def get_subnets_by_net_id(self, context, tenant_id, net_id, _vif_id=None): """Returns information about the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets associated with a Neutron Network UUID. """ n = objects.Network.get_by_uuid(context.elevated(), net_id) subnet_v4 = { 'network_id': n.uuid, 'cidr': n.cidr, 'gateway': n.gateway, 'dhcp_server': getattr(n, 'dhcp_server'), 'broadcast': n.broadcast, 'netmask': n.netmask, 'version': 4, 'dns1': n.dns1 if utils.is_valid_ipv4(n.dns1) else None, 'dns2': n.dns2 if utils.is_valid_ipv4(n.dns2) else None} subnet_v6 = { 'network_id': n.uuid, 'cidr': n.cidr_v6, 'gateway': n.gateway_v6, 'dhcp_server': None, 'broadcast': None, 'netmask': n.netmask_v6, 'version': 6, 'dns1': n.dns1 if utils.is_valid_ipv6(n.dns1) else None, 'dns2': n.dns2 if utils.is_valid_ipv6(n.dns2) else None} def ips_to_strs(net): for key, value in net.items(): if isinstance(value, netaddr.ip.BaseIP): net[key] = str(value) return net return [ips_to_strs(subnet_v4), ips_to_strs(subnet_v6)]
def test_is_valid_ipv6(self): self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6("::1")) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6( "abcd:ef01:2345:6789:abcd:ef01:")) self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6( "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001")) self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6("foo")) self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6(""))
def generate_glance_url(): """Generate the URL to glance.""" glance_host = if utils.is_valid_ipv6(glance_host): glance_host = '[%s]' % glance_host return "%s://%s:%d" % (CONF.glance.protocol, glance_host, CONF.glance.port)
def _create_glance_client(context, host, port, use_ssl, version=1): """Instantiate a new glanceclient.Client object.""" params = {} if use_ssl: scheme = 'https' # https specific params params['insecure'] = CONF.glance.api_insecure params['ssl_compression'] = False if CONF.ssl.cert_file: params['cert_file'] = CONF.ssl.cert_file if CONF.ssl.key_file: params['key_file'] = CONF.ssl.key_file if CONF.ssl.ca_file: params['cacert'] = CONF.ssl.ca_file else: scheme = 'http' if CONF.auth_strategy == 'keystone': # NOTE(isethi): Glanceclient <= accepts only # keyword 'token', but later versions accept both the # header 'X-Auth-Token' and 'token' params['token'] = context.auth_token params['identity_headers'] = generate_identity_headers(context) if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host): # if so, it is ipv6 address, need to wrap it with '[]' host = '[%s]' % host endpoint = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, host, port) return glanceclient.Client(str(version), endpoint, **params)
def show(self, req, domain_id, id): """Return the DNS entry that corresponds to domain_id and id.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) domain = _unquote_domain(domain_id) floating_ip = None # Check whether id is a valid ipv4/ipv6 address. if utils.is_valid_ipv4(id) or utils.is_valid_ipv6(id): floating_ip = id if floating_ip: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_address(context, floating_ip, domain) else: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_name(context, id, domain) if not entries: explanation = _("DNS entries not found.") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=explanation) if floating_ip: entrylist = [_create_dns_entry(floating_ip, entry, domain) for entry in entries] dns_entries = _translate_dns_entries_view(entrylist) return wsgi.ResponseObject(dns_entries, xml=FloatingIPDNSsTemplate) entry = _create_dns_entry(entries[0], id, domain) return _translate_dns_entry_view(entry)
def test_generate_glance_http_url(self): generated_url = glance.generate_glance_url() glance_host = CONF.glance_host # ipv6 address, need to wrap it with '[]' if utils.is_valid_ipv6(glance_host): glance_host = "[%s]" % glance_host http_url = "http://%s:%d" % (glance_host, CONF.glance_port) self.assertEqual(generated_url, http_url)
def _get_base_url(self, scheme, host, file_path): if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host): base_url = "%s://[%s]/folder/%s" % (scheme, host, urllib.pathname2url(file_path)) else: base_url = "%s://%s/folder/%s" % (scheme, host, urllib.pathname2url(file_path)) return base_url
def _create_glance_client(context, host, port, use_ssl, version=1): """Instantiate a new glanceclient.Client object.""" """ 实例化一个正确的新的glanceclient.Client对象; 获取正确的glanceclient.version.client.Client类; 因为在python-glanceclient中一共定义了两个版本的客户端: glanceclient.v1和glanceclient.v2 # 调用之一传进来的参数; # context:上下文信息; # api service的host值; # self.port:glance api service的port值; # self.use_ssl:glance api service的use_ssl值; # version:版本信息; """ # http和https使用的是完全不同的连接方式,用的端口也不一样,前者是80,后者是443。http的连接很简单,是无状态的; # HTTPS协议是由SSL+HTTP协议构建的可进行加密传输、身份认证的网络协议,要比http协议安全; params = {} if use_ssl: scheme = 'https' # https specific params # glance_api_insecure:这个参数定义了是否执行不安全的SSL协议(https); # 参数的默认值为False; params['insecure'] = CONF.glance.api_insecure params['ssl_compression'] = False if CONF.ssl.cert_file: params['cert_file'] = CONF.ssl.cert_file if CONF.ssl.key_file: params['key_file'] = CONF.ssl.key_file if CONF.ssl.ca_file: params['cacert'] = CONF.ssl.ca_file else: scheme = 'http' # auth_strategy:这个参数定义了身份认证所使用的策略是noauth或者是keystone; # 参数的默认值是'noauth'; if CONF.auth_strategy == 'keystone': # NOTE(isethi): Glanceclient <= accepts only # keyword 'token', but later versions accept both the # header 'X-Auth-Token' and 'token' params['token'] = context.auth_token params['identity_headers'] = generate_identity_headers(context) if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host): # if so, it is ipv6 address, need to wrap it with '[]' host = '[%s]' % host # 组成能够访问glance api service的URL形式; endpoint = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, host, port) # glanceclient.Client: # 获取正确的glanceclient.version.client.Client类; # 因为一共有两个版本的客户端:glanceclient.v1和glanceclient.v2 # str(version):版本信息; # endpoint:访问glance api服务的端点,为能够访问glance api service的URL形式:scheme://host:port; # params:一些参数集合; return glanceclient.Client(str(version), endpoint, **params)
def test_generate_glance_https_url(self): self.flags(protocol="https", group='glance') generated_url = glance.generate_glance_url() glance_host = # ipv6 address, need to wrap it with '[]' if utils.is_valid_ipv6(glance_host): glance_host = '[%s]' % glance_host https_url = "https://%s:%d" % (glance_host, CONF.glance.port) self.assertEqual(generated_url, https_url)
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): """Process/Formats the value before insert it into the db.""" if == 'postgresql': return value # NOTE(maurosr): The purpose here is to convert ipv6 to the shortened # form, not validate it. elif utils.is_valid_ipv6(value): return utils.get_shortened_ipv6(value) return value
def get_soap_url(protocol, host_name): """Calculates the location of the SOAP services for a particular server. Created as a static method for testing. :param protocol: https or http :param host_name: localhost or other vSphere server name :return: the url to the active vSphere WS Management API """ if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host_name): return '%s://[%s]/sdk' % (protocol, host_name) return '%s://%s/sdk' % (protocol, host_name)
def get_soap_url(protocol, host_name): """ Calculates the location of the SOAP services for a particular server. Created as a static method for testing. :param protocol: https or http :param host_name: localhost or other vSphere server name :return: the url to the active vSphere WS Management API """ if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host_name): return '%s://[%s]/sdk' % (protocol, host_name) return '%s://%s/sdk' % (protocol, host_name)
def test_is_valid_ipv6(self): self.assertTrue(utils.is_valid_ipv6("::1")) self.assertTrue( utils.is_valid_ipv6( "abcd:ef01:2345:6789:abcd:ef01:")) self.assertTrue( utils.is_valid_ipv6("0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001")) self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6("foo")) self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6("")) self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6("")) self.assertFalse(utils.is_valid_ipv6(10))
def __init__(self, host, data_center_name, datastore_name, cookies, file_path, file_size, scheme="https"): if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host): base_url = "%s://[%s]/folder/%s" % (scheme, host, file_path) else: base_url = "%s://%s/folder/%s" % (scheme, host, file_path) param_list = {"dcPath": data_center_name, "dsName": datastore_name} base_url = base_url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(param_list) _urlparse = urlparse.urlparse(base_url) scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = _urlparse if scheme == "http": conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc) elif scheme == "https": conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc) conn.putrequest("PUT", path + "?" + query) conn.putheader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT) conn.putheader("Content-Length", file_size) conn.putheader("Cookie", self._build_vim_cookie_headers(cookies)) conn.endheaders() self.conn = conn VMwareHTTPFile.__init__(self, conn)
def _create_glance_client(context, host, port, use_ssl, version=1): """Instantiate a new glanceclient.Client object.""" params = {} if use_ssl: scheme = "https" # https specific params params["insecure"] = CONF.glance_api_insecure params["ssl_compression"] = False else: scheme = "http" if CONF.auth_strategy == "keystone": # NOTE(isethi): Glanceclient <= accepts only # keyword 'token', but later versions accept both the # header 'X-Auth-Token' and 'token' params["token"] = context.auth_token params["identity_headers"] = generate_identity_headers(context) if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host): # if so, it is ipv6 address, need to wrap it with '[]' host = "[%s]" % host endpoint = "%s://%s:%s" % (scheme, host, port) return glanceclient.Client(str(version), endpoint, **params)
def _create_glance_client(context, host, port, use_ssl, version=1): """Instantiate a new glanceclient.Client object.""" params = {} if use_ssl: scheme = 'https' # https specific params params['insecure'] = CONF.glance_api_insecure params['ssl_compression'] = False else: scheme = 'http' if CONF.auth_strategy == 'keystone': # NOTE(isethi): Glanceclient <= accepts only # keyword 'token', but later versions accept both the # header 'X-Auth-Token' and 'token' params['token'] = context.auth_token params['identity_headers'] = generate_identity_headers(context) if utils.is_valid_ipv6(host): #if so, it is ipv6 address, need to wrap it with '[]' host = '[%s]' % host endpoint = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, host, port) return glanceclient.Client(str(version), endpoint, **params)
def show(self, req, domain_id, id): """Return the DNS entry that corresponds to domain_id and id.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) domain = _unquote_domain(domain_id) floating_ip = None # Check whether id is a valid ipv4/ipv6 address. if utils.is_valid_ipv4(id) or utils.is_valid_ipv6(id): floating_ip = id try: if floating_ip: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_address( context, floating_ip, domain) else: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_name( context, id, domain) except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to get dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) if not entries: explanation = _("DNS entries not found.") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=explanation) if floating_ip: entrylist = [ _create_dns_entry(floating_ip, entry, domain) for entry in entries ] dns_entries = _translate_dns_entries_view(entrylist) return wsgi.ResponseObject(dns_entries) entry = _create_dns_entry(entries[0], id, domain) return _translate_dns_entry_view(entry)
def generate_glance_url(): """Generate the URL to glance.""" glance_host = CONF.glance_host if utils.is_valid_ipv6(glance_host): glance_host = '[%s]' % glance_host return "%s://%s:%d" % (CONF.glance_protocol, glance_host, CONF.glance_port)
def _validate_access_ipv6(self, address): if not utils.is_valid_ipv6(address): expl = _('access_ip_v6 is not proper IPv6 format') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=expl)