예제 #1
def is_windows_path(path):
    win_split = win_splitdrive(path)
    # Note, that ntpath.splitdrive also deals with UNC paths. In that case
    # the "drive" wouldn't be a windows drive letter followed by a colon
    if win_split[0] and win_split[1] and \
            win_split[0].endswith(":") and len(win_split[0]) == 2:
        # seems to be a windows path
        return True
    return False
예제 #2
파일: network.py 프로젝트: datalad/datalad
def is_windows_path(path):
    win_split = win_splitdrive(path)
    # Note, that ntpath.splitdrive also deals with UNC paths. In that case
    # the "drive" wouldn't be a windows drive letter followed by a colon
    if win_split[0] and win_split[1] and \
            win_split[0].endswith(":") and len(win_split[0]) == 2:
        # seems to be a windows path
        return True
    return False
예제 #3
def _guess_ri_cls(ri):
    """Factory function which would determine which type of a ri a provided string is"""
    TYPES = {
        'url': URL,
        'ssh':  SSHRI,
        'file': PathRI,
        'datalad': DataLadRI
    # go in exotic mode if this is an absolute windows path
    win_split = win_splitdrive(ri)
    # we need a drive and a path, otherwise this could be a false positive
    if win_split[0] and win_split[1]:
        # OMG we got something from windows
        lgr.log(5, "Detected file ri")
        return TYPES['file']

    # We assume that it is a URL and parse it. Depending on the result
    # we might decide that it was something else ;)
    fields = URL._pr_to_fields(urlparse(ri))
    lgr.log(5, "Parsed ri %s into fields %s" % (ri, fields))
    type_ = 'url'
    # Special treatments
    # file:///path should stay file:
    if fields['scheme'] and fields['scheme'] not in {'file'} \
            and not fields['hostname']:
        # dl+archive:... or just for ssh   hostname:path/p1
        if '+' not in fields['scheme']:
            type_ = 'ssh'
            lgr.log(5, "Assuming ssh style ri, adjusted: %s" % (fields,))

    if not fields['scheme'] and not fields['hostname']:
        parts = _split_colon(ri)
        if fields['path'] and '@' in fields['path'] or len(parts) > 1:
            # user@host:path/sp1
            # or host_name: (hence parts check)
            # TODO: we need a regex to catch those really, parts check is not suff
            type_ = 'ssh'
        elif ri.startswith('//'):
            # e.g. // or ///path
            type_ = 'datalad'
            type_ = 'file'

    if not fields['scheme'] and fields['hostname']:
        # e.g. //a/path
        type_ = 'datalad'

    cls = TYPES[type_]
    # just parse the ri according to regex matchint ssh "ri" specs
    lgr.log(5, "Detected %s ri" % type_)
    return cls
예제 #4
 def posixpath(self):
     if is_windows_path(self.path):
         win_split = win_splitdrive(self.path)
         return "/" + win_split[0][0] + win_split[1].replace('\\', '/')
         return self.path
예제 #5
파일: network.py 프로젝트: datalad/datalad
 def posixpath(self):
     if is_windows_path(self.path):
         win_split = win_splitdrive(self.path)
         return "/" + win_split[0][0] + win_split[1].replace('\\', '/')
         return self.path