예제 #1
def householder(a):
    n = len(a)
    for k in range(n - 2):
        u = a[k + 1:n, k]
        uMag = sqrt(dot(u, u))
        if u[0] < 0.0: uMag = -uMag
        u[0] = u[0] + uMag
        h = dot(u, u) / 2.0
        v = matrixmultiply(a[k + 1:n, k + 1:n], u) / h
        g = dot(u, v) / (2.0 * h)
        v = v - g * u
        a[k+1:n,k+1:n] = a[k+1:n,k+1:n] - outerproduct(v,u) \
                         - outerproduct(u,v)
        a[k, k + 1] = -uMag
    return diagonal(a), diagonal(a, 1)
예제 #2
파일: householder.py 프로젝트: caitouwh/kod
def householder(a): 
    n = len(a)
    for k in range(n-2):
        u = a[k+1:n,k]
        uMag = sqrt(dot(u,u))
        if u[0] < 0.0: uMag = -uMag
        u[0] = u[0] + uMag
        h = dot(u,u)/2.0
        v = matrixmultiply(a[k+1:n,k+1:n],u)/h
        g = dot(u,v)/(2.0*h)
        v = v - g*u
        a[k+1:n,k+1:n] = a[k+1:n,k+1:n] - outerproduct(v,u) \
                         - outerproduct(u,v)
        a[k,k+1] = -uMag
    return diagonal(a),diagonal(a,1)
예제 #3
def computeP(a):
    n = len(a)
    p = identity(n) * 1.0
    for k in range(n - 2):
        u = a[k + 1:n, k]
        h = dot(u, u) / 2.0
        v = matrixmultiply(p[1:n, k + 1:n], u) / h
        p[1:n, k + 1:n] = p[1:n, k + 1:n] - outerproduct(v, u)
    return p
예제 #4
파일: householder.py 프로젝트: caitouwh/kod
def computeP(a): 
    n = len(a)
    p = identity(n)*1.0
    for k in range(n-2):
        u = a[k+1:n,k]
        h = dot(u,u)/2.0
        v = matrixmultiply(p[1:n,k+1:n],u)/h           
        p[1:n,k+1:n] = p[1:n,k+1:n] - outerproduct(v,u)
    return p
예제 #5
    def _deltas(self, train_toks, #fd_list, labeled_tokens, labels,
                classifier, unattested, ffreq_emperical, nfmap,
                nfarray, nftranspose):
        Calculate the update values for the classifier weights for
        this iteration of IIS.  These update weights are the value of
        C{delta} that solves the equation::
          SUM[t,l] (classifier.prob(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                    fd_list.detect(LabeledText(t,l))[i] *
                    exp(delta[i] * nf(LabeledText(t,l))))

            - M{t} is a text C{labeled_tokens}
            - M{l} is an element of C{labels}
            - M{nf(ltext)} = SUM[M{j}] C{fd_list.detect}(M{ltext})[M{j}] 

        This method uses Newton's method to solve this equation for
        M{delta[i]}.  In particular, it starts with a guess of
        C{delta[i]}=1; and iteratively updates C{delta} with::

            delta[i] -= (ffreq_emperical[i] - sum1[i])/(-sum2[i])

        until convergence, where M{sum1} and M{sum2} are defined as::
          sum1 = SUM[t,l] (classifier.prob(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                           fd_list.detect(LabeledText(t,l))[i] *
                           exp(delta[i] * nf(LabeledText(t,l))))
          sum2 = SUM[t,l] (classifier.prob(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                           fd_list.detect(LabeledText(t,l))[i] *
                           nf(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                           exp(delta[i] * nf(LabeledText(t,l))))

        Note that M{sum1} and M{sum2} depend on C{delta}; so they need
        to be re-computed each iteration.
        The variables C{nfmap}, C{nfarray}, and C{nftranspose} are
        used to generate a dense encoding for M{nf(ltext)}.  This
        allows C{_deltas} to calculate M{sum1} and M{sum2} using
        matrices, which yields a signifigant performance improvement. 

        @param fd_list: The feature detector list for the classifier
            that this C{IISMaxentClassifierTrainer} is training.
        @type fd_list: C{FeatureDetectorListI}
        @param labeled_tokens: The set of training tokens.
        @type labeled_tokens: C{list} of C{Token} with C{LabeledText}
        @param labels: The set of labels that should be considered by
            the classifier constructed by this
        @type labels: C{list} of (immutable)
        @param classifier: The current classifier.
        @type classifier: C{ClassifierI}
        @param ffreq_emperical: An array containing the emperical
            frequency for each feature.  The M{i}th element of this
            array is the emperical frequency for feature M{i}.
        @type ffreq_emperical: C{sequence} of C{float}
        @param unattested: An array that is 1 for features that are
            not attested in the training data; and 0 for features that
            are attested.  In other words, C{unattested[i]==0} iff
        @type unattested: C{sequence} of C{int}
        @param nfmap: A map that can be used to compress C{nf} to a dense
        @type nfmap: C{dictionary} from C{int} to C{int}
        @param nfarray: An array that can be used to uncompress C{nf}
            from a dense vector.
        @type nfarray: C{array} of C{float}
        @param nftranspose: C{array} of C{float}
        @type nftranspose: The transpose of C{nfarray}
        # These parameters control when we decide that we've
        # converged.  It probably should be possible to set these
        # manually, via keyword arguments to train.
        NEWTON_CONVERGE = 1e-12
        MAX_NEWTON = 30
        deltas = numarray.ones(self._weight_vector_len, 'd')

        # Precompute the A matrix:
        # A[nf][id] = sum ( p(text) * p(label|text) * f(text,label) )
        # over all label,text s.t. num_features[label,text]=nf
        A = numarray.zeros((len(nfmap), self._weight_vector_len), 'd')

        for i, tok in enumerate(train_toks):
            dist = classifier.get_class_probs(tok)

            # Find the number of active features.
            feature_vector = tok['FEATURE_VECTOR']
            assignments = feature_vector.assignments()
            nf = sum([val for (id, val) in assignments])

            # Update the A matrix
            for cls, offset in self._offsets.items():
                for (id, val) in assignments:
                    A[nfmap[nf], id+offset] += dist.prob(cls) * val
        A /= len(train_toks)

        # Iteratively solve for delta.  Use the following variables:
        #   - nf_delta[x][y] = nf[x] * delta[y]
        #   - exp_nf_delta[x][y] = exp(nf[x] * delta[y])
        #   - nf_exp_nf_delta[x][y] = nf[x] * exp(nf[x] * delta[y])
        #   - sum1[i][nf] = sum p(text)p(label|text)f[i](label,text)
        #                       exp(delta[i]nf)
        #   - sum2[i][nf] = sum p(text)p(label|text)f[i](label,text)
        #                       nf exp(delta[i]nf)
        for rangenum in range(MAX_NEWTON):
            nf_delta = numarray.outerproduct(nfarray, deltas)
            exp_nf_delta = numarray.exp(nf_delta)
            nf_exp_nf_delta = nftranspose * exp_nf_delta
            sum1 = numarray.sum(exp_nf_delta * A) 
            sum2 = numarray.sum(nf_exp_nf_delta * A)

            # Avoid division by zero.
            sum2 += unattested

            # Update the deltas.
            deltas -= (ffreq_emperical - sum1) / -sum2

            # We can stop once we converge.
            n_error = (numarray.sum(abs((ffreq_emperical-sum1)))/
            if n_error < NEWTON_CONVERGE:
                return deltas

        return deltas
예제 #6
    def _deltas(
            train_toks,  #fd_list, labeled_tokens, labels,
        Calculate the update values for the classifier weights for
        this iteration of IIS.  These update weights are the value of
        C{delta} that solves the equation::
          SUM[t,l] (classifier.prob(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                    fd_list.detect(LabeledText(t,l))[i] *
                    exp(delta[i] * nf(LabeledText(t,l))))

            - M{t} is a text C{labeled_tokens}
            - M{l} is an element of C{labels}
            - M{nf(ltext)} = SUM[M{j}] C{fd_list.detect}(M{ltext})[M{j}] 

        This method uses Newton's method to solve this equation for
        M{delta[i]}.  In particular, it starts with a guess of
        C{delta[i]}=1; and iteratively updates C{delta} with::

            delta[i] -= (ffreq_emperical[i] - sum1[i])/(-sum2[i])

        until convergence, where M{sum1} and M{sum2} are defined as::
          sum1 = SUM[t,l] (classifier.prob(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                           fd_list.detect(LabeledText(t,l))[i] *
                           exp(delta[i] * nf(LabeledText(t,l))))
          sum2 = SUM[t,l] (classifier.prob(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                           fd_list.detect(LabeledText(t,l))[i] *
                           nf(LabeledText(t,l)) *
                           exp(delta[i] * nf(LabeledText(t,l))))

        Note that M{sum1} and M{sum2} depend on C{delta}; so they need
        to be re-computed each iteration.
        The variables C{nfmap}, C{nfarray}, and C{nftranspose} are
        used to generate a dense encoding for M{nf(ltext)}.  This
        allows C{_deltas} to calculate M{sum1} and M{sum2} using
        matrices, which yields a signifigant performance improvement. 

        @param fd_list: The feature detector list for the classifier
            that this C{IISMaxentClassifierTrainer} is training.
        @type fd_list: C{FeatureDetectorListI}
        @param labeled_tokens: The set of training tokens.
        @type labeled_tokens: C{list} of C{Token} with C{LabeledText}
        @param labels: The set of labels that should be considered by
            the classifier constructed by this
        @type labels: C{list} of (immutable)
        @param classifier: The current classifier.
        @type classifier: C{ClassifierI}
        @param ffreq_emperical: An array containing the emperical
            frequency for each feature.  The M{i}th element of this
            array is the emperical frequency for feature M{i}.
        @type ffreq_emperical: C{sequence} of C{float}
        @param unattested: An array that is 1 for features that are
            not attested in the training data; and 0 for features that
            are attested.  In other words, C{unattested[i]==0} iff
        @type unattested: C{sequence} of C{int}
        @param nfmap: A map that can be used to compress C{nf} to a dense
        @type nfmap: C{dictionary} from C{int} to C{int}
        @param nfarray: An array that can be used to uncompress C{nf}
            from a dense vector.
        @type nfarray: C{array} of C{float}
        @param nftranspose: C{array} of C{float}
        @type nftranspose: The transpose of C{nfarray}
        # These parameters control when we decide that we've
        # converged.  It probably should be possible to set these
        # manually, via keyword arguments to train.
        NEWTON_CONVERGE = 1e-12
        MAX_NEWTON = 30

        deltas = numarray.ones(self._weight_vector_len, 'd')

        # Precompute the A matrix:
        # A[nf][id] = sum ( p(text) * p(label|text) * f(text,label) )
        # over all label,text s.t. num_features[label,text]=nf
        A = numarray.zeros((len(nfmap), self._weight_vector_len), 'd')

        for i, tok in enumerate(train_toks):
            dist = classifier.get_class_probs(tok)

            # Find the number of active features.
            feature_vector = tok['FEATURE_VECTOR']
            assignments = feature_vector.assignments()
            nf = sum([val for (id, val) in assignments])

            # Update the A matrix
            for cls, offset in self._offsets.items():
                for (id, val) in assignments:
                    A[nfmap[nf], id + offset] += dist.prob(cls) * val
        A /= len(train_toks)

        # Iteratively solve for delta.  Use the following variables:
        #   - nf_delta[x][y] = nf[x] * delta[y]
        #   - exp_nf_delta[x][y] = exp(nf[x] * delta[y])
        #   - nf_exp_nf_delta[x][y] = nf[x] * exp(nf[x] * delta[y])
        #   - sum1[i][nf] = sum p(text)p(label|text)f[i](label,text)
        #                       exp(delta[i]nf)
        #   - sum2[i][nf] = sum p(text)p(label|text)f[i](label,text)
        #                       nf exp(delta[i]nf)
        for rangenum in range(MAX_NEWTON):
            nf_delta = numarray.outerproduct(nfarray, deltas)
            exp_nf_delta = numarray.exp(nf_delta)
            nf_exp_nf_delta = nftranspose * exp_nf_delta
            sum1 = numarray.sum(exp_nf_delta * A)
            sum2 = numarray.sum(nf_exp_nf_delta * A)

            # Avoid division by zero.
            sum2 += unattested

            # Update the deltas.
            deltas -= (ffreq_emperical - sum1) / -sum2

            # We can stop once we converge.
            n_error = (numarray.sum(abs(
                (ffreq_emperical - sum1))) / numarray.sum(abs(deltas)))
            if n_error < NEWTON_CONVERGE:
                return deltas

        return deltas