}') print(ada_pencarian) print(penelusuran) return voice( f'Okay, searching "{ada_pencarian}" on {web}' ), f'Okay, searching "{ada_pencarian}" on {web}' # failsafe method else: if 'google' in rawinput: rawinput.replace('google', '') webbrowser.open_new_tab( f'{rawinput}') # my brain exploded so i pass except: pass
def read_notes(exp): '''Read all notes of all block of all participants OBSOLETE. ''' names = read_names(exp) return [notes.note(name) for name in names]
def read_note(self): '''Read the note of the block, stating the usability of the block. ''' self.n = notes.note(
def handle_note(self): # plt.close(self.fig) n = notes.note(windower.make_name(self.b),annotation_type='channels') n.edit() self.handle_plot(force_redraw=True)