예제 #1
 def __init__(self, cell_name, is_me=False):
     self.name = cell_name
     self.is_me = is_me
     self.last_seen = datetime.datetime.min
     self.capabilities = {}
     self.capacities = {}
     self.db_info = {}
     # TODO(comstud): The DB will specify the driver to use to talk
     # to this cell, but there's no column for this yet.  The only
     # available driver is the rpc driver.
     self.driver = rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver()
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     LOG.warning(_LW('The cells feature of Nova is considered experimental '
                     'by the OpenStack project because it receives much '
                     'less testing than the rest of Nova. This may change '
                     'in the future, but current deployers should be aware '
                     'that the use of it in production right now may be '
                     'risky. Also note that cells does not currently '
                     'support rolling upgrades, it is assumed that cells '
                     'deployments are upgraded lockstep so n-1 cells '
                     'compatibility does not work.'))
     # Mostly for tests.
     cell_state_manager = kwargs.pop('cell_state_manager', None)
     super(CellsManager, self).__init__(service_name='cells',
                                        *args, **kwargs)
     if cell_state_manager is None:
         cell_state_manager = cells_state.CellStateManager
     self.state_manager = cell_state_manager()
     self.msg_runner = messaging.MessageRunner(self.state_manager)
     self.driver = cells_rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver()
     self.instances_to_heal = iter([])
예제 #3
 def setUp(self):
     super(CellsRPCDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.ctxt = context.RequestContext('fake', 'fake')
     self.driver = rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver()