예제 #1
def read2DFMR2magFields(filepattern, path_field_after, 
                        path_field_before, path_frequency, 
                        path_real_signal, path_imag_signal,
                        field_points=None, freq_points=None,
    Read a VNA- or Lock-In measurement with a field-before and a field-after channel.
    As an input this routine requires a field_before- and a field_after-channel and
    the groups respectively. For the frequency-channel and the signal-channels it
    assumes that these are in the same group. 
    filepattern : string
        filename (relative) of tdms file. may include wilcards (see glob)
    path_* : tuple of strings
        path i.e. [group, channel] to the corresponding data
    nFieldPoints : integer, optional
        number of expected points in x direction, gets calculated if not specified
    nFrequencyPoints : integer, optional
        number of expected points in y direction, gets calculated if not specified

    x : dim. (nXPoints x 1) numpy array
        averaged field values from field_before and field_after
    y : dim. (nYPoints x 1) numpy array
        frequency values
    complexSignal : (nXPoints x nYPoints) complex numpy array
        signal as matrix
    tdms_file : (TdmsFile)
        loaded tdms file object

    Usage example (matplotlib):
    >>> x, y, aSignal, _ = read2DFMR2magFields(fname, signal_group, group_field_before, 
                                           group_field_after, field_before_channel, field_after_channel, 
                                           freq_channel, signal_channel, 
                                           imag_channel, tdms_file=tdms_file)

    if tdms_file is None:
        files = glob(filepattern)
        if len(files) > 1:
            l.warn("Provided file pattern %s did return multiple results."%filepattern)
        if len(files) < 1:
            l.warn("Provided file pattern %s did not match any files."%filepattern)
        l.info("Reading file %s"%files[0])
        tdms_file = TdmsFile(files[0])

    x = average_channels(tdms_file, path_field_before, path_field_after, True)
    y = tdms_file.channel_data(*path_frequency)
    signal = tdms_file.channel_data(*path_real_signal) + 1j*tdms_file.channel_data(*path_imag_signal)
    return list(reshape(x, y, signal, field_points, freq_points)) + [tdms_file]
예제 #2
def f_open_tdms_2(filename):
    if filename == 'Input':
        filename = filedialog.askopenfilename()

    tdms_file = TdmsFile(filename)
    group_names = tdms_file.groups()
    # print('groups')
    # print(group_names)
    channel_object = tdms_file.group_channels(group_names[0])
    # print('channel')
    # print(channel_object)
    channel_name = channel_object[0].channel
    # print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
    # print(channel_name)
    # print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
    data = tdms_file.channel_data(group_names[0], channel_name)

    # channel_object = tdms_file('Thiele_Versuche', 'AE Signal')
    # group_name = file.groups()

    # print(group_name[0])
    # channel_name = file.group_channels(group_name[0])
    # print(channel_name[0])
    # canal = file.object(group_name[0], 'AE Signal')

    # group_name = file.groups()
    # group_name = group_name[0]
    # data = file.object('Thiele_Versuche', 'AE Signal')

    # data = file.channel_data(group_name[0], 'AE Signal')

    return data
 def loadTDMSImages(self, file):
     tdms_file = TdmsFile(file)
     p = tdms_file.object().properties
     self.dimx = int(p['dimx'])
     self.dimy = int(p['dimy'])
     self.binning = int(p['binning'])
     self.frames = int(p['dimz'])
     self.exposure = float(p['exposure'].replace(',', '.'))
     images = tdms_file.channel_data('Image', 'Image')
     return images.reshape(self.frames, self.dimx, self.dimy)
예제 #4
def cut_log_spectra(fileinpaths, times, fileoutpaths_list, **kwargs):
    for i, fileinpath in enumerate(fileinpaths):
        fileoutpaths = fileoutpaths_list[i]
        tdmsfile = TF(fileinpath)
        for j, t in enumerate(times):
            fileoutpath = fileoutpaths[j]

            direc = os.path.split(fileoutpath)[0]
            if not os.path.exists(direc):

            root_object = RootObject(properties={})

                with TdmsWriter(fileoutpath, mode='w') as tdms_writer:
                    timedata = [
                        for y in tdmsfile.channel_data('Global', 'Time')
                    idx1, idx2 = _get_indextime(timedata, t[0], t[1])
                    if idx1 == idx2:
                        for group in tdmsfile.groups():
                            group_object = GroupObject(group, properties={})
                            if group == "Global":
                                for channel in tdmsfile.group_channels(group):
                                    if channel.channel == 'Wavelength':
                                        channel_object = ChannelObject(
                                            channel.group, channel.channel,
                                        channel_object = ChannelObject(
                                            channel.group, channel.channel,
                                        root_object, group_object,
                                for channel_object in tdmsfile.group_channels(
                                        root_object, group_object,

            except ValueError as error:
                print('removing the file at: \n', fileoutpath)
예제 #5
def f_open_tdms_old(filename, channel):
    if filename == 'Input':
        filename = filedialog.askopenfilename()

    file = TdmsFile(filename)

    group_name = file.groups()
    group_name = group_name[0]

    # print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
    # print(group_name)
    # print(file)
    # print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
    data = file.channel_data(group_name, channel)

    return data
예제 #6
    def tdms_to_json(directory, target_directory, name):
        Parses the TDMS file name located in the directory to json file named like the tdms file

        print("Parsing: " + directory + name + ".tdms")

        # load in data, take the TDMS data type as example
        tdms_file = TdmsFile(directory + name + ".tdms")
        groups = tdms_file.groups()

        df_list = []
        #df_test = pd.DataFrame()
        for group in groups:


            for channel in tdms_file.group_channels(group):

                    chan_name = str(channel).split("'/'")[1].replace("'>", "")
                    data = tdms_file.channel_data(group, chan_name)
                    chan_name = chan_name.replace("(", " ").replace(
                        ")", " ").replace("  ", " ").replace(" ", "_")

                    df_test = pd.DataFrame()

                    # print(data)
                    df_test[chan_name] = chan_name  #data
                    df_list[-1][chan_name] = chan_name  #data
                    #df_test.to_json(target_directory + chan_name + ".json", orient='split')
                    # print(chan_name)
                    # print(data)
                    #df_test.to_json(target_directory + chan_name + ".json", orient='split')
                    #df_test.to_json(target_directory  + chan_name +  '_' + name   + ".json", orient='split')
                    with open(
                            target_directory + chan_name + '_' + name +
                            ".json", 'w') as fp:

                        json.dump({chan_name: data.tolist()}, fp)

                    print("An Error Occured at: X  !")
예제 #7
def cut_powermeter(fileinpaths, times, fileoutpaths_list, **kwargs):
    """Cut up a power meter tdms file based on input times."""

    localtz = tzlocal.get_localzone()
    for i in range(len(fileinpaths)):
        fileinpath = fileinpaths[i]
        fileoutpaths = fileoutpaths_list[i]
        tdmsfile = TF(fileinpath)
        for j in range(len(times)):
            time1 = times[j][0].astype('O')
            time1 = time1.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)  #convert to datetime
            time2 = times[j][1].astype('O')
            time2 = time2.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
            fileoutpath = fileoutpaths[j]

            direc = os.path.split(fileoutpath)[0]
            if not os.path.exists(direc):

            root_object = RootObject(properties={  #TODO root properties
                with TdmsWriter(fileoutpath, mode='w') as tdms_writer:
                    for group in tdmsfile.groups():
                        timedata = tdmsfile.channel_data(group, 'Time_LV')
                        for channel in tdmsfile.group_channels(group):
                            if type(channel.data_type.size) == type(None):
                                break  #skips over non numeric channels
                            channel_object = _cut_channel(channel,
                                [root_object, channel_object])
                        timechannel = tdmsfile.object(group, 'Time_LV')
                        timechannel_cut = _cut_datetime_channel(
                            timechannel, time1, time2)
                            [root_object, timechannel_cut])
            except ValueError as error:
                print('removing the file at: \n', fileoutpath)
예제 #8
root_object_2 = rack_2.object()

# Get groups (rack names)                 # automatize in the future
group_names_1 = rack_1.groups()
group_names_2 = rack_2.groups()
print('List of groups of the rack_1 TDMS:', group_names_1[0])
print('List of groups of the rack_2 TDMS:', group_names_2[0])

# Get channel names of the group
if len(group_names_1) == 1:
    channel_names_1 = rack_1.group_channels(group_names_1[0])
if len(group_names_2) == 1:
    channel_names_2 = rack_2.group_channels(group_names_2[0])

# Get the data from channels
PT101 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "PT101")
PT102 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "PT102")
PT103 = rack_2.channel_data(group_names_2[0], "PT103")
PT104 = rack_2.channel_data(group_names_2[0], "PT104")
PT551 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "PT551")
PT552 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "PT552")
PT553 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "PT553")
PT421 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "PT421")
MT401S = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "MT401S")
MT401T = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "MT401T")
MT401J = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "MT401J")
MV101F = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "MV101F")
TTCEMEDIA = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "TTCEMEDIA")

# Synchronize relative times from both racks
Time_1 = rack_1.channel_data(group_names_1[0], "System Time")
예제 #9
    for i in range(nbSubjects):  #looping through each subject
        subjectNo = str(i + 1).zfill(2)
        dir = 'V:\\S%s\\BBGraphData_postStim' % subjectNo  #navigate to subject-specific folder
        filepath = list_files(dir, exact_file)
        tdms_file = TdmsFile(filepath)  #opens the data from the tdms file

        data = deque(
        )  #another deque, this time for storing subject-specific data
        for parcel in range(nbParcels):  #looping through each parcel
            real_values = [
            ]  #empty list that will contain the real values of a parcel
            for sample in range(
                    nbTimeSamples):  #going through each time sample

                #the real value for that time point is appended to the list
                        str(sample), 'Vertex Data (CSGreim)__real')[parcel])
            )  #the real values for the parcel are appended to the deque object
        a.append(data)  #the real values for the subject are appended
        #side note: its important that the the order in which the values are appended to the deque object
        #is correct as that will determine the dimensions of the numpy array that's created. In this
        #case we first appended from each time point, then each parcel, then each subject.

    a = np.array(
        a, dtype=float
    )  #we convert it to a numpy array. dtype is float(64) for greater precision
    final = condition[0] + '_collapsed'  #should match directory
    np.save(final, a)  #the array is saved in the current working directory
예제 #10
    def getPoiData(self, data_directory, poi_series_number, pmt=1):
        poi_name = 'points' + ('0000' + str(poi_series_number))[-4:]
        full_file_path = os.path.join(data_directory, 'points', poi_name,
                                      poi_name + '_pmt' + str(pmt) + '.tdms')

        if os.path.exists(full_file_path):
            tdms_file = TdmsFile(full_file_path)
            time_points = tdms_file.channel_data(
                'PMT' + str(pmt), 'POI time') / 1e3  # msec -> sec
            poi_data_matrix = np.ndarray(
                shape=(len(tdms_file.group_channels('PMT' + str(pmt))[1:]),
            poi_data_matrix[:] = np.nan

            for poi_ind in range(
                    len(tdms_file.group_channels('PMT' + str(pmt))[1:])
            ):  # first object is time points. Subsequent for POIs
                poi_data_matrix[poi_ind, :] = tdms_file.channel_data(
                    'PMT' + str(pmt), 'POI ' + str(poi_ind) + ' ')

            # get poi locations in raw coordinates:
            poi_x = [
                for v in tdms_file.channel_data('parameter', 'parameter')[21:]
            poi_y = [
                for v in tdms_file.channel_data('parameter', 'value')[21:]
            poi_xy = np.array(list(zip(poi_x, poi_y)))

            # get Snap image and poi locations in snap coordinates
            metadata = self.getMetaData(data_directory, poi_series_number,
            snap_name = metadata['Image']['name'].replace('"', '')
            snap_ct = 0
            while (
                ('points' in snap_name) and
                (snap_ct < 1000)):  # used snap image from a previous POI scan
                snap_ct += 1
                alt_dict = self.getMetaData(data_directory, int(snap_name[6:]),
                temp_image = alt_dict.get('Image')
                if temp_image is not None:
                    snap_name = temp_image['name'].replace('"', '')

            snap_image, snap_settings, poi_locations = self.getSnapImage(
                data_directory, snap_name, poi_xy, pmt=1)
            results_dict = {
                'time_points': time_points,
                'poi_data_matrix': poi_data_matrix,
                'poi_xy': poi_xy,
                'snap_image': snap_image,
                'snap_settings': snap_settings,
                'poi_locations': poi_locations

            results_dict = {}

        return results_dict
예제 #11
def read2DSweep(filepattern, group, xChan, yChan, signalChan,
                xGroup=None, yGroup=None,
                nXPoints=None, nYPoints=None,
    Read 2D data from TDMS file, guesses number of points if possible. The re-
    turned data can be directly plotted with imshow() of guiqwt or matplotlib.

    The function assumes that x and y sweep values are the same for every scan.
    Therefore only vectors for x and y are returned, while the returned signal
    is an [len(x) x len(y)] array.

    filepattern : string
        filename (relative) of tdms file. may include wilcards (see glob)
    group : string
        datagroup name in tdms file
    xChan : string
        x channel name in tdms file
    xGroup : string, optional
        if set, the xdata is read from this group (prepend "Read." if neccessary)
    yChan : string
        y channel name in tdms file
    yGroup : string, optional
        if set, y data is read from this group (prepend "Read." if neccessary)
    signalChan : string
        signal channel name. signal has to come in len(x) blocks of len(y) entries
    nXPoints : integer, optional
        number of expected points in x direction, gets calculated if not specified
    nYPoints : integer, optional
        number of expected points in y direction, gets calculated if not specified
    tdms_file : TdmsFile, optional
        If set, file with filepattern is ignored and data from tdms_file is used

    vX : dim. (nXPoints x 1) numpy array
        x values
    vY : dim. (nYPoints x 1) numpy array
        y values
    aSignal : (nXPoints x nYPoints) numpy array
        signal as matrix
    tdms_file : TdmsFile
        TdmsFile object of read tdms.

    # Load data from TDMS file
    if not tdms_file:
        files = glob(filepattern)
        if len(files) > 1:
            l.warn("Provided file pattern %s did return multiple results."%filepattern)
        if len(files) < 1:
            l.warn("Provided file pattern %s did not match any files."%filepattern)
        l.info("Reading file %s"%files[0])
        tdms_file = TdmsFile(files[0])

    x = tdms_file.channel_data(xGroup or group, xChan)
    y = tdms_file.channel_data(yGroup or group, yChan)
    signal = tdms_file.channel_data(group, signalChan)

    return list(reshape(x, y, signal, nXPoints, nYPoints)) + [tdms_file]