예제 #1
 def contract(self):
     """Reshapes contraction coefficients into (nprim, ncont) array."""
     x = 0
     rect = np.empty((int64(self.nprim), int64(self.ncont)))
     for i in range(self.nprim):
         for j in range(self.ncont):
             rect[i, j] = self._coef[x]
             x += 1
     return rect
예제 #2
파일: util.py 프로젝트: realfastvla/rfpipe
def _meantsub_jit(data):
    """ Calculate mean in time (ignoring zeros) and subtract in place

    Could ultimately parallelize by computing only on subset of data.

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                ss = complex64(0)
                weight = int64(0)
                for l in range(nint):
                    ss += data[l, i, j, k]
                    if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                        weight += 1
                if weight > 0:
                    mean = ss/weight
                    mean = complex64(0)

                if mean:
                    for l in range(nint):
                        if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                            data[l, i, j, k] -= mean
예제 #3
def test_compute_signature():
    s = symbol('s', 'int64')
    t = symbol('t', 'float32')
    d = symbol('d', 'datetime')

    assert compute_signature(s + t) == float64(int64, float32)
    assert (compute_signature(d.truncate(days=1)) ==
    assert compute_signature(d.day + 1) == int64(datetime64('us'))
예제 #4
def _make_findrfc(cmp1, cmp2):

    @jit(int64(int64[:], float64[:], float64), nopython=True)
    def findrfc2(t, y, h):
        # cmp1, cmp2 = (a_le_b, a_lt_b) if method==0 else (a_lt_b, a_le_b)

        n = len(y)
        j, t0, z0 = 0, 0, 0
        y0 = y[t0]
        # The rainflow filter
        for ti in range(1, n):
            fpi = y0 + h
            fmi = y0 - h
            yi = y[ti]

            if z0 == 0:
                if cmp1(yi, fmi):
                    z1 = -1
                elif cmp1(fpi, yi):
                    z1 = +1
                    z1 = 0
                t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if z1 == 0 else (ti, yi)
                if (((z0 == +1) and cmp1(yi, fmi)) or
                        ((z0 == -1) and cmp2(yi, fpi))):
                    z1 = -1
                elif (((z0 == +1) and cmp2(fmi, yi)) or
                        ((z0 == -1) and cmp1(fpi, yi))):
                    z1 = +1
                    raise ValueError
                #     warnings.warn('Something wrong, i={}'.format(tim1))

                # Update y1
                if z1 != z0:
                    t1, y1 = ti, yi
                elif z1 == -1:
                    t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 < yi else (ti, yi)
                elif z1 == +1:
                    t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 > yi else (ti, yi)

            # Update y if y0 is a turning point
            if abs(z0 - z1) == 2:
                j += 1
                t[j] = t0

            # Update t0, y0, z0
            t0, y0, z0 = t1, y1, z1
        # end

        # Update y if last y0 is greater than (or equal) threshold
        if cmp2(h, abs(y0 - y[t[j]])):
            j += 1
            t[j] = t0
        return j + 1
    return findrfc2
예제 #5
def _square(vals):
    nbas = int64(np.round(np.roots(np.array([1, 1, -2 * vals.shape[0]]))[1]))
    square = np.empty((nbas, nbas), dtype=np.float64)
    cnt = 0
    for i in range(nbas):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            square[i, j] = vals[cnt]
            square[j, i] = vals[cnt]
            cnt += 1
    return square
예제 #6
파일: random.py 프로젝트: sklam/numba
def xoroshiro128p_uniform_float64(states, index):
    '''Return a float64 in range [0.0, 1.0) and advance ``states[index]``.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :rtype: float64
    index = int64(index)
    return uint64_to_unit_float64(xoroshiro128p_next(states, index))
예제 #7
def _tri_indices(vals):
    nel = vals.shape[0]
    nbas = int64(np.round(np.roots(np.array([1, 1, -2 * vals.shape[0]]))[1]))
    chi0 = np.empty(nel, dtype=np.int64)
    chi1 = np.empty(nel, dtype=np.int64)
    cnt = 0
    for i in range(nbas):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            chi0[cnt] = i
            chi1[cnt] = j
            cnt += 1
    return chi0, chi1
예제 #8
def _dedisperseresample_jit(data, delay, dt, result):

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    nintout = int64(len(result))

    for j in range(nbl):
        for l in range(npol):
            for k in range(nchan):
                for i in range(nintout):
                    weight = int64(0)
                    for r in range(dt):
                        iprime = int64(i*dt + delay[k] + r)
                        val = data[iprime, j, k, l]
                        result[i, j, k, l] += val
                        if val != 0j:
                            weight += 1

                    if weight > 0:
                        result[i, j, k, l] = result[i, j, k, l]/weight
                        result[i, j, k, l] = weight

    return result
예제 #9
def _resample_gu(data, dt):
    b""" Multicore resampling via numpy broadcasting.
    Requires that data be in nint axisto be last, so input
    visibility array must have view from "np.swapaxis(data, 0, 3)".
    *modifies original memory space* (unlike _resample_jit)

    if dt > 1:
        for i in range(data.shape[0]//dt):
            iprime = int64(i*dt)
            data[i] = data[iprime]
            for r in range(1, dt):
                data[i] += data[iprime+r]
            data[i] = data[i]/dt
예제 #10
    def calc_ppr(indptr, indices, out_degree, alpha, eps):
        r"""Calculate the personalized PageRank vector for all nodes
        using a variant of the Andersen algorithm
        (see Andersen et al. :Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank Vectors.)

            indptr (np.ndarray): Index pointer for the sparse matrix
            indices (np.ndarray): Indices of the sparse matrix entries
            out_degree (np.ndarray): Out-degree of each node.
            alpha (float): Alpha of the PageRank to calculate.
            eps (float): Threshold for PPR calculation stopping criterion
                (:obj:`edge_weight >= eps * out_degree`).

        :rtype: (:class:`List[List[int]]`, :class:`List[List[float]]`)

        alpha_eps = alpha * eps
        js = [[0]] * len(out_degree)
        vals = [[0.]] * len(out_degree)
        for inode_uint in numba.prange(len(out_degree)):
            inode = numba.int64(inode_uint)
            p = {inode: 0.0}
            r = {}
            r[inode] = alpha
            q = [inode]
            while len(q) > 0:
                unode = q.pop()

                res = r[unode] if unode in r else 0
                if unode in p:
                    p[unode] += res
                    p[unode] = res
                r[unode] = 0
                for vnode in indices[indptr[unode]:indptr[unode + 1]]:
                    _val = (1 - alpha) * res / out_degree[unode]
                    if vnode in r:
                        r[vnode] += _val
                        r[vnode] = _val

                    res_vnode = r[vnode] if vnode in r else 0
                    if res_vnode >= alpha_eps * out_degree[vnode]:
                        if vnode not in q:
            js[inode] = list(p.keys())
            vals[inode] = list(p.values())
        return js, vals
예제 #11
파일: util.py 프로젝트: kstovall/rfpipe
def _meantsub_gu(data):
    """ Subtract time mean while ignoring zeros.
    Vectorizes over time axis.
    Assumes time axis is last so use np.swapaxis(0,3) when passing visibility array in """

    ss = complex64(0)
    weight = int64(0)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        ss += data[i]
        if data[i] != 0j:
            weight += 1
    mean = ss/weight
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        data[i] -= mean
    def test_apply_function_in_function(self):
        def foo(f, f_inner):
            return f(f_inner)

        def f_inner(i):
            return int64(i * 3)

        def f(f_inner):
            return f_inner(123.4)

            jit(nopython=True)(foo)(f, f_inner), foo(f._pyfunc,
예제 #13
    def get_ancestor_graph(self, n):
        edges = np.zeros_like(self.edges)
        edges_visited = np.zeros(len(self.edges), dtype=int64)
        n_visited = int64(0)
        ix = int64(0)
        dep_derivatives = np.zeros(len(self.edges), dtype=int64)
        ix, n_visited, deriv_dep = walk_parents(self.parent_edges, self.edges,
                                                n, edges, ix, edges_visited,
                                                n_visited, self.node_types, 0,
        edges = edges[:ix, :]
        edges[:ix, 3] = 1

        nodes = np.zeros(2 * len(edges), dtype=int64)

        for i, e in enumerate(edges):
            nodes[2 * i] = e[0]
            nodes[2 * i + 1] = e[1]

        nodes = nodes[:i * 2 + 1 + 1]

        nodes = np.unique(nodes)

        return nodes, edges, dep_derivatives[:deriv_dep]
예제 #14
def _grid_visibilities_jit(data, u, v, w, npixx, npixy, uvres, grids):
    b""" Grid visibilities into rounded uv coordinates using jit on single core.
    Rounding not working here, so minor differences with original and
    guvectorized versions.

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape

# rounding not available in numba
#    ubl = np.round(us/uvres, 0).astype(np.int32)
#    vbl = np.round(vs/uvres, 0).astype(np.int32)

    for j in range(nbl):
        for k in range(nchan):
            ubl = int64(u[j, k]/uvres)
            vbl = int64(v[j, k]/uvres)
            if (np.abs(ubl < npixx//2)) and (np.abs(vbl < npixy//2)):
                umod = int64(np.mod(ubl, npixx))
                vmod = int64(np.mod(vbl, npixy))
                for i in range(nint):
                    for l in range(npol):
                        grids[i, umod, vmod] += data[i, j, k, l]

    return grids
예제 #15
def depth_first_search(node, path, children):
    children_of_node = children[node, :]
    for i in range(children_of_node[0]):

        c = children_of_node[i + 1]
        if len(path) > 0:
            if index(path, c) >= 0:
                return c, np.append(path, c)

        path_ = np.append(path, c)

        cyclic_dependency, cyclic_path = depth_first_search(c, path_, children)
        if cyclic_dependency >= 0:
            return cyclic_dependency, cyclic_path

    return int64(-1), np.zeros((0, ), dtype=int64)
예제 #16
파일: util.py 프로젝트: realfastvla/rfpipe
def _meantsub_gu(data):
    b""" Subtract time mean while ignoring zeros.
    Vectorizes over time axis.
    Assumes time axis is last so use np.swapaxis(0,3) when passing visibility array in

    ss = complex64(0)
    weight = int64(0)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        ss += data[i]
        if data[i] != complex64(0):
            weight += 1
    mean = ss/weight
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        data[i] -= mean
    def remove_old_data(self):
        """ Remove old data """
        d_current = self.Simulated_current_time if self.Simulating else datetime.fromtimestamp(

        moments = np.zeros(len(self.EventsDatabase), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, e in enumerate(self.EventsDatabase):
            moments[i] = e.Moment.timestamp()

        min_moment = int64(
            (d_current - timedelta(weeks=self.Keeping_Weeks)).timestamp())
        out = np.zeros(len(moments), dtype=np.bool)
        AbnormalEventAnalyzer.remove_old_data_speedup(moments, min_moment, out)
        res = []
        for i, evnt in enumerate(self.EventsDatabase):
            if out[i]:
        self.EventsDatabase = res
예제 #18
def generate_lasso_mask(image, selectedData):
    Generates a polygon mask using the given lasso coordinates
    :param selectedData: The raw coordinates selected from the data
    :return: The polygon mask generated from the given coordinate

    height = image.size[1]
    y_coords = selectedData["lassoPoints"]["y"]
    y_coords_corrected = [height - coord for coord in y_coords]

    # coordinates_tuple = list(zip(selectedData["lassoPoints"]["x"], y_coords_corrected))
    # mask = Image.new("L", image.size)
    # draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
    # draw.polygon(coordinates_tuple, fill=255)

    coordinates_tuple = list(
        zip(selectedData["lassoPoints"]["x"], y_coords_corrected))
    pts = np.array(coordinates_tuple)
    # (1) Crop the bounding rect

    def redondear(x):
        return x

    pts = redondear(pts)

    rect = cv2.boundingRect(pts)
    x, y, w, h = rect
    bite = np.array(image)
    croped = bite[y:y + h, x:x + w].copy()
    # (2) make mask
    pts = pts - pts.min(axis=0)
    mask = np.zeros(croped.shape[:2], np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(np.array(mask), [pts], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1,
    # (3) do bit-op
    dst = cv2.bitwise_and(croped, croped, mask=mask)
    mask = Image.new("L", image.size)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
    draw.polygon(coordinates_tuple, fill=255)
    return mask
예제 #19
    def test_ns_choose(self):
        """Functions are passed in via namespace scoping and called

        def a(i):
            return i + 1

        def b(i):
            return i + 2

        def mkfoo(a_, b_):
            def foo(choose_left):
                if choose_left:
                    r = a_(1)
                    r = b_(2)
                return r

            return foo

        sig = int64(int64)

        for decor in [
                mk_cfunc_func(sig), njit_func,
            for jit_opts in [dict(nopython=True), dict(forceobj=True)]:
                jit_ = jit(**jit_opts)
                with self.subTest(decor=decor.__name__):
                    a_ = decor(a)
                    b_ = decor(b)
                        jit_(mkfoo(a_, b_))(True),
                        mkfoo(a, b)(True))
                        jit_(mkfoo(a_, b_))(False),
                        mkfoo(a, b)(False))
                        jit_(mkfoo(a_, b_))(True),
                        mkfoo(a, b)(False))
예제 #20
파일: random.py 프로젝트: sklam/numba
def xoroshiro128p_next(states, index):
    '''Return the next random uint64 and advance the RNG in states[index].

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :rtype: uint64
    index = int64(index)
    s0 = states[index]['s0']
    s1 = states[index]['s1']
    result = s0 + s1

    s1 ^= s0
    states[index]['s0'] = uint64(rotl(s0, uint32(55))) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << uint32(14))
    states[index]['s1'] = uint64(rotl(s1, uint32(36)))

    return result
예제 #21
def xoroshiro128p_next(states, index):
    '''Return the next random uint64 and advance the RNG in states[index].

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :rtype: uint64
    index = int64(index)
    s0 = states[index]['s0']
    s1 = states[index]['s1']
    result = s0 + s1

    s1 ^= s0
    states[index]['s0'] = uint64(rotl(s0, uint32(55))) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << uint32(14))
    states[index]['s1'] = uint64(rotl(s1, uint32(36)))

    return result
예제 #22
파일: random.py 프로젝트: sklam/numba
def xoroshiro128p_normal_float64(states, index):
    '''Return a normally distributed float32 and advance ``states[index]``.

    The return value is drawn from a Gaussian of mean=0 and sigma=1 using the
    Box-Muller transform.  This advances the RNG sequence by two steps.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :rtype: float64
    index = int64(index)

    u1 = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(states, index)
    u2 = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(states, index)

    z0 = math.sqrt(-float64(2.0) * math.log(u1)) * math.cos(TWO_PI_FLOAT64 * u2)
    # discarding second normal value
    # z1 = math.sqrt(-float64(2.0) * math.log(u1)) * math.sin(TWO_PI_FLOAT64 * u2)
    return z0
예제 #23
def xoroshiro128p_normal_float64(states, index):
    '''Return a normally distributed float32 and advance ``states[index]``.

    The return value is drawn from a Gaussian of mean=0 and sigma=1 using the
    Box-Muller transform.  This advances the RNG sequence by two steps.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :rtype: float64
    index = int64(index)

    u1 = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(states, index)
    u2 = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(states, index)

    z0 = math.sqrt(-float64(2.0) * math.log(u1)) * math.cos(TWO_PI_FLOAT64 * u2)
    # discarding second normal value
    # z1 = math.sqrt(-float64(2.0) * math.log(u1)) * math.sin(TWO_PI_FLOAT64 * u2)
    return z0
예제 #24
        def setpoint(x, y):
            def getcolor(col):
                if col * self.speed > self.nColors - 1:
                    while (col * self.speed > 3071) and (self.speed > 3):
                        self.speed -= 1
                    return self.color_list[self.nColors - 1]
                return self.color_list[int32(col * self.speed)]

            def coord1(x, y):  # convert 2d -> 1d coord
                return x + y * self.sw

            def setscreen(coord, color):
                self.screen[coord] = color

            if x >= 0 < self.sw and y >= 0 < self.sh:
                coord = int64(coord1(x, y))
                ic = self.icon[coord]
                setscreen(coord, getcolor(ic))
                ic += 1
                if ic > 12288:
                    ic = 8192
                self.icon[coord] = ic
예제 #25
def xoroshiro128p_jump(states, index):
    '''Advance the RNG in ``states[index]`` by 2**64 steps.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    index = int64(index)

    s0 = uint64(0)
    s1 = uint64(0)

    for i in range(2):
        for b in range(64):
            if XOROSHIRO128P_JUMP[i] & (uint64(1) << uint32(b)):
                s0 ^= states[index]['s0']
                s1 ^= states[index]['s1']
            xoroshiro128p_next(states, index)

    states[index]['s0'] = s0
    states[index]['s1'] = s1
    def test_in__(self):
        """Function is passed in as an argument.
        def a(i):
            return i + 1

        def foo(f):
            return 0

        sig = int64(int64)

        for decor in [
                mk_cfunc_func(sig), njit_func,
            for jit_opts in [dict(nopython=True), dict(forceobj=True)]:
                jit_ = jit(**jit_opts)
                with self.subTest(decor=decor.__name__, jit=jit_opts):
                    a_ = decor(a)
                    self.assertEqual(jit_(foo)(a_), foo(a))
    def test_in_call_out(self):
        """Function is passed in as an argument, called, and returned.

        def a(i):
            return i + 1

        def foo(f):
            return f

        sig = int64(int64)

        for decor in [mk_cfunc_func(sig), njit_func,
                      mk_njit_with_sig_func(sig), mk_wap_func(sig)]:
            for jit_opts in [dict(nopython=True), dict(forceobj=True)]:
                jit_ = jit(**jit_opts)
                with self.subTest(decor=decor.__name__):
                    a_ = decor(a)
                    r1 = jit_(foo)(a_).pyfunc
                    r2 = foo(a)
                    self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
    def test_ns_out(self):
        """Function is passed in via namespace scoping and returned.

        def a(i):
            return i + 1

        def mkfoo(a_):
            def foo():
                return a_
            return foo

        sig = int64(int64)

        for decor in [mk_cfunc_func(sig), njit_func,
                      mk_njit_with_sig_func(sig), mk_wap_func(sig),
            for jit_opts in [dict(nopython=True), dict(forceobj=True)]:
                jit_ = jit(**jit_opts)
                with self.subTest(decor=decor.__name__):
                    a_ = decor(a)
                    self.assertEqual(jit_(mkfoo(a_))().pyfunc, mkfoo(a)())
예제 #29
파일: random.py 프로젝트: sklam/numba
def xoroshiro128p_jump(states, index):
    '''Advance the RNG in ``states[index]`` by 2**64 steps.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    index = int64(index)

    s0 = uint64(0)
    s1 = uint64(0)

    for i in range(2):
        for b in range(64):
            if XOROSHIRO128P_JUMP[i] & (uint64(1) << uint32(b)):
                s0 ^= states[index]['s0']
                s1 ^= states[index]['s1']
            xoroshiro128p_next(states, index)

    states[index]['s0'] = s0
    states[index]['s1'] = s1
예제 #30
def init_xoroshiro128p_state(states, index, seed):
    '''Use SplitMix64 to generate an xoroshiro128p state from 64-bit seed.

    This ensures that manually set small seeds don't result in a predictable
    initial sequence from the random number generator.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: uint64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :type seed: int64
    :param seed: seed value to use when initializing state
    index = int64(index)
    seed = uint64(seed)

    z = seed + uint64(0x9E3779B97F4A7C15)
    z = (z ^ (z >> uint32(30))) * uint64(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9)
    z = (z ^ (z >> uint32(27))) * uint64(0x94D049BB133111EB)
    z = z ^ (z >> uint32(31))

    states[index]['s0'] = z
    states[index]['s1'] = z
예제 #31
파일: random.py 프로젝트: sklam/numba
def init_xoroshiro128p_state(states, index, seed):
    '''Use SplitMix64 to generate an xoroshiro128p state from 64-bit seed.

    This ensures that manually set small seeds don't result in a predictable
    initial sequence from the random number generator.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: uint64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    :type seed: int64
    :param seed: seed value to use when initializing state
    index = int64(index)
    seed = uint64(seed)

    z = seed + uint64(0x9E3779B97F4A7C15)
    z = (z ^ (z >> uint32(30))) * uint64(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9)
    z = (z ^ (z >> uint32(27))) * uint64(0x94D049BB133111EB)
    z = z ^ (z >> uint32(31))

    states[index]['s0'] = z
    states[index]['s1'] = z
예제 #32
    def test_in_choose_func_value(self):
        """Functions are passed in as arguments, selected conditionally and

        def a(i):
            return i + 1

        def b(i):
            return i + 2

        def foo(a, b, choose_left):
            if choose_left:
                f = a
                f = b
            return f(1)

        sig = int64(int64)

        for decor in [
                mk_wap_func(sig), njit_func,
            for jit_opts in [dict(nopython=True), dict(forceobj=True)]:
                jit_ = jit(**jit_opts)
                with self.subTest(decor=decor.__name__):
                    a_ = decor(a)
                    b_ = decor(b)
                    self.assertEqual(jit_(foo)(a_, b_, True), foo(a, b, True))
                        jit_(foo)(a_, b_, False), foo(a, b, False))
                        jit_(foo)(a_, b_, True), foo(a, b, False))
예제 #33
파일: util.py 프로젝트: shiningsurya/rfpipe
def _cssub0_jit(data, dataavg):
    """ Use scipy calculate 4-pt mean as input to spline estimate.
    zeroed data is treated as flagged

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    piece = nint // 4

    for i in range(nbl):
        for j in range(nchan):
            for k in range(npol):
                # mean in each piece
                for pp in range(4):
                    ss = complex64(0)
                    weight = int64(0)
                    for l in range(pp * piece, (pp + 1) * piece):
                        ss += data[l, i, j, k]
                        if data[l, i, j, k] != 0j:
                            weight += 1
                    if weight > 0:
                        dataavg[pp, i, j, k] = ss / weight
                        dataavg[pp, i, j,
                                k] = complex64(0)  # TODO: instead use nearest?
예제 #34
def xoroshiro128p_jump(states, index):
    '''Advance the RNG in ``states[index]`` by 2**64 steps.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    index = int64(index)

    jump = (uint64(0xbeac0467eba5facb), uint64(0xd86b048b86aa9922))

    s0 = uint64(0)
    s1 = uint64(0)

    for i in range(2):
        for b in range(64):
            if jump[i] & (uint64(1) << uint32(b)):
                s0 ^= states[index]['s0']
                s1 ^= states[index]['s1']
            xoroshiro128p_next(states, index)

    states[index]['s0'] = s0
    states[index]['s1'] = s1
예제 #35
def resample(data, dt, parallel=False):
    """ Resample (integrate) by factor dt and return new data structure
    wraps _resample to add logging.
    Can set mode to "single" or "multi" to use different functions.

    if not np.any(data):
        return np.array([])

    len0 = data.shape[0]
    logger.info('Resampling data of length {0} by a factor of {1}'
                .format(len0, dt))

    nint, nbl, nchan, npol = data.shape
    newsh = (int64(nint//dt), nbl, nchan, npol)

    if parallel:
        data = data.copy()
        _ = _resample_gu(np.swapaxes(data, 0, 3), dt)
        return data[:len0//dt]
        result = np.zeros(shape=newsh, dtype=data.dtype)
        _resample_jit(np.require(data, requirements='W'), dt, result)
        return result
예제 #36
def xoroshiro128p_jump(states, index):
    """Advance the RNG in ``states[index]`` by 2**64 steps.

    :type states: 1D array, dtype=xoroshiro128p_dtype
    :param states: array of RNG states
    :type index: int64
    :param index: offset in states to update
    index = int64(index)

    jump = (uint64(0xBEAC0467EBA5FACB), uint64(0xD86B048B86AA9922))

    s0 = uint64(0)
    s1 = uint64(0)

    for i in range(2):
        for b in range(64):
            if jump[i] & (uint64(1) << uint32(b)):
                s0 ^= states[index]["s0"]
                s1 ^= states[index]["s1"]
            xoroshiro128p_next(states, index)

    states[index]["s0"] = s0
    states[index]["s1"] = s1
def test(x1, c1):
    #for i in x1:
    i = 0
    e1 = x1[i]
    e2 = x1[i + 1]
    x2 = n1[e1]
    y2 = n1[e2]
    #return x2,y2
    temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(0, 7):
        if x2[i] == 1 and y2[i] == 1:
            temp1 = temp1 + 1
        elif x2[i] == 1 and y2[i] == 0:
            temp2 = temp2 + 1
        elif x2[i] == 0 and y2[i] == 1:
            temp3 = temp3 + 1
    for i in range(8, 82):
        if x2[i] == 1 and y2[i] == 1:
            temp4 = temp4 + 1
        elif x2[i] == 1 and y2[i] == 0:
            temp5 = temp5 + 1
        elif x2[i] == 0 and y2[i] == 1:
            temp6 = temp6 + 1
    c1[0] = int64(temp1)
    c1[1] = int64(temp2)
    c1[2] = int64(temp3)
    c1[3] = int64(temp4)
    c1[4] = int64(temp5)
    c1[5] = int64(temp6)

    a = [temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6]
    for i in range(c1.shape[0]):
        #       for j in range(0,5):
        c1[i] = a[i]
    return a
예제 #38
    """Projection on exp. dual cone, and cache."""
    minuspi = exp_pri_Pi(-z, cache)
    return np.copy(z) + minuspi

@nb.jit(nb.float64[:](nb.float64[:], nb.float64[:], nb.float64[:]))
def exp_dua_D(z, x, cache):
    """Derivative of projection on exp. dual cone."""
    # res = exp_pri_D(z, x, cache)
    return np.copy(x) + exp_pri_D(-z, -x, cache)

exp_dua_cone = cone(exp_dua_Pi, exp_dua_D, exp_dua_D)

def sizevec2sizemat(n):
    m = int(np.sqrt(2 * n))
    if not n == (m * (m + 1) / 2.):
        raise DimensionError
    return m

def sizemat2sizevec(m):
    return int((m * (m + 1) / 2.))

@nb.jit(nb.float64[:](nb.float64[:, :]))
def mat2vec(Z):
    """Upper tri row stacked, off diagonal multiplied by sqrt(2)."""
예제 #39
파일: indexing.py 프로젝트: vmarchen/exa
        xy + \\text{trunc}\\left(\\frac{\\left(\\left|x - y\\right| -

        x (array): First value array
        y (array): Second value array

        p (array): Pairing function result

        This function has a vectorized version that is imported as
        :func:`~exa.algorithms.indexing.unordered_pairing`; use that
        function when working with array data.

    .. _pairing function: http://www.mattdipasquale.com/blog/2014/03/09/unique-unordered-pairing-function/
    return np.int64(x * y + np.trunc((np.abs(x - y) - 1)**2 / 4))

if global_config['pkg_numba']:
    from numba import jit, vectorize, int32, int64, float32, float64
    arange1 = jit(nopython=True, cache=True)(arange1)
    arange2 = jit(nopython=True, cache=True)(arange2)
    indexes_sc1 = jit(nopython=True, cache=True)(indexes_sc1)
    indexes_sc2 = jit(nopython=True, cache=True)(indexes_sc2)
    unordered_pairing = vectorize([int32(int32, int32), int64(int64, int64),
                                   float32(float32, float32), float64(float64, float64)],
예제 #40
        x1 (array): First component of vector 1
        y1 (array): Second component of vector 1
        z1 (array): Third component of vector 1
        x2 (array): First component of vector 2
        y2 (array): Second component of vector 2
        z2 (array): Third component of vector 2

        r2 (array): Element-wise squared distance (see definition)

    .. math::

        r2 = (x1 - x2)^{2} + (y1 - y2)^{2} + (z1 - z2)^{2}
    return (x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2

if global_config['pkg_numba']:
    from numba import vectorize, float64, float32, int64, int32
    vmag3 = vectorize([int32(int32, int32, int32),
                       int64(int64, int64, int64),
                       float32(float32, float32, float32),
                       float64(float64, float64, float64)])(vmag3)

    vdist3 = vectorize([int32(int32, int32, int32, int32, int32, int32),
                        int64(int64, int64, int64, int64, int64, int64),
                        float32(float32, float32, float32, float32, float32, float32),
                        float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64)])(vdist3)
예제 #41
    if n <= 2:
        return 1
    return rfib_python(n - 2) + rfib_python(n - 1)

# ---- PYTHON NUMBA -----------------------------

import numba

def rfib_numba_lazy(n):
    if n <= 2:
        return 1
    return rfib_numba_lazy(n - 2) + rfib_numba_lazy(n - 1)

def rfib_numba(n):
    if n <= 2:
        return 1
    return rfib_numba(n - 2) + rfib_numba(n - 1)


N = 30
ARGS = [N]
예제 #42
파일: test_impala.py 프로젝트: B-Rich/numba
 def test_impala_to_numba_pass_through(self):
     @udf(int64(FunctionContext, IntVal))
     def fn(context, x):
         return x
예제 #43
from slumba import create_function, sqlite_udf
from numba import int64, float64, optional

def add_one(x):
    return x + 1.0

def add_one_optional(x):
    return x + 1.0 if x is not None else None

@sqlite_udf(int64(int64, float64))
def add_each_other(x, y):
    return x + int(y)

def con():
    con = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
        CREATE TABLE t (
            id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
            key VARCHAR(1),
            value DOUBLE PRECISION
예제 #44
파일: llsd.py 프로젝트: jordanbrook/PyMeso
def lssd_compute(r, theta, vrad, mask, sweep_startidx, sweep_endidx):
    Compute core for llsd, uses numpy only functions and numba jit.
    r: array
        volume radar range array (2D) (m)
    theta: array
        volume radar azimuth angle array (2D) (radians)
    vrad: array
        volume radial velocity array (2D) (m/s)
    mask: logical array
        volume mask for valid radial velocities (2D)
    sweep_startidx: numba int64 array
        index of starting rays for tilts
    sweep_endidx: numba int64 array
        index of ending rays for tilts
        azimuthal shear calculated via the linear least squares derivitives method
    #set the constants definining the LLSD grid in the azimuthal and radial directions
    azi_saxis = 2000 #m              #notes: total azimuthal size = 2*azi_saxis
    rng_saxis = 1  #idx away from i  #notes: total range size = 2*rng_saxis
    #init az_shear for the volume
    azi_shear = np.zeros(vrad.shape)
    #begin looping over grid
    for k in np.arange(len(sweep_startidx)):
        #subset volume into tilt
        r_tilt     = r[sweep_startidx[k]:sweep_endidx[k]+1]
        theta_tilt = theta[sweep_startidx[k]:sweep_endidx[k]+1]
        vrad_tilt  = vrad[sweep_startidx[k]:sweep_endidx[k]+1]
        mask_tilt  = mask[sweep_startidx[k]:sweep_endidx[k]+1]
        #convert from cylindinrical to cartesian coords
        x  = r_tilt * np.cos(theta_tilt)
        y  = r_tilt * np.sin(theta_tilt)
        #get size and init az_shear_tilt
        sz = vrad_tilt.shape
        azi_shear_tilt = np.zeros(sz)
        for i in np.arange(0, sz[0]):
            for j in np.arange(0 + rng_saxis, sz[1] - rng_saxis):
                #skip if j is invalid
                if mask_tilt[i, j]:
                #defining the amount of index offsets for azimuthal direction
                arc_len_idx_offset = int64([(azi_saxis//((2*r_tilt[i, j]*np.pi)/360))])[0] #arc length as a fraction or circ
                #limit the offset to 100 
                if arc_len_idx_offset > 100:
                    arc_len_idx_offset = 100
                #define the indices for the LLSd grid and deal with wrapping
                lower_arc_idx = i - arc_len_idx_offset              
                upper_arc_idx = i + arc_len_idx_offset
                if lower_arc_idx < 0:
                    lower_arc_idx = lower_arc_idx + sz[0]
                if upper_arc_idx > sz[0]-1:
                    upper_arc_idx = upper_arc_idx - sz[0]                 
                if upper_arc_idx < lower_arc_idx:
                    ii_range = np.concatenate((np.arange(lower_arc_idx, sz[0], 1), np.arange(0, upper_arc_idx+1 ,1)), axis=0)
                    ii_range = np.arange(lower_arc_idx, upper_arc_idx+1)
                #define jj range
                jj_range = np.arange(j-rng_saxis+1, j+rng_saxis)
                #perform calculations according to Miller et al., (2013)
                topsum = 0
                botsum = 0
                masked = False
                for ii in ii_range:         
                    for jj in jj_range:
                        dtheta = (theta_tilt[ii, jj] - theta_tilt[i, j])
                        #ensure the angle difference doesnt wrap onto another tilt
                        if (abs(dtheta) > np.pi) and (dtheta > 0):
                            dtheta = ((theta_tilt[ii, jj]-2*np.pi) - theta_tilt[i, j])
                        elif (abs(dtheta) > np.pi) and (dtheta < 0):
                            dtheta=(theta_tilt[ii, jj]) - (theta_tilt[i, j]-2*np.pi)
                        topsum = topsum + (r_tilt[ii, jj]*dtheta) * vrad_tilt[ii, jj]
                        botsum = botsum + (r_tilt[ii, jj]*dtheta)**2
                        if mask_tilt[ii, jj]:
                            masked = True
                if masked:
                    #exclude regions which contain any masked pixels
                elif botsum == 0:
                    #exclude areas where there is only one point in each grid
                    azi_shear_tilt[i, j] = topsum/botsum

        #insert az shear tilt into volume array
        azi_shear[sweep_startidx[k]:sweep_endidx[k]+1] = azi_shear_tilt

    return azi_shear
예제 #45
import unittest

from numba import void, int32, uint32, jit, int64

@jit(void(uint32[:], uint32, uint32))
def prng(X, A, C):
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        for j in range(100):
            v = (A * X[i] + C)
            X[i] = v & 0xffffffff

def unsigned_literal():
    return abs(0xFFFFFFFF)

def unsigned_literal_64():
    return 0x100000000

def constant_int_add(a):
    return 0xffffffff + a

class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_prng(self):
        N = 100
        A = 1664525
        C = 1013904223
        X0 = np.arange(N, dtype=np.uint32)
        X1 = X0.copy()
        prng.py_func(X0, A, C)
예제 #46
파일: jitfx.py 프로젝트: CoAxLab/radd
    variance += (new-old)*(new-newavg+old-oldavg)/(N-1)
    stddev = sqrt(variance)

def get_norm(mu, sd, sample):
    return norm(mu, sd).logpdf(sample)

@vectorize([float64(boolean, float64, float64)])
def ufunc_where(condition, x, y):
    if condition:
        return x
        return y

@vectorize([int64(float64, float64)], nopython=True)
def get_onset_index(onset, dt):
    onsets = int(onset / dt)
    return onsets

def slice_theta_array(theta_array, index_arrays, n_vals):
    i, ix = 0, 0
    param_array = np.empty(index_arrays.T.shape)
    for nlvls in n_vals:
        arr_ix = index_arrays[i]
        param_array[:, i] = theta_array[ix:ix+nlvls][arr_ix]
        i += 1
        ix += nlvls
    return param_array.T
예제 #47
파일: test_datetime.py 프로젝트: ASPP/numba
    return d1 - d0

def datetime_add_timedelta(d, t):
    return d + t

def datetime_subtract_timedelta(d, t):
    return d - t

# JNB: vectorize doesn't work for struct-like types right now
def ufunc_inc_day(a):
    return a + numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D')

@numba.jit(numba.int64(numba.string_), nopython=True)
def cast_datetime_to_int(datetime_str):
    x = numpy.datetime64(datetime_str)
    return x

def datetime_array_index(datetimes, index):
    return datetimes[index]

@numba.jit(numba.datetime(units='M')(numba.datetime(units='M')[:], numba.int_),
def datetime_array_index2(datetimes, index):
    return datetimes[index]

def timedelta_array_index(timedeltas, index):
예제 #48
def argcast_inner(a, b):
    if b:
        # Here `a` is unified to int64 (from int32 originally)
        a = int64(0)
    return a
예제 #49
    candle v2: int
    candle high: double[:]
    candle low: double[:]

    True if share False if doesn't
    for i in range(v1, v2, -1):
        if high[v2] < low[i] and low[v2] > high[i]:
            return False
        return True

@jit(int64(int64, int64[:], int8[:]), nopython=True)
def prior_bull_wrb(start, dir, wrb):
    for i in range(start - 1, 0, -1):
        if wrb[i] == 1 and dir[i] == 1:
            return i
    return 0

@jit(int64(int64, int64[:], int8[:]), nopython=True)
def prior_bear_wrb(start, dir, wrb):
    for i in range(start - 1, 0, -1):
        if wrb[i] == 1 and dir[i] == -1:
            return i
    return 0

    l = [(r+i, c+j)
         for i in [-1, 0, 1]
         for j in [-1, 0, 1]
         if 0 <= r + i < n_row
         if 0 <= c + j < n_col
         if not (j == 0 and i == 0)]

    return l
binomial = np.random.binomial
shuffle = np.random.shuffle
random_choice = random.choice

@jit(int64(), nopython=True)  # NOTE: declaring the return type is not required
def divide_symmetrically_q():
    verdict = binomial(1, SYMMETRIC_DIVISION_PROB)

    return verdict

@jit(int64(), nopython=True)
def divide_q():
    DIVISION_PROB = 0.0416 #1 / 24.0
    verdict = binomial(1, DIVISION_PROB)

    return  verdict

# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
import unittest
from numba import vectorize, int64
from deephaven import TableTools
import bootstrap

@vectorize([int64(int64, int64)])
def vectorized_func(x, y):
    return x % 3 + y

class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_part_of_expr(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            t = TableTools.emptyTable(10).view(
                "I=ii", "J=(ii * 2)").update("K = 2 * vectorized_func(I, J)")

    def test_cast(self):
        t = TableTools.emptyTable(10).view(
            "I=ii", "J=(ii * 2)").update("K = (float)vectorized_func(I, J)")
        html_output = TableTools.html(t)
        self.assertIn("<td>9</td>", html_output)

    def test_column(self):
        t = TableTools.emptyTable(10).view(
            "I=ii", "J=(ii * 2)").update("K = vectorized_func(I, J)")
        html_output = TableTools.html(t)
        self.assertIn("<td>9</td>", html_output)
예제 #52
#    Created by Oscar Martinez                                                 #
#    [email protected]                                                  #
#   Apache License                                                             #
#   Version 2.0, January 2004                                                  #
#                                                                              #
#    Extended by: Stella Psomadaki                                             #
#    Source: Stackoverflow http://bit.ly/1YrXQdj                               #
from numba import jit, int32, int64

######################      Morton conversion in 2D      ######################

def Expand2D(n):
    Encodes the 64 bit morton code for a 31 bit number in the 2D space using
    a divide and conquer approach for separating the bits. 
    1 bit is not used because the integers are not unsigned
        n (int): a 2D dimension
        int: 64 bit morton code in 2D
        Exception: ERROR: Morton code is valid only for positive numbers
예제 #53
class AlgorithmicStepMethods:
        float64(float64[:], int64[:], int64),
        int64(int64[:], int64[:], int64)
    ], **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def amax(row, idx, length):
        result = np.amax(row[idx[:length]])
        return result

        float64(float64[:], int64[:], int64),
        int64(int64[:], int64[:], int64)
    ], **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def amin(row, idx, length):
        result = np.amin(row[idx[:length]])
        return result

    # @numba.njit(**conf.JIT_FLAGS)  # Note: in Numba 0.51 "np.dot() only supported on float and complex arrays"
    def cell_id_body(cell_id, cell_origin, strides):
        cell_id[:] = np.dot(strides, cell_origin)

    def cell_id(cell_id, cell_origin, strides):
        return AlgorithmicStepMethods.cell_id_body(cell_id.data,

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64),
    def distance_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = np.abs(data_in[idx[i]] -
                                 data_in[idx[i +
                                             1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64),
    def find_pairs_body(cell_start, is_first_in_pair, cell_id, idx, length):
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            is_first_in_pair[i] = (cell_id[idx[i]] == cell_id[idx[i + 1]] and
                                   (i - cell_start[cell_id[idx[i]]]) % 2 == 0)

    def find_pairs(cell_start, is_first_in_pair, cell_id, idx, length):
        return AlgorithmicStepMethods.find_pairs_body(cell_start.data,
                                                      cell_id.data, idx.data,

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64),
    def max_pair_body(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = max(data_in[idx[i]],
                              data_in[idx[i +
                                          1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    def max_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        return AlgorithmicStepMethods.max_pair_body(data_out.data,
                                                    idx.data, length)

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64),
    def sort_pair_body(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        data_out[:] = 0
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            if is_first_in_pair[i]:
                if data_in[idx[i]] < data_in[idx[i + 1]]:
                    data_out[i], data_out[i +
                                          1] = data_in[idx[i +
                                                           1]], data_in[idx[i]]
                    data_out[i], data_out[i +
                                          1] = data_in[idx[i]], data_in[idx[i +

    def sort_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        return AlgorithmicStepMethods.sort_pair_body(data_out.data,
                                                     idx.data, length)

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64),
    def sum_pair_body(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = (data_in[idx[i]] +
                           data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    def sum_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        return AlgorithmicStepMethods.sum_pair_body(data_out.data,
                                                    idx.data, length)
예제 #54
파일: test_impala.py 프로젝트: B-Rich/numba
 def test_impala_to_numba_conv(self):
     @udf(int64(FunctionContext, IntVal))
     def fn(context, x):
         return x + 1
예제 #55
                err += dx
            x += sx
        err = dy // 2
        for i in range(dy):
            pairs[i, 0] = x
            pairs[i, 1] = y
            err -= dx
            if err < 0:
                x += sx
                err += dy
            y += sy
    return pairs

@jit(int64(int32, int32), nopython=True)
def rc(row: types.int32, col: types.int32) -> types.int64:
    return (row << 32) + col

def _get_rc(a: Dict,
            row: types.int64,
            col: types.int64,
            d: types.float64 = np.inf) -> types.float64:
    kk = rc(row, col)
    if kk in a:
        return a.get(kk)
        return d
예제 #56
Created on 6. okt. 2016

@author: pab
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from numba import jit, float64, int64, int32, int8, void
import numpy as np

@jit(int64(int64[:], int8[:]))
def _findcross(ind, y):
    ix, dcross, start, v = 0, 0, 0, 0
    n = len(y)
    if y[0] < v:
        dcross = -1  # first is a up-crossing
    elif y[0] > v:
        dcross = 1  # first is a down-crossing
    elif y[0] == v:
        # Find out what type of crossing we have next time..
        for i in range(1, n):
            start = i
            if y[i] < v:
                ind[ix] = i - 1  # first crossing is a down crossing
                ix += 1
                dcross = -1  # The next crossing is a up-crossing
            elif y[i] > v:
                ind[ix] = i - 1  # first crossing is a up-crossing
                ix += 1
                dcross = 1  # The next crossing is a down-crossing