예제 #1
def MakePolygonNetworkFromWaterSeg(waterArr,minSplit=30,allValsByFrame=None,cVLS=None):
    '''Go all the way from raw 2d+t array to an pointList,indexes format'''
    if allValsByFrame==None:
        allValsByFrame = [ list(set(w.flat)) for w in waterArr ]
    if cVLS==None:
        cVLS = GetContourValuesLengthsAndSubContoursByFrame(waterArr,allValsByFrame)
    allPtsList = []
    allSegsList = []
    for t in range(len(cVLS)):
        contours = [i[2] for i in cVLS[t]]
        nc = len(contours)
        lc = [len(i) for i in contours]
        div = [i//30 for i in lc]
        sep = [ (lc[i] if div[i]==0 else lc[i]//div[i])  for i in range(nc)]
        #subPtsOld = [ ([] if div[i]==0 else contours[i][ ::(len(contours[i])//div[i]) ]  )
        #          for i in range(nc) ]
        inds = [  ( [0,lc[i]-1] if (lc[i]-1 < 2*minSplit) else
                    range(0,lc[i]-2,sep[i])+[lc[i]-1] )
                for i in range(nc)  ]
        subPts = [[ tuple(contours[i][j]) for j in inds[i] ] 
                                          for i in range(nc) ]
        allPts = sorted(list(set(flatten( subPts ))))
        subPtsInds = [[ allPts.index(j) for j in i ] 
                                        for i in subPts ]
        allSegsInds = flatten([ zip(i[:-1],i[1:]) for i in subPtsInds ])
    return allPtsList,allSegsList
예제 #2
def GetCVLSWithLimitedPointsBetweenNodes(cVLS,allValsByFrame,splitLength=1,fixedNumInteriorPoints=None,interpolate=True):
    '''Return a copy of the cVLS, but trim some points between triple junctions using one of several approaches.'''
    allValues = list(set(tuple(flatten(allValsByFrame))))
    allPairs = sorted(list(set([tuple(c[0]) for cVLSByFrame in cVLS for c in cVLSByFrame]))) # Value pairs...

    if fixedNumInteriorPoints:
        numInteriorPoints = {p:fixedNumInteriorPoints for p in allPairs}
        minLength = {}
        for p in allPairs:
            #minLength is the number of points of the shortest subcountour between cells p[0] and p[1] from all frames
            minLength[p] = min([ len(c[2]) for cVLSByFrame in cVLS for c in cVLSByFrame if tuple(c[0])==p ])
            #                    length of subcontour
        numInteriorPoints = {}
        for p in allPairs:
            numInteriorPoints[p] = minLength[p]//splitLength
    cVLS2 = deepcopy(cVLS) # otherwise, we'd also change the input argument cVLS in the outside world!
    limIntPtsFunc = limitInteriorPointsInterpolating if interpolate else limitInteriorPoints
    for cvlsByFrame in cVLS2:
        for c in cvlsByFrame:
            c[2] = limIntPtsFunc(c[2],numInteriorPoints[tuple(c[0])])
    return cVLS2
예제 #3
def _nonefy_lines(line_list):
    '''Take a list of lines in [[[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], ...] format and
       convert them to a format suitable for fast plotting with dplot
       by placing all points in a single flattened list with None's
       separating disconnected values, aka:
       [ [x1,y1],[x2,y2], None ,... ]'''
    return flatten(intersperse(line_list, [[None, None]]))
def _nonefy_lines(line_list):
    '''Take a list of lines in [[[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], ...] format and
       convert them to a format suitable for fast plotting with dplot
       by placing all points in a single flattened list with None's
       separating disconnected values, aka:
       [ [x1,y1],[x2,y2], None ,... ]'''
    return flatten(intersperse(line_list, [[None, None]]))
예제 #5
def GetSubContoursByFrameWithLimitedPointsBetweenNodes(scListByFrame,allValsByFrame,splitLength=1,fixedNumInteriorPoints=None,interpolate=True):
    # IN PROGRESS...
    allValues = list(set(tuple(flatten(allValsByFrame))))
    allPairs = sorted(list(set([tuple(sc.values) for scList in scListByFrame for sc in scList]))) # Value pairs...
    # Build the numInteriorPointsDict:
    if fixedNumInteriorPoints:
        numInteriorPointsDict = {p:fixedNumInteriorPoints for p in allPairs}
        minLength = {}
        for p in allPairs:
            #minLength is the number of points of the shortest subcountour between cells p[0] and p[1] from all frames
            minLength[p] = min([ len(sc.adjusted_length) for scList in scListByFrame for sc in scList if tuple(sc.points)==p ])
            #                    length of subcontour
        numInteriorPointsDict = { p:(minLength[p]//splitLength) for p in allPairs }
    scListByFrameNew = deepcopy(scListByFrame) # otherwise, we'd also change the input argument scListByFrame in the outside world!
    for scList in scListByFrameNew:
    return scListByFrameNew