예제 #1
    def _doMerge(self):
        """Perform the merge of the files in the selected folder, and
        create a new file in the same parent folder. The old files are
        not removed in the merge process, and must be deleted manually.
        logger.verbose("GuiDocMerge merge button clicked")

        finalOrder = []
        for i in range(self.listBox.count()):

        if len(finalOrder) == 0:
                self.tr("No source documents found. Nothing to do."),
            return False

        theText = ""
        for tHandle in finalOrder:
            inDoc = NWDoc(self.theProject, tHandle)
            docText = inDoc.readDocument()
            docErr = inDoc.getError()
            if docText is None and docErr:
                    [self.tr("Failed to open document file."), docErr],
            if docText:
                theText += docText.rstrip("\n") + "\n\n"

        if self.sourceItem is None:
                self.tr("No source folder selected. Nothing to do."),
            return False

        srcItem = self.theProject.projTree[self.sourceItem]
        if srcItem is None:
            self.theParent.makeAlert(self.tr("Internal error."), nwAlert.ERROR)
            return False

        nHandle = self.theProject.newFile(srcItem.itemName, srcItem.itemClass,
        newItem = self.theProject.projTree[nHandle]

        outDoc = NWDoc(self.theProject, nHandle)
        if not outDoc.writeDocument(theText):
                [self.tr("Could not save document."),
                 outDoc.getError()], nwAlert.ERROR)
            return False

        self.theParent.openDocument(nHandle, doScroll=True)


        return True
예제 #2
    def _populateList(self):
        """Get the item selected in the tree, check that it is a folder,
        and try to find all files associated with it. The valid files
        are then added to the list view in order. The list itself can be
        reordered by the user.
        if self.sourceItem is None:
            self.sourceItem = self.mainGui.projView.getSelectedHandle()

        if self.sourceItem is None:
            return False

        nwItem = self.theProject.tree[self.sourceItem]
        if nwItem is None:
            return False

        if nwItem.itemType is not nwItemType.FILE:
                    "Element selected in the project tree must be a file."),
            return False

        inDoc = NWDoc(self.theProject, self.sourceItem)
        theText = inDoc.readDocument()
        if theText is None:
            theText = ""
            return False

        spLevel = self.splitLevel.currentData()
        self.theProject.options.setValue("GuiDocSplit", "spLevel", spLevel)
        logger.debug("Scanning document '%s' for headings level <= %d",
                     self.sourceItem, spLevel)

        self.sourceText = theText.splitlines()
        for lineNo, aLine in enumerate(self.sourceText):

            onLine = -1
            if aLine.startswith("# ") and spLevel >= 1:
                onLine = lineNo
            elif aLine.startswith("## ") and spLevel >= 2:
                onLine = lineNo
            elif aLine.startswith("### ") and spLevel >= 3:
                onLine = lineNo
            elif aLine.startswith("#### ") and spLevel >= 4:
                onLine = lineNo

            if onLine >= 0:
                newItem = QListWidgetItem()
                newItem.setData(Qt.UserRole, onLine)

        return True
예제 #3
def testCoreDocument_Methods(mockGUI, nwMinimal):
    """Test other methods of the NWDoc class.
    theProject = NWProject(mockGUI)
    assert theProject.openProject(nwMinimal)
    assert theProject.projPath == nwMinimal

    sHandle = "8c659a11cd429"
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, sHandle)
    docPath = os.path.join(nwMinimal, "content", sHandle + ".nwd")

    assert theDoc.readDocument() == "### New Scene\n\n"

    # Check location
    assert theDoc.getFileLocation() == docPath

    # Check the item
    assert theDoc.getCurrentItem() is not None
    assert theDoc.getCurrentItem().itemHandle == sHandle

    # Check the meta
    theName, theParent, theClass, theLayout = theDoc.getMeta()
    assert theName == "New Scene"
    assert theParent == "a6d311a93600a"
    assert theClass == nwItemClass.NOVEL
    assert theLayout == nwItemLayout.DOCUMENT

    # Add meta data garbage
    assert theDoc.writeDocument("%%~ stuff\n### Test File\n\nText ...\n\n")
    assert readFile(docPath) == ("%%~name: New Scene\n"
                                 f"%%~path: a6d311a93600a/{sHandle}\n"
                                 "%%~kind: NOVEL/DOCUMENT\n"
                                 "%%~ stuff\n"
                                 "### Test File\n\n"
                                 "Text ...\n\n")

    assert theDoc.readDocument() == "### Test File\n\nText ...\n\n"
예제 #4
    def _doSplit(self):
        """Perform the split of the file, create a new folder in the
        same parent folder, and multiple files depending on split level
        settings. The old file is not removed in the split process, and
        must be deleted manually.
        logger.verbose("GuiDocSplit split button clicked")

        if self.sourceItem is None:
                self.tr("No source document selected. Nothing to do."),
            return False

        srcItem = self.theProject.tree[self.sourceItem]
        if srcItem is None:
            self.mainGui.makeAlert(self.tr("Could not parse source document."),
            return False

        inDoc = NWDoc(self.theProject, self.sourceItem)
        theText = inDoc.readDocument()

        docErr = inDoc.getError()
        if theText is None and docErr:
                [self.tr("Failed to open document file."), docErr],

        if theText is None:
            theText = ""

        nLines = len(self.sourceText)
        logger.debug("Splitting document %s with %d lines", self.sourceItem,

        finalOrder = []
        for i in range(self.listBox.count()):
            listItem = self.listBox.item(i)
            wTitle = listItem.text()
            lineNo = listItem.data(Qt.UserRole)
            finalOrder.append([wTitle, lineNo, nLines])
            if i > 0:
                finalOrder[i - 1][2] = lineNo

        nFiles = len(finalOrder)
        if nFiles == 0:
            self.mainGui.makeAlert(self.tr("No headers found. Nothing to do."),
            return False

        msgYes = self.mainGui.askQuestion(
            self.tr("Split Document"), "{0}<br><br>{1}".format(
                tr("The document will be split into {0} file(s) in a new folder. "
                   "The original document will remain intact.").format(nFiles),
                self.tr("Continue with the splitting process?")))
        if not msgYes:
            return False

        # Create the folder
        fHandle = self.theProject.newFolder(srcItem.itemName,
        logger.verbose("Creating folder '%s'", fHandle)

        # Loop through, and create the files
        for wTitle, iStart, iEnd in finalOrder:

            wTitle = wTitle.lstrip("#").strip()
            nHandle = self.theProject.newFile(wTitle, fHandle)
            newItem = self.theProject.tree[nHandle]
                "Creating new document '%s' with text from line %d to %d",
                nHandle, iStart + 1, iEnd)

            theText = "\n".join(self.sourceText[iStart:iEnd])
            theText = theText.rstrip("\n") + "\n\n"

            outDoc = NWDoc(self.theProject, nHandle)
            if not outDoc.writeDocument(theText):
                    [self.tr("Could not save document."),
                     outDoc.getError()], nwAlert.ERROR)
                return False



        return True
예제 #5
    def newTreeItem(self, itemType, itemClass):
        """Add new item to the tree, with a given itemType and
        itemClass, and attach it to the selected handle. Also make sure
        the item is added in a place it can be added, and that other
        meta data is set correctly to ensure a valid project tree.
        pHandle = self.getSelectedHandle()
        nHandle = None

        if not self.theParent.hasProject:
            logger.error("No project open")
            return False

        if not isinstance(itemType, nwItemType):
            # This would indicate an internal bug
            logger.error("No itemType provided")
            return False

        # The item needs to be assigned an item class, so one must be
        # provided, or it must be possible to extract it from the parent
        # item of the new item.
        if itemClass is None and pHandle is not None:
            pItem = self.theProject.projTree[pHandle]
            if pItem is not None:
                itemClass = pItem.itemClass

        # If class is still not set, alert the user and exit
        if itemClass is None:
            if itemType == nwItemType.FILE:
                    tr("Please select a valid location in the tree to add the document."
                       ), nwAlert.ERROR)
                    tr("Please select a valid location in the tree to add the folder."
                       ), nwAlert.ERROR)
            return False

        # Everything is fine, we have what we need, so we proceed
            "Adding new item of type '%s' and class '%s' to handle '%s'",
            itemType.name, itemClass.name, str(pHandle))

        if itemType == nwItemType.ROOT:
            tHandle = self.theProject.newRoot(
                trConst(nwLabels.CLASS_NAME[itemClass]), itemClass)
            if tHandle is None:
                logger.error("No root item added")
                return False

            # If no parent has been selected, make the new file under
            # the root NOVEL item.
            if pHandle is None:
                pHandle = self.theProject.projTree.findRoot(nwItemClass.NOVEL)

            # If still nothing, give up
            if pHandle is None:
                        "Did not find anywhere to add the file or folder!"),
                return False

            # Now check if the selected item is a file, in which case
            # the new file will be a sibling
            pItem = self.theProject.projTree[pHandle]
            if pItem.itemType == nwItemType.FILE:
                nHandle = pHandle
                pHandle = pItem.itemParent

            # If we again have no home, give up
            if pHandle is None:
                        "Did not find anywhere to add the file or folder!"),
                return False

            if self.theProject.projTree.isTrashRoot(pHandle):
                    tr("Cannot add new files or folders to the Trash folder."),
                return False

            parTree = self.theProject.projTree.getItemPath(pHandle)

            # If we're still here, add the file or folder
            if itemType == nwItemType.FILE:
                tHandle = self.theProject.newFile(self.tr("New File"),
                                                  itemClass, pHandle)

            elif itemType == nwItemType.FOLDER:
                if len(parTree) >= nwConst.MAX_DEPTH - 1:
                    # Folders cannot be deeper than MAX_DEPTH - 1, leaving room
                    # for one more level of files.
                        self.tr("Cannot add new folder to this item. "
                                "Maximum folder depth has been reached."),
                    return False
                tHandle = self.theProject.newFolder(self.tr("New Folder"),
                                                    itemClass, pHandle)

                logger.error("Failed to add new item")
                return False

        # If there is no handle set, return here
        if tHandle is None:
            return True

        # Add the new item to the tree
        self.revealNewTreeItem(tHandle, nHandle)
        nwItem = self.theProject.projTree[tHandle]

        # If this is a folder, return here
        if nwItem.itemType != nwItemType.FILE:
            return True

        # This is a new files, so let's add some content
        newDoc = NWDoc(self.theProject, tHandle)
        curTxt = newDoc.readDocument()
        if curTxt is None:
            curTxt = ""

        if curTxt == "":
            if nwItem.itemLayout == nwItemLayout.DOCUMENT:
                newText = f"### {nwItem.itemName}\n\n"
                newText = f"# {nwItem.itemName}\n\n"

            # Save the text and index it
            self.theIndex.scanText(tHandle, newText)

            # Get Word Counts
            cC, wC, pC = self.theIndex.getCounts(tHandle)
            self.propagateCount(tHandle, wC)

        return True
예제 #6
def testCoreDocument_LoadSave(monkeypatch, mockGUI, nwMinimal):
    """Test loading and saving a document with the NWDoc class.
    theProject = NWProject(mockGUI)
    assert theProject.openProject(nwMinimal) is True
    assert theProject.projPath == nwMinimal

    sHandle = "8c659a11cd429"

    # Read Document
    # =============

    # Not a valid handle
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, "stuff")
    assert bool(theDoc) is False
    assert theDoc.readDocument() is None

    # Non-existent handle
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, "0000000000000")
    assert theDoc.readDocument() is None
    assert theDoc._currHash is None

    # Cause open() to fail while loading
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("builtins.open", causeOSError)
        theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, sHandle)
        assert theDoc.readDocument() is None
        assert theDoc.getError() == "OSError: Mock OSError"

    # Load the text
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, sHandle)
    assert theDoc.readDocument() == "### New Scene\n\n"

    # Try to open a new (non-existent) file
    nHandle = theProject.projTree.findRoot(nwItemClass.NOVEL)
    assert nHandle is not None
    xHandle = theProject.newFile("New File", nwItemClass.NOVEL, nHandle)
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, xHandle)
    assert bool(theDoc) is True
    assert repr(theDoc) == f"<NWDoc handle={xHandle}>"
    assert theDoc.readDocument() == ""

    # Write Document
    # ==============

    # Set handle and save again
    theText = "### Test File\n\nText ...\n\n"
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, xHandle)
    assert theDoc.readDocument(xHandle) == ""
    assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText) is True

    # Save again to ensure temp file and previous file is handled
    assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText)

    # Check file content
    docPath = os.path.join(nwMinimal, "content", xHandle + ".nwd")
    assert readFile(docPath) == ("%%~name: New File\n"
                                 f"%%~path: a508bb932959c/{xHandle}\n"
                                 "%%~kind: NOVEL/DOCUMENT\n"
                                 "### Test File\n\n"
                                 "Text ...\n\n")

    # Alter the document on disk and save again
    writeFile(docPath, "blablabla")
    assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText) is False

    # Force the overwrite
    assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText, forceWrite=True) is True

    # Force no meta data
    theDoc._theItem = None
    assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText) is True
    assert readFile(docPath) == theText

    # Cause open() to fail while saving
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("builtins.open", causeOSError)
        assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText) is False
        assert theDoc.getError() == "OSError: Mock OSError"

    theDoc._docError = ""
    assert theDoc.getError() == ""

    # Cause os.replace() to fail while saving
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("os.replace", causeOSError)
        assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText) is False
        assert theDoc.getError() == "OSError: Mock OSError"

    theDoc._docError = ""
    assert theDoc.getError() == ""

    # Saving with no handle
    theDoc._docHandle = None
    assert theDoc.writeDocument(theText) is False

    # Delete Document
    # ===============

    # Delete the last document
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, "stuff")
    assert theDoc.deleteDocument() is False
    assert os.path.isfile(docPath)

    # Cause the delete to fail
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("os.unlink", causeOSError)
        theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, xHandle)
        assert theDoc.deleteDocument() is False
        assert theDoc.getError() == "OSError: Mock OSError"

    # Make the delete pass
    theDoc = NWDoc(theProject, xHandle)
    assert theDoc.deleteDocument() is True
    assert not os.path.isfile(docPath)