for root, dirs, files in os.walk(targetPath): if '.cvs' in dirs: dirs.remove('.cvs') if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn') if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') if '.hg' in dirs: dirs.remove('.hg') for fname in files: fileExtension = fname[fname.rfind('.') + 1:] eachFile = os.path.join(root, fname) basePart = eachFile[len(targetPath):] if fileExtension in cExtendstionSet and basefilelist.IsNewOrChanged( eachFile) and filter.CheckFileInclusion(basePart): nsiqcppstyle_reporter.StartFile( os.path.dirname(basePart), fname) ProcessFile(ruleManager, eachFile, analyzedFiles, ciMode) nsiqcppstyle_reporter.EndFile() ruleManager.RunProjectRules(targetPath) nsiqcppstyle_reporter.EndTarget() nsiqcppstyle_reporter.ReportSummaryToScreen(analyzedFiles, _nsiqcppstyle_state, filter, ciMode) nsiqcppstyle_reporter.CloseReport(_nsiqcppstyle_state.output_format) return _nsiqcppstyle_state.error_count except Usage, err: print >> sys.stderr, err.msg print >> sys.stderr, "for help use --help"
def main(argv=None): global filename if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "o: s: m: hqvrf: ", [ "help", "csv", "output=", "list_rules", "verbose=", "show-url", "no-update", "ci", "quiet", "var=", "noBase" ]) except getopt.error as msg: raise ShowMessageAndExit(msg) return 0 outputPath = "" _nsiqcppstyle_state.output_format = "vs7" filterScope = "default" filterPath = "" noBase = False varMap = {} extLangMap = { "Html": set(["htm", "html"]), "Java": set(["java"]), "Javascript/ActionScript": set(["js", "as"]), "JSP/PHP": set(["jsp", "php", "JSP", "PHP"]), "C/C++": set(["cpp", "h", "c", "hxx", "cxx", "hpp", "cc", "hh", "m", "mm"]) } updateNsiqCppStyle = False for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print(title) Usage() elif o in ("-r", "--list-rules"): ShowRuleList() elif o == "-o": outputPath = a.strip().replace("\"", "") elif o == "--update": updateNsiqCppStyle = True elif o == "--no-update": updateNsiqCppStyle = False elif o == "-f": filterPath = a.strip().replace("\"", "") elif o == "-v": console.SetLevel(console.Level.Verbose) elif o == "-s": filterScope = a elif o == "--show-url": _nsiqcppstyle_state.showUrl = True elif o == '--output': if not a in ('emacs', 'vs7', 'csv', 'xml', 'eclipse'): print(title) ShowMessageAndExit( 'The only allowed output formats are emacs, vs7 and csv.' ) _nsiqcppstyle_state.output_format = a elif o == "--var": varMap = GetCustomKeyValueMap(a, "--var=" + a) elif o == "--ci": console.SetLevel(console.Level.Ci) elif o in ("-q", "--quiet"): console.SetLevel(console.Level.Error) elif o == "--noBase": noBase = True console.Out.Ci(title) runtimePath = GetRuntimePath() sys.path.append(runtimePath) if updateNsiqCppStyle: console.Out.Ci(console.Separator) try: updateagent.agent.Update(version) except Exception as e: console.Out.Error(e) targetPaths = GetRealTargetPaths(args) multipleTarget = True if len(targetPaths) == 1: multipleTarget = False # If multiple target if multipleTarget: if len(outputPath) == 0: ShowMessageAndExit( "OutputPath(-o) should be provided to analyze multiple targets" ) else: outputPath = GetOutputPath(targetPaths[0], outputPath) ruleManager = nsiqcppstyle_rulemanager.ruleManager cExtendstionSet = extLangMap.get("C/C++") nsiqcppstyle_reporter.PrepareReport(outputPath, _nsiqcppstyle_state.output_format) analyzedFiles = [] for targetPath in targetPaths: nsiqcppstyle_reporter.StartTarget(targetPath) extLangMapCopy = copy.deepcopy(extLangMap) targetName = os.path.basename(targetPath) console.Out.Ci(console.Separator) console.Out.Ci("= Analyzing %s " % targetName) if filterPath != "": filefilterPath = filterPath elif os.path.isfile(targetPath): filefilterPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(targetPath), "filefilter.txt") else: filefilterPath = os.path.join(targetPath, "filefilter.txt") if (noBase): basefilelist = NullBaseFileList() else: basefilelist = BaseFileList(targetPath) # Get Active Filter filterManager = FilterManager(filefilterPath, extLangMapCopy, varMap, filterScope) if filterScope != filterManager.GetActiveFilter().filterName: console.Out.Error( "\n%s filter scope is not available. Instead, use %s\n" % (filterScope, filterManager.GetActiveFilter().filterName)) filter = filterManager.GetActiveFilter() # Load Rule if len(filter.nsiqCppStyleRules) == 0: ShowMessageAndExit( "Error!. Rules must be set in %s" % filefilterPath, False) continue ruleManager.LoadRules(filter.nsiqCppStyleRules) _nsiqcppstyle_state.checkers = filter.nsiqCppStyleRules _nsiqcppstyle_state.varMap = filter.varMap nsiqcppstyle_reporter.ReportRules(ruleManager.availRuleNames, filter.nsiqCppStyleRules) console.Out.Info(filter.to_string()) console.Out.Ci(console.Separator) console.Out.Verbose("* run nsiqcppstyle analysis on %s" % targetName) # if the target is file, analyze it without condition if os.path.isfile(targetPath): fileExtension = targetPath[targetPath.rfind('.') + 1:] if fileExtension in cExtendstionSet: ProcessFile(ruleManager, targetPath, analyzedFiles) # if the target is directory, analyze it with filefilter and # basefilelist else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(targetPath): if '.cvs' in dirs: dirs.remove('.cvs') if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn') if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') if '.hg' in dirs: dirs.remove('.hg') for fname in files: fileExtension = fname[fname.rfind('.') + 1:] eachFile = os.path.join(root, fname) basePart = eachFile[len(targetPath):] if (fileExtension in cExtendstionSet and basefilelist.IsNewOrChanged(eachFile) and filter.CheckFileInclusion(basePart)): nsiqcppstyle_reporter.StartFile( os.path.dirname(basePart), fname) ProcessFile(ruleManager, eachFile, analyzedFiles) nsiqcppstyle_reporter.EndFile() ruleManager.RunProjectRules(targetPath) nsiqcppstyle_reporter.EndTarget() nsiqcppstyle_reporter.ReportSummaryToScreen(analyzedFiles, _nsiqcppstyle_state, filter) nsiqcppstyle_reporter.CloseReport(_nsiqcppstyle_state.output_format) return _nsiqcppstyle_state.error_count except Exception as err: console.Err.Error(err) console.Err.Error("for help use --help") sys.exit(-1)