def test_NotesApplication_edit2(self):
     """Tests if the delete method \
     returns False \
     when the list is empty.\
     edit2 = NotesApplication('John')
     self.assertEqual(False, edit2.edit(3, "Great"),
                      msg="Sorry list is empty")
 def test_NotesApplication_edit(self):
     """Tests if the edit method \
     returns True \
     when a note is successfully edited.\
     edit = NotesApplication('John')
         "Noted edited successfully!", edit.edit(0, "Wonderful!"))
		def test_edit_invalid_index1(self):
			author_notes = NotesApplication('New Author', ["Test Content1", "Test Content2", "Test Content3"])
			author_notes.edit(-3, "Test Content4")
			notes_result = author_notes.list()
			self.assertTrue(notes_result, msg='Delete should return True for a negative Invalid Index')