예제 #1
def usecase__get_classes_dp1(rank):
    Computes classes in the Neron-Severi lattice with
    predefined self-intersection and intersection with the 
    canonical class.
    rank : int  

    # canonical class
    d = get_ak(rank)

    # basis change
    a_lst = ['e0-e1', 'e0-e2']
    a_lst = [Div.new(a, rank) for a in a_lst]
    m1_lst = get_divs(d, 1, -1, True)
    M = sage_identity_matrix(rank)
    d_lst = []
    d_tup_lst = get_bases_lst(a_lst, M, d_lst, m1_lst, False)
    B = sage_matrix(sage_ZZ, [dt.e_lst for dt in d_tup_lst[0]])

    # list the classes
    for (dc, cc) in [(2, 0), (1, -1), (0, -2), (2, 2), (2, 4), (3, 1)]:
        NSTools.p('(dc, cc) =', (dc, cc))
        c_lst = get_divs(d, dc, cc, False)
        for c in c_lst:
            NSTools.p('\t\t', c, '\t\t', c.get_basis_change(B))
예제 #2
    def import_cls(cls_lst, inv):
        This method is used by get_cls().
        cls_lst : list<DPLattice>
            A list of DPLattice objects of rank "inv.get_rank()-1". 
            These lattices correspond to Neron-Severi lattices 
            of weak Del Pezzo surfaces.
        inv : DPLattice
            A DPLattice object representing an involution.
            We expect inv.Md_lst to be set.
            A list of compatible DPLattice objects in cls_lst that are 
            converted so as to have the same rank and involution matrix as 
            inv.get_rank() and inv.M, respectively. 
            The returned list always contains inv itself.
        out_lst = []
        for cls in cls_lst:

            # convert divisors to new rank
            Md_lst = [Div.new(str(d), inv.get_rank()) for d in cls.Md_lst]
            d_lst = [Div.new(str(d), inv.get_rank()) for d in cls.d_lst]

            # import if the involution is compatible
            if set(Md_lst) == set(inv.Md_lst):
                NSTools.p('importing: ',
                          (inv.get_rank(), cls.get_marked_Mtype(),
                           cls.get_real_type()), Md_lst, '==', inv.Md_lst)
                out = DPLattice(d_lst, inv.Md_lst, inv.M)
                out_lst += [out]

        # always ensure that at least inv object is contained
        if out_lst == []:
            return [inv]

        # we expect that inv is contained in the out_lst
        # for correctness of the get_cls() algorithm.
        assert inv in out_lst

        return out_lst
예제 #3
def triples(dpl, mval):
    dpl  : DPLattice
    mval : integer
        List of triples in "dpl.fam_lst":
            [ (a,b,c),... ]
        so that 
            (1) There does not exists e in "dpl.m1_lst"
                with the property that a*e==b*e==c*e==0.
            (2) 1 <= max( a*b, a*c, b*c ) <= mval.
    key = 'triples__' + str(dpl).replace('\n', '---') + '---' + str(mval)
    if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
        return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

    f_lst = dpl.fam_lst
    e_lst = dpl.m1_lst

    # obtain list of triples (a,b,c) in f_lst
    # that are not orthogonal to any element in e_lst
    t_lst = []
    idx_lst_lst = sage_Subsets(range(len(f_lst)), 3)
    eta = ETA(len(idx_lst_lst), 500000)
    for idx_lst in idx_lst_lst:

        t = [f_lst[idx] for idx in idx_lst]
        if t[0] * t[1] > mval: continue
        if t[0] * t[2] > mval: continue
        if t[1] * t[2] > mval: continue

        # elements in f_lst correspond to divisor classes of curves on a
        # surface and thus t[i]*t[j]>=1 for all i,j \in {0,1,2} so that i!=j.

        cont = False
        for e in e_lst:
            if [f * e for f in t] == [0, 0, 0]:
                cont = True
        if cont: continue

        if not contains_perm(t_lst, t):
            t_lst += [t]

    NSTools.p('t_lst =', t_lst)

    # cache output
    NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = t_lst

    return t_lst
예제 #4
def usecase__get_cls(max_rank):
    Classification of root bases in root system of rank at most "max_rank".
    See "DPLattice.get_cls_root_bases()".
    max_rank : int
        Maximal rank.  

    row_format = '{:>6}{:>5}{:>8}{:>16}{:>5}{:>5}{:>5}{:>5}{:>6}{:>7}{:>70}{:>135}{:>340}'
    rownr = 0
    for rank in range(3, max_rank + 1):

        dpl_lst = DPLattice.get_cls(rank)
        row_lst = [[
            'rownr', 'rank', 'Mtype', 'type', '#-2', '#-1', '#fam', '#-2R',
            '#-1R', '#famR', 'Md_lst', 'd_lst', 'M'
        for dpl in sorted(dpl_lst):
            row_lst += [
                [rownr, rank,
                 dpl.get_real_type()] + list(dpl.get_numbers()) +
                [str(dpl.Md_lst)] + [str(dpl.d_lst)] + [str(list(dpl.M))]
            rownr += 1
        s = ''
        for row in row_lst:
            s += row_format.format(*row) + '\n'

        NSTools.p('Classification of root bases:\n' + s)
        NSTools.p('rank =', rank, ', len =', len(dpl_lst))
        NSTools.p(80 * '#')

    for rank in range(3, max_rank + 1):
        NSTools.p('rank =', rank, ', len =', len(DPLattice.get_cls(rank)))
    NSTools.p(80 * '#')
예제 #5
def get_webs(dpl):
    Returns lists of families of conics for each possible complex basis change.
    The n-th family in each list correspond to a fixed family wrt.
    different bases for each n. 
    dpl : DPLattice
        Represents the Neron-Severi lattice of a weak del Pezzo surface. 
        A list of lists of Div objects. 
        Each Div object f has the property that 
        f*(3e0-e1-...-er)=2, f*f==0 and f*d>=0 for all d in dpl.d_lst.
        Such a Div object corresponds geometrically to a family of conics.
        For each index i, the i-th entry of each list of Div object corresponds
        to the same family of conics.          
    key = 'get_webs__' + str(dpl).replace('\n', '---')
    if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
        return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

    ak = get_ak(dpl.get_rank())
    all_m1_lst = get_divs(ak, 1, -1, True)
    akc, cc = (3, 1)
    M = sage_identity_matrix(dpl.get_rank())

    fam_lst_lst = []
    for e0 in get_divs(ak, akc, cc, True):
        NSTools.p('e0 =', e0)
        for B_lst in get_bases_lst([e0], M, dpl.d_lst, all_m1_lst, True):
            B = sage_matrix(sage_ZZ, [d.e_lst for d in B_lst])
            dplB = dpl.get_basis_change(B)
            fam_lst_lst += [dplB.real_fam_lst]

    # reduce fam_lst
    pat_lst_lst = []
    rfam_lst_lst = []
    for fam_lst in fam_lst_lst:
        pat_lst = [0 if fam[0] != 1 else 1 for fam in fam_lst]
        if pat_lst not in pat_lst_lst:
            pat_lst_lst += [pat_lst]
            rfam_lst_lst += [fam_lst]

    # cache output
    NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = rfam_lst_lst

    return rfam_lst_lst
예제 #6
def get_ext_graph(d_lst, M):
    d_lst : list<Div> 
        A list of "Div" objects of equal rank.
    M : sage_matrix<sage_ZZ>   
        A square matrix with integral coefficients
        of rank "d_lst[0].rank()" 
        A labeled "sage_Graph()" where the elements 
        of "d_lst" are the vertices. 
        A pair of non-orthogonal vertices are connected 
        by and edge labeled with their 
        non-zero intersection product. 
        Two vertices which are related 
        via M are connected with an edge labeled 1000.
        Labeled self-loops are also included.        
    NSTools.p('d_lst =', len(d_lst), d_lst, ', M =', list(M))

    G = sage_Graph()

    for i in range(len(d_lst)):
        for j in range(len(d_lst)):
            if d_lst[i] * d_lst[j] != 0:
                G.add_edge(i, j, d_lst[i] * d_lst[j])

    for i in range(len(d_lst)):
        j = d_lst.index(d_lst[i].mat_mul(M))
        G.add_edge(i, j, 1000)

    return G
예제 #7
    def update(self, *info_lst):
        Should be called inside a loop.
        Prints an estimation for the time it takes for a program to 
        terminate (ETA for short). We refer to the program termination 
        as arrival.
        *info_lst : string
            Variable length argument list consisting of 
            additional information that is printed together with ETA.

        if self.counter % self.ival == 0:
            cur_time = self.time()

            ival_time = (cur_time - self.prv_time) / (60 * self.ival)
            passed_time = sage_n((cur_time - self.ini_time) / 60, digits=5)
            self.eta_time = sage_n(ival_time * (self.total - self.counter),

            s = ''
            for info in info_lst:
                s += str(info) + ' '

            NSTools.p('ETA =', self.eta_time, 'm,', 'counter =', self.counter,
                      '/', self.total, ',', 'time =', passed_time, 'm,',
                      'info =', s)

            # update previous time
            self.prv_time = cur_time

        # increase counter
        self.counter += 1
예제 #8
def usecase__construct_surfaces():
    We construct a surface parametrization and its Neron-Severi lattice. 
    Requires the linear_series package.

    # Blowup of projective plane in 3 colinear points
    # and 2 infinitely near points. The image of the
    # map associated to the linear series is a quartic
    # del Pezzo surface with 5 families of conics.
    # Moreover the surface contains 8 straight lines.
    ring = PolyRing('x,y,z', True)
    p1 = (-1, 0)
    p2 = (0, 0)
    p3 = (1, 0)
    p4 = (0, 1)
    p5 = (2, 0)
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp_tree.add('z', p1, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p2, 1)
    bp_tree.add('z', p3, 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', p4, 1)
    bp.add('t', p5, 1)
    ls = LinearSeries.get([3], bp_tree)
    NSTools.p('implicit equation =\n\t', ls.get_implicit_image())

    # construct NS-lattice where p1=e1,...,p5=e5
    rank = 6
    d_lst = ['e0-e1-e2-e3', 'e4-e5']  # basepoint p5 is infinitely near to p4
    Md_lst = []
    M = sage_identity_matrix(6)
    d_lst = [Div.new(d, rank) for d in d_lst]
    Md_lst = [Div.new(Md, rank) for Md in Md_lst]
    M = sage_matrix(M)
    dpl = DPLattice(d_lst, Md_lst, M)
    NSTools.p('Neron-Severi lattice =', dpl)

    # search representative for the equivalence class in classification
    assert dpl in DPLattice.get_cls(rank)
예제 #9
    def get_cls_slow(rank=7):
        Use get_cls_real_dp() for a faster method. This method does not terminate
        within reasonable time if rank>7. We still keep the method in order to 
        compare the outcomes in case rank<=9.
        max_rank : int
            An integer in [3,...,9].           
            A list of DPLattice objects corresponding to Neron-Severi lattices 
            of weak Del Pezzo surfaces of degree (10-rank). The list contains
            exactly one representative for each equivalence class.
            All the Div objects referenced in the DPLattice objects of 
            the output have the default intersection matrix:
                diagonal matrix with diagonal: (1,-1,...,-1). 
        # check cache
        key = 'get_cls_slow__' + str(rank)
        if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
            return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

        inv_lst = DPLattice.get_inv_lst(rank)
        bas_lst = DPLattice.get_bas_lst(rank)

        # we fix an involution up to equivalence and go through
        # all possible root bases for singularities.
        dpl_lst = []
        eta = ETA(len(bas_lst) * len(inv_lst), 20)
        for inv in inv_lst:
            for bas in bas_lst:

                orbit_lst = get_root_bases_orbit(bas.d_lst)
                eta.update('len( orbit_lst ) =', len(orbit_lst))

                for d_lst in orbit_lst:

                    # check whether involution inv.M preserves d_lst
                    dm_lst = [d.mat_mul(inv.M) for d in d_lst]
                    if dm_lst != d_lst:

                    # add to classification if not equivalent to objects
                    # in list, see "DPLattice.__eq__()".
                    dpl = DPLattice(d_lst, inv.Md_lst, inv.M)
                    if dpl not in dpl_lst:
                        dpl_lst += [dpl]

        # store in cache
        NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = dpl_lst

        return dpl_lst
예제 #10
def usecase__analyze_graphs(max_rank):
    We analyze the graphs of DPLattice objects in the output  
    of DPLattice.get_cls().
    max_rank : int
        Maximal rank of DPLattice objects that are considered. 

    # Examine which of the graphs associated to DPLattices
    # are isomorphic to one of the constructed graphs.
    NSTools.p('\t Compare contructed graphs with classified graphs...')
    rownr = -1
    max_verts = 0
    for rank in range(3, max_rank + 1):
        NSTools.p('\t ---')
        for dpl in DPLattice.get_cls(rank):
            rownr += 1

            # retrieve the graph SG for analysis
            SG, SG_data = dpl.get_SG()

            if SG.num_verts() <= 3:

            # check if each edge label is in [2,4]
            if [e for e in SG_data[3] if e not in [2, 4]] != []:

            # initialize string
            s = ''
            s += str(rownr) + ' ' + 'rank=' + str(rank) + ' '

            # Initialize G_lst which is a list of tuples (G,G_str)
            # where G is a constructed graph and G_str is its string identifier.
            # The identifiers are according Theorem 1 in arXiv:1807.05881v2.
            G_lst = []
            for nv1 in range(1, SG.num_verts() + 1):
                for nv2 in range(1, SG.num_verts() + 1):

                    # determine list c_lst of 2-element subsets of [1,...,m]
                    # so that m is minimal under the condition that len(c_lst)>=nv1
                    c_lst = []
                    for i in range(2 * nv1):
                        c_lst = list(sage_Combinations(i, 2))
                        if len(c_lst) >= nv1:

                    # construct graphs
                    Gd = sage_Graph()
                    G_lst += [(Gd, 'Gd:' + str(nv1))]

                    Ge = sage_Graph()
                    for i in Ge.vertices():
                        for j in Ge.vertices():
                            Ge.add_edge(i, j, 2)
                    G_lst += [(Ge, 'Ge:' + str(nv1))]

                    Gf = sage_Graph()
                    for i in Gf.vertices():
                        for j in Gf.vertices():
                            q = len([c for c in c_lst[i] if c in c_lst[j]])
                            Gf.add_edge(i, j, 4 - 2 * q)
                    G_lst += [(Gf, 'Gf:' + str(Gf.num_verts()))]

                    Gg = sage_Graph()
                    for i in Gg.vertices():
                        for j in Gg.vertices():
                            q = len([c for c in c_lst[i] if c in c_lst[j]])
                            if q > 0:
                                Gg.add_edge(i, j, 2)
                    G_lst += [(Gg, 'Gg:' + str(Gg.num_verts()))]

                    # construct combined graphs
                    if nv1 + nv2 > SG.num_verts():

                    Gd2 = sage_Graph()

                    Ge2 = sage_Graph()
                    for i in Ge2.vertices():
                        for j in Ge2.vertices():
                            Ge2.add_edge(i, j, 2)

                    if nv1 + nv2 == SG.num_verts():

                        if (Gd.num_verts(), Ge2.num_verts()) != (1, 1):
                            Gde = sage_Graph()
                            for i in range(Ge2.num_verts() - 1, -1, -1):
                                Gde.relabel({i: i + Gd.num_verts()})
                            for i in range(Gd.num_verts()):
                                for j in range(Gd.num_verts(),
                                    Gde.add_edge(i, j, 2)
                            G_lst += [(Gde, 'Gde:' + str(Gd.num_verts()) +
                                       '+' + str(Ge2.num_verts()))]

                    if len(c_lst) + nv2 == SG.num_verts():

                        Gfd = sage_Graph()
                        for i in range(Gd2.num_verts() - 1, -1, -1):
                            Gfd.relabel({i: i + Gf.num_verts()})
                        for i in range(Gf.num_verts()):
                            for j in range(Gf.num_verts(), Gfd.num_verts()):
                                Gfd.add_edge(i, j, 2)
                        G_lst += [(Gfd, 'Gfd:' + str(Gf.num_verts()) + '+' +

                        Gge = sage_Graph()
                        for i in range(Ge2.num_verts() - 1, -1, -1):
                            Gge.relabel({i: i + Gg.num_verts()})
                        for i in range(Gg.num_verts()):
                            for j in range(Gg.num_verts(), Gge.num_verts()):
                                Gge.add_edge(i, j, 2)
                        G_lst += [(Gge, 'Gge:' + str(Gg.num_verts()) + '+' +

            # check for each of the constructed graphs whether
            # it is isomorphic to dpl.get_SG()
            for (G, G_str) in G_lst:
                if SG.is_isomorphic(G, edge_labels=True):
                    max_verts = max(max_verts, G.num_verts())
                    if G_str not in s:
                        s += G_str + ' '

            if ':' in s:
                NSTools.p('\t', s)

    NSTools.p('max_verts =', max_verts)
예제 #11
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[1], 1)
    NSTools.p('basepoints =', b)
    NSTools.p(LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree))


if __name__ == '__main__':

    #  Debug output settings
    mod_lst = []
    mod_lst += ['__main__.py']
    # mod_lst += ['class_dp_lattice.py']
    # mod_lst += ['class_eta.py']
    NSTools.filter(mod_lst)  # output only from specified modules
    NSTools.filter(None)  # print all verbose output, comment to disable.
    # NSTools.get_tool_dct().clear()  # uncomment to remove all cache!

    if 'OUTPUT_PATH' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'] = './'


    # Should be between 3 and 9.
    # computes classifications up to rank "max_rank".
    max_rank = 9

예제 #12
def usecase__graphs(max_rank):
    Lists attributes of simple family graphs.
    max_rank : int
        Maximal rank of DPLattice objects that are considered.                        
    row_format = '{:<6}{:<5}{:<8}{:<16}{:<7}{:<10}{:<95}{:<30}{:<15}{:<15}{:<15}{:<15}'

    already_in_cache = True
    dpl_lst = []
    rownr = 0
    row_lst = [[
        'rownr', 'deg', 'Mtype', 'type', '#vert', '#edges', 'degrees',
        'labels', 'complete', 'connected', 'vert-xfer', 'edge-xfer'
    for rank in range(3, max_rank + 1):

        NSTools.p('rank =', rank)

        for dpl in DPLattice.get_cls(rank):

            already_in_cache = already_in_cache and (dpl.SG != None)

            dpl_lst += [dpl]
            SG, SG_data = dpl.get_SG()
            row_lst += [[
                rownr, 10 - rank,
            ] + SG_data]
            rownr += 1

            if rank == 9 and (rownr <= 390 or rownr % 100 == 0):
                NSTools.p('\t\trownr =', rownr)

    s = ''
    for row in row_lst:
        s += row_format.format(*row) + '\n'

    NSTools.p('Classification of simple family graphs:\n' + s)

    if not already_in_cache:
        NSTools.p('Saving data for simple family graphs...')

    # example for how to plot a simple family graph
    NSTools.p('Plotting a simple family graph...')
    SG, SG_data = DPLattice.get_cls(6)[0].get_SG()
    P = SG.graphplot(vertex_size=1,

    P.save(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'] + 'graph.png')
    NSTools.p('#components =', SG.connected_components_number())
예제 #13
    def get_bas_lst(rank=9):
        See [Algorithm 5, http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.6678] for more info. 
        rank : int
            An integer in [3,...,9].    
            A list of "DPLattice" objects dpl such that dpl.d_lst 
            is the bases of a root subsystem and dpl.Mtype == A0. 
            The list contains exactly one representative for all 
            root subsystems up to equivalence.  
            The list represents a classification of root 
            subsystems of the root system with Dynkin type either:
                A1, A1+A2, A4, D5, E6, E7 or E8,
            corresponding to ranks 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively 
            (eg. A1+A2 if rank equals 4, and E8 if rank equals 9).
            Note that the root systems live in a subspace of 
            the vector space associated to the Neron-Severi lattice 
            of a weak Del Pezzo surface.
        # check whether classification of root bases is in cache
        key = 'get_bas_lst__' + str(rank)
        if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
            return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]


        A = [12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78]
        B = [1123, 1145, 1456, 1567, 1678, 278]
        C = [1127, 1347, 1567, 234, 278, 308]
        D = [1123, 1345, 1156, 1258, 1367, 1247, 1468, 1178]

        dpl_lst = []
        for (lst1, lst2) in [(A, []), (A, B), (A, C), ([], D)]:

            # restrict to divisors in list, that are of rank at most "max_rank"
            lst1 = [
                Div.new(str(e), rank) for e in lst1
                if rank >= Div.get_min_rank(str(e))
            lst2 = [
                Div.new(str(e), rank) for e in lst2
                if rank >= Div.get_min_rank(str(e))

            # the involution is trivial
            Md_lst = []
            M = sage_identity_matrix(sage_QQ, rank)

            # loop through the lists
            sub1 = sage_Subsets(range(len(lst1)))
            sub2 = sage_Subsets(range(len(lst2)))
            eta = ETA(len(sub1) * len(sub2), 20)
            for idx2_lst in sub2:
                for idx1_lst in sub1:

                    eta.update('get_bas_lst rank =', rank)

                    d_lst = [lst1[idx1] for idx1 in idx1_lst]
                    d_lst += [lst2[idx2] for idx2 in idx2_lst]

                    if not is_root_basis(d_lst):

                    dpl = DPLattice(d_lst, Md_lst, M)

                    if dpl not in dpl_lst:
                        dpl_lst += [dpl]

        # cache output
        NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = dpl_lst

        return dpl_lst
예제 #14
def get_bases_lst(a_lst, M, d_lst, m1_lst, perm=False):
    Returns a list of basis with specified generators.
    a_lst : list<Div>
        A list of linear independent Div objects of 
        the same rank with 3<=rank<=9.
        It is required that
        "set(a_lst)==set([ a.mat_mul(M) for a in a_lst ])".
    M : sage_matrix<sage_ZZ>
        A unimodular matrix representing an involution.
    d_lst : list<Div>
        A list of Div objects d of the same rank as any
        element in "a_lst", so that "d*k==0" and "d*d==-2".
        These represent a root basis for the indecomposable 
        (-2)-classes in the Neron-Severi lattice of a 
        weak del Pezzo surface.   

    m1_lst : list<Div>
        A list of Div objects d of the same rank as any
        element in "a_lst", so that "d*k==d*d==-1".
        These represent (-1)-classes in the Neron-Severi 
        lattice of a weak del Pezzo surface.     
    perm : bool
        If False, then we consider two bases the same if the 
        generators of the first basis can be obtained from 
        the second basis via a permutation matrix.
        A list of tuples of Div objects. Each tuple of Div objects
        represents a basis for the Neron-Severi lattice determined
        by d_lst and m1_lst. The bases are of the form          
            < a1,...,as, b1,...,bt >
        with the following property
            * a1,...,as are defined by the input "a_lst"
            * bi is an element in m1_lst such that bi*bj=am*bi=0 
              for all 1<=i<j<=t and 1<=m<=s              
        If "a_lst==[]" then "[[]]" is returned.   
    key = 'get_bases_lst__' + str(
        (a_lst, M, d_lst, m1_lst, perm)) + '__' + str(M.rank())
    if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
        return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

    if a_lst == []:
        return [[]]

    if len(a_lst) == a_lst[0].rank():
        return [tuple(a_lst)]

    e_lst = []
    for m1 in get_indecomp_divs(m1_lst, d_lst):
        if set([m1 * a for a in a_lst]) != {0}:
        if m1 * m1.mat_mul(M) > 0:
        e_lst += [m1]

    bas_lst = []
    for e in e_lst:

        Me = e.mat_mul(M)
        new_d_lst = [d for d in d_lst if d * e == d * Me == 0]
        new_m1_lst = [m1 for m1 in m1_lst if m1 * e == m1 * Me == 0]
        add_lst = [e]
        if e != Me: add_lst += [Me]
        bas2_lst = get_bases_lst(a_lst + add_lst, M, new_d_lst, new_m1_lst,

        if perm:
            bas_lst += bas2_lst
            for bas2 in bas2_lst:
                found = False
                for bas in bas_lst:
                    # check whether the two bases are the same up to
                    # permutation of generators
                    if set(bas) == set(bas2):
                        found = True
                        break  # break out of nearest for loop
                if not found:
                    NSTools.p('found new basis: ', bas2, ', bas2_lst =',
                    bas_lst += [bas2]

    # cache output
    NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = bas_lst

    return bas_lst
예제 #15
    def get_part_roots(inv):
        Return two subsets of roots using the input involution.
        This method is used by get_cls().        
        inv : DPLattice
            We expect inv.type=='A0'.
            We will use inv.Mtype and inv.M. 
        list<Div>, list<Div>
            Let R be defined by the list
                get_divs( get_ak( inv.get_rank() ), 0, -2, True )
            whose elements are Div objects.
            If r is a Div object, then M(r) is shorthand notation for 
            The two returned lists correspond respectively to                       
                S := { r in R | M(r)=r }            
                Q union Q' := { r in R | M(r) not in {r,-r} and r*M(r)>0 }
            where Q = M(Q').                        
        r_lst = get_divs(get_ak(inv.get_rank()), 0, -2, True)
        s_lst = [r for r in r_lst if r.mat_mul(inv.M) == r]
        tq1_lst = [
            r for r in r_lst if r.mat_mul(inv.M) not in [r, r.int_mul(-1)]
        tq_lst = [q for q in tq1_lst if q * q.mat_mul(inv.M) >= 0]

        q_lst = []
        for q in sorted(tq_lst):
            if q not in q_lst and q.mat_mul(inv.M) not in q_lst:
                q_lst += [q]

        # q_lst += [ q.int_mul( -1 ) for q in q_lst ]

        NSTools.p('r_lst      =', len(r_lst), r_lst)
        NSTools.p('s_lst      =', len(s_lst), s_lst)
        NSTools.p('tq1_lst    =', len(tq1_lst), tq1_lst)
        NSTools.p('tq_lst     =', len(tq_lst), tq_lst)
        NSTools.p('q_lst      =', len(q_lst), q_lst)
        NSTools.p('       M -->', len(q_lst),
                  [q.mat_mul(inv.M) for q in q_lst])
        NSTools.p('inv.Md_lst =', inv.Mtype, inv.Md_lst, ', rank =',

        return s_lst, q_lst
예제 #16
    def get_inv_lst(rank=9):
        Outputs a list representing a classification of root 
        subsystems that define unimodular involutions on the 
        Neron-Severi lattice of a weak del Pezzo surface.
        We consider root subsystems of the root system with Dynkin 
        type either:
            A1, A1+A2, A4, D5, E6, E7 or E8,
        corresponding to ranks 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively 
        (eg. A1+A2 if rank equals 4, and E8 if rank equals 9).
        Note that root systems live in a subspace of 
        the vector space associated to the Neron-Severi lattice 
        of a weak Del Pezzo surface.        
        max_rank : int
            An integer in [3,...,9].           
            A list of "DPLattice" objects dpl such that dpl.Md_lst 
            is the bases of a root subsystem and dpl.type == A0. 
            The list contains exactly one representative for 
            root subsystems up to equivalence, so that the root
            subsystem defines a unimodular involution.  
        # check cache
        key = 'get_inv_lst__' + str(rank)
        if False and key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
            return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

        bas_lst = DPLattice.get_bas_lst(rank)

        NSTools.p('rank =', rank)

        amb_lst = []
        inv_lst = []
        eta = ETA(len(bas_lst), 1)
        for bas in bas_lst:

            M = basis_to_involution(bas.d_lst, rank)
            if not is_integral_involution(M):
            inv = DPLattice([], bas.d_lst, M)

            NSTools.p('Found type of involution: ', bas.type)

            # real structures with different Dynkin types may be equivalent
            if inv not in inv_lst:
                inv_lst += [inv]
                inv_prv = [inv2 for inv2 in inv_lst if inv == inv2][0]
                inv_lst = [inv2 for inv2 in inv_lst if not inv2 == inv]
                amb_lst += [inv, inv_prv]
                if inv > inv_prv:
                    inv_lst += [inv]
                    inv_lst += [inv_prv]
                NSTools.p('\tAmbitious type:', inv.Mtype, '==', inv_prv.Mtype,
                          ' inv>inv_prv: ', inv > inv_prv,
                          ' ambitious types =',
                          [amb.Mtype for amb in amb_lst if amb == inv])

        # store in cache
        NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = inv_lst

        return inv_lst
예제 #17
    def get_SG(self):
        The simple family graph associated to the 
        Neron-Severi lattice of a weak del Pezzo surface
        is defined as the incidence diagram of self.real_fam_lst,
        with the edges labeled <=1 removed. 
        All vertices are labeled with the index of the element in 
        In the mathematical version (see arxiv paper) the vertices 
        are labeled with the dimension of the linear series, which is 
        always 1 with one exception: 
        If len(self.real_fam_lst)==0 and rank==3, then
        the simple family graph consists of a single vertex labeled 2. 
        # The following graph is related to the E8 root system:
        dpl = DPLattice.get_cls( 9 )[0]
        assert set(dpl.get_SG().num_verts()) == {2160}
        assert set(dpl.get_SG().get_degree()) == {2095}
        assert set(dpl.get_SG().edge_labels()) == {2,3,4,5,6,7,8}

        sage_GRAPH, [int, int, list<int>, list<int>, bool, bool, bool, bool ]
            The simple family graph self.SG and a list self.SG_data 
            associated to the current DPLattice object.
            Here self.SG_data consists of data that describes self.SG.
            This method also initializes self.SG and self.SG_data.

        if self.SG != None:
            return self.SG, self.SG_data

        if self.get_rank() == 9 and self.get_numbers()[-1] > 800:
                'Initializing simple family graph of current DPLattice object...',
                self.get_rank(), self.get_marked_Mtype(), self.get_real_type())

        f = self.real_fam_lst
        f_range = range(len(f))

        self.SG = sage_Graph()
        for i in f_range:
            for j in f_range:
                if f[i] * f[j] > 1:
                    self.SG.add_edge(i, j, f[i] * f[j])

        self.SG_data = [
            self.SG.num_verts(),  # number of vertices
            self.SG.num_edges(),  # number of edges
                self.SG.degree()))),  # possible numbers of outgoing edges
            sorted(list(set(self.SG.edge_labels()))),  # possible edge labels
            self.SG.is_clique(),  # True iff the graph is complete.

        return self.SG, self.SG_data
예제 #18
def usecase__roman_circles():
    We compute circles on a Roman surface.
    # parametrization of the Roman surface
    p_lst = '[ z^2+x^2+y^2, -z*x, -x*y, z*y ]'

    # we consider the stereographic projection from
    #     S^3 = { x in P^4 | -x0^2+x1^2+x2^2+x3^2+x4^2 = 0 }
    # where the center of projection is (1:0:0:0:1):
    #     (x0:x1:x2:x3:x4) |---> (x0-x4:x1:x2:x3)

    # inverse stereographic projection into 3-sphere
    s_lst = '[ y0^2+y1^2+y2^2+y3^2, 2*y0*y1, 2*y0*y2, 2*y0*y3, -y0^2+y1^2+y2^2+y3^2 ]'

    # compose p_lst with s_lst
    ring = PolyRing('x,y,z,y0,y1,y2,y3')
    x, y, z, y0, y1, y2, y3 = ring.gens()
    p_lst = ring.coerce(p_lst)
    s_lst = ring.coerce(s_lst)
    dct = {y0: p_lst[0], y1: p_lst[1], y2: p_lst[2], y3: p_lst[3]}
    sp_lst = [s.subs(dct) for s in s_lst]
    NSTools.p('sp_lst =')
    for sp in sp_lst:
        NSTools.p('\t\t', sage_factor(sp))
    NSTools.p('gcd(sp_lst) =', sage_gcd(sp_lst))

    # determine base points
    ring = PolyRing('x,y,z', True)
    sp_lst = ring.coerce(sp_lst)
    ls = LinearSeries(sp_lst, ring)

    # We expect that the basepoints come from the intersection
    # of the Roman surface with the absolute conic:
    #    A = { (y0:y1:y2:y3) in P^3 | y0=y1^2+y2^2+y3^2 = 0 }
    # Circles are the image via p_lst of lines that pass through
    # complex conjugate points.
    ring = PolyRing('x,y,z',
                    False)  # reinitialize ring with updated numberfield
    a0, a1, a2, a3 = ring.root_gens()

    # a0=(1-I*sqrt(3)) with conjugate a0-1 and minimal polynomial t^2-t+1

    # we compute candidate classes of circles
    h = Div.new('4e0-e1-e2-e3-e4-e5-e6-e7-e8')
    div_lst = get_divs(h, 2, -2, False) + get_divs(h, 2, -1, False)
    NSTools.p('Classes of circles up to permutation:')
    for c in div_lst:
        NSTools.p('\t\t', c)

    # We recover the preimages of circles in the Roman surface
    # under the map p_lst, by constructing for each candidate
    # class the corresponding linear series.

    # 2e0-e1-e2-e3-e4-e5-e6-e7-e8
    b = [(a0 - 1, -a0), (-a0, a0 - 1)]
    b += [(-a0 + 1, a0), (a0, -a0 + 1)]
    b += [(a0 - 1, a0), (-a0, -a0 + 1)]
    b += [(-a0 + 1, -a0), (a0, a0 - 1)]
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    for i in range(6):
        bp_tree.add('z', b[i], 1)
    NSTools.p('basepoints =', b)
    NSTools.p(LinearSeries.get([2], bp_tree))

    # e0-e1-e2
    b = [(a0 - 1, -a0), (-a0, a0 - 1)]
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[0], 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[1], 1)
    NSTools.p('basepoints =', b)
    NSTools.p(LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree))

    # e0-e3-e4
    b = [(-a0 + 1, a0), (a0, -a0 + 1)]
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[0], 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[1], 1)
    NSTools.p('basepoints =', b)
    NSTools.p(LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree))

    # e0-e5-e6
    b = [(a0 - 1, a0), (-a0, -a0 + 1)]
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[0], 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[1], 1)
    NSTools.p('basepoints =', b)
    NSTools.p(LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree))

    # e0-e7-e8
    b = [(-a0 + 1, -a0), (a0, a0 - 1)]
    bp_tree = BasePointTree()
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[0], 1)
    bp = bp_tree.add('z', b[1], 1)
    NSTools.p('basepoints =', b)
    NSTools.p(LinearSeries.get([1], bp_tree))

예제 #19
def get_root_bases_orbit(d_lst, positive=True):
    Computes the orbit of a root base under the Weyl group.
    d_lst : list<Div>
        A list of lists of "Div" objects "d" of the same rank or the empty list.    

    positive : bool
        A list of distinct lists of "Div" objects "d" of the same rank. 
        such that d*d=-2 and d*(-3h+e1+...+er)=0 where r=rank-1.
        If "d_lst" is the empty list, then "[]" is returned.
        Otherwise we return a list of root bases such that each root basis
        is obtained as follows from a root "s" such that s*s=-2 
        and s*(-3h+e1+...+er)=0: 
            [ d + (d*s)d for d in d_lst ]
        We do this for all possible roots in [s1,s2,s3,...]: 
            [ [ d + (d*s1)d for d in d_lst ],  [ d + (d*s2)d for d in d_lst ], ... ]
        Mathematically, this means that we consider the Weyl group 
        of the root system with Dynkin type determined by the rank of elements 
        in "d_lst". The Dynkin type is either 
            A1, A1+A2, A4, D5, E6, E7 or E8.
        We return the orbit of the elements in "d_lst" under
        the action of the Weyl group.
        If "positive==True" then the roots in the basis are all positive
        and thus of the form 
            <ij>, <1ijk>, <2ij>, <30i>
        with i<j<k. 
        For example '15' and '1124' but not '-15' or '-1124'. 
        See "Div.get_label()" for the notation.                           
    if d_lst == []:
        return [[]]

    rank = d_lst[0].rank()

    # in cache?
    key = 'get_root_bases_orbit_' + str(d_lst) + '_' + str(rank)
    if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
        return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

    # obtain list of all positive (-2)-classes
    m2_lst = get_divs(get_ak(rank), 0, -2, True)
    # m2_lst += [ m2.int_mul( -1 ) for m2 in m2_lst]
    NSTools.p('d_lst  =', len(d_lst), d_lst, ', m2_lst =', len(m2_lst), m2_lst)

    # data for ETA computation
    counter = 0
    total = len(m2_lst)
    ival = 5000

    d_lst_lst = [d_lst]
    for cd_lst in d_lst_lst:

        total = len(m2_lst) * len(d_lst_lst)
        for m2 in m2_lst:

            # ETA
            if counter % ival == 0:
                start = time.time()
            counter += 1
            if counter % ival == 0:
                passed_time = time.time() - start
                NSTools.p('ETA in minutes =',
                          passed_time * (total - counter) / (ival * 60),
                          ', len(d_lst_lst) =', len(d_lst_lst), ', total =',

            # The action of roots on a root base is by reflection:
            #     cd - 2(cd*m2/m2*m2)m2
            # Notice that m2*m2==-2.
            od_lst = [cd + m2.int_mul(cd * m2) for cd in cd_lst]
            # print( 'm2 =', m2, ', od_lst =', od_lst, ', cd_lst =', cd_lst, ', d_lst_lst =', d_lst_lst, ' positive =', positive )

            if od_lst not in d_lst_lst:
                d_lst_lst += [od_lst]

    # select positive roots if positive==True
    pd_lst_lst = []
    for d_lst in d_lst_lst:
        if positive and '-' in [d.get_label(True)[0] for d in d_lst]:
            continue  # continue with for loop since a negative root in basis
        pd_lst_lst += [d_lst]

    # cache output
    NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = pd_lst_lst

    NSTools.p('#orbit(' + str(d_lst) + ') =', len(pd_lst_lst))

    return pd_lst_lst
예제 #20
def get_dynkin_type(d_lst):
    d_lst : list<Div>
        A list of lists of "Div" objects "d" of 
        the same rank, such that 
            d*d=-2 and d*(-3h+e1+...+er)=0 
            r=rank-1 and rank in [3,...,9].  
        We assume that "is_root_basis(d_lst)==True":
        linear independent, self intersection number -2
        and pairwise product either 0 or 1.            
        Returns a string denoting the Dynkin type of a 
        root system with basis "d_lst".  
        Returns 'A0' if "d_lst==[]".
        For example:
        [<1145>, <1123>, <23>, <45>, <56>, <78>] --> '3A1+A3'
        where <1145> is shorthand for "Div.new('1145')".      
        If the Dynkin type of d_lst cannot be recognized.
    if d_lst == []: return 'A0'

    # check whether values are cached
    construct_dynkin_types = True
    max_r = d_lst[0].rank() - 1
    key = 'get_dynkin_type_' + str(max_r)
    for r in range(max_r, 8 + 1):
        if 'get_dynkin_type_' + str(r) in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
            key = 'get_dynkin_type_' + str(r)
            construct_dynkin_types = False

    # construct list of dynkin types if values are not cached
    if construct_dynkin_types:
        NSTools.p('Constructing list of Dynkin types... max_r =', max_r)

        ade_lst = []
        for comb_lst in sage_Combinations(max_r * ['A', 'D', 'E'], max_r):
            for perm_lst in sage_Permutations(comb_lst):
                ade_lst += [perm_lst]
        # "ade_lst" contains all combinations of 'A', 'D', 'E'
        # and looks as follows:
        #     ade_lst[0] = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A']
        #     ade_lst[1] = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'D']
        #     ade_lst[2] = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'D', 'A']
        #     ...
        #     ade_lst[?] = ['A', 'D', 'A', 'D', 'A', 'D', 'E', 'A']
        #     ...
        #     ade_lst[-1]= ['E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E']

        type_lst = []
        ts_lst = []
        for ade in ade_lst:
            for r in range(1, max_r + 1):
                for p_lst in sage_Partitions(r + max_r, length=max_r):

                    # obtain type list
                    t_lst = [(ade[i], p_lst[i] - 1) for i in range(max_r)
                             if p_lst[i] != 1]

                    # obtain Root system
                    # or continue if invalid Cartan/Dynkin type
                    if ('D', 2) in t_lst or ('D', 3) in t_lst:
                        rs = sage_RootSystem(t_lst)
                    except ValueError as err:
                        continue  # not a valid Cartan type

                    # obtain graph G
                    mat = list(-1 * rs.cartan_matrix())
                    G = sage_Graph()
                    for i in range(len(mat)):
                        for j in range(len(mat[0])):
                            if mat[i][j] == 1:
                                G.add_edge(i, j)

                    # obtain string for type
                    # Example: [(A,1),(A,1),(A,1),(A,3)] ---> '3A1+A3'
                    tmp_lst = [t for t in t_lst]
                    ts = ''
                    while len(tmp_lst) > 0:
                        t = tmp_lst[0]
                        c = tmp_lst.count(t)
                        while t in tmp_lst:
                        if ts != '':
                            ts += '+'
                        if c > 1:
                            ts += str(c)

                        ts += t[0] + str(t[1])

                    # add to type_lst if new
                    if ts not in ts_lst:
                        type_lst += [(G, ts, t_lst)]
                        ts_lst += [ts]
                        NSTools.p('added to list: ', ts,
                                  '\t\t...please wait...')

        NSTools.p('Finished constructing list of Dynkin types.')
        # cache the constructed "type_lst"
        NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = type_lst

    # end if
        type_lst = NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]
    G1 = get_graph(d_lst)

    # loop through all types and check equivalence
    for (G2, ts, t_lst) in type_lst:
        if G1.is_isomorphic(G2):
            return ts

    raise ValueError('Could not recognize Dynkin type: ', d_lst)
예제 #21
def cls_to_tex():
    Create tex code for the output of DPLattice.get_cls()
        A string representing a table of tables in Tex format.
        The table represent the classification of Neron-Severi
        lattice of weak del Pezzo surfaces.       

    # create a list of occuring divisors
    div_lst = []
    for rank in range(3, 9 + 1):
        for dpl in DPLattice.get_cls(rank):

            # construct list for involution (e0,...,er)|-->(i0,...,ir)
            i_lst = [
                Div(row).mat_mul(dpl.M) for row in sage_identity_matrix(rank)

            # add each divisor that occurs to div_lst
            for elt in i_lst + dpl.d_lst:
                div_lst += [Div(elt.e_lst + (9 - len(elt.e_lst)) * [0])]
    div_lst = list(set(div_lst))
    e0 = Div([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    div_lst = [e0] + div_lst

    # create dictionary characters for elements in div_lst
    abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    ch_lst = []
    ch_lst += [
        '\\frac{' + ch1 + '}{' + ch2 + '}\\!' for ch1 in '0123456789'
        for ch2 in '0123456789'
    ch_lst += [
        '\\frac{' + ch1 + '}{' + ch2 + '}\\!' for ch1 in '0123456789'
        for ch2 in 'abcdef'

    NSTools.p('(len(ch_lst), len(div_lst)) =', (len(ch_lst), len(div_lst)))

    assert len(ch_lst) >= len(div_lst)

    # create legend and dictionary
    lgd_lst = []
    sym_dct = {}
    for i in range(len(div_lst)):
        sym_dct.update({str(div_lst[i]): ch_lst[i]})
        lgd_lst += [[
            '$' + ch_lst[i] + '$ :',
            ('$' + str(div_lst[i]) + '$').replace('e', 'e_')
    while len(lgd_lst) % 3 != 0:
        lgd_lst += [['', '']]
    nnrows = len(lgd_lst) / 3

    # create tex for legend
    tex_lgd = ''
    tex_lgd += '\\begin{table}\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\setstretch{1.4}\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\tiny\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\caption{Classification of Neron-Severi lattices of weak del Pezzo surfaces (see THM{nsl})}\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\label{tab:nsl}\n'
    tex_lgd += 'A dictionary for symbols in the columns $\\sigma_A$ and $B$:\n\\\\\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}l@{~~~~}l@{}l@{~~~~}l@{}l@{}}\n'
    for idx in range(nnrows):
        c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = lgd_lst[idx] + lgd_lst[
            idx + nnrows] + lgd_lst[idx + 2 * nnrows]
        tex_lgd += c1 + ' & ' + c2 + ' & ' + c3 + ' & ' + c4 + ' & ' + c5 + ' & ' + c6
        tex_lgd += '\\\\\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\end{tabular}\n'
    tex_lgd += '\\end{table}\n\n'

    # number of rows of the big table
    nrows = 57

    # dictionary for replacing string symbols
    rep_dct = {
        'A': 'A_',
        'D': 'D_',
        'E': 'E_',
        '{': '\\underline{',
        '[': '\\udot{',
        ']': '}'

    # create classification table
    tab_lst = []

    # rank 1 and 2
    tab9 = [['i  ', '$9$', "$A_0 $", '$A_0$', '$0$', '$1$', '']]
    tab8 = [['ii ', '$8$', "$A_0 $", '$A_0$', '$0$', '$2$', ''],
            ['iii', '$8$', "$A_0 $", '$A_0$', '$0$', '$1$', ''],
            ['iv ', '$8$', "$A_0 $", '$A_0$', '$1$', '$1$', ''],
            ['v  ', '$8$', "$A_0 $", '$A_1$', '$0$', '$1$', '']]
    tab_lst += [tab9, tab8]

    # rank 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9
    idx = 0
    Mtype_lst = ['A1', '4A1']  # for breaking up table for degree 2 case
    for rank in range(3, 9 + 1):

        tab = []
        for dpl in DPLattice.get_cls(rank):

            col1 = '$' + str(idx) + '$'

            col2 = '$' + str(dpl.get_degree()) + '$'

            col3 = '$' + str(dpl.get_marked_Mtype()) + '$'
            for key in rep_dct:
                col3 = str(col3).replace(key, rep_dct[key])

            col4 = '$' + str(dpl.get_real_type()) + '$'
            for key in rep_dct:
                col4 = str(col4).replace(key, rep_dct[key])

            col5 = '$' + str(dpl.get_numbers()[4]) + '$'

            col6 = '$' + str(dpl.get_numbers()[5]) + '$'

            i_lst = [
                for rw in sage_identity_matrix(rank)
            col7 = ''
            for i in i_lst:
                col7 += sym_dct[i]
            if col7 in [
                    '012', '0123', '01234', '012345', '0123456', '01234567',
                col7 = ''

            col8 = ''
            for d in dpl.d_lst:
                col8 += sym_dct[str(d)]

            # these subroot systems cannot be realized as weak del Pezzo surfaces
            if col4 in [
                    '$7\underline{A_1}$', '$8\underline{A_1}$',
                col1 = '$\\times$'

            # break (sometimes) the table for degree 2 according to Mtype
            if dpl.get_degree() == 2 and dpl.Mtype in Mtype_lst:
                nheaders = len(
                    tab) / nrows  # each header shifts the row number
                while len(
                ) % nrows != nrows - 1 - nheaders:  # add rows until end of table
                    tab += [7 * ['']]

            # add row
            tab += [[
                col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6,
                '$' + col7 + '||\!' + col8 + '$'
            idx += 1

        tab_lst += [tab]

    # reformat table
    #         i     d     A     B     E     G     Ac%Bc
    hl = '@{~}l@{~~~}l@{~~~}l@{~~}l@{~~}l@{~~}l@{~~}l@{}'
    hrow = ['', 'd', '$D(A)$', '$D(B)$', '$\#E$', '$\#G$', '$\sigma_A||B$']
    etab_lst = []
    etab = [hrow]
    tab_idx = 0
    for tab in tab_lst:

        for row in tab:
            if len(etab) >= nrows:
                etab_lst += [etab]
                etab = [hrow]
            etab += [row]

        if len(etab) < nrows and tab_idx <= 3:
            etab += [
                7 * [''], 7 * ['']
            ]  # add two empty rows to separate tables with different rank
            while len(etab) < nrows:
                etab += [7 * ['']]  # add empty rows to fill up table
            etab_lst += [etab]
            etab = [hrow]

        tab_idx += 1
    NSTools.p('etab_lst: ', [len(etab) for etab in etab_lst])

    # create tex for main classification table
    tex_tab = ''
    tab_idx = 0
    for etab in etab_lst:

        if tab_idx % 2 == 0:
            tex_tab += '\\begin{table}\n'
            tex_tab += '\\setstretch{1.6}\n'
            tex_tab += '\\centering\\tiny\n'
            tex_tab += '\\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\\hspace{1cm}}l@{}}\n'
        elif tab_idx % 2 == 1:
            tex_tab += '&\n'

        tex_tab += '\\begin{tabular}{' + hl + '}\n'
        for row in etab:
            col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col78 = row
            tex_tab += col1 + ' & ' + col2 + ' & ' + col3 + ' & ' + col4 + ' & '
            tex_tab += col5 + ' & ' + col6 + ' & ' + col78
            tex_tab += ' \\\\\n'
            if row == hrow:
                tex_tab += '\\hline\n'

        tex_tab += '\\end{tabular}\n'

        if tab_idx % 2 == 1:
            tex_tab += '\\end{tabular}\n'
            tex_tab += '\\end{table}\n\n'

        tab_idx += 1

    if tab_idx % 2 == 1:
        tex_tab += '&\n'
        tex_tab += '\\end{tabular}\n\n'

    # creating tex for commands
    tex_cmd = ''
    tex_cmd += '\\newcommand{\\udot}[1]{\\tikz[baseline=(todotted.base)]{\\node[inner sep=1pt,outer sep=0pt] (todotted) {$#1$};\\draw[densely dotted] (todotted.south west) -- (todotted.south east);}}'
    tex_cmd += '\n'
    tex_cmd += '\\newcommand{\\udash}[1]{\\tikz[baseline=(todotted.base)]{\\node[inner sep=1pt,outer sep=0pt] (todotted) {$#1$};\\draw[densely dashed] (todotted.south west) -- (todotted.south east);}}'
    tex_cmd += '\n\n'

    out = tex_cmd + tex_lgd + tex_tab

    return out
예제 #22
def get_divs(d, dc, cc, perm=False):
    Computes divisors in unimodular lattice with prescribed intersection product. 
    d : Div    
        object d0*e0 + d1*e1 +...+ dr*er such that 
            * product signature equals (1,d.rank()-1)
            * d0>0
            * d1,...,dr<=0                         
    dc : int 
        A positive integer.
    cc : int        
        Self intersection.
    perm : boolean
        If True, then generators are permuted.      
        Returns a sorted list of "Div" objects
            * c = c0*e0 + c1*e1 +...+ cr*er
        such that 
            * d.rank() == r+1
            * dc       == d*c   (signature = (1,rank-1))
            * cc       == c*c   (signature = (1,rank-1))           
        and each Div object satisfies exactly one
        of the following conditions:    
            * c == ei - ej   for 0>i>j>=r,
            * c == ei        for i>0, or          
            * c0 > 0,   c1,...,cr <= 0
        If "perm" is False, then then only one representative
        for each c is returned up to permutation of ei for i>0. 
        For example, e0-e1-e2 and e0-e1-e3 are considered equivalent, 
        and only e0-e1-e2 is returned, since e0-e1-e2>e0-e1-e3 
        (see "get_div_set()" for the ordering). In particular,
        c1 >= c2 >= ... >= cr.  
        If d=[3]+8*[-1], (dc,cc)==(0,-2) and perm=False 
        then the Div classes are 
        '12', '1123', '212' and '308'.
        See "Div.get_label()" for the notation.
        These classes correspond to the (-2)-classes 
        in the Neron-Severi lattice associated to 
        a weak del Pezzo surface.
        If perm==False then only one representative
        for each q is returned up to permutation of 
        ei for i>0. For example, e0-e1-e2 and e0-e1-e3
        are considered equivalent, and only e0-e1-e2
        is returned, since e0-e1-e2>e0-e1-e3 
        (see "Div.__lt__()" for the ordering).             

    # check if input was already computed
    key = 'get_divs_' + str((d, dc, cc, perm))
    if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
        return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]

    # construct div set
    NSTools.p('Constructing div set classes for ', (d, dc, cc, perm))
    out_lst = []

    # compute classes of the form ei or ei-ej for i,j>0
    if (dc, cc) == (1, -1) or (dc, cc) == (0, -2):

        m2_lst = []  # list of divisors of the form ei-ej for i,j>0
        m1_lst = []  # list of divisors of the form ei for i>0
        if perm:

            # Example:
            #     >>> list(Combinations( [1,2,3,4], 2 ))
            #     [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4]]
            # Notice that r=d.rank()-1 if c = c0*e0 + c1*e1 +...+ cr*er.
            for comb in sage_Combinations(range(1, d.rank()), 2):
                m2_lst += [Div.new(str(comb[0]) + str(comb[1]), d.rank())]
            m1_lst += [
                Div.new('e' + str(i), d.rank()) for i in range(1, d.rank())


            # up to permutation of the generators
            # we may assume that i==1 and j==2.
            m2_lst += [Div.new('12', d.rank())]
            m1_lst += [Div.new('e1', d.rank())]

        # add the classes that satisfy return
        # specification to the output list
        for c in m1_lst + m2_lst:
            if (dc, cc) == (d * c, c * c):
                out_lst += [c]

    # Note: cc = c0^2 - c1^2 -...- cr^2
    c0 = 0
    cur_eq_diff = -1
    while True:

        c0 = c0 + 1
        dc_tail = d[0] * c0 - dc  #    = d1*c1 +...+ dr*cr
        dd_tail = d[0]**2 - d * d  # = d1^2  +...+ dr^2
        cc_tail = c0**2 - cc  #      = c1^2  +...+ cr^2

        # not possible according to io-specs.
        if dc_tail < 0 or dd_tail < 0 or cc_tail < 0:
            NSTools.p('continue... (c0, dc_tail, dd_tail, cc_tail) =',
                      (c0, dc_tail, dd_tail, cc_tail))
            if dd_tail < 0:
                raise Exception('dd_tail =', dd_tail)

        # Cauchy-Schwarz inequality <x,y>^2 <= <x,x>*<y,y> holds?
        prv_eq_diff = cur_eq_diff
        cur_eq_diff = abs(dc_tail * dc_tail - dd_tail * cc_tail)
        if prv_eq_diff == -1:
            prv_eq_diff = cur_eq_diff

        NSTools.p('prv_eq_diff =', prv_eq_diff, ', cur_eq_diff =', cur_eq_diff,
                  ', dc_tail^2 =', dc_tail * dc_tail, ', dd_tail*cc_tail =',
                  dd_tail * cc_tail, ', (c0, dc_tail, dd_tail, cc_tail) =',
                  (c0, dc_tail, dd_tail, cc_tail))

        if prv_eq_diff < cur_eq_diff and dc_tail * dc_tail > dd_tail * cc_tail:
            NSTools.p('stop by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality...')
            break  # out of while loop

        # obtain all possible [d1*c1+1,...,dr*cr+1]
        r = d.rank() - 1
        if perm and len(set(d[1:])) != 1:
            p_lst_lst = sage_Compositions(dc_tail + r, length=r)
            p_lst_lst = sage_Partitions(dc_tail + r, length=r)

        # data for ETA computation
        total = len(p_lst_lst)
        counter = 0
        ival = 5000

        # obtain [c1,...,cr] from [d1*c1+1,...,dr*cr+1]
        for p_lst in p_lst_lst:

            # ETA
            if counter % ival == 0:
                start = time.time()
            counter += 1
            if counter % ival == 0:
                passed_time = time.time() - start
                NSTools.p('ETA in minutes =',
                          passed_time * (total - counter) / (ival * 60), ' (',
                          counter, '/', total, '), c0 =', c0,
                          ', prv_eq_diff =', prv_eq_diff, ', cur_eq_diff =',

            # dc_tail=d1*c1 +...+ dr*cr = p1 +...+ pr  with pi>=0
            p_lst = [p - 1 for p in p_lst]

            # obtain c_tail=[c1,...,cr] from [p1,...,pr]
            valid_part = True
            c_tail = []  # =[c1,...,cr]
            for i in range(0, len(p_lst)):
                if p_lst[i] == 0 or d[i + 1] == 0:
                    c_tail += [p_lst[i]]
                    quo, rem = sage_ZZ(p_lst[i]).quo_rem(d[i + 1])
                    if rem != 0:
                        valid_part = False
                        break  # out of i-for-loop
                        c_tail += [quo]
            if not valid_part:

            # add to out list if valid
            c = Div([c0] + c_tail)
            if c.rank() == d.rank() and (dc, cc) == (d * c, c * c):
                if perm and len(set(d[1:])) == 1:
                    # since d1==...==dr we do not have to
                    # check each permutation.
                    for pc_tail in sage_Permutations(c_tail):
                        out_lst += [Div([c0] + list(pc_tail))]
                    out_lst += [c]

    # sort list of "Div" objects

    # cache output
    NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = out_lst

    return out_lst
예제 #23
    def get_cls(rank=9):
        rank : int
            An integer in [1,...,9].           
            A list of DPLattice objects corresponding to Neron-Severi lattices 
            of weak Del Pezzo surfaces of degree (10-rank). The list contains
            exactly one representative for each equivalence class.
            All the Div objects referenced in the DPLattice objects of 
            the output have the default intersection matrix:
                diagonal matrix with diagonal: (1,-1,...,-1).
            If rank<3 then the empty list is returned. 
        if rank < 3:
            return []

        # check cache
        key = 'get_cls_' + str(rank)
        if key in NSTools.get_tool_dct():
            return NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key]
        NSTools.p('rank =', rank)

        # collect all lattices with either d_lst==[] of Md_lst==[]
        bas_lst = DPLattice.get_bas_lst(rank)
        inv_lst = DPLattice.get_inv_lst(rank)

        # we loop through all involutions
        NSTools.p('start looping through inv_lst: ', len(inv_lst),
                  [inv.get_marked_Mtype() for inv in inv_lst])
        dpl_lst = []
        for inv in inv_lst:

            NSTools.p('looping through inv_lst:',
                      (rank, inv.get_marked_Mtype(), inv.Md_lst))

            # recover the known classification
            if inv.Mtype == 'A0':
                    'Since Mtype equals A0 we recover the classification from bas_lst.'
                dpl_lst += [bas for bas in bas_lst]

            # partition the roots into two sets
            s_lst, q_lst = DPLattice.get_part_roots(inv)

            # import classification for rank-1
            bas1_lst = DPLattice.import_cls(DPLattice.get_cls(rank - 1), inv)
                'looping through inv_lst continued after recursive call:',
                (rank, inv.get_marked_Mtype(), inv.Md_lst))

            # correct partition of roots (bas1_lst always contains inv)
            if len(bas1_lst) > 1:
                e = Div.new('e' + str(rank - 1), inv.get_rank())
                s_lst = [s for s in s_lst if s * e != 0]
                q_lst = [q for q in q_lst if q * e != 0]
            NSTools.p('bas1_lst =', len(bas1_lst),
                      [(bas1.Mtype, bas1.type) for bas1 in bas1_lst])
            NSTools.p('s_lst    =', len(s_lst), s_lst)
            NSTools.p('q_lst    =', len(q_lst), q_lst)

            # collect all possible root bases in s_lst and q_lst
            bas2_lst = []
            bas3_lst = []
            visited_type_lst = []
            eta = ETA(len(bas_lst), 1)
            for bas in bas_lst:

                # display progress info
                eta.update('get_cls seeking bases in s_lst and q_lst: ',
                           (rank, inv.get_marked_Mtype(), bas.get_real_type()))

                # each type in bas_lst is treated only once
                if bas.type in visited_type_lst:
                visited_type_lst += [bas.type]

                # collect bases of type bas.type in s_lst
                if DPLattice.get_num_types(inv, bas, bas_lst) != 0:
                    bas2_lst += DPLattice.seek_bases(inv, bas.d_lst, s_lst)

                # collect bases of type bas.type in q_lst
                if 2 * len(bas.d_lst) > rank - 1:
                    continue  # the rank of a root subsystem is bounded by rank-1
                tmp_lst = DPLattice.seek_bases(inv, bas.d_lst, q_lst)
                for tmp in tmp_lst:
                    tmp.d_lst += [d.mat_mul(inv.M) for d in tmp.d_lst]
                    if is_root_basis(
                    ):  # the roots and their involutions might have intersection product 1
                        bas3_lst += [tmp]

            # debug info
            NSTools.p('Setting Dynkin types of', len(bas2_lst + bas3_lst),
                      'items...please wait...')
            eta = ETA(len(bas2_lst + bas3_lst), len(bas2_lst + bas3_lst) / 10)
            for bas in bas2_lst + bas3_lst:
                bas.type = get_dynkin_type(bas.d_lst)
                bas.Mtype = get_dynkin_type(bas.Md_lst)
                eta.update(bas.get_rank(), bas.get_marked_Mtype(), bas.type)
            t_lst1 = [bas.type for bas in bas1_lst]
            t_lst2 = [bas.type for bas in bas2_lst]
            t_lst3 = [bas.type for bas in bas3_lst]
            lst1 = sorted(list(set([(t, t_lst1.count(t)) for t in t_lst1])))
            lst2 = sorted(list(set([(t, t_lst2.count(t)) for t in t_lst2])))
            lst3 = sorted(list(set([(t, t_lst3.count(t)) for t in t_lst3])))
            NSTools.p('inv      =', inv.get_marked_Mtype(), ', rank =', rank)
            NSTools.p('bas1_lst =', len(bas1_lst), lst1)
            NSTools.p('bas2_lst =', len(bas2_lst), lst2)
            NSTools.p('bas3_lst =', len(bas3_lst), lst3)

            # construct a list of combinations of DPLattice objects in bas1_lst bas2_lst and
            comb_lst = []
            total = len(bas1_lst) * len(bas2_lst) * len(bas3_lst)
            step = total / 10 if total > 10 else total
            eta = ETA(total, step)
            for bas1 in bas1_lst:
                for bas2 in bas2_lst:
                    for bas3 in bas3_lst:
                            'last loop in get_cls: ( bas1.type, bas2.type, bas3.type )=',
                            (bas1.type, bas2.type, bas3.type))
                        d_lst = bas1.d_lst + bas2.d_lst + bas3.d_lst  # notice that d_lst can be equal to []
                        if len(d_lst) > rank - 1:
                            continue  # the rank of a root subsystem is bounded by rank-1
                        if is_root_basis(d_lst):
                            dpl = DPLattice(d_lst, inv.Md_lst, inv.M)
                            if dpl not in dpl_lst:
                                dpl_lst += [dpl]
                                    '\t appended: ',
                                    (rank, dpl.get_marked_Mtype(),
                                    ', ( bas1.type, bas2.type, bas3.type ) =',
                                    (bas1.type, bas2.type, bas3.type))

        # store in cache
        NSTools.get_tool_dct()[key] = dpl_lst

        return dpl_lst